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Has Anyone Actually Seen A Ghost In Thailand?


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Yes, I concede, my use of language was sloppy as haunting is a bad term.

The point I'd prefer to emphasise from my post is what if our own human perception of ghosts was a force that somehow influenced their manifestation? If the appearance of an apparition stemmed from events that occurred on a quantum level, for instance, there may be scientific justification for things we do influencing a projected impression from the past in hindsight.

In 2007, the journal Science published a paper on particle physics describing an experiment on the subatomic level where quantum rules apply, a researcher found he could influence whether a photon collapsed into wave or particle by flipping a switch after the fact, which I don't understand well enough to explain adequately. In short, he could change the photon's history. Or as physicist John Wheeler extrapolated, "We are participators in bringing about something of the universe in the distant past." If that's possible why not ghosts?

I am not saying that ghosts are souls, or that it's possible to talk to the dead etc. There is a problem in that folk lore becomes crossed with unexplainable phenomenon. Like you I do not buy into the folk lore side.

An electron does not have a fixed point in space. It is everywhere at the same time. A single photon particle when travelling takes every possible path at the same time.

Given the above strangeness we can observe experimentally, why can't ghosts be a quantum manifestation?

In sum, the deeper we look at our existence, the more we uncover, the stranger everything becomes. I am therefore more inclined to be agnostic.

There are two problems with your argument.

The first is you beg the question of whether ghosts or hauntings present anything that needs explanation. I would argue there is nothing inexplicable about reported sightings and experiences of ghosts, and certainly nothing that requires "special laws of physics" to explain. Repeated offers of million dollar prizes for successful demonstration of paranormal events and the like have failed to produce any evidence whatsoever.

Without belabouring the obvious: imagination, hallucination, fear, states of extreme medical and psychological stress, misinterpretation of normal events, deception , unreliable senses fooled by explicable sounds and sights and last but not least a hunger to believe in something special, esoteric and wonderful lie at the root of these events.

To start invoking the necessity to consider weird subatomic particle explanations you need to have a clear event that is not disputed to have no credible explanation. I do not think this yet exists for any ghost sighting.

Secondly your "explanation" is just what's called 'woo-woo' in the trade. It's just the attachment of a a few buzz words and observations (quantum effects, observer affected observations of sub atomic particle behaviour) to a set of unrelated phenomena (ghosts and hauntings).

Seriously how does one "explain" the other? Why don't quantum effects "explain" say astrology, or near death experiences? You can't say they can or they can't because there's no intellectual connection that could be called an explanation that attaches one to the other, other than they all sound a bit strange.

That's not really saying anything other than 'oh don't lots of things sound strange?"

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the human senses are not perfect by any means.

We can perceive only a limited range of light and sound.

A classic example are the dogs, they can hear ultrasounds, we cannot.

According to some people in Asia, when the dogs keep howling without apparent reason, is because they have seen a ghost; i am not saying that i " believe " in ghosts, but denying the existence of something we cannot see it's as much as unreasonable.

I agree that our senses are lacking in many respects compared to other animals, so can 'pick up' things we would not. e.g. earthquakes etc. (even though my dogs missed out entirely on the recent earthquake that hit our area, although not where I live).

However, my dogs have only howled for known reasons - a certain note from a keyboard, ice-cream van etc. None of them have ever howled for no reason that I could detect.

yeah but you dont have a dogs sense of smell or hearing. Could be some local bitch on heat by u for all we know and yer dogs were feeling friskywub.png

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Quite a few unconnected dots in that theory, photons to ghosts.

It's more about 10 dimensions of space vs. ghosts

but sometimes similar happend with the theory of relativity, people don't understand that is only a theory but usually they used for say that "everything is relative" without understanding nothing about what the theory is about.

Now with the M theory "everything is possible" becasue the 7 dimensions that we can not see, but the same is only a theory.

Edited by ITGabs
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So many people dont believe in them because they havent seen them, but they will believe in the wind or electricity which they cant see.

Only, electricity is a bit more shocking than any ghost I've heard of.

As for wind, I'm quite sure it exists, have passed it myself a few times. :rolleyes:

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  • 5 months later...

was in a village when they were all surrounding a woman who was believe to be possessed by her fathers spirit.

the spirit was angry and ranting about how she had married and never told him, others were trying to explain it was because he died before she married.

They say he did not know he was dead and bought down his best mate from when he was alive to explain to him he is dead, she collapsed and woke several hours later unable to remember anything.

I will say one thing, she sure as hell looked strange, sounded exactly like a man and was hard to keep down.

wifes cousin, muay thai fighter who must have had to many hits on anther occasion ran around the village going nuts, theys said he was possessed, he punched the hell out of a few trees until bones potruded from his hands then ran up the street and dropped down stone dead.

quite an odd sight, I swear after those 2 things, even though they were probably just crazy made me swear to carry a damn camera everywear in future.

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Many times in my life while alone, I thought that I saw something flash by or felt that here was something in the room, was it a Ghost, who knows. I do know that my wife freaks out when we're in bed and she asks me why I am talking. I tell her that I'm talking to the ghost of my Avatar that sleeps beside the bed every night! She's actually gotten up and went to the other bedroom to sleep, so I invite the ghost to sleep on the bed next to me!

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A friend showed me a picture of a "ghost" a friend of hers sent her. I looked at the picture and told her that the girl in the pic was probably one of the 10 best looking girls in bbk when she was alive. and what are the chances that her friend just happen to catch a one out of a million prettiest ghosts around?

She was quiet after that smile.png luckily for me my friend's pretty sharp. Still, I hated to burst her bubble like that.

Needless to say, i don't believe in them.

But that doesn't mean i don't jump in horror movies :D

Edited by jamhar
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I have not seen a ghost in Thailand, but the thing is.... I saw one in a friends house (in UK) while we were watching TV, and it got me thinking. How would you know that you have seen a ghost? Unless it is someone you know that has died, or you are certain that you are alone. The one I saw looked like an average real live person.

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I was wondering if I should start a new thread about something that happened two days ago. The guy will be cremated tomorrow. I woke at 3am and heard what sounded like chokings and protesting blubs. I haven't been in Thailand for all that long and put it down to some kind of critter. The neighbour had hanged himself, distance about 60 meters.

This kind of experience must be at the origin of many ghost stories.

While we are at it, I experienced my grandmother's death, she came to visit that night, I didn't even know she was in hospital and I was about 9 years old.

My wife has seen ghosts as have all her family here in Isaan, no one wants to sleep in the old house, soon to be demolished.

Up in Scotland (Western Isles) people talked about ghosts as if there was no doubt about their existence.

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I was wondering if I should start a new thread about something that happened two days ago. The guy will be cremated tomorrow. I woke at 3am and heard what sounded like chokings and protesting blubs. I haven't been in Thailand for all that long and put it down to some kind of critter. The neighbour had hanged himself, distance about 60 meters.

This kind of experience must be at the origin of many ghost stories.

While we are at it, I experienced my grandmother's death, she came to visit that night, I didn't even know she was in hospital and I was about 9 years old.

My wife has seen ghosts as have all her family here in Isaan, no one wants to sleep in the old house, soon to be demolished.

Up in Scotland (Western Isles) people talked about ghosts as if there was no doubt about their existence.

may i ask is a replacement house being built, and who is funding it.

sometimes a good horror story and the claim their afraid to sleep there will speed up the new building process if you know what i mean.

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Apparently i turned into a monster when i shouted at her. My eyes went big, teeth turned green and face went white ... she asked why did that happen.

Girl at my high school who used to say she saw ghosts was the class weirdo, i think English school kids have got people who believe in such things summed up to perfection.

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According to some people in Asia, when the dogs keep howling without apparent reason, is because they have seen a ghost; i am not saying that i " believe " in ghosts, but denying the existence of something we cannot see it's as much as unreasonable.

I have a leprechaun called Colin who lives in my shed.

I thought they lived at the bottom of the garden,

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Cut the crap. If you believe in ghosts, you have been here for way too long .

If you don't believe in ghosts, you are rather narrow-minded.

I've seen one in Scotland and felt the presence of one here.

So many cultures and religions believe in ghosts - why do you think that is?

Because they are backwards.

Because they are ignorant.

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Quite a few unconnected dots in that theory, photons to ghosts.

It's more about 10 dimensions of space vs. ghosts

but sometimes similar happend with the theory of relativity, people don't understand that is only a theory but usually they used for say that "everything is relative" without understanding nothing about what the theory is about.

Now with the M theory "everything is possible" becasue the 7 dimensions that we can not see, but the same is only a theory.

A theory is a guess. If the guess is not based on anything that can be proved it eventually will be ruled as garbage. The theory of relativity has been confirmed by several experiments (and numerous nuclear reactors throughout the world).

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Quite a few unconnected dots in that theory, photons to ghosts.

It's more about 10 dimensions of space vs. ghosts

but sometimes similar happend with the theory of relativity, people don't understand that is only a theory but usually they used for say that "everything is relative" without understanding nothing about what the theory is about.

Now with the M theory "everything is possible" becasue the 7 dimensions that we can not see, but the same is only a theory.

A theory is a guess. If the guess is not based on anything that can be proved it eventually will be ruled as garbage. The theory of relativity has been confirmed by several experiments (and numerous nuclear reactors throughout the world).

no it has not been absolutly proven at all, other wise quantum physics would not still be an issue.

it has never been absolutly proven at all.

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I was wondering if I should start a new thread about something that happened two days ago. The guy will be cremated tomorrow. I woke at 3am and heard what sounded like chokings and protesting blubs. I haven't been in Thailand for all that long and put it down to some kind of critter. The neighbour had hanged himself, distance about 60 meters.

This kind of experience must be at the origin of many ghost stories.

While we are at it, I experienced my grandmother's death, she came to visit that night, I didn't even know she was in hospital and I was about 9 years old.

My wife has seen ghosts as have all her family here in Isaan, no one wants to sleep in the old house, soon to be demolished.

Up in Scotland (Western Isles) people talked about ghosts as if there was no doubt about their existence.

may i ask is a replacement house being built, and who is funding it.

sometimes a good horror story and the claim their afraid to sleep there will speed up the new building process if you know what i mean.

I was wondering if I should start a new thread about something that happened two days ago. The guy will be cremated tomorrow. I woke at 3am and heard what sounded like chokings and protesting blubs. I haven't been in Thailand for all that long and put it down to some kind of critter. The neighbour had hanged himself, distance about 60 meters.

This kind of experience must be at the origin of many ghost stories.

While we are at it, I experienced my grandmother's death, she came to visit that night, I didn't even know she was in hospital and I was about 9 years old.

My wife has seen ghosts as have all her family here in Isaan, no one wants to sleep in the old house, soon to be demolished.

Up in Scotland (Western Isles) people talked about ghosts as if there was no doubt about their existence.

may i ask is a replacement house being built, and who is funding it.

sometimes a good horror story and the claim their afraid to sleep there will speed up the new building process if you know what i mean.

Now I believe in ghosts... yes there is a house being built, absent Farang paying for it. The lady's brother it was, and a useless drunkard he was too.

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I try to take a more pragmatic approach whenever i hear of ghost encounters/ the unexplained. Seems like 90% of them all share certain characteristics; alone, usually at night and darkness.

With these three things in mind, i generally chalk it up to instinctual behaviour - you're not part of the tribe, there's no safety in numbers, and with the absence of light, your senses can sharpen and go pretty hyperactive. That coupled with intelligence and paranoia can mean you freak yourself out very easily. Your mind starts making random connections because of a lack of sensory input.

That being said, when growing up in Aus, I've had at least a dozen people that were staying over at my folks' house comment about the 'girl in the mirror', in the stand-alone bathroom. I've seen it too, a flash in the corner of your eye when brushing your teeth... the mirror reflection captures the hallway; almost looks like a little kid standing there staring at you.

Also, one memory still puts my hair on end. When holidaying down near the coast, i was lying in bed unable to sleep. I was sharing a room with my sister and at about 3am, i heard the most horrific scream imaginable. It got cut off before it finished, and it was bloodly loud. The only way i could describe it was like the life being ripped out of someone. At breakfast the next morning, i was the only person to hear it, and being like 12, I asked everyone i met on the street about it. Nada, nothing.

Finally, not to go too personal, my sister passed away from cancer about 5 years ago. My cousin was really close to her, and swears he's seen her on the street about 3 or 4 times since. It really messed with his head one time. Yet, i was her brother and have never had such an experience. I think it must have something to do with memory fragments and the subconscious, as i said before, making random connections.

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I see them all the time. Every Thai woman who uses that horrible whitening cream all look like ghosts when the flash camera goes off. Why can't they be happy with their own golden skin that 90% of white women dream of and pay billions of dollars to try and achieve.

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The fact that Thai people are obsessed with ghosts, can it have something to do with level and quality of edjucation?

so all you friends who dropped out of school believe in Ghosts, most Thais have a BD.

The post was a question (question mark) and not a statement. No, my drop-out friends do not believe in ghosts, that is not a part of my culture. Let me make an example, a Thai friend had a single car accident. After a very short while the rumors fly in the village that she saw a ghost on the road and thats why she crashed when in reality she had a flat tire in bad weather conditions and run in to a tree.

This rumor would be impossible to spread in the western world, and I believe it is a matter of education.

Edited by mackes
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The fact that Thai people are obsessed with ghosts, can it have something to do with level and quality of edjucation?

Most the planet is obsessed with religion, not difficult to get people to believe in blatant nonsense.

Us in Europe were just getting to the point of getting rid of religion then they opened the door to East European hard core Catholics and believers in the religion of peace.

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The fact that Thai people are obsessed with ghosts, can it have something to do with level and quality of edjucation?

so all you friends who dropped out of school believe in Ghosts, most Thais have a BD.

They do, huh?

Hey, maybe you're right, my last taxi driver had a BD.

Break down.

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