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U S Embassy In Bangkok Issues Security Warnings To Citizens In Thailand


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Just punish the guy who made it ... And all this will be gone ....

Punish him for what?

I thought the west and in particular America, free speech etc was allowed.

If they don't like it, don't watch it

Which unfortunately isnt allowed in many "other" countries due to oppression, one day that will change when the ridiculous stranglehold of religion is finally broken worldwide.

Having just watched the movie its clearly extremely low budget comedy and anyone using this for any purpose to incite death is sick and twisted, just about the most feeble excuse Ive ever seen to do so although some religions seem to think anything at all is acceptable.

Bringing it back to Thailand if you like the laws we cant really discuss

I did notice the overdub from Moses to Mohammed, so will all Christians be rising up now too?

Monty Python did it much better

Edited by travelmann
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is there any evidence that thai Muslims are getting uppity?

There are most likely a few in the deep south trying to make something of it, but for the most part I doubt it. Its just those extreme elements looking for any excuse to spread terror. I am sure the U.S. Embassy is aware of the rather large population of Middle Eastern nationals congregating around Suk soi 3,4,and 5 and where ever else they hang out. You never know who is in town at the moment, hence the warning. Edited by dcutman
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Just watched the 'trailer'. Seems the same kinda stuff that has been done about Christianity for a loooooooooooong time (in many ways or another), maybe not so blunt, but there is plenty of stuff that suggests the western religion has had similar problems in history.

The problem it seems with the mindset of many muslims is that 'you shall not think different to us, express your disapproval of our religion, and if you do, we will retaliate with violence and anger'. They seem to have no understanding of tolerance of others (which Christianity does even if they think you are crazy/stupid not to believe) (and no I'm not religious), but outwardly attack those who disagree or question their ways in any fashion.

Watch Richard Dawkins 'The Age of Reason - The God delusion', just to see how religion makes people think and even see the differences between muslim religion and catholic/christian religion. Muslims promotes intolerance to a great degree so much so that they are taught to actively participate in violence with those 'non believers'. However like all religions, they cannot see what it does to them.

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Just punish the guy who made it ... And all this will be gone ....

Why punish the filmmaker and accept oppression from Arabs? Freedom of expression anyone?

Agree, how about talking on various things such as holocaust ?? I'm Just trying to explain that somethings cant be expressed openly ...

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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First Amendment of the US Constitution protects all speech short of screaming "fire" in a crowded theater, that way nobody gets the power to decide what is "good" speech and "bad" speech.

These particular Islamic countries have little to no experience of such a restriction on government power (if any), thus very easily misled into thinking that the US could have done something but chose not to out of disrespect for Islam.

That is NOT to say that the demonstrations are representative of a consensus of any of the countries. it was local citizens that rushed the Ambassador in LIbya to the hospital, etc. Egypt has scrambled to demonstrate they will protect the US installations and have been condemning the violence. The numbers are actually quite small.

Everybody needs to take a breath and wait a while to sort out the facts and the significance.

I am not going to be looking over my shoulder...in Thailand? Please.

The China demonstrations against Japan are much more interesting given how much the China government has stoked nationalism over the last decade. Japanese companies just got a perfect excuse to close plants that they need to downsize given the slowdown. And this the same misunderstanding, the Japanese government stepped in to purchase some of the islands from private hands to stop the nationalist Tokyo mayor who was going to make his name getting involved in the dispute. BUT gee, its a rule of law issue again and God knows that now exist in China.

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US Embassy in Bangkok issues security warnings to citizens in Thailand

BANGKOK, 17 September 2012 (NNT) -The U.S. Embassy in Bangkok has updated its security warnings to U.S. citizens in Thailand, following a spate of attacks and protests worldwide over a film made in the US deemed insulting to Islam.

According to the emergency message issued by the embassy, U.S. citizens are encouraged to maintain a heightened awareness and to keep a low profile when out in public, after four American personnel, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, were killed in Benghazi, Libya, last week.

The embassy further stated that it is saddened by the deaths and elaborated that U.S Embassies in Egypt and Yemen have also faced protests last week.

U.S. citizens are advised to call the U.S. Embassy at 02- 205-4000 or visit the U.S. Citizens Service website at http://bangkok.usembassy.gov/ for more information, as the most updated information will be posted on the site.

Meanwhile, the Office of the Royal Thai Police has reaffirmed that all related agencies are stepping up security measures in the face of growing risks. Security personnel and Metropolitan police have been closely monitoring the situation for any signs of possible attacks. However, the police are not aware of any specific threat to U.S. citizens in Thailand at the moment,


-- NNT 2012-09-17 footer_n.gif

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dam_n, I was fixing to head to Hala-bala for some birding? Guess that will have to wait another 5 years now. What the hell?

Last time down there they were killing Thai's now they have added Americans to the list. Great!

These guys that kill folks down south are cowards IMO. The Thai's have suffered enough. Now a reason to escalate it.

What a mess.

Edited by garyk
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Just punish the guy who made it ... And all this will be gone ....

Why punish the filmmaker and accept oppression from Arabs? Freedom of expression anyone?

Agree, how about talking on various things such as holocaust ?? I'm Just trying to explain that somethings cant be expressed openly ...

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Holocaust denial is slander in the face of documented facts, it's not free speech

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Just punish the guy who made it ... And all this will be gone ....

Why punish the filmmaker and accept oppression from Arabs? Freedom of expression anyone?

Agree, how about talking on various things such as holocaust ?? I'm Just trying to explain that somethings cant be expressed openly ...

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Holocaust denial is slander in the face of documented facts, it's not free speech

It might be slander but you should be free to make a film denying it if you so wish, anyone with any intelligence can decide for themselves although sometimes thats where the problem can arise the "intelligence"

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Just punish the guy who made it ... And all this will be gone ....

In America we dont punish people for speaking their mind, we have free speech. The day the USA bows to such cowardly acts is the day it loses what makes it great.

YOU NEVER HEARD OF DEARBORN IN MICHIGAN THEN. i dont why the mods keep taking off my question.
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Hot off the presses -- just received this e-mail at 212pm from ACS today with details of a specific event:

The U.S. Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand has been informed by the Royal Thai Police that a demonstration involving several hundred people is planned on Wireless Road in front of the Embassy beginning between 1 PM and 2 PM on Tuesday, September 18. Demonstrators will assemble at Lumpini Park and march to the Embassy. The large number of demonstrators is expected to disrupt traffic in the area. Consequently, the Embassy will be closing to the public at noon on September 18 and non-essential personnel will be released. Visa and citizen services appointments scheduled for the afternoon of September 18 are being cancelled and rescheduled for later dates.

The U.S. Embassy in Bangkok is not aware at this time of any specific threat to U.S. citizens in Thailand. As a general precaution, the U.S. Embassy advises you to exercise caution and to be aware of your surroundings, particularly around large crowds or gatherings. Even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and possibly escalate into violence with little or no warning. You should avoid areas that may be targeted for demonstrations and exercise caution if within the vicinity of any demonstrations or large gatherings. You should monitor local media to keep updated with the latest information about demonstrations and areas to avoid.

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If anybody can stand to look at the full movie at http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Lgx1_JVxfZE&bpctr=1347867972

For me the 13min clip was a long stretch to go throu.

Worst movie and acting ever.

For me no need to go in to the other issues. All has been said already.

Just this, Under no circumstances should any human hurt an other because his/hers opinion or lifestyle or origin or ....

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Because Freedom of Speech shouldn't allow hatred of religion or ethnicity....wouldn't you agree that the world would be a happier place if there was less hate of others?

Sure, and one way to achieve that is to remove all religion.

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Just punish the guy who made it ... And all this will be gone ....

In America we dont punish people for speaking their mind, we have free speech. The day the USA bows to such cowardly acts is the day it loses what makes it great.

Bradley Manning?

Manning was handling what was supposed to be secure information for the military, he knew what the penalty was for releasing that information. No sympathy for him, and don't really care about the film, let them say what they want.

Edited by beechguy
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The new cyber communication through the internet demonstrates how fast FALSE information can spread. What the Moslems around the world are demonstrating about is based on false rumors. NO, the US governent did NOT produce this anti-Islamic "film"-- it was a poorly, produced short clip made by some weasel that has had trouble with the government before; No the movie was not shown in USA cinemas. True, the US has more relaxed rules towards censorship that those countries that do not have a democracy such as Egypt, Libya, Tunesia, Yeman, Saudi Arabia and such. Also, it is ironic that most, (NOTE: I said most of the countries ), with protesters are not use to thinking for themselves, but are easily influenced like a pack of soi dogs. ONe starts howling and the rest of the pack does without knowing why.

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Why not just call crazies of every religious persuasion religious fanatics without ascribing their fanaticism to a specific faith? Why does it matter whether a fanatic uses the Qoran, the Bible, or the Book of Mormon to justify his crimes? But nobody ever called David Qoresh a "Mormon terrorist" or Jim Jones a "Christian terrorist."

The same old tired trick has been used to turn the politically disempowered against each other since language was invented. That is why governments have supported religion since the days of Zoroaster and Hammurabi. Exploiting religious differences has been the cause of more war and death and hatred than any other social factor.

A true "war on terror" would be to remove the cause of terror and fear, which is ignorance. But fanatics increase the ignorance and fear of their followers, and they all depend on each other to justify the fear and hatred they need to stay in power. But dare we ask who benefits the most from all this hatred and fear?

The real nature of the "war" and whom it is being waged against is revealed when the USA is committed without question to giving billions to fanatics in Israel to build illegal settlements, but cuts a few millions in funding for medical clinics when they provide free birth control. Ignore all the hand wringing and convoluted explanations, "by their fruits ye shall know them."

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First Amendment of the US Constitution protects all speech short of screaming "fire" in a crowded theater, that way nobody gets the power to decide what is "good" speech and "bad" speech.

These particular Islamic countries have little to no experience of such a restriction on government power (if any), thus very easily misled into thinking that the US could have done something but chose not to out of disrespect for Islam.

That is NOT to say that the demonstrations are representative of a consensus of any of the countries. it was local citizens that rushed the Ambassador in LIbya to the hospital, etc. Egypt has scrambled to demonstrate they will protect the US installations and have been condemning the violence. The numbers are actually quite small.

Everybody needs to take a breath and wait a while to sort out the facts and the significance.

I am not going to be looking over my shoulder...in Thailand? Please.

The China demonstrations against Japan are much more interesting given how much the China government has stoked nationalism over the last decade. Japanese companies just got a perfect excuse to close plants that they need to downsize given the slowdown. And this the same misunderstanding, the Japanese government stepped in to purchase some of the islands from private hands to stop the nationalist Tokyo mayor who was going to make his name getting involved in the dispute. BUT gee, its a rule of law issue again and God knows that now exist in China.

That is completly false , their are laws against disturbing the peace, offensive speech and behavior, rudeness ect .... it's even against the Animal Terrorism Act to stand out front of Macdonalds speaking to people about not buying meat if just one person decides you are correct and decides not to buy a burger you have broken the law. You are about 40 years behind the times my friend ..... The 1st amendment USED to do that however their have been so many cases upheld by Superior courts and not challenged or heard, hence overturned by the Supreme Court making them case law and the standard which courts use it would make you both astonished and sick to your stomach.
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The only people to gain out the production for such stupidity is Israel. Certainly don't help the US or anyone else. It looks so much like a high school prank. Can understand Muslims getting upset but hey get upset and get over it! Everytime they go on these rampages the rest of the world just shakes its heads. The situation in other places has been hijacked by islamofacists determined to grab power. So my message is......... Everybody just chill and give these w ankers the satisfaction they crave.

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Just punish the guy who made it ... And all this will be gone ....

In America we dont punish people for speaking their mind, we have free speech. The day the USA bows to such cowardly acts is the day it loses what makes it great.

Bradley Manning?

Manning was handling what was supposed to be secure information for the military, he knew what the penalty was for releasing that information. No sympathy.

He also thought he was fighting a worthy cause, not a complete pack of lies. He signed the Official Secrets Act (or whatever the US version is). He obviously didn't realise he was part of the lie when he signed up.

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Even If the muslims here did start kicking off i somehow cant imagine the Thai police standing for it one iota, i think there is little sympathy for them here in Thailand

Think again and read the article. The Royal Thai Police warns about a muslim protest in Bangkok on Saturday

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Just punish the guy who made it ... And all this will be gone ....

In America we dont punish people for speaking their mind, we have free speech. The day the USA bows to such cowardly acts is the day it loses what makes it great.

Free speech is allowed. Inciting a riot is illegal. Try yelling "fire" in a crowded movie theater and see how your freedom of speech argument holds up in court.

Edited by Jayman
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Just punish the guy who made it ... And all this will be gone ....

In America we dont punish people for speaking their mind, we have free speech. The day the USA bows to such cowardly acts is the day it loses what makes it great.

Bradley Manning?

That's the stupidest statement I have ever heard. There's a big difference between 'free speech' and what this guy did.

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