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'family Mart Girl' Update- She Wants A Bun In The Oven


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I raised the topic below regarding a thai girl that I met (who works at Family Mart). I cannot deny that it was enjoyable to read all of the comments...

The update is we eventually became romantic and I subsequently learnt more about her background. Her mother had a relationship with a European guy and that is where she learnt her good English conversational skills.

I recently departed the LOS for a few months holiday in Indonesia. Prior to leaving Miss Family Mart expressed her desire for me to impregnate her (i.e. she wants a bun in the oven). I'm sitting here at the beach bar thinking about all this.

I do not love her. I'm in my early 40's and still not ready to settle down. If I did give her a baby on the basis of her being a single mum, my question is how much would I have to pay per month to support her (excluding the monthly apartment expense which obviously I would pay as well). Im assuming it will be more expensive as the child grows older- i.e after 5 yrs old I will have to pay for its education. If anyone can advise how much per month its going to cost me (average guestimates is fine) it would be much appreciated.

I'm in a strong financial position atm (not that she knows this) and would 100% do the right thing by supporting her month by month if we decided to 'do it'. I simply do not want to give up my freedom and get married to her as Im not ready etc- but thats a separate issue....

Hit me with some advice please...


The less a man makes declarative statements the less apt he is at looking foolish in retrospect

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I'd be pondering and questioning whether her ultimate desire is 'the 'bun in the oven' or the financial security she thinks is to be gained from it.

As to the cost of supporting kids? .... the older they get the more they want. My son's 18, has a job and still puts his hand out.

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If I recall correctly, this girl is about 20-21 and wears a Family Mart uniform. That in itself gets me pretty worked up, and my Mrs. is still sore form the original post.

Bun in oven: I would tell her you want to practice several time a day, using any kitchen appliances necessary.smile.png

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Putting aside the troll alarm bells going off, ill base my reply on it being real.

Frankly, what the hell is wrong with you??

Putting aside the fact you say you do not love her (which is still a HUGE issue), HAVING A BABY IS A MAJOR DECISION IN LIFE! Even if you turn out to be an ass who walks out, do you really have so little regard in being responsible for creating the life of another human..?? Then, on top of that, the fact you barely know her, thus how could you know how capable a mother she would be?

I sincerely hope this is a troll, for, your attitude towards creating a child and what responsibilities should go with it, is appalling.


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