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U S Embassy Bangkok To Close Ahead Of Film Rally


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If this is the reaction to a 2 bit movie, why ain't the brits declared war on france for showing pics of Kate with her tits out?

Anybody who is anybody now adays has to show tits to stay in the news.Celebrity status has demands.Somebody had to do it or she would have had to have a clothing malfunction at a ceremony,that would have embarrassed the family too much.

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Are the protests by muslims an overreaction? I don't know.

Are you serious? You don't know if the protests are an over reaction.

The mullahs are just doing their thing - inciting violence and hatred for the US which is so good at giving them the tiniest of morsels that they can capitalize on. You have to appreciate their marketing ability to sell violence and hatred for 300M+ individual Americans because of the stupidity of one person.

It's like the 12th century with Internet.

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I was hoping the local muslims were a bit more worldly, oh well, irrational thought leads to irrational behavior...... watch the little youtube movie. Support freedom.

I thought the terms 'muslim' and 'worldly' were mutually exclusive.

Oh and before we get the tree/muslim hugging community telling us how 95% of all muslims are good people (looks like way more than 5% are demonstrating and murdering worldwide but hey...) I will defer to the words of Edmund Burke which are so apt in the dark age religiously exclusive society that plagues the muslim world; "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

So if we have a worldwide population of approx 2 billion Muslims, you are saying their are approx minimum 20 million demonstrating?

Edited by simple1
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islam, the religion of peace, or so they try to fool everybody for the last 30 years when they started their invasion by numbers in most west-european countries

most do not work, they are low educated and so knock themselves out of the job market

but they get all the social benefits, even most do not pay taxes... and have enough children , which they get allowance for, not to take care of them, but to buy for their house and new car

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Are the protests by muslims an overreaction? I don't know.

Are you serious? You don't know if the protests are an over reaction.

The mullahs are just doing their thing - inciting violence and hatred for the US which is so good at giving them the tiniest of morsels that they can capitalize on. You have to appreciate their marketing ability to sell violence and hatred for 300M+ individual Americans because of the stupidity of one person.

It's like the 12th century with Internet.

12th century might be a bit optomistic...

From Wiki re 'the dark ages in Europe': the concept of a period of intellectual darkness and economic regression Feel free to substitute 'today' for 'dark ages' and any 'any muslim country' for 'Europe'

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I don't know what information has been spread im mosques, because I don't attend them. You don't need mosques to spread misinformation, the mass media is perfectly capable of doing that.

Am I missing something here? It appears to me (only my opinion) that this awful movie was made ONLY with the intent of offending muslims.. and now we are all talking about how unresonable the muslims are by being offended by that... To a muslim living in an islamic state there may appear little difference between a government that allows that, and one that condones it. After all, the US government doesn't really have a good track record with public relations in that part of the world!

Just because it may not be illegal to make an offensive movie, it doesn't make it right.. that's my opinion anyway.

Sad, that so much MIS-information has spread throughout in mosques. NO, the United States government did NOT produce an anti-Islamic film (it was a short amateur movie created by some "loser" that has been in trouble with the law before); NO, the movie was not made in Hollywood (the video is so poorly made it almost looks like a joke); No, the movie was not shown in US cinemas (no one knew about it or paid attention to it until protests around the world started). NO, the US does not pay attention to what is put on "Youtube" since it is a democracy and ITS people can handle controversal (and offensive) topics without getting angry and wanting to kill someone.

If it was made to offend muslims too bad, there is no law against that. Christians get offended by movies too, same with other religions. I don't see them starting to burn and kill. Muslims who do such things are not really smart.

The thing is the clip (and i seen part of it i turned if off because it was so stupid) was made by a kopt a christian because he was angry how they were treated in Egypt. The fact that the guy was American has nothing to do with it. It was not sanctioned or promoted by the US government. Why attack the US for it.

P.s im an atheist and i find reactions of Christians or Muslims on stuff like this amusing. Shows how developed the religions are.

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I was hoping the local muslims were a bit more worldly, oh well, irrational thought leads to irrational behavior...... watch the little youtube movie. Support freedom.

I thought the terms 'muslim' and 'worldly' were mutually exclusive.

Oh and before we get the tree/muslim hugging community telling us how 95% of all muslims are good people (looks like way more than 5% are demonstrating and murdering worldwide but hey...) I will defer to the words of Edmund Burke which are so apt in the dark age religiously exclusive society that plagues the muslim world; "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

So if we have a worldwide population of approx 2 billion Muslims, you are saying their are approx minimum 20 million demonstrating?

Let me guess, you are going to tell me that 1000 extremists are manipulating 2 billion+ muslims and there is nothing they can do to stop it?

The numbers protesting are not small by any means and the 'outraged' would easily pass the 20 million mark.

You need to get some perspective in this, if a westerner is pissed off enough they will send you a letter of complaint, piss off a muslim and you will end up in an orange jumpsuit having your head hacked off with a 3 inch blade.

The fact remains that if the majority of muslims did not harbour and show support for extremists then they would simply cease to exist. If they were ostracized and shunned by the muslim community they would be visible, exposed and easy to control but the sad fact is they are not. They are accepted, hidden by communities, supported and glorified.

Do I think a few thousand people are guilty of this approach? Definitely not. Do I think 20 million are guilty of this? In a heartbeat!

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I was hoping the local muslims were a bit more worldly, oh well, irrational thought leads to irrational behavior...... watch the little youtube movie. Support freedom.

I thought the terms 'muslim' and 'worldly' were mutually exclusive.

Oh and before we get the tree/muslim hugging community telling us how 95% of all muslims are good people (looks like way more than 5% are demonstrating and murdering worldwide but hey...) I will defer to the words of Edmund Burke which are so apt in the dark age religiously exclusive society that plagues the muslim world; "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

So if we have a worldwide population of approx 2 billion Muslims, you are saying their are approx minimum 20 million demonstrating?

Let me guess, you are going to tell me that 1000 extremists are manipulating 2 billion+ muslims and there is nothing they can do to stop it?

The numbers protesting are not small by any means and the 'outraged' would easily pass the 20 million mark.

You need to get some perspective in this, if a westerner is pissed off enough they will send you a letter of complaint, piss off a muslim and you will end up in an orange jumpsuit having your head hacked off with a 3 inch blade.

The fact remains that if the majority of muslims did not harbour and show support for extremists then they would simply cease to exist. If they were ostracized and shunned by the muslim community they would be visible, exposed and easy to control but the sad fact is they are not. They are accepted, hidden by communities, supported and glorified.

Do I think a few thousand people are guilty of this approach? Definitely not. Do I think 20 million are guilty of this? In a heartbeat!

To quote your words to which i responded "looks like way more than 5% are demonstrating and murdering worldwide"

EDIT: Moderate Muslims do speak out, but what are the consequences for them? An example that has been covered in the global media in the past year was two high profile moderates in Pakistan who spoke out against the anti blasphemy laws were shot dead by extremists. very sad, but that's the consequence. On the other side of the coin some elements of Pakistani government has co-operated with the US in identifying and killing extremists.

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This whole issue is out of control but I didn't get the point what the US Embassy has to do with that. If a Thai makes a nuts video about Buddha overseas, it doesn't make sense for me as well why Budhists around the worlld would start violent demonstrations in front of Thai Embassies.

Buddhism is different to Islam. Thank your god for that.

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I don't know what information has been spread im mosques, because I don't attend them. You don't need mosques to spread misinformation, the mass media is perfectly capable of doing that.

Am I missing something here? It appears to me (only my opinion) that this awful movie was made ONLY with the intent of offending muslims.. and now we are all talking about how unresonable the muslims are by being offended by that... To a muslim living in an islamic state there may appear little difference between a government that allows that, and one that condones it. After all, the US government doesn't really have a good track record with public relations in that part of the world!

Just because it may not be illegal to make an offensive movie, it doesn't make it right.. that's my opinion anyway.

Excuse me, but do you have the same sentiments about the daily barrage of anti western crap that fills the airwaves in the middle east? Western childrens televison is geared towards teaching acceptance and understanding. Here's what Egyptian television teaches kids;

You want to make excuses for the actions of the protestors and condemn the west for the actions of one individual, yet you have nothing to say about the hate that permeates the muslim world's media. Nice.

This is what passes for comedy on an arab television station. What is incredible is that it was aired during Ramadam, when such hateful activities are supposedly forbidden. Only one other group has raised racist stereotypes to this level. Care to make a guess?

Edited by geriatrickid
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In my opinion (and it's just my personal view) this movie was made with the intention of offending Islam, and that's wrong even if it's not illegal in the country where it was made.

Yeah, and I guess the offended Pope hasn't rescinded his fatwa against Monty Python....

From the "Life of Brian:"

Brian: I'm not the Messiah! Will you please listen? I am not the Messiah, do you understand? Honestly!

Girl: Only the true Messiah denies His divinity.

Brian: What? Well, what sort of chance does that give me? All right! I am the Messiah!

Followers: He is! He is the Messiah!

Brian: Now, fuc_k off!


Arthur: How shall we fuc_k off, O Lord?

Religion is a joke -- except that it is deadly serious, and the leading factor in most of the world's trouble spots -- including Northern Ireland. Marx's description as and "opiate" is probably more appropriate.

My favorite scene:

Suicide Squad Leader: We are the Judean People's Front crack suicide squad! Suicide squad, attack!

[they all stab themselves]

Suicide Squad Leader: That showed 'em, huh?

Hard to tell if one has a sense of humor -- when they're wearing a burqa.

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So if we have a worldwide population of approx 2 billion Muslims, you are saying their are approx minimum 20 million demonstrating?

Let me guess, you are going to tell me that 1000 extremists are manipulating 2 billion+ muslims and there is nothing they can do to stop it?

The numbers protesting are not small by any means and the 'outraged' would easily pass the 20 million mark.

You need to get some perspective in this, if a westerner is pissed off enough they will send you a letter of complaint, piss off a muslim and you will end up in an orange jumpsuit having your head hacked off with a 3 inch blade.

The fact remains that if the majority of muslims did not harbour and show support for extremists then they would simply cease to exist. If they were ostracized and shunned by the muslim community they would be visible, exposed and easy to control but the sad fact is they are not. They are accepted, hidden by communities, supported and glorified.

Do I think a few thousand people are guilty of this approach? Definitely not. Do I think 20 million are guilty of this? In a heartbeat!

To quote your words to which i responded "looks like way more than 5% are demonstrating and murdering worldwide"

EDIT: Moderate Muslims do speak out, but what are the consequences for them? An example that has been covered in the global media in the past year was two high profile moderates in Pakistan who spoke out against the anti blasphemy laws were shot dead by extremists. very sad, but that's the consequence. On the other side of the coin some elements of Pakistani government has co-operated with the US in identifying and killing extremists.

OK firstly I am not talking about 1 or 2 brave high profile attempts, I am talking about billions of people who could simply make an anonymous phone call to authorities, no risk no danger but do they? NO!

How about the mosques of extremists muslim clerics? Are they empty, or full to capacity with hundreds more outside eating up messages of hate with their children by their side ensuring another generation of fanatics and those who shield them?

The very token efforts by the Pakistani government don't warrant any praise, their efforts are simply ridiculous and they could do a lot more to stamp out extremists were it not for one simple fact; most of the population support them! The Pakistani government walk the line of appeasement with the USA for the sake of financial aid and would never risk offending extremists beyond a certain point.

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So if we have a worldwide population of approx 2 billion Muslims, you are saying their are approx minimum 20 million demonstrating?

Let me guess, you are going to tell me that 1000 extremists are manipulating 2 billion+ muslims and there is nothing they can do to stop it?

The numbers protesting are not small by any means and the 'outraged' would easily pass the 20 million mark.

You need to get some perspective in this, if a westerner is pissed off enough they will send you a letter of complaint, piss off a muslim and you will end up in an orange jumpsuit having your head hacked off with a 3 inch blade.

The fact remains that if the majority of muslims did not harbour and show support for extremists then they would simply cease to exist. If they were ostracized and shunned by the muslim community they would be visible, exposed and easy to control but the sad fact is they are not. They are accepted, hidden by communities, supported and glorified.

Do I think a few thousand people are guilty of this approach? Definitely not. Do I think 20 million are guilty of this? In a heartbeat!

To quote your words to which i responded "looks like way more than 5% are demonstrating and murdering worldwide"

EDIT: Moderate Muslims do speak out, but what are the consequences for them? An example that has been covered in the global media in the past year was two high profile moderates in Pakistan who spoke out against the anti blasphemy laws were shot dead by extremists. very sad, but that's the consequence. On the other side of the coin some elements of Pakistani government has co-operated with the US in identifying and killing extremists.

OK firstly I am not talking about 1 or 2 brave high profile attempts, I am talking about billions of people who could simply make an anonymous phone call to authorities, no risk no danger but do they? NO!

How about the mosques of extremists muslim clerics? Are they empty, or full to capacity with hundreds more outside eating up messages of hate with their children by their side ensuring another generation of fanatics and those who shield them?

The very token efforts by the Pakistani government don't warrant any praise, their efforts are simply ridiculous and they could do a lot more to stamp out extremists were it not for one simple fact; most of the population support them! The Pakistani government walk the line of appeasement with the USA for the sake of financial aid and would never risk offending extremists beyond a certain point.

Billions of people who know the names and locations of extremists/terrorists - I don't think so. Just consider the Deep South here in Thailand. Villagers who have informed the authorities of the whereabouts of extremists have been murdered & I suggest it's because to know of these people it would have to be a close knit community. You're obviously correct regards Pakistan, but as you acknowledged in your post it's a very fine line they have to walk regards foreign aid (carrot and stick diplomacy)

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now few people use their basic democratic right to protest in bkk and all hell's braking loose..

Well, no demonstrations in America that I've seen. Since 9/11, they've learned to keep a low profile, and to squelch the hotheads amongst them.

But what in the world happened in Oz? No understanding of how a democracy really works? Hopefully, all the rock throwing non-citizens have been sent home -- or to a rock in the South Pacific.

Or, maybe they jetted over to Bangkok.....

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people seems to be so worried about lack of free speech and democracy in muslims countries.

now few people use their basic democratic right to protest in bkk and all hell's braking loose...

Why shouldn't hell break loose when consulates have been killed in these displays of "democracy"? http://abcnews.go.com/International/US-ambassador-libya-christopher-stevens-killed-consulate-attack-benghazi/story?id=17215154#.UFgaRLLiYr0

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I think you would have to be a muslim to be able to comment on how a Muslim should feel.

In my opinion (and it's just my personal view) this movie was made with the intention of offending Islam, and that's wrong even if it's not illegal in the country where it was made.

If you wish to sacrifice liberty for security then you deserve neither.

Free speech is one the most important tenets of the American experience. It is designed to be inviolate.

Correct sir. I might vehemently disagree with what somone says or writes, but would always defend their right to express their view. Free speech is a cornerstone of liberty and human freedom. Attempts to censure it are usually by some form of repression based ideology.

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people seems to be so worried about lack of free speech and democracy in muslims countries.

now few people use their basic democratic right to protest in bkk and all hell's braking loose...

Why shouldn't hell break loose when consulates have been killed in these displays of "democracy"? http://abcnews.go.co...54#.UFgaRLLiYr0

A democratic right to protest and express views is not the same as a right to assualt, injure, and kill in the name of religious views.

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people seems to be so worried about lack of free speech and democracy in muslims countries.

now few people use their basic democratic right to protest in bkk and all hell's braking loose...

Why shouldn't hell break loose when consulates have been killed in these displays of "democracy"? http://abcnews.go.co...54#.UFgaRLLiYr0

A democratic right to protest and express views is not the same as a right to assualt, injure, and kill in the name of religious views.

Yes exactly. Which is why the protests were never banned. But we'd understand after previous examples the need for increased security measures.

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There was a film by Godard from 1985 "Hail Mary" that got many Catholics upset, but they didn't kill anyone over it as far as I know. Here is the trailer to it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ym0q2DBRp9M

And there was "Last Temptation of Christ" that pissed many Christians off (most of whom never saw it..). Jesus was a human? Sacrilege! Protests, yes. But no killing as far as I know.

Can't wait for "The Satanic Verses" to be made into a film.

If God is great, as they profess, then why not let God handle it?

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There are enough examples of Christians killing abortion doctors in the USA. So there are plenty wacko christians too. Im an atheist and the one thing i blame religion for is trying to impose it on others.

In Thailand you cant get alcohol on buddist days (i dont drink dont mind) also a form of imposing religious laws on others.

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i am sick and tired of muslim extremeists. what is wrong with these fools? are they so brainwashed they believe all the rubbish they are told? its only a movie, whats the big deal? remember salman rushdie and the fatwa? i bet 99.9% of people protesting about it never read the book. the same with this movie i would imagine.

i think its time for an anti muslim protest, i am going down to the us embassy today toi voice my opinion and im not from the US, im just sick of muslims trying to rule the world by force & terror. i have the right to believe what i want, islam is not for me, ok?

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