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Hundreds Of Thai Muslims Protest At U S Embassy In Bangkok


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Freedom is living somewhere where you CAN peacefully protest without finding yourself ground under the state's jackboot.

Irony is using that right to protest that others are allowed their own free speech too.

Irony is also that protesting increases global curiosity and interest into a film that would have already been put in yesterday's bin for its poor quality.

The protests don’t need to make sense. They are just channeling a flash-topic to focus their community organizing, which is the real goal. It’s a page ripped directly from the playbook of any community organizing how-to manual.

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500 might be a stretch....... From what I could tell maybe, maybe 200. It was kinda ironic, as soon as the crowd got to the embassy, the sky opened up and rain came down hard and fast.

Read somewhere that in Pakistan, some protestor died of smoke inhalation while burning the US flag. Someone up there must love Americans for the moment!

There is another TV topic asking for the definition of irony, the above is a great example

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It is an organized put up job. Sure the film is all everyone says,

and it is blindingly stupid, but the protests are being manufactured,

and sometimes they are large, and sometimes they aren't worth the effort.

The demonstrations do show the hypocrisy involved :

Don't protest the Muslim on Muslim killing in the south.

But do protest the idiotic work of 1 NON-American MAN in America.

Who on his own;

is abusing Freedom Of Speech,

abusing all Americans and their hospitality in the process,

and of course

abusing all Muslims too,

This is their supposed reasons to make America die.

Hypocrisy, but the leaders want an emotional response world wide,

not a logical response, because the logical response is to shake your head and forget it.

How about America retaliates and tells all Muslims they have 24 hours to get the hell out of the USa...?? And Canada does the same thing ...?? And all other western countries ... ??

An easier route would be for all western countries to withdraw all their infidels from all the muslim countries around the world. Most would grind to a halt within a year.

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I wish these muslims would find something worthwhile to protest at instead of some comical video clip - what about to bombing of inocents or the murder of 4 young soldiers in southern thailand, I am honestly getting sick and tired of these people and their constant need to be heard - a worldwide news ban on anything muslim related wouldn't go a miss, it seems that is all we see and hear about - I feel a world war coming soon - the big reset button of everything

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That is the nature of sheep.

The protest should have been about the film, not about Israel/USA (I think they deserve their own protest!).

If some idiot in another country made a derogatory film about HM The King, I would be joining the millions of Thais that would be protesting outside that country's embassy.

Oh the irony. Only a sheep could be such an expert on the nature of sheep.

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he message, although clear in its anger and desire for the demise of the U.S., was peaceful, with speakers – in both English language and Thai – stating that they were there to “stop the hate”.

before chanting “We hate hate” and “You are war criminals”.

There was roughly equal representation with two separate contingents of male and female protesters hoisting placards that read, “We love Muhammad,” “Down with America,” and “We respect all religions,” and “Down with Israel”, among a variety of others depicting scenes of war in the Middle East

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Anti-US protest forces embassy to shut early

The Nation


Thai Muslims gather outside the US embassy compound on Wireless Road in Bangkok yesterday to protest against an anti-Islam film, before dispersing without incident.

BANGKOK: -- Five companies of anti-riot policemen were deployed to guard the US Embassy in Bangkok yesterday as about 400 Muslims staged a protest against the US government over an anti-Islam film.

"Destroy America!" the protesters chanted, waving placards near the embassy, which closed at noon ahead of the demonstration.

They continued the peaceful protest until rain began to fall. "We don't want any violence," said protest spokesman Niyaz, who claimed the demonstrators came from all over Thailand.

"Islam is the religion of peace, but if someone attacks us we'll defend ourselves," he said, declining to give his family name.

"The ones who made the film should be punished," Niyaz said of the film "Innocence of Muslims", an amateurish production that was posted on the video-sharing website YouTube.

About 750 policemen were deployed at the embassy at 12.20pm. Metropolitan Police commissioner Pol Lt-General Kamronwit Thoopkrajang said the officers came from the 191 special taskforce, Lumpini police station and anti-riot taskforce.

Kamronwit said plainclothes policemen were also deployed to observe the protesters.

Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung yesterday promised to guard all US businesses and organisations in Bangkok.

As a host country, the Thai government had to protect US interests in the Kingdom, he said, adding that so far, the government has not detected evidence of any third-party group coming in to create violence against Americans.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said yesterday that police were ordered to guard the US Embassy to achieve full security.

"We decided to close the embassy early today after being tipped off by Thai police that there was going to be a protest this afternoon," US Embassy spokeswoman Kristin Kneedler told Deutsche Presse-Agentur.

"We're not aware of any real threats to US citizens in Thailand," she said.

Meanwhile, AFP reported that an al-Qaeda franchise in North Africa yesterday urged Muslims to storm US embassies and kill American envoys in Muslim countries in protest over the film, a monitoring group said.

"We call on Islam's youths to take after the lions of Benghazi [in Libya] by pulling down America's flags that are flying over all of its embassies in our capitals," said al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), according to IntelCenter.

AQIM urged people "to burn them [the flags], to stomp them underfoot, and to kill its [uS] ambassadors and representatives or expel them and purge our land of their filth in revenge for the honour of the best of mankind," referring to Islam's Prophet Mohammed.


-- The Nation 2012-09-19

So they were protesting outside the American embassy about a film? To show their dissatisfaction of the USA? Well someone should tell that guy in the front of the Picture he brought the wrong flag today!!! The anti Israel rall is next weekwhistling.gif

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That is the nature of sheep.

The protest should have been about the film, not about Israel/USA (I think they deserve their own protest!).

If some idiot in another country made a derogatory film about HM The King, I would be joining the millions of Thais that would be protesting outside that country's embassy.

Oh the irony. Only a sheep could be such an expert on the nature of sheep.

Maybe then they would blame U.S. policy for making muslems react. as one poster keeps ramming this down everyones throat. As for the comment on 9-11 to say it wasn't religion--<deleted>. suppose the Thai would do a 9-11 if something was said about the monarchy. Or China react the same because of bad comments of their one party system. To add Think about U.K. Christians this day and age doing something similar to Iran or similar place because they didn't like comments from their crazy leader.

All this political talk has some bearing on how COUNTRIES react BUT NOT fanatics from islamic special schools, traind to wipe out anyone that disagrees with their extremism. come to think of it why kill your own religious brothers, or use your kids to die for the cause if you were SANE you wouldn't

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the muslim population is 2.1 billion in 2012.

If there were that many protesting.. we'd all be <snip>.

Buggered if im going to form an opinion based a few bogans running around on the street.

Edited by metisdead
: Profanity
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500 might be a stretch....... From what I could tell maybe, maybe 200. It was kinda ironic, as soon as the crowd got to the embassy, the sky opened up and rain came down hard and fast.

Read somewhere that in Pakistan, some protestor died of smoke inhalation while burning the US flag. Someone up there must love Americans for the moment!

indeed, perhaps the dead ambassador has god's ear.

Edited by tinfoilhat
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How about America retaliates and tells all Muslims they have 24 hours to get the hell out of the USa...?? And Canada does the same thing ...?? And all other western countries ... ??

An immigration policy based on religion? What century are we in? ermm.gif

Edited by Morakot
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Muslim Demonstration outside Bangkok Embassy

By Staff Reporter


BANGKOK: Muslim followers march on US Embassy in peaceful protest.

Bangkok, Tuesday, saw upwards of 500 protesters marching in Telegraph road to the US Embassy in a peaceful protest against the lack of action by the USA against a video film which denigrates their religion.

Closely monitored by some 200 police, the protesters held banners and photographs and were free to express themselves during the 2 hour demonstration in front of the closed Embassy.

Unlike demonstrations in other countries, in Bangkok everything went without incident and protestors acknowledged the Police force whose dual purpose was to protect both the Muslim marchers and the Embassy.

Full story: http://www.pattaya10...angkok-embassy/

-- pattaya103.com 2012-09-19


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But the bottom line is this film was just the tip of the iceberg or the straw that broke the camels back (once again) and if views of American policy were not as they are, this wouldn't have caused as much outrage and protests ... this is just another example of religion being used to flame people's already heightened anger towards another group.

So why were they so quick to go apeshit over Danish cartoons?

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But the bottom line is this film was just the tip of the iceberg or the straw that broke the camels back (once again) and if views of American policy were not as they are, this wouldn't have caused as much outrage and protests ... this is just another example of religion being used to flame people's already heightened anger towards another group.

So why were they so quick to go apeshit over Danish cartoons?

Religion is NOT being used, IT IS IMPLANTED into their lives, They are totally controlled by it--everyday. from babies it's driven into them by family and clerics and the like, their toleration at anything against the almighty is limited.

blaming America-Authors-etc is what they have to go on, does anyone believe that if USA didn't exist they would crawl back into the wood work-Ha Ha NO WAY, These extremists are taught this way of thinking by NUTTERS, imagine at my Sunday school the teacher taught us this style ?? In many countries most muslems live quietly--but I will be honest big percentage live their own lives and rarely mix with the general population.

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If these guys want to march up and down the road, let them. They aren't really hurting anyone, and if they want to live life being thoughtless retards then that is their prerogative.

What I do have a problem with is the way the US government has handled the more violent cases. What is the point of having US Marines and DS at every embassy as well as inconvenient and invasive security procedures if it is unable to stop the embassy grounds from being breached and government personnel from getting killed?

How far into the embassy must these people get until security personnel are allowed to do their jobs?

I totally agree, as soon as those idiots breach any US Embassy walls anywhere in the world let the MARINES and security do what they were trained for and that is to protect US Sovereign land. Could you imagine a foreign embassy getting overran in the United States? It would never happen regardless of what that country did.

Where have you two been - it was a consulate that was attacked with poor security. although it took the attackers a number of hours to penetrate & get to the safe house

Haven't been reading the news lately, have you? Libya is not seen by many as the most stable of places. If security was poor in LIBYA then the question becomes why? My criticism of the US government's handling of the situation still stands. As for the fact that this was a consulate, well...I don't why a distinction should be made. An attack on a consulate is excusable while an attack on an embassy isn't? What exactly is your point?

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If these guys want to march up and down the road, let them. They aren't really hurting anyone, and if they want to live life being thoughtless retards then that is their prerogative.

What I do have a problem with is the way the US government has handled the more violent cases. What is the point of having US Marines and DS at every embassy as well as inconvenient and invasive security procedures if it is unable to stop the embassy grounds from being breached and government personnel from getting killed?

How far into the embassy must these people get until security personnel are allowed to do their jobs?

I totally agree, as soon as those idiots breach any US Embassy walls anywhere in the world let the MARINES and security do what they were trained for and that is to protect US Sovereign land. Could you imagine a foreign embassy getting overran in the United States? It would never happen regardless of what that country did.

Where have you two been - it was a consulate that was attacked with poor security. although it took the attackers a number of hours to penetrate & get to the safe house

Haven't been reading the news lately, have you? Libya is not seen by many as the most stable of places. If security was poor in LIBYA then the question becomes why? My criticism of the US government's handling of the situation still stands. As for the fact that this was a consulate, well...I don't why a distinction should be made. An attack on a consulate is excusable while an attack on an embassy isn't? What exactly is your point?

You were taking about the attack on the US Libyan Embassy that was incorrect. - that's the point. No, it's not justifiable to attack any diplomatic mission from any country in any place in the world. I'm sure you will understand that a consulate will have a lower level of funding for security than an Embassy. Compare the UK Embassy in BKK to the Pattaya consulate etc etc. However, as has already been posted it is the host country that has the responsibly to protect diplomatic staff.

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Its time us Christians stood up for ourselves and start our own jihadi against Muslims extremist’s instead of jihad against the infidel I say we arm all nuns and radicalise them nuns with guns. And scare the Shiite out of them.

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What about organising protests in front of Mosques in most non Muslim countries?

Protests against the ceaseless blind killing of innocent people all over the world... in the name of a religion of peace!

The best form of protest would be one where peaceful, decent and tolerant Muslims joined the rest of the world in solidarity against a mindless fundamentalist element who purport to worship god ! I'm confident I know which side god is on.

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