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Hundreds Of Thai Muslims Protest At U S Embassy In Bangkok


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I just cannot comprehend why these protestors are demonstrating again the US government. As I understand, the film was made by a guy born in Egypt who happens to now live in USA. It was done with no government support or sponsorship.

If this guy was living in Paris or Montreal, would they be protesting outside the France or Canadian Embassy. I think not. I am definitely not American nor pro American but cannot see the logic of these protests.

Personally I just do not understand Islam. A a Muslim proffessor said in Australia she also doesn't know what exactly they are protesting against the U.S for either.

The blind lead the blind. sad.png
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The film has nothing to do with it according to the President of Libya who state that the attacks were planned for 9/11. What was the reason for destroying US embassy property, killing Americans, and burning the US flags? They say that "they respect all religions," but they also carry a sign next to it stating "down with Israel." - It's clearly the Muslim Brotherhood and radials behind these violent demonstrations. Maybe the demonstration in Bangkok was more peaceful, but what's the deal on the "down with Israel" sign and what did America do that's being protested?

"the Muslim Brotherhood and radials"

I am getting tired of these "radials"!

Yeah, they seem to be more "bias ply" than radial.

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The film has nothing to do with it according to the President of Libya who state that the attacks were planned for 9/11. What was the reason for destroying US embassy property, killing Americans, and burning the US flags? They say that "they respect all religions," but they also carry a sign next to it stating "down with Israel." - It's clearly the Muslim Brotherhood and radials behind these violent demonstrations. Maybe the demonstration in Bangkok was more peaceful, but what's the deal on the "down with Israel" sign and what did America do that's being protested?

Perhaps it's a small point, but nonetheless important.

Israel is not a religion. It is a nation state.

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so boring, always gotta laugh at the number of photographers and film crews at any sort of supposed"news Event" in Bangkok many of them white non Thaissaai.gif.

PS looking at Phils Video I guess the usual Bkk afternoon storms done it all in at the end.

Edited by KKvampire
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Bandwagons and all that is why they're protesting.

Anyone with half a brain could understand that this supposed (has anyone actually seen the whole thing yet?) film is only meant to inflame hatred between us.

Muslim members - ignore this cr@p and just get on with lives. A sad attempt to inflame us all.

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I love the self-defeating hypocrisy of the Muslim protesters' chant 'We hate hate!' - is it an ironic thing? were they meaning it ironically?

I tried watching this video - every aspect of it is so dull and poor I just gave up - I really respect any Muslim who managed to watch enough of it to take offense.

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Thai Muslims protest anti-Islam film at US embassy

BANGKOK, Sept 18, 2012 (AFP) - Hundreds of Muslims, many carrying placards and chanting "Down with America", rallied outside the US embassy in Bangkok Tuesday, as protests over an anti-Islam film spread to the Thai capital.

Defying heavy rain and a big police presence, around 400 protesters massed outside the US embassy, which was shut in advance of the rally, an AFP reporter said.

The planned rally was part of a wave of often violent protest against a low-budget trailer for a movie entitled "Innocence of Muslims", believed to have been produced by a small group of extremist Christians in the United States.

Holding banners in Thai, Arabic and English and flags the crowd shouted "Down with America" and called for the director of the incendiary film to be punished.

Organisers, who did not want to identify themselves as part of a specific group, were reluctant to allow journalists to speak to the protestors, shepherding them to a spokesman for questions.

"Everything that they have done is not right, it's very wrong," spokesman Niyaz -- who only gave one name -- told AFP, referring to the film.

"We are not talking about the American population, we are talking about the American government who support the film and the one that say this is a freedom of speech... freedom of speech should not harm anyone," he added.

On Monday a statement from the embassy said there was no specific threat to US citizens in Thailand, but urged Americans to "exercise caution".

Protests have been staged since last Tuesday in at least 20 countries, with more than 30 people killed and dozens wounded in violence linked to the film.

Buddhist-majority Thailand has about 1.2 million Muslims -- about 4 percent of the population -- according to the latest available data, many living in the country's southern states near the Malaysian border.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2012-09-18

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As I said on an other post, great that they have the freedom to protest but where is it written that Muslims have a passport to go through life without being offended? Shame cos Islam is one of the great religions of the world.... even though in the words of Nick Cave ...'I don't believe in an interventionist god'.

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My view is, fanatics need to be driven into holes, history has shown this and seems to be the only way to deal with extreem elements. In this world these cannot be silenced for good.

If this islamic extremist attitude is allowed to get too malignant the world is going to end up in a more sorry state. International bodies Islamic-will sooner or later have to tread on the fanatics toes, only they the Muslem moderates have the understanding of the religion and will have to act. If not every muslem will be treated as a threat, and that would be unfair, but it's headed that way already.

I am not in a position to shout my mouth off about governments and their policies, and the wrongs they have made in the past.

some similar talk comes out of Iran, Nth Korea, the Hitler fanatics, and others. The Muslem countries are the places that should deal with this element, FROM WITHIN.

Just a thought, when others pick on the say-Christian faith, do all Christians rally at embassy's around the world, use their kids to blow themselves up- I would think that it could be that the church in most countries do NOT control the lives of its population, in comparison to islamic states.

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If these guys want to march up and down the road, let them. They aren't really hurting anyone, and if they want to live life being thoughtless retards then that is their prerogative.

What I do have a problem with is the way the US government has handled the more violent cases. What is the point of having US Marines and DS at every embassy as well as inconvenient and invasive security procedures if it is unable to stop the embassy grounds from being breached and government personnel from getting killed?

How far into the embassy must these people get until security personnel are allowed to do their jobs?

Edited by tzthib
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Wonder if any of them have actually watch the video? As opposed to being programmed by another persons opinion. The irony here is amazing. If those few who had actually seen it had kept their mouths shut, the video would have lived a short and non-existent life, before rotting and fading into obscurity. Now the stupid buggers with all their protesting have made it a global phenomena.

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The film has nothing to do with it according to the President of Libya who state that the attacks were planned for 9/11. What was the reason for destroying US embassy property, killing Americans, and burning the US flags? They say that "they respect all religions," but they also carry a sign next to it stating "down with Israel." - It's clearly the Muslim Brotherhood and radials behind these violent demonstrations. Maybe the demonstration in Bangkok was more peaceful, but what's the deal on the "down with Israel" sign and what did America do that's being protested?

Suggest you read up on the history of the middle east and American and Israeli actions over the last 40 years or so.

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