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Video: Obama In Tonight's Late Show With David Letterman


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I wouldn't call it a slip of the tongue. He (edit-Romney) has no chance after blatantly alienating himself from 47% of his would-be constituents but it doesn't matter at all since both major parties are just doing the bidding of the 1%.

Edited by cloudhopper
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People have been saying that Romney has no chance for many months now and the race is still almost even. With unemployment at over 8%, a 16 trillon debt and Obama's Middle East policy in tatters, he has a darn good chance of winning

Edited by Ulysses G.
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the race is still almost even. With unemployment at over 8%, a 16 trillon debt and Obama's Middle East policy in tatters, he has a darn good chance of winning

I doubt he'll win the popular vote. However as we both know the popular vote has nothing to do with who gets elected. IMO voting is the true opiate of the masses.

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Romney is already winning the white vote. It will depend on how many blacks come out with more than 14% unemployment and if hispanics can be bought off by pandering for their votes with the last minute, temporary, immigration reform bribe.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I wouldn't call it a slip of the tongue. He (edit-Romney) has no chance after blatantly alienating himself from 47% of his would-be constituents but it doesn't matter at all since both major parties are just doing the bidding of the 1%.

This rumor was started by John McLaughlin ( this one http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McLaughlin_%28host%29 ).

Back in 1992, just after Bill Clinton won the election this guy predicted that Hillary would seek the office after her husband completed his term(s); McL and his right-wing neo-con buddies were already painting Hillary as the nemesis of all that is dear to that country, just like they are presently doing to the Nairobian Candidate. (btw, that was sarcasm)

McL is still lolling in his own excrement regarding his brilliant insight, and it looks like he's going for a first-lady exacta.

Michelle reportedly didn't like her husband's idea to become a politician and public figure. I doubt though if she'll pursue a political career. Then again, in a few years the kid's will be grown and she may get bored ...

On the other hand, I wonder about the president's future. Looks like he'll get the second term, then what?

I think he'd make a great Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. I think he's more cut out for that then the presidency.

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After Romney's true colours slipped out, all Obama had to do was turn up and smile to be honest.

Romney is rightfully going to get slaughtered for his comments, and you can't even argue that they were taken out of context.

This election is virtually over. Obama is going to destroy Romney in the debates, the only saving grace is that Ryan will probably run rings around Biden, but people are not voting for vice president.

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I voted absentee. My vote (among others) will Put Obama over the top for his 2nd term.

Perhaps more interesting: Michelle Obama running for Prez in 2016. If you saw her speech at the Dem Convention, you'll probably see what I mean.

I cancelled your vote.

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Obama had time to go on the Letterman show but apparently no time in his schedule to meet Binyamin Netanyahu to discuss what to do about the existential threat a U.S ally faces from a genocidal and insane Iranian regime who are very close to obtaining a nuclear bomb.

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Obama had time to go on the Letterman show but apparently no time in his schedule to meet Binyamin Netanyahu to discuss what to do about the existential threat a U.S ally faces from a genocidal and insane Iranian regime who are very close to obtaining a nuclear bomb.

Obama's perspective and evaluation of certain situations might be differ from yours. what's there to discuss anyway? Obama knows what "Bibi" wants coffee1.gif

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I voted absentee. My vote (among others) will Put Obama over the top for his 2nd term.

Perhaps more interesting: Michelle Obama running for Prez in 2016. If you saw her speech at the Dem Convention, you'll probably see what I mean.

I cancelled your vote.

reminds me of two neighbours and friends of mine in Florida. they agreed not to waste time and vote because they would cancel each other's vote. i witnessed the solemn agreement smile.png

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Romney is already winning the white vote. It will depend on how many blacks come out with more than 14% unemployment and if hispanics can be bought off by pandering for their votes with the last minute, temporary, immigration reform bribe.

Careful there, thats awfully close to a racist comment. And a very unattractive one at that.

I guess that I have been watching too many political commentators as a racial breakdown of voters and what issues are driving them is considered perfectly acceptable on every TV channel including CNN and the BBC. It is no secret that every campaign is courting the different ethnic groups.

Since the poll was taken, Obama has fortified Hispanic enthusiasm by announcing he would block the deportation of an estimated 800,000 undocumented young Latinos who were brought to the United States as children. In a subsequent USA TODAY/Gallup survey, taken Wednesday-Saturday, more than eight in 10 Latinos approved of the president's action, most of them strongly. http://www.usatoday....tion/55796866/1

Obama garnered 98% of the black vote in 2008 and he is gunning for 99%, There's the racism in this and the last election.

From the Huffington Post:


Samuel L. Jackson: I Voted For Obama 'Because He Was Black'

The Huffington Post Alana Horowitz

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Samuel L. Jackson made a surprising confession in the March issue of Ebony.

"I voted for Barack because he was black. Cause that’s why other folks vote for other people — because they look like them," Jackson said, according to the New York Post.

He contended that Obama's message wasn't important, since he believes most politicians will say anything to get elected.


PS: The video has been removed from the article.whistling.gif

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Obama had time to go on the Letterman show but apparently no time in his schedule to meet Binyamin Netanyahu to discuss what to do about the existential threat a U.S ally faces from a genocidal and insane Iranian regime who are very close to obtaining a nuclear bomb.

Yes, just who the hell does Obama think he is not letting Israel tell America what to do? The cheek of the bloke.....

Still, Romney's Foreign Policy credentials continue to dribble further round the U-bend:

At the same donors meeting, held in Florida in May, he appeared to declare how he would carry out a terrorist attack on America if he was leader of Iran.

Mr Romney said: "If I were Iran, a crazed fanatic, I'd say let's get a little fissile material to Hezbollah, have them carry it to Chicago, and then if anything goes wrong, or America starts acting up, we'll just say, 'Guess what? Unless you stand down, why, we're going to let off a dirty bomb'.

"I mean this is where we have - where America could be held up and blackmailed by Iran, by the mullahs, by crazy people. So we don't have any option but to keep Iran from having a nuclear weapon."

Further secret filming showed the presidential candidate completely dismiss Middle East peace talks.

He said: "I look at the Palestinians not wanting to see peace anyway, for political purposes, committed to the destruction and elimination of Israel, and these thorny issues, and I say there's just no way.

"You move things along the best way you can. You hope for some degree of stability, but you recognise that this is going to remain an unsolved problem -- and we kick the ball down the field and hope that ultimately, somehow, something will happen and resolve it."

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Romney is already winning the white vote. It will depend on how many blacks come out with more than 14% unemployment and if hispanics can be bought off by pandering for their votes with the last minute, temporary, immigration reform bribe.

Careful there, thats awfully close to a racist comment. And a very unattractive one at that.

I'm white. I voted for Obama before and I'll do it again. The Republicans care ONLY FOR THEMSELVES.

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Romney is already winning the white vote. It will depend on how many blacks come out with more than 14% unemployment and if hispanics can be bought off by pandering for their votes with the last minute, temporary, immigration reform bribe.

Careful there, thats awfully close to a racist comment. And a very unattractive one at that.

I'm white. I voted for Obama before and I'll do it again. The Republicans care ONLY FOR THEMSELVES.

Actually, it is just the opposite. The best way to keep people down is to give them fee handouts so they don't have to work or try harder. One party says that people of all backgrounds can succeed with hard work. The other party says that you are a victim and need freebies. Your choice to vote for party that more closely resembles your own beliefs.

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I wouldn't call it a slip of the tongue. He (edit-Romney) has no chance after blatantly alienating himself from 47% of his would-be constituents but it doesn't matter at all since both major parties are just doing the bidding of the 1%.

The Democrats and Obama are in serious trouble as Romney's 47% quote becoming public now shows. Romney's 47% quote is from May, FOUR months ago. The Democrats have been saving it (obviously no need to use it back then). They probably wanted to use if for an "October Surprise" closer to the election. But the recent events in the Middle East have put the Obama campaign in a foreign policy competency tailspin with the American voters and the rest of the world. Their allies in the media tried to make the crisis all about Romney and his criticism of Obama's apology. But the world media forced them to focus on the ignored warnings and lack security on 9/11 scandals, making the Obama admin look horribly inept and weak. They needed something else to "pull out of the hat" and they dug around, and used this old quote they had been saving. It seems to be working because it's now all over the headlines. That can be expected of Obama's personal media cheerleaders, but even Fox News and other right wing outlets have taken the bait and making the issue more important than it is.

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I voted absentee. My vote (among others) will Put Obama over the top for his 2nd term.

Perhaps more interesting: Michelle Obama running for Prez in 2016. If you saw her speech at the Dem Convention, you'll probably see what I mean.

I cancelled your vote.

And I re-instated it.

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I voted absentee. My vote (among others) will Put Obama over the top for his 2nd term.

Perhaps more interesting: Michelle Obama running for Prez in 2016. If you saw her speech at the Dem Convention, you'll probably see what I mean.

I cancelled your vote.

And I re-instated it.

You need to be an American citizen registered to vote in order to cast a vote. Well, in most states at least. The others were all won by Obama in 2008.

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After Romney's true colours slipped out, all Obama had to do was turn up and smile to be honest.

Romney is rightfully going to get slaughtered for his comments, and you can't even argue that they were taken out of context.

This election is virtually over. Obama is going to destroy Romney in the debates, the only saving grace is that Ryan will probably run rings around Biden, but people are not voting for vice president.

Biden is a streetfighter. His strategy will be to connect with the bllue collar and eldery voters. Slips of the tongue and Yogi Berra type statements humanize him. His job is to grab as many of those voters as possible. Something a young whipper snapper like Ryan can't do. No one likes to see an old guy get ridiculed or beat up on.

Biden will deliver because he is easier to connect to at an emotional level. Most everyone has a relative like him in the family and can understand him. All Biden has to do is to keep up with Ryan and he'll have done his job. The experienced uncle taking on the sharp kid. Family dynamics in action.

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Most everyone has a relative like him in the family and can understand him.

A relative like him indeed. laugh.png

"Look, this guy is so off the wall that he is able to make lifetime of gaffes and he doesn't get attacked for it because nobody expects any better. You know, it's just the crazy uncle in the attic, as Ross Perot used to say," syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer said on "Special Report" tonight. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2012/08/14/krauthammer_on_bidens_chain_comment_crazy_uncle_in_the_attic.html

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This election is virtually over. Obama is going to destroy Romney in the debates, the only saving grace is that Ryan will probably run rings around Biden, but people are not voting for vice president.

Yes on Ryan, but Romney is a good debater with lots of recent experience. Obama will not be able to use a teleprompter - he makes gaffes without one - and on top of that has a dismal record to defend. That puts Obama at a real disadvantage.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Romney is already winning the white vote. It will depend on how many blacks come out with more than 14% unemployment and if hispanics can be bought off by pandering for their votes with the last minute, temporary, immigration reform bribe.

Careful there, thats awfully close to a racist comment. And a very unattractive one at that.

I guess that I have been watching too many political commentators as a racial breakdown of voters and what issues are driving them is considered perfectly acceptable on every TV channel including CNN and the BBC. It is no secret that every campaign is courting the different ethnic groups.

Since the poll was taken, Obama has fortified Hispanic enthusiasm by announcing he would block the deportation of an estimated 800,000 undocumented young Latinos who were brought to the United States as children. In a subsequent USA TODAY/Gallup survey, taken Wednesday-Saturday, more than eight in 10 Latinos approved of the president's action, most of them strongly. http://www.usatoday....tion/55796866/1

Wow, it sounds just like Thailand! Just swop those immigration populist policies for rice pledging and free computers and bingo, there you have it.

One fact however is that Obama picked up the National debt and it was never going to do anything but grow. IF Romney wins he will pick up the National debt and it WILL be 25 Trillion in 3 years. In fact all that was said 8 years ago. Pity Bush never listened, well maybe he did but he simply didn't care. He is out of it, living in luxury and America continues down the toilet and it's people suffer. But hey, it's politicians and their families will be OK, I imagine at least those families don't have to care for war wounded! The only person that had the knowledge and kuhoona's to save the USA was Ron Paul. he would have declared the Fed unconstitutional (correctly) and got rid of it and 12 Trillion of US debt all in one foul sweep. Still. y'all got rid of him so now the national bankruptcy is not a matter of if but when, particularly since Santa Clause Bernanke just started printing 40 Billion a month for an indefinite period. Have you seen that dollar slide already...ouch!

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