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Video: Obama In Tonight's Late Show With David Letterman


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Yes, very Ron Paulish and as such on the road to redemption. Just on thing though: does this include an abondonment of the War on Drugs and the legalization of personal use of all currently illegal drugs up to an including smack, hammer, horse and Henrey? That's Ron Paul's Policy - very much the consistent libertarian. Jeeze I don't reckon Governer Romney would be comfortable with this though. Apparently he's not comfortable with Coke Zero or Pepsi Max or Maxwell House.

Nope. Not legalizing drugs.

If the strongest thing President Romney drinks is water, good for him.

During an interview last week, a reporter asked him what was the most sinful pleasure he indulged himself in food or drink. His answer, as he giggled in guilt: "peanut butter sandwiches and chocolate milk." Who else wants to party with this guy? laugh.png

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During an interview last week, a reporter asked him what was the most sinful pleasure he indulged himself in food or drink. His answer, as he giggled in guilt: "peanut butter sandwiches and chocolate milk." Who else wants to party with this guy? laugh.png

When people come off like this I usually expect them to be an extreme opposite of what they're trying to present, but in Romney's case I can believe it. The most pervy thing I can see him doing is withdrawing a load of greenbacks, filling a bathtub (or inflatable kiddy pool) with them, and then jumping in.

The place to see Mormons behaving badly is Wendover, Nevada. Not exactly bacchanalian, though.

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During an interview last week, a reporter asked him what was the most sinful pleasure he indulged himself in food or drink. His answer, as he giggled in guilt: "peanut butter sandwiches and chocolate milk." Who else wants to party with this guy? laugh.png

When people come off like this I usually expect them to be an extreme opposite of what they're trying to present, but in Romney's case I can believe it. The most pervy thing I can see him doing is withdrawing a load of greenbacks, filling a bathtub (or inflatable kiddy pool) with them, and then jumping in.

The place to see Mormons behaving badly is Wendover, Nevada. Not exactly bacchanalian, though.

So what you are saying is there aren't likely to be any rapper parties in the White House if Romney is elected?

I fail to see the downside in that development.

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Jeeze I don't reckon Governer Romney would be comfortable with this though. Apparently he's not comfortable with Coke Zero or Pepsi Max or Maxwell House.

What he's not comfortable with is letting the Mad Mullahs in Iran have nuclear weapons. whistling.gif

I thought Russia was his #1 enemy?

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On the serious side, there is an interesting political point to all the ribbing of Romney's teetotlling Mormon lifestyle. And, I seriously believe the Obama administration has been using it in a clever way. You all remember the press about the White House honey mini-brewery? The story was that the White House gardener had somehow accidentally developed a huge honey bee colony. So, now they had all this honey sitting around, and it just so happened one of the White House chefs was also an amateur mini-brew hobbyest. Well, next thing you know the White house is producing this honey ale, and getting lots of press about how the President, First Lady, and visitors all now enjoy a frosty mug - all doing what normal people do, drinking beer.

I'm sure even Joe the Plumber or Sean Hannity's Nascar rednecks enjoy popping a cold Pabst now and then.

Excellent political strategy: illustrate how the First family "cuts loose" a little, how they are like Joe 6-pack, and at the same time, focus on the weird religion of Romney without actually ever drawing attention to that directly, as they can't do.

Obama campaign is certainly not dumb.

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On the serious side, there is an interesting political point to all the ribbing of Romney's teetotlling Mormon lifestyle. And, I seriously believe the Obama administration has been using it in a clever way. You all remember the press about the White House honey mini-brewery? The story was that the White House gardener had somehow accidentally developed a huge honey bee colony. So, now they had all this honey sitting around, and it just so happened one of the White House chefs was also an amateur mini-brew hobbyest. Well, next thing you know the White house is producing this honey ale, and getting lots of press about how the President, First Lady, and visitors all now enjoy a frosty mug - all doing what normal people do, drinking beer.

I'm sure even Joe the Plumber or Sean Hannity's Nascar rednecks enjoy popping a cold Pabst now and then.

Excellent political strategy: illustrate how the First family "cuts loose" a little, how they are like Joe 6-pack, and at the same time, focus on the weird religion of Romney without actually ever drawing attention to that directly, as they can't do.

Obama campaign is certainly not dumb.

Obama is already the "coolest" President in history. Sadly, he isn't high school class president where being cool is what matters. I wish voters could be more mature when deciding who to vote for but, hey, it is what it is. Obama won't get many votes based on accomplishments, but he will get most of his votes because he is "cool", black and, according to one of his biggest supporters, a MUSLIM...

...at her D.C. stop on her MDNA Tour, Madonna told fans on Monday night to vote for "the Black Muslim in the White House" who's "fighting for gay rights." Here's footage of Madonna's "endorsement" (her Obama comments come around the 1:50 mark)

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During an interview last week, a reporter asked him what was the most sinful pleasure he indulged himself in food or drink. His answer, as he giggled in guilt: "peanut butter sandwiches and chocolate milk." Who else wants to party with this guy? laugh.png

When people come off like this I usually expect them to be an extreme opposite of what they're trying to present, but in Romney's case I can believe it. The most pervy thing I can see him doing is withdrawing a load of greenbacks, filling a bathtub (or inflatable kiddy pool) with them, and then jumping in.

The place to see Mormons behaving badly is Wendover, Nevada. Not exactly bacchanalian, though.

So what you are saying is there aren't likely to be any rapper parties in the White House if Romney is elected?

I fail to see the downside in that development.

Not the kind of comment I'd expect from someone called chuckd.

I mean that the more someone trumpets how religious and pious they are the more likely it is they have something in common with that Penn State coach scu_mbag, for example.

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Yes, very Ron Paulish and as such on the road to redemption. Just on thing though: does this include an abondonment of the War on Drugs and the legalization of personal use of all currently illegal drugs up to an including smack, hammer, horse and Henrey? That's Ron Paul's Policy - very much the consistent libertarian. Jeeze I don't reckon Governer Romney would be comfortable with this though. Apparently he's not comfortable with Coke Zero or Pepsi Max or Maxwell House.

Nope. Not legalizing drugs.

If the strongest thing President Romney drinks is water, good for him.

During an interview last week, a reporter asked him what was the most sinful pleasure he indulged himself in food or drink. His answer, as he giggled in guilt: "peanut butter sandwiches and chocolate milk." Who else wants to party with this guy? laugh.png

The reason that Governor Romney doesn't go on programs like Letterman is that he is "comically retarded" - by which I mean that the man cannot laugh in any recognizably human way. His laugh is disconcerting, off-putting and frankly quite often disturbing. Gary Wills articulates the problem very well:

"Everyone has noticed by now the non-laugh laugh of Mitt Romney, a kind of half-stifled barking. But what does it mean? It is blurted out as abruptly as it is broken off. Is it a kind of punctuation, part comma, part full stop, part interrogatory mark? What, if anything, is it trying to convey? Why does it seem more like coughing or burping than laughter" More here: http://www.nybooks.c...-romneys-laugh/


Edited by Neurath
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On the serious side, there is an interesting political point to all the ribbing of Romney's teetotlling Mormon lifestyle. And, I seriously believe the Obama administration has been using it in a clever way. You all remember the press about the White House honey mini-brewery? The story was that the White House gardener had somehow accidentally developed a huge honey bee colony. So, now they had all this honey sitting around, and it just so happened one of the White House chefs was also an amateur mini-brew hobbyest. Well, next thing you know the White house is producing this honey ale, and getting lots of press about how the President, First Lady, and visitors all now enjoy a frosty mug - all doing what normal people do, drinking beer.

I'm sure even Joe the Plumber or Sean Hannity's Nascar rednecks enjoy popping a cold Pabst now and then.

Excellent political strategy: illustrate how the First family "cuts loose" a little, how they are like Joe 6-pack, and at the same time, focus on the weird religion of Romney without actually ever drawing attention to that directly, as they can't do.

Obama campaign is certainly not dumb.

I don't really understand the fixation with what Romney drinks.

Would most people prefer an alcoholic to be President or would they prefer someone that they could count on to be sober and not hungover when that infamous 3 AM phone call comes in.

I know which one I would prefer handling that phone call.

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I think that discussion of Romney's preferences in beverages is a little off-topic. Unless you have reason to believe you will be invited to a State Dinner at the White House and not be able to have coffee after your meal.

IIRC, George W. Bush didn't drink alcohol either.

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On the serious side, there is an interesting political point to all the ribbing of Romney's teetotlling Mormon lifestyle. And, I seriously believe the Obama administration has been using it in a clever way. You all remember the press about the White House honey mini-brewery? The story was that the White House gardener had somehow accidentally developed a huge honey bee colony. So, now they had all this honey sitting around, and it just so happened one of the White House chefs was also an amateur mini-brew hobbyest. Well, next thing you know the White house is producing this honey ale, and getting lots of press about how the President, First Lady, and visitors all now enjoy a frosty mug - all doing what normal people do, drinking beer.

I'm sure even Joe the Plumber or Sean Hannity's Nascar rednecks enjoy popping a cold Pabst now and then.

Excellent political strategy: illustrate how the First family "cuts loose" a little, how they are like Joe 6-pack, and at the same time, focus on the weird religion of Romney without actually ever drawing attention to that directly, as they can't do.

Obama campaign is certainly not dumb.

I don't really understand the fixation with what Romney drinks.

Would most people prefer an alcoholic to be President or would they prefer someone that they could count on to be sober and not hungover when that infamous 3 AM phone call comes in.

I know which one I would prefer handling that phone call.

Lucky you never had to vote for Winston Churchill.smile.png

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Yes, very Ron Paulish and as such on the road to redemption. Just on thing though: does this include an abondonment of the War on Drugs and the legalization of personal use of all currently illegal drugs up to an including smack, hammer, horse and Henrey? That's Ron Paul's Policy - very much the consistent libertarian. Jeeze I don't reckon Governer Romney would be comfortable with this though. Apparently he's not comfortable with Coke Zero or Pepsi Max or Maxwell House.

Nope. Not legalizing drugs.

If the strongest thing President Romney drinks is water, good for him.

During an interview last week, a reporter asked him what was the most sinful pleasure he indulged himself in food or drink. His answer, as he giggled in guilt: "peanut butter sandwiches and chocolate milk." Who else wants to party with this guy? laugh.png

The reason that Governor Romney doesn't go on programs like Letterman is that he is "comically retarded" - by which I mean that the man cannot laugh in any recognizably human way. His laugh is disconcerting, off-putting and frankly quite often disturbing. Gary Wills articulates the problem very well:

"Everyone has noticed by now the non-laugh laugh of Mitt Romney, a kind of half-stifled barking. But what does it mean? It is blurted out as abruptly as it is broken off. Is it a kind of punctuation, part comma, part full stop, part interrogatory mark? What, if anything, is it trying to convey? Why does it seem more like coughing or burping than laughter" More here: http://www.nybooks.c...-romneys-laugh/

So now we have evolved from some of you protesting that Romney doesn't drink alcohol to another one protesting that he doesn't laugh the way he should, in their opinion.

While these may be big problems with you, I hardly doubt if most of the voting public really gives it a lot of thought.

Maybe desperation has actually set in among Obama supporters after all.

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With all due respect to Scott, the issue under discussion is not really what Romney doesn't drink or smoke, it's the issue of "is this man out of touch with the common American?" Attacks on his attitude toward his wealth, and his religious beliefs and personal habits are relevant to that discussion. BTW, Letterman doesn't drink either - of course, he was a raging alcoholic by his own admission, and BTW, Letterman's net worth at over $400 million makes Romney's fortune pale by comparison. So, what is wrong with this picture?

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During an interview last week, a reporter asked him what was the most sinful pleasure he indulged himself in food or drink. His answer, as he giggled in guilt: "peanut butter sandwiches and chocolate milk." Who else wants to party with this guy? laugh.png

When people come off like this I usually expect them to be an extreme opposite of what they're trying to present, but in Romney's case I can believe it. The most pervy thing I can see him doing is withdrawing a load of greenbacks, filling a bathtub (or inflatable kiddy pool) with them, and then jumping in.

The place to see Mormons behaving badly is Wendover, Nevada. Not exactly bacchanalian, though.

So what you are saying is there aren't likely to be any rapper parties in the White House if Romney is elected?

I fail to see the downside in that development.

Not the kind of comment I'd expect from someone called chuckd.

I mean that the more someone trumpets how religious and pious they are the more likely it is they have something in common with that Penn State coach scu_mbag, for example.

I don't know what you would expect of me, and don't really care unless you are describing me with your "religious and pious" bit. I certainly hope not. Please clarify.

You might want to check out this rapper performance at one of Obama's fund raisers.

I wouldn't call it a G rated show.


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With all due respect to Scott, the issue under discussion is not really what Romney doesn't drink or smoke, it's the issue of "is this man out of touch with the common American?" Attacks on his attitude toward his wealth, and his religious beliefs and personal habits are relevant to that discussion. BTW, Letterman doesn't drink either - of course, he was a raging alcoholic by his own admission, and BTW, Letterman's net worth at over $400 million makes Romney's fortune pale by comparison. So, what is wrong with this picture?

What's wrong with this picture is you need to define what a "common American" really is.

Brown, white, black, Asian, Polish, Italian, German, Indian, Pakistani, Irish, thin, fat, tall, short, medium, left handed, right handed, drinker, non-drinker, smoker, non-smoker...ad infinitum.

If letterman is so rich, why doesn't he run for President? The simple reason is because nobody would take him seriously, except for a few souls around here.

PS: Have you seen Letterman's tax return? If so how much did he donate to charity?

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When asked about NASCAR the best Governor Romney could come up with is that he knew a few owners. Not much a man of the people. And then he laughed. it was frightening.

"Is this the best description of Romney’s idiosyncratic barking? Does he “emit a very loud sound” to put on the uniform of ordinary citizenness that is foreign to him, hoping “to avoid recognition”? If so, he is no more successful than was the laughing man Kundera observed. If anything, such random outbursts just make everyone else feel uneasy. Rather than fitting in, he drives off."


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With all due respect to Scott, the issue under discussion is not really what Romney doesn't drink or smoke, it's the issue of "is this man out of touch with the common American?" Attacks on his attitude toward his wealth, and his religious beliefs and personal habits are relevant to that discussion. BTW, Letterman doesn't drink either - of course, he was a raging alcoholic by his own admission, and BTW, Letterman's net worth at over $400 million makes Romney's fortune pale by comparison. So, what is wrong with this picture?

What's wrong with this picture is you need to define what a "common American" really is.

Brown, white, black, Asian, Polish, Italian, German, Indian, Pakistani, Irish, thin, fat, tall, short, medium, left handed, right handed, drinker, non-drinker, smoker, non-smoker...ad infinitum.

If letterman is so rich, why doesn't he run for President? The simple reason is because nobody would take him seriously, except for a few souls around here.

PS: Have you seen Letterman's tax return? If so how much did he donate to charity?

The important thing is how Governor Romney defines the "normal American" - it's quite clear that this doesn't include at least 47% of the electorate; those who cannot be persuaded to take responsibility for their lives according to the Governor.

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Obama is much more in touch than Romney. Anyone who hangs out with Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, the Reverend Wright, Rashid Khalidi and Derrick Bell is just your average Joe. whistling.gif

Didn't matter to you to you and others who voted for him in 2008, so why should it matter nowgiggle.gif

Edited by Neurath
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If the main stream media had vetted him honestly in 2008 and reported on significant drug use, associations with radicals and more than minor flirtations with communist ideology, he never would have been elected president. The media were running interference for him back then and not a lot has changed.

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The American people can no longer trust anything being said by the current administration.

What do you call a person who lies when then the truth would work just as well?

Obama bombed on that Uni-vision townhall.

I am American, and I trust the current administration far more than I trust Romney

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Romney is leading with the middle class.

In our latest

POLITICO-George Washington University Battleground Poll with middle-class families, which comprise about 54 percent of the total American electorate and usually split in their vote behavior between Republicans and Democrats, Romney holds a 14-point advantage (55 percent to 41 percent). Middle-class families are more inclined to believe the country is on the wrong track (34 percent right direction, 62 percent wrong track), are more likely to hold an unfavorable view of Obama (48 percent favorable, 51 percent unfavorable), and hold a more favorable view of Romney (51 percent favorable, 44 percent unfavorable) and Paul Ryan (46 percent favorable, 35 percent unfavorable) than the overall electorate.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0912/81584.html#ixzz27Zw9mBRt

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If the main stream media had vetted him honestly in 2008 and reported on significant drug use, associations with radicals and more than minor flirtations with communist ideology, he never would have been elected president. The media were running interference for him back then and not a lot has changed.

I want to trust what you're saying but you also said you voted for Obama in 2008.

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