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Double Pricing Policy In Restaurant


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My response would be different. I would go back and eat 42 baht's worth more food than before and then I would be even.

The only problem with that idea is that once you've eaten sufficient, anything more you stuff into your mouth is bad for your health and digestion.

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I think that many posters are missing the point.

And also, this has nothing to do with racism, or with Thailand.

When you go to a restaurant in Greece, and not ask the price first, you will pay extra.

I like to go to greek restaurants.

I do not like to ask the price first, I think that is ambarassing for me and for the occasional honest waiter.

As a result, I no longer go to Greece.

Nor do I go to national parks while in Thailand.

This double pricing has nothing to do with Thailand.

It is just another example of the Ego mentality.

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My response would be different. I would go back and eat 42 baht's worth more food than before and then I would be even.

I realise that you are sarcastic, but may I reply:

I want to have a happy life, I want others to have a happy life.

I want to respect others and I want to be respected.

I do not want to get even with bad or stupid people.

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Tonight i verified the original poster being overcharged. I had my wife check if the advertised price said thai only and it did not. We did ask if there was any additional charges for uneaten food etc. This is when the waitress said falangs pay more.... I personally dont like the idea it is kept a secret...

If you look closely you can see the advertised price at the bottom of the sign



Just as I thought and mentioned before, a moo gata place.

The sign says nothing about a farang price, I would have put 260 on the plate and walked.

If you speak Thai they pretty soon back off when you tell them to call the police.

For the non Thai speakers, mai jai, I wont pay, riak tam ruat maa, call the police.

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I am the OP who started this topic. I have been called stupid (without knowing me), I know nothing about Thailand (eventho I have lived here for 7 years), called tight, get a life, move on, my wife got a discount, read the menu (there are no menus in a buffet) I am wrong etc.

Most people have forgotten that I said the restaurant was good for what it is. We stopped there on a whim going home that night, never been before or again. I had no complaints other than the pricing policy.

I cannot believe that there are so many bitter people on this forum, I just wanted to point out that the restaurant is charging farangs extra without advertising the fact, they are dishonest at best. My original statement on pricing was confirmed by another member, thank you for that.

I will think very seriously about starting a topic again due to the knuckleheads who take over topics with their own agenda & denegrate any contributor that doesn't agree with them.

If the above is more fuel for those I mentioned, so be it.

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My response would be different. I would go back and eat 42 baht's worth more food than before and then I would be even.

I realise that you are sarcastic, but may I reply:

I want to have a happy life, I want others to have a happy life.

I want to respect others and I want to be respected.

I do not want to get even with bad or stupid people.

No sarcasm intended at all. Simply how I personally would react to the OP's situation. We are all different in our views on all things.

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My response would be different. I would go back and eat 42 baht's worth more food than before and then I would be even.

I realise that you are sarcastic, but may I reply:

I want to have a happy life, I want others to have a happy life.

I want to respect others and I want to be respected.

I do not want to get even with bad or stupid people.

No sarcasm intended at all. Simply how I personally would react to the OP's situation. We are all different in our views on all things.

So much for giving a poster the benefit of doubt.

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I will think very seriously about starting a topic again due to the knuckleheads who take over topics with their own agenda & denegrate any contributor that doesn't agree with them.

If the above is more fuel for those I mentioned, so be it.

At least you had a good education on internet forums. Not everyone will agree with you but don't cry about it because many did. By calling people who disagree with you "knuckleheads" you're just a guilty as the they are of being nasty.

Edited by tropo
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I don't understand a restaurant charging foreigners more, specially without informing properly about it in advance. That is dishonest. National Parks and other attractions that have dual pricing display it clearly, then you decide to go or don't go in, but no surprises there.

I understand even less that the restaurant does that for such a ridiculous amount as 21 Baht. In practice, that meal would have ended up costing me 1 Baht more than if they didn't charge the extra 21 Baht. For that kind of dinner I would normally have left a 20 Baht tip, in this case I simply would not have left anything. One could say that was unfair for the waiter, but I'm not sure that would have affected the waiter so much, if the owners are that miserable, it wouldn't surprise me if they also kept the tips.

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I detest all dual priced systems I see in Thailand. It's just is not right and I will not return when I get stung even if it is only 21 baht - it's the principle. I love many things about Thailand but this is a sore point, it is not about the money but the disrespect it shows. People who support dual pricing for westerners puzzle me, maybe they carry lubricate to ease the pain?whistling.gif

I normally tip to western standards for good service because I know the servers generally don't make much money. on the other hand I do expect the owners not to gouge me.

The national parks are a joke with some charging 5 times the Thai rate even when you produce a Thai drivers license.

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Double pricing is just a fact, created by overpaying falang. How many times you see smiling falang who give 30THB tip on a 20THB noodle soup. In national parks the entry fee is quite cheap, but for rural Thais too high. So letting them only pay a 10th is fair. If you are away from the tourist areas double pricing will only occur in hotels and overpaying in markets or restaurants will be denied. It hurts the proudness of the people.


Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Thaivisa Connect App

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What a joke this is, 21 baht come on.

How is it racist? You go to a gas station in england on the motorway at that gas station you are extorted. You pay stupid prices for food and drink because you are a "traveller". You go into an airport and the same happens, because you are a "traveller". You have no other options but to eat there.

You go for something to eat here and you are overcharged 40 pence because you are a "traveller" and you make it seem as the thais are horrible theiving bastards.

So........They have 2 tierd pricing now on Englands motorway gasstations and at their airports?

Unbelievable !!!!!!!!

They have pricing at your normal gas station then they have pricing on the motoroway, that is 2 tiered pricing. They have pricing in the airport and they have pricing just outside it, 2 tired. They dont do it by what nationality you are, they do it based on you have no other choice.

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Double pricing is just a fact, created by overpaying falang. How many times you see smiling falang who give 30THB tip on a 20THB noodle soup. In national parks the entry fee is quite cheap, but for rural Thais too high. So letting them only pay a 10th is fair. If you are away from the tourist areas double pricing will only occur in hotels and overpaying in markets or restaurants will be denied. It hurts the proudness of the people.


Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Thaivisa Connect App

I must admit when I first came to thailand when ordering things like fried rice from a street stall I would give 100 baht and tell them to keep the change, Its £2 for a fried rice that at home I would probably pay £4 for so I still seen it as cheap. The wife soon put an end to that, 500 baht tips at resturants went down to 20-100 depending on where we ate. However I still dont see the point in people moaning about 21 baht or naming and shaming a place for that amount. In my view, farangs are much bigger people, more likely to eat more and waste more but also spend more. I would have died with embarrasment if my wife started asking what the extra 21 baht on the bill was for.

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You wrote :

-i am paying for the studies of one of my nephews in a Singapore University. cost for a Singaporean SGD 8,400, for a foreigner SGD 23,800 per annum!

now tell me again a story about "principle

23800 less 8400 = 15400 SGD = 380000 ThB

Edited by Rimmer
English only please
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Double pricing is just a fact, created by overpaying falang. How many times you see smiling falang who give 30THB tip on a 20THB noodle soup. In national parks the entry fee is quite cheap, but for rural Thais too high. So letting them only pay a 10th is fair. If you are away from the tourist areas double pricing will only occur in hotels and overpaying in markets or restaurants will be denied. It hurts the proudness of the people.


Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Thaivisa Connect App

I must admit when I first came to thailand when ordering things like fried rice from a street stall I would give 100 baht and tell them to keep the change, Its £2 for a fried rice that at home I would probably pay £4 for so I still seen it as cheap. The wife soon put an end to that, 500 baht tips at resturants went down to 20-100 depending on where we ate. However I still dont see the point in people moaning about 21 baht or naming and shaming a place for that amount. In my view, farangs are much bigger people, more likely to eat more and waste more but also spend more. I would have died with embarrasment if my wife started asking what the extra 21 baht on the bill was for.

So if you and the wife were back in the uk. You go in to mcdonalds and both order a number one. Yours is 6£ and hers 7£ she ask why and you say we charge asians more i wonder what she would think.

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