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That was actually my point. I would be surprised if one could by fiber optic cable at 60 Bt/meter.

Well, look here: http://www.discount-...AF-KR0066531001

It seems that 60 THB would cover the cable, the installation, and one beer every 10 meters.

BTW, if you check the price on that site and convert from feet to meters and to baht, it comes out to around 56 Baht/meter. And that is a discount site, Thailand would of course be more expensive due to taxation.

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Holy crap Batman, it's bad today ....


Mine is crappy as well right now


Odd, Linkline on the west cost come through fine, but on the east coast it's crawling. Maybe some problem in the US?



Holy crap Batman, it's bad today ....


Mine is crappy as well right now


Odd, Linkline on the west cost come through fine, but on the east coast it's crawling. Maybe some problem in the US?


I noticed that too. The point of entry to the US from Thailand is normally California but wouldn't think the extra 3000 miles to the East coast would be that different. But then it may be a different route taken via Europe as that would be the Atlantic side cable.


I don't think they go over Europe to the US, regardless of east or west coast, as the EU route is considerably more expensive to use. If anything they probably go east even to go to Europe, which would explain why the connectivity to Europe is so much poorer than to US.

I tried a manual MTR to ns2.linkline.com and there seems to be some huge timeout on mx-ll-110.164.0-201.static.3bb.co.th. one of 3BB's servers:


| WinMTR statistics |

| Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |


| - 0 | 46 | 46 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |

| - 0 | 46 | 46 | 18 | 28 | 100 | 100 |

| - 0 | 46 | 46 | 18 | 28 | 65 | 19 |

| - 50 | 14 | 7 | 0 | 19 | 21 | 20 |

| - 0 | 46 | 46 | 18 | 20 | 27 | 20 |

| - 0 | 46 | 46 | 18 | 20 | 31 | 20 |

| - 0 | 46 | 46 | 18 | 22 | 27 | 22 |

| - 0 | 46 | 46 | 216 | 239 | 845 | 220 |

| - 0 | 46 | 46 | 223 | 240 | 300 | 223 |

| - 3 | 42 | 41 | 0 | 219 | 270 | 224 |

| - 0 | 46 | 46 | 224 | 227 | 235 | 225 |

| - 0 | 46 | 46 | 216 | 219 | 234 | 218 |



I noticed that too. The point of entry to the US from Thailand is normally California but wouldn't think the extra 3000 miles to the East coast would be that different. But then it may be a different route taken via Europe as that would be the Atlantic side cable.

I think that extra 3000 miles from the west to east coast is mostly uphill. tongue.png


Here's another one to Denmark. This time it's mx-ll-110.164.0-175.static.3bb.co.th timing out. I suspect they might have some cable failure somewhere, maybe due to flooding or something.


| WinMTR statistics |

| Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |


| - 0 | 860 | 860 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 |

| - 1 | 856 | 855 | 17 | 34 | 230 | 19 |

| - 1 | 856 | 855 | 18 | 22 | 90 | 20 |

| - 84 | 198 | 32 | 0 | 25 | 37 | 21 |

| - 1 | 856 | 855 | 20 | 22 | 50 | 22 |

| - 1 | 856 | 855 | 19 | 22 | 62 | 20 |

| - 1 | 856 | 855 | 20 | 23 | 64 | 24 |

| - 1 | 848 | 845 | 296 | 302 | 504 | 297 |

| - 1 | 856 | 855 | 219 | 221 | 256 | 220 |

| - 1 | 856 | 855 | 295 | 302 | 422 | 296 |

| - 1 | 856 | 855 | 230 | 294 | 445 | 307 |

| - 0 | 860 | 860 | 238 | 296 | 423 | 238 |

| - 1 | 856 | 855 | 244 | 281 | 475 | 245 |

| - 1 | 856 | 855 | 244 | 307 | 459 | 269 |

| - 47 | 300 | 160 | 320 | 323 | 345 | 322 |

| - 1 | 856 | 855 | 320 | 328 | 531 | 322 |

| - 1 | 856 | 855 | 245 | 260 | 618 | 246 |

| No response from host - 100 | 172 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

| No response from host - 100 | 172 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

| No response from host - 100 | 172 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

| No response from host - 100 | 172 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

| No response from host - 100 | 172 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

| No response from host - 100 | 172 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

| No response from host - 100 | 172 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

| No response from host - 100 | 172 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

| No response from host - 100 | 172 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

| No response from host - 100 | 172 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

| No response from host - 100 | 172 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

| No response from host - 100 | 172 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

| No response from host - 100 | 172 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |



they probably go east even to go to Europe, which would explain why the connectivity to Europe is so much poorer than to US.

Right, I saw the routing goes often via LA. But this also depends on the final destination and the connectivity there. We can influence this a bit by selecting a VPN server as via point. I found it also useful to use an IPv6 tunnel. Hurricane Electric provides a free of charge tunnel via their excellent international backbone. It seems the interface from TOT to their pop in Singapore is not as much overloaded as to other carriers.


Just had Somchai from 3BB in looking at my internet. Showed him the MTR. "Yes problem in Bangkok for about a week. They're working on it"

Why couldn't they just have told me that on the phone. Sheesh. blink.png


Just had Somchai from 3BB in looking at my internet. Showed him the MTR. "Yes problem in Bangkok for about a week. They're working on it"

Why couldn't they just have told me that on the phone. Sheesh. blink.png

Because the customer relation at the other side of the line couldn't know yet that Somchai wouldn't be able to clear your problems.

After all those years in Thailand you're not saying you believe Somchai's lame excuse, do you.

  • Like 2

Just had Somchai from 3BB in looking at my internet. Showed him the MTR. "Yes problem in Bangkok for about a week. They're working on it"

Why couldn't they just have told me that on the phone. Sheesh. blink.png

Because the customer relation at the other side of the line couldn't know yet that Somchai wouldn't be able to clear your problems.

After all those years in Thailand you're not saying you believe Somchai's lame excuse, do you.

Ploblem far far away, has nothing to do with Phuket working on upgrading internet structure by adding many moo customer to it, but without moo band with, dshing dshing!"


Well I already know from MTR's that the problem /is/ a router in Bangkok, so as long as I know the problem is known and someone is doing something to fix it, all my years in Thailand tells me that's about as much as I can expect.

Phuket? How does Phuket get into this discussion? This is the Pattaya forum.


Well I already know from MTR's that the problem /is/ a router in Bangkok, so as long as I know the problem is known and someone is doing something to fix it, all my years in Thailand tells me that's about as much as I can expect.

Phuket? How does Phuket get into this discussion? This is the Pattaya forum.

My bad!

I forgot to write, in case of ploblems, that this is the usual answer down here in Phuket.

Never the fault of 3BB Phuket, always the fault in Bangkok, or in Surat Thani, or elsewhere.


Well I already know from MTR's that the problem /is/ a router in Bangkok, so as long as I know the problem is known and someone is doing something to fix it, all my years in Thailand tells me that's about as much as I can expect.

Phuket? How does Phuket get into this discussion? This is the Pattaya forum.

Don't want to discuss moderation but ..................This is the Pattaya forum?

Please have a closer look at the top of this page giggle.gifgiggle.gif

  1. Thailand ForumBusiness in Thailand, Jobs in ThailandInternet, computers, communication, technology


Well things are very slow with 3BB i complained to Head Office around 2 or 3 weeks ago and they just replied to that email as it was sent to one of the bosses now i'm asking them to change my package right away .. sick and tired of all this now never known a company to mess me about like this in my life here in LOS .. sad.png


so where can I get an international, or more correctly Thailand to the USA download speed test. My current interest is Hulu and Netflix, and I suspect that the sped is just not the 6+ that the TOT speed test glowingly reports.

Roku tells me that I need 1.5 minimum but from the start and stop feed I am getting it seems that TOT cannot even deliver that.

Here is another alternative speed test tool:



The speeds you'll need to access Netflix or Hulu have no relation to the ISP plan rating you have thru TOT, which is rated solely as inside Thailand traffic.

One way to assess your real speed performance on a PC is to install a free monitoring program like NetWorx, which gives real time speed reporting.


In terms of web sites, both the MS USA site, the Java speedtest at DSLReports.com, and the TestMy.net site all give pretty accurate results for Thailand to U.S. connections.

You also have to deal with the geo-location restriction issue for content that is aimed at mostly U.S. only audiences.

But in general, in terms of real world results, you can get by with Thailand-U.S. speeds that average 400 Kbps as a minimum for that kind of video streaming. Anything less than that means a lot of buffering and stuttering. Better than that and your streamed video quality will increase accordingly.


Well things are very slow with 3BB i complained to Head Office around 2 or 3 weeks ago and they just replied to that email as it was sent to one of the bosses now i'm asking them to change my package right away .. sick and tired of all this now never known a company to mess me about like this in my life here in LOS .. sad.png

Your lucky your got a reply, i emailed 2 directors , one was the technical director, and never got a reply. If you use the "contact" mail address, you get a standard reply, and it say's please call 1530 for further information, what a joke they are.

I don't often moan about things in Thailand while living here, but this company really peeded me off

Terrible customer service, anyone thinking about signing up with them , don't


What's wrong with TOT? My browsing was unusual fast this morning. So I checked the download speed from my server in Germany. It's between 300 and 900 kB/s on a single thread, no VPN, on my 9M/1M ADSL line! Never saw such speeds before. Traceroute also shows that there is a new TOT POP in London and from there a direct connection to my provider hosteurope. Ping has improved to 320ms and packet loss is down.

This can only be a mistake. Can't believe it.



What's wrong with TOT? My browsing was unusual fast this morning. So I checked the download speed from my server in Germany. It's between 300 and 900 kB/s on a single thread, no VPN, on my 9M/1M ADSL line! Never saw such speeds before. Traceroute also shows that there is a new TOT POP in London and from there a direct connection to my provider hosteurope. Ping has improved to 320ms and packet loss is down.

This can only be a mistake. Can't believe it.

Tot used to have more pop locations in Europe (Italy for example). Now there is only UK and USA. Most of the EU traffic is routed via USA (cheaper I guess) rather than UK. Unfortunately TOT has the worst routing in Thailand.


I think perhaps you mean peering agreements? I don't think TOT has any international peering agreements. AFAIK all Thai ISP's with the exception Loxinfo, use CAT's distribution network for all international traffic. Loxinfo has their own direct link to Singapore, or at least used to.

Out of curiosity I just ran a piece of software called visualroute which shows visually on a map the route taken, and I was a little surprised to see for example Denmark and Germany have direct links from Thailand, whereas UK goes through US. Italy seems to go through Holland for some reason.

post-1539-0-09239900-1350536349_thumb.jp post-1539-0-61404600-1350536352_thumb.jp post-1539-0-06507000-1350536356_thumb.jp post-1539-0-38251300-1350536359_thumb.jp

Still, I enjoy watching streaming TV from Denmark, and for months it was fine, but the last couple of weeks it's been hit and miss, sometimes ok, but mostly stopping to buffer every few minutes. Hopefully it'll be fixed at some point.


Tot used to have more pop locations in Europe (Italy for example). Now there is only UK and USA. Most of the EU traffic is routed via USA (cheaper I guess) rather than UK. Unfortunately TOT has the worst routing in Thailand.

I did a couple of traceroutes earlier and never saw any TOT pops in Europe before. Traffic went usually via SIN/LAX, based on names returned by the reverse DNS resolution of the IP addresses. Depending on the destination, they used other carriers like Telia, alter.net, asianet.com and others, sometimes SIN-LON, but mostly via USA.

It really looks like there were some major changes last night. TOT might change from one of the worst to one of the best providers for me, fingers crossed, needs to be observed a bit longer.

Even now, shortly after 5pm, I see about 600kB/s, fluctuating down to 200 sometimes.


Unfortunately the traffic from Europe to my TOT DSL goes still via asianet.com/USA (LON-LAX-SIN). Why do I still see high download rates? Possibly the asianet.com route gets less traffic because of other re-routing in the network. I hope that the return traffic will also take the direct route LON->BKK soon, as this is of course more important for my downloads.

TOT/BKK to Hosteurope/Germany:

traceroute to xxxx.com (178.77.xxx.xxx), 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

1 unknown ( 0.874 ms 1.173 ms 1.519 ms

2 node-vlt.pool-101-109.dynamic.totbb.net ( 15.593 ms 18.027 ms 18.608 ms

3 ( 19.739 ms 21.111 ms 22.835 ms

4 ten-0-15-0-0.cwt-core-03.totisp.net ( 23.590 ms 25.247 ms 26.963 ms

5 bun-eth-100.kkm-core-03.totisp.net ( 27.298 ms node-3u.203-114-118.static.totisp.net ( 29.001 ms *

6 bun-eth-2.cwt-core-01.totiig.net ( 50.385 ms 41.894 ms 43.452 ms

7 ten-gi-0-7-0-3.knl-core-01.totiig.net ( 45.108 ms ten-gi-0-7-0-4.knl-core-01.totiig.net ( 34.173 ms ten-gi-0-7-0-3.knl-core-01.totiig.net ( 31.143 ms

8 PO-0-2-0-0.eu-uk-pop.totiig.net ( 231.795 ms * *

9 xe-2-0-0.cr-sargas.lon1.hosteurope.de ( 305.802 ms 307.263 ms 309.192 ms

10 xe-1-1-0.cr-antares.ams1.hosteurope.de ( 302.823 ms 304.243 ms 306.056 ms

11 xe-11-3-0.cr-pollux.cgn3.hosteurope.de ( 319.626 ms 319.893 ms 321.478 ms

12 xe-0-0-0.dr-master.r2.cgn3.hosteurope.de ( 308.138 ms 306.691 ms 310.330 ms

13 xxxx.com (178.77.xxx.xxx) 312.175 ms 311.367 ms 313.750 ms

Hosteurope/Germany to TOT/BKK:

traceroute to 101.109.171.xxx (101.109.171.xxx), 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

1 * * *

2 xe-0-3-0.cr-pollux.cgn3.hosteurope.de ( 0.210 ms 0.221 ms 0.203 ms

3 xe-0-3-0.cr-antares.ams1.hosteurope.de ( 4.509 ms 4.508 ms 4.494 ms

4 ae1.cr-sargas.lon1.hosteurope.de ( 12.401 ms 12.523 ms 12.510 ms

5 gw5.lax1.asianetcom.net ( 157.069 ms 157.054 ms 157.059 ms

6 te0-2-0-1.wr1.sin0.asianetcom.net ( 341.449 ms 341.389 ms 341.376 ms

7 gi1-0-0.gw5.sin1.asianetcom.net ( 336.102 ms 333.598 ms 334.511 ms

8 TMB-0083.asianetcom.net ( 279.594 ms 281.126 ms 280.293 ms

9 ten-gi-0-7-0-0.hyi-core-01.totiig.net ( 295.774 ms 296.160 ms 295.113 ms

10 ten-gi-0-0-0-2.kkm-core-01.totiig.net ( 295.816 ms ten-gi-0-0-0-0.kkm-core-02.totiig.net ( 295.311 ms ten-gi-0-0-0-0.kkm-core-01.totiig.net ( 295.517 ms

11 po200-totisp-kkm-ac-01.totiig.net ( 296.077 ms 300.650 ms 297.237 ms

12 node-3l.203-114-118.static.totisp.net ( 299.122 ms node-3p.203-114-118.static.totisp.net ( 299.435 ms node-4x.203-114-118.static.totisp.net ( 296.732 ms

13 node-56.203-114-118.static.totisp.net ( 295.816 ms node-5a.203-114-118.static.totisp.net ( 298.178 ms ten-7-4.cwt-peisp-01.totisp.net ( 296.688 ms

14 node-ch.118-174.static.totisp.net ( 297.124 ms 299.278 ms 300.418 ms

Stable Ping with low jitter and zero packet loss:

--- xxxx.com ping statistics ---

25 packets transmitted, 25 received, 0% packet loss, time 24029ms

rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 311.831/313.095/314.464/0.960 ms

Never had this quality before!

Congrats TOT! I hope its not a mistake and something they will reserve for a new premium package in the future...bah.gif


I think perhaps you mean peering agreements? I don't think TOT has any international peering agreements. AFAIK all Thai ISP's with the exception Loxinfo, use CAT's distribution network for all international traffic. Loxinfo has their own direct link to Singapore, or at least used to.

Out of curiosity I just ran a piece of software called visualroute which shows visually on a map the route taken, and I was a little surprised to see for example Denmark and Germany have direct links from Thailand, whereas UK goes through US. Italy seems to go through Holland for some reason.

Still, I enjoy watching streaming TV from Denmark, and for months it was fine, but the last couple of weeks it's been hit and miss, sometimes ok, but mostly stopping to buffer every few minutes. Hopefully it'll be fixed at some point.

If you had looked http://www.totiig.net/totiig/images/Worldmap_IIG_large.jpg previously (I check it like every 2 months), there were TOT managed router in Europe via tinet and had connections to UK and France.

Peering agreements is different, CAT has many. I was talking about IP transit to Europe. Now TOT had none in August 2012. As self explained in here:



TOT/BKK to Hosteurope/Germany:

traceroute to xxxx.com (178.77.xxx.xxx), 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

1 unknown ( 0.874 ms 1.173 ms 1.519 ms

2 node-vlt.pool-101-109.dynamic.totbb.net ( 15.593 ms 18.027 ms 18.608 ms

3 ( 19.739 ms 21.111 ms 22.835 ms

4 ten-0-15-0-0.cwt-core-03.totisp.net ( 23.590 ms 25.247 ms 26.963 ms

5 bun-eth-100.kkm-core-03.totisp.net ( 27.298 ms node-3u.203-114-118.static.totisp.net ( 29.001 ms *

6 bun-eth-2.cwt-core-01.totiig.net ( 50.385 ms 41.894 ms 43.452 ms

7 ten-gi-0-7-0-3.knl-core-01.totiig.net ( 45.108 ms ten-gi-0-7-0-4.knl-core-01.totiig.net ( 34.173 ms ten-gi-0-7-0-3.knl-core-01.totiig.net ( 31.143 ms

8 PO-0-2-0-0.eu-uk-pop.totiig.net ( 231.795 ms * *

9 xe-2-0-0.cr-sargas.lon1.hosteurope.de ( 305.802 ms 307.263 ms 309.192 ms

10 xe-1-1-0.cr-antares.ams1.hosteurope.de ( 302.823 ms 304.243 ms 306.056 ms

11 xe-11-3-0.cr-pollux.cgn3.hosteurope.de ( 319.626 ms 319.893 ms 321.478 ms

12 xe-0-0-0.dr-master.r2.cgn3.hosteurope.de ( 308.138 ms 306.691 ms 310.330 ms

13 xxxx.com (178.77.xxx.xxx) 312.175 ms 311.367 ms 313.750 ms

1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms

2 * * * (My gateway)

3 28 ms 7 ms 7 ms

4 14 ms 9 ms 8 ms 119-46-41-90.static.asianet.co.th []

5 8 ms 8 ms 8 ms 58-97-4-45.static.asianet.co.th []

6 8 ms 8 ms 8 ms 61-91-210-233.static.asianet.co.th [


7 8 ms 8 ms 8 ms 61-91-213-36.static.asianet.co.th []

8 8 ms 7 ms 7 ms 61-91-213-14.static.asianet.co.th []

9 11 ms 10 ms 10 ms TIG-Net25-9.trueintergateway.com []

10 242 ms 242 ms 243 ms SG-ICR-GS2-26-218.trueintergateway.com [122.144.


11 247 ms 246 ms 246 ms TIG-Net242-33.trueintergateway.com [


12 * 240 ms * TIG-Net241-214.trueintergateway.com [113.21.241.


13 232 ms 232 ms 233 ms xe-2-0-0.cr-sargas.lon1.hosteurope.de [195.66.22


14 305 ms 367 ms 343 ms xe-1-1-0.cr-antares.ams1.hosteurope.de [80.237.1


15 243 ms 241 ms 241 ms xe-11-3-0.cr-pollux.cgn3.hosteurope.de [80.237.1


16 239 ms 241 ms 240 ms xe-0-0-0.dr-master.r2.cgn3.hosteurope.de [176.28


Because you hide your destination IP, I had to use xe-0-0-0.dr-master.r2.cgn3.hosteurope.de for test. 240 ms (True) vs 312 ms (TOT).

TOT still needs to improve their network. Its way behind the competition.


Because you hide your destination IP, I had to use xe-0-0-0.dr-master.r2.cgn3.hosteurope.de for test. 240 ms (True) vs 312 ms (TOT).

TOT still needs to improve their network. Its way behind the competition.

Thanks for this comparison, Mr. Remix! Yes, indeed, the ping to Hosteurope is better via True. They have as well direct peering to them in London. I would not call TOT as it is now "way behind". Its a major improvement and now quite acceptable.

Ping is of course only one parameter, the actual bandwidth would be interesting as well.

The big difference for this specific route is that TOT as well as True use direct routes to Hosteurope via London. The return path to TOT goes via LAX and SIN, while the return path to True is direct via the London peering, which is, of course, much better:

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

1 * * *

2 xe-1-0-0.dr-slave.r2.cgn3.hosteurope.de ( 0.345 ms 0.326 ms 0.384 ms

3 xe-3-2-0.cr-nashira.cgn4.hosteurope.de ( 56.495 ms 56.439 ms 56.423 ms

4 xe-0-2-0.cr-pollux.cgn3.hosteurope.de ( 0.259 ms 0.242 ms 0.252 ms

5 xe-0-2-0.cr-antares.ams1.hosteurope.de ( 4.518 ms 4.547 ms 4.530 ms

6 xe-0-3-0.cr-sargas.lon1.hosteurope.de ( 12.479 ms 12.442 ms 12.415 ms

7 uk-icr-linx1-uk-ids-linx1.trueinternetgateway.com ( 13.212 ms 13.398 ms 13.426 ms

8 TIG-Net241-213.trueintergateway.com ( 246.508 ms 246.262 ms 246.241 ms

9 TIG-Net241-161.trueintergateway.com ( 245.957 ms 246.004 ms 245.870 ms

10 TH-IDR-TT1-26-194.trueintergateway.com ( 244.628 ms 244.655 ms 244.533 ms

11 TIG-Net28-118.trueintergateway.com ( 303.337 ms 260.903 ms 260.954 ms

12 61-91-213-113.static.asianet.co.th ( 235.531 ms 235.234 ms 235.184 ms

13 203-144-144-26.static.asianet.co.th ( 231.835 ms 231.657 ms 231.652 ms

14 61-91-210-226.static.asianet.co.th ( 232.622 ms 232.748 ms 232.655 ms

15 119-46-41-90.static.asianet.co.th ( 234.076 ms 234.238 ms 240.409 ms

I hope that the routing Hosteurope=>TOT changes soon to use the short route as well. Then there should be similar ping times. As far as I know, this depends on Hosteurope. I have no idea how those peering agreements are done. This is a new route (to my understanding) and this might take a bit time.

I never thought that I would write somthing positive about TOT, but this is really a positive sign. And very welcome if you have no other choice.


Little update on TOT during busy hour: Maybe I was a bit over-excited about the improvements. Now the download speed from my Hosteurope server in DE breaks down to 0.5 Mbps (single thread, no VPN).


Still, this is better than before. With VPN and Download Manager I can easily use the full capacity of my 9Mbps line. I use now a VPN in UK with good connectivity to TOT's POP there. Over this I get ping times of 242ms to Hosteurope in Germany and good speeds. Some light at the end of the tunnel.

  • 6 months later...

It is unlikely that a fiber is actually on the 'last kilometer' run. A fiber media converter or a fiber modem would be required on each premise and those are quite expensive items and the cost for the subscriber would be prohibitive. I suspect that the fiber goes to the DSLAM and from there copper to the subscriber point.

This is for the general user and I'm sure direct fiber to subscriber can be done, such as Naam's, but at a high install price. But that would be the exception and not the rule. IMHO.

Can we confirm that Naam had a fiber line brought into his house or could it have just been the HFC that is commonly being used around the dark side already.

Based on this comment by Naam, I would say he got direct fiber.

"last week Sophon (in collaboration with 3BB) installed fibre optic to my home. 800m x 60 Baht = 48,000 Baht, some sort of distribution box, a "media converter" and a special router. total cost 63,500 Baht, contract 20/2mb."

I think Naam's house is closer to 15 Km from Sukhumvith rather than 1.5 Km.

you were a guest in my house last monday and must have found out that it is 2-3km east of Sukhumvit wink.png


I have been on True for some time now, but I am moving to a mooban that doesn't have it. ToT is about it. But I am wondering about 3BB. At the counter, they said that if we are within 700m, they can serve us, with or without a phone line. However, on their map, my new mooban is right on the border with one area and about 75 from another area, both areas running parallel with the mooban. That is, they start a hundred or more meters before mine and go one for a couple hundred or more meters passing mine. In essence, they sandwich mine with one bordering it and the other being slightly set back.

When they say 700m, what is that from? Is that from a router? And then does the signal come over other lines? It just seems to me that if the adjacent mooban runs a couple fo hundred meters past mine that any router there should be good for my mooban as well.

I am not an expert, though, hence me coming here to see if anyone else knows.

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