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What is worrying is they can chew the electric wires and must be responsible,

for many house fires in Thailand,I use the glue traps,have no mercy for them

place the stuck rat in plastic bag,hit with spade,into the garbage,they invade

my space they are going to get trouble.I am an animal lover,but rats are not

not one of them.,would you still want to cuddle one after it burnt down your house!!!

regards Worgeordie

Animal lover ?

You should take care of your wires !!! that can be simply done with pipes

Rats/mouses will come back anyhow

so your solution annoyed.gif

Hi Putu94, If you knew anything you would know that the plastic pipes are no defense against a rat if it wants to chew them,then there is also the possibility of Leptospirosis (look it up) a disease contracted from rats piss, my wifes father died from it ,I suppose you dont

kill mosquitoes, Cockroaches,either, and yes I am a great animal lover ,just not stupid, Regards Worgeordie


Hi Worgeordie

I'm agree that you not want rat or cockroaches but first of al (i not need to look up) Letrospirosis is a rare infection , I'm only not agree "what you not like you kill" if it is a rat or shark /snake etc.

Just try to let the nature does his work, I not kill snakes so i also not have rats ( even when I have a big bird cage)

I'm also not stupid but I know what to do

Be happy and take care

This wonderful rat snake will do the job



No, we do not have an outside kitchen, we are both from the UK and have a UK type kitchen There is never ever any food left out & all work surfaces are wiped down last thing at night. As I said, I cannot use the pads, even my husband doesn.t feel theyare very humane.

live with the rats or the pads, the pink pellets that are sold in yellow box will kill them also but it takes time and they stink afterwords, then maggots.

Choclate is best bait,, the cheese thing is a myth. if you dont kill them and fast they will chew through your wiring and massive damage. My neighbor had them get into his car engine compartment and did 7000 baht damage on the wiring.

Also 2 ex street dogs in the garden get quite a few, often find one dead in the morning.



After all and the problems some people have, the trap is the best solution in my opinion, you can use any kind of bait,

but they will coming back, and like I told you before snakes will be a great help wink.png (know the nature )


We had a huge problem, chewing all the wires.

So, we bought 2 of those electric mouse frequency chaser thingy's and put one downstairs and one upstairs.

We also put the glue traps in the ceiling and a few outside.

Caught about 8 and let the dog have its way with them, she loves chasing rats.

And just thinking about it, have not heard any up there for some time now, so think the electric thing is keeping them away.

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Where you buy the electric mouse

chasers ,


We got ours in homepro...circa 400b to 1000b for various models...I bought 2 different models for around 500b each to see if any diff, they seem to both be doing the job.

You are supposed to leave them on ALL the time, even if in a few weeks you can still hear them running around, supposedly it upsets them and they will eventually all move and not come back..

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I used to rent a house with a suspended ceiling and the sound of rats running around up there was really unsettling. I used traps with bait but it was a constant battle, one rat even somehow got caught in the toilet bowl once, drowning caught rats is never pleasant. I think my rat experiences were one of the reasons I bought a condo, but if I'd stayed or bought a house for my wife I think I may have gotten spray foam insulation. I know how expensive it is because my father-in-law did his roof, it's mainly to stop the roof from heating up so quickly, it may also block off most of the entrance points that rats seem to get in through and for some reason rats don't like it. I'd also get the roof sprayed with deodorizer as it's the scent of urine that keeps attracting more rats.


We had a huge problem, chewing all the wires.

So, we bought 2 of those electric mouse frequency chaser thingy's and put one downstairs and one upstairs.

We also put the glue traps in the ceiling and a few outside.

Caught about 8 and let the dog have its way with them, she loves chasing rats.

And just thinking about it, have not heard any up there for some time now, so think the electric thing is keeping them away.

be careful that the dog doesnt eat them,some might have eaten poison therefore the dog dies as well.

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