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How Serious Is The Thai Govt About Fighting Corruption?


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The government has put its anti-corruption strategy - listed as one of its 16 urgent policies and officially launched on May 18 - on the national agenda.

The government could start with its own House Speaker.

role model House Speaker and Pheu Thai MP Somsak Kiatsuranon sleeping in Parliament


The latest corruption scandal brewing has Pheu Thai Party MP and House of Representatives Boss (pictured above) leaving Thailand yesterday with a 39-person entourage for a "study trip" to Europe to the tune of 7 Million Baht of taxpayers' money (180,000 Baht each).

In addition to taking place while Parliament is still in session, there's no shortage of tourist-related activities such as tickets for Premier League football matches on consecutive days. ermm.gifdry.png

Additional details on the boondoggle junket available it today's other paper.

falling asleep is corruption? wow I must be corrupt for 8 hours every night. What the hell does that picture have to do with corruption? You may as well have posted the dem mp looking at porn on his phone, that has nothing to do with corruption either. Oh I get it, the dem mp is from the party you support rolleyes.gif

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Where is the sitting government's own anti corruption plan for all its MP's and teams including their convicted fugitive criminal PM in Dubai?

Yes It's like, In the blue corner we have the government and in the red corner we have..... Oh wait a minuet weeee have the government?

Corruption runs very deep in society and with the government/armed forces. It will take someone very honest and sincere to even be able to start to end it. Plus a lot of blood will be spilt.

Mai Pen Rai.


A Thai Super Hero?

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This government is as serious as clearing corruption as the dem government was, neither have an interest in clearing it as both benefit from it.

End of thread, may as well lock it now

Absolute rubbish. The only part of the Dem government that was seriously corrupt was the BJP members. I'm not stating that the Dems were totally clean but they were certainly cleaner that the current lot.

What PTP are doing is the opposite to what they say. They are enhancing corruption & as soon as anyone gets too close to the party beneficiaries, that person is transferred.

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Absolute rubbish. The only part of the Dem government that was seriously corrupt was the BJP members. I'm not stating that the Dems were totally clean but they were certainly cleaner that the current lot.

I'm inclined to agree based on what I've gathered so far.

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This government is as serious as clearing corruption as the dem government was, neither have an interest in clearing it as both benefit from it.

End of thread, may as well lock it now

"BANGKOK: -- The government has put its anti-corruption strategy - listed as one of its 16 urgent policies and officially launched on May 18 - on the national agenda. Under this strategy, the government has assigned all agencies to "clean their own houses" with the motto of each department or province: "One project to prevent corruption".

"This government is as serious as clearing corruption as the dem government was, neither have an interest in clearing it as both benefit from it"

So why did they make it an URGENT policy if they are not interested in clearing corruption?

Edited by Nickymaster
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This government is as serious as clearing corruption as the dem government was, neither have an interest in clearing it as both benefit from it.

End of thread, may as well lock it now

"BANGKOK: -- The government has put its anti-corruption strategy - listed as one of its 16 urgent policies and officially launched on May 18 - on the national agenda. Under this strategy, the government has assigned all agencies to "clean their own houses" with the motto of each department or province: "One project to prevent corruption".

"This government is as serious as clearing corruption as the dem government was, neither have an interest in clearing it as both benefit from it"

So why did they make it an URGENT policy if they are not interested in clearing corruption?

Maybe some of the ricefarmers who voted for them belive the crap?

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Absolute rubbish. The only part of the Dem government that was seriously corrupt was the BJP members. I'm not stating that the Dems were totally clean but they were certainly cleaner that the current lot.

What PTP are doing is the opposite to what they say. They are enhancing corruption & as soon as anyone gets too close to the party beneficiaries, that person is transferred.

It's lucky that we have forum members like you who can inform us of what's really going on inside Thai parliament. Keep up the stirling investigative work.

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Absolute rubbish. The only part of the Dem government that was seriously corrupt was the BJP members. I'm not stating that the Dems were totally clean but they were certainly cleaner that the current lot.

What PTP are doing is the opposite to what they say. They are enhancing corruption & as soon as anyone gets too close to the party beneficiaries, that person is transferred.

It's lucky that we have forum members like you who can inform us of what's really going on inside Thai parliament. Keep up the stirling investigative work.

That is an informative and contributing first post BigBanana.


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There is a law in place in Thailand it is the 'unexplained wealth' law, basically if you are suspected of 'graft' or anyother illegal activities your assets are seized and you have to explain where they come from, if you cannot come up with the answer(s) your assests are kept and you are put before a court and if you still do not come up with the answers you end up doing some time.

All they would have to do is to start with having a look at the provincial police chiefs bank accounts, one in particular that springs to mind is the now ex police of Phuket who 'brought' the position for 10 million THB, ask him where the money come from!

It aint never gonna happen, imagine asking the PM where her families wealth came from!cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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The government could start with its own House Speaker.

role model House Speaker and Pheu Thai MP Somsak Kiatsuranon sleeping in Parliament


The latest corruption scandal brewing has Pheu Thai Party MP and House of Representatives Boss (pictured above) leaving Thailand yesterday with a 39-person entourage for a "study trip" to Europe to the tune of 7 Million Baht of taxpayers' money (180,000 Baht each).

In addition to taking place while Parliament is still in session, there's no shortage of tourist-related activities such as tickets for Premier League football matches on consecutive days. ermm.gifdry.png

Additional details on the boondoggle junket available it today's other paper.

falling asleep is corruption? wow I must be corrupt for 8 hours every night. What the hell does that picture have to do with corruption? You may as well have posted the dem mp looking at porn on his phone, that has nothing to do with corruption either. Oh I get it, the dem mp is from the party you support rolleyes.gif

The photo is simply to identify the MP that is embroiled in a corruption scandal. It's reflective of the sort of MP he is.

When the MP you mention is similarly embroiled in a corruption scandal, feel free to post a photo of the man, of the party you don't support, in that corruption thread.



Edited by Buchholz
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The guy on the end looks pretty serious about it.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister and Pheu Thai Party MP Yuthasak rarely seems happy but there were two times when he smiled for cameras.

When he first stepped up to the trough on Cabinet Minister inauguration day....


and during talks with Lao Army Generals for very lucrative discussions on money-making developments along the border AKA

The Emerald Triangle Development Plan

... now that put a nice big smile on his face... smile.png


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How Serious Is The Thai Govt About Fighting Corruption?

Arthurboy now feels able to comment on this story after 1. laughing for so long he needed to rest for a day to give his ribcage a break 2. accepting once again that reading such a story would only serve to put further strain on Arthurboy's fragile grip on reality in la la land.

And the comment is...

Like any previous Thai government you care to name, this one is no exception,so, no, it's not at all serious about fighting corruption. And why would it be?

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Corruption is part of the culture in Thailand so how can you control or eliminate it unless you start with the young generation? If they are willing to start the change then there is hope otherwise let it go and accept the country for what it is as so many other countries that thrive under corruption. My wife is Filipina and her country, the Philippines is so corrupt that it is killing itself from within. The economy is terrible and doing business with them is a joke. At least Thailand can handle business and has managed to pull itself into a higher standard over the years.

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When the high court sentence their first corrupt politician to ten years hard labor with confiscation of all assets then I'll believe that Prime Minister is serious about eradicating corruption.

If doesn't happen within a year I will conclude that the job can't be done because they are all slime balls living off the misery of the people.

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Corruption can never be curbed in Thailand because the very people that run the institutions are the guilty parties.

That means from the very top position to the bottom.

Serious about corruption never in a million years !!

That will be Thailands downfall eventually.

WILL be?

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99% of the politicians, cops and every kind of govt. officials are corrupt. The remaining 1% can do sh*t about it because that's how the system works here . Alot of people don't have a problem with it because bribing these officials helps them in paving the way for their illegal activities. From accepting bribes for driving offences to crimes as big as serial murders , alot of people and business's depend on these corrupt officers for their smooth operation. I don't think there's a way to get corruption out of thailand. But god knows what schemes or plans they are gonna come up with, in future, and how effective will they be!!

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Fighting corruption in Thailand is like cuting down the branch the rulers sit on, it will never happens with this government.

unfortunatelly it does'nt matter what gov;t is in power in LOS ,........nothing will change , sorry to say that the thai ppl reap what they sow.

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The Yingluck years will be fondly remembered as "The Golden Age of Corruption" by those who benefited from it.

There will of course be a rude awakening - but only for the stupid and the honest.

edit: typo

Oh come on man, you think only todays present government is only corrupt, my god man "all of Thailand is corrupt, from the sreet vendor to the highest offfice holder", get real, "THAILAND IS A TOTAL CORRUPT COUNTRY

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Where is the sitting government's own anti corruption plan for all its MP's and teams including their convicted fugitive criminal PM in Dubai?

Yes It's like, In the blue corner we have the government and in the red corner we have..... Oh wait a minuet weeee have the government?

Corruption runs very deep in society and with the government/armed forces. It will take someone very honest and sincere to even be able to start to end it. Plus a lot of blood will be spilt.

Mai Pen Rai.


A lot more than one sincere person to come along I fear, what this lot needs is a bit of colonisation, show them some real law enforcement!

a seriously good point ..as long as it was'nt the french or spanish !, ..........the spanish colonised countries are all out of control and the french record in these parts is nothing to be proud of, their <deleted> were kicked all the way home to the arce de triumph leaving the US to fight their battles again , and they did very little for the countries they colonised .........the Brits on the other hand .......well now , they were the ''kiddies'', if they had colonised thailand they would have good infustructure/transport/education/law and order,..similar to singapore i recon.......but who wants to live or holiday in singapore ???!!!.......thailand , for all its faults is still a great place to bewai.gif

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All the Anti corruption agencies in Thailand are government owned anyway, and that means they can be bribed by the people in power to manipulate their outcome in their favor…

One less obstacle in the way of the ruling party's utopia of a perfect Democracy

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This government is as serious as clearing corruption as the dem government was, neither have an interest in clearing it as both benefit from it.

End of thread, may as well lock it now

yes, now that the

"but, the Democrats" keypad

has been pushed.


mustn't mention the democrats, mustn't mention the democrats.

posting irrelevant pictures is fine though. wai.gif

this whole "but the democrats" nonsense used as a tool to ridicule people, is just that, silly nonsense.

ptp and dems are the two main parties as everyone knows, so of course comparisons will be made when one side is being slated by someone, it's the nature of any two sided political discussion as you should well know, and it's ridiculous to think otherwise.

and when on a forum where a hell of a lot of articles by the nation are derogatory about ptp (whether veiled or blatant), when is anyone allowed to mention the dems?

must one wait until the nation publish a derogatory article about the dems??? whistling.gif that's an often occurrence.

so just remember folks: mustn't mention the democrats to make comparisons or arguments... and if you do, prepare yourself for that most ridiculous of mockeries.

Edited by nurofiend
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