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Ever wondered why there are so many gun crimes in Thailand?

Just watch Thai TV.

It's CopyCat crimes,and anyone that thinks that Soaps are harmless needs to study some Phsycology. Thai Soaps in particular are scripted with more than enough Aggression and Violent Confrontation. Who would let their children watch them,and not feel extreme concern?

Pure and simple Brainwashing,and at the risk of being flamed,IMHO that's where the Screaming Tantrums,and Unreasonable Behaviour originates from! and portrayed as being normal reactions.

It has been shown that the effect of media is indirect not direct as you assert.

Children all over the world have tantrums. It's part of normal behaviour learning. Do you blame an American child having a tantrum and pushing boundaries on Thai soaps too?

Whether direct or indirect the end product is the same.

And presumably American Children would not have access to Thai Soaps,so a silly comparison,considering we are talking about Thailand.

What I meant by indirect was that most of the persons who mimic crimes seen in the media (especially news and violent movies) have in most cases prior criminal records, prior severe mental health problems or histories of violence suggesting that the effect of the media is indirect (more affecting criminal behaviour) rather than direct (directly affecting the number of criminals).

Replace Thai soaps with American soaps for American children and do you arrive at the same conclusion? (All soaps are bad and brainwashing and are the root cause of tantrums and unreasonable behaviour)

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The problem I have with the arguement that soaps are a direct cause of criminality is that it is a lazy arguement. It's the same wishy-washy lines that are used in the West to ban computer games for all, that rap and jungle music is bad etc.

It conveniently ignores the root cause - and why I baulked at the claim comparing Thailand and other countries is nonsense - because the same root cause is observed the world over: the life quality and mindset of a person is the result of how their family, surrounding people and society treat them. It is the natural attachment to both parents which is important.

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Simply because the Western Influence is so different to the Thai culture, it causes a breakdown.

That's because you have nothing to once the farm work is finished for the day.

As for I-Like-Thai's seemingly polarized post... ask yourself this, if Thailand is taking inspiration from the developed society why is the Thai society still failing.

And regarding the Thai soaps, all I see is racial prejudice and creating an even more materialistic society by showing what most people in Thailand will never have.

I don't really believe the developed tag and i believe Thai Society it is falling simply because it is so different to what Thais are used to.

Something similar could be said about education. Why educate people so that they have the ability to learn about what they can never have or will never be.

Basically what you are saying is that because you went to McDonald a lot and got fat because of it... you gonna sue them.

The elite has adopted western modernities, traits and feel not because it's needed but to feel hi-so. They do this with the money that should have gone to a new education system, social welfare and new jobs. A lot of the rich or even the higher middle class don't even pay tax.

Thailand has got a substansial amount of money that is channeled through the military, the ministers down to the leader of an ampeur. Materialism will always be part of a consumer society and that's exactly what Thailand has turned into.

It's not so much that the common Somchai can't keep up with the pace of development more than it's the elite squeezing as much as they can out of the money tube. The elite or the group have no real definitive goal or a solidary purpose and this you wan't to blame on the westerners?

Honestly I think you should a deeper reading into Thai history and the structure of their society before you state such remarks.

Yes, this is what Thailand has turned into, the western influence on this is inescapable and unavoidable, but it is there.


I would just like to point out that Thailand has always been a consumer society.

There just wasn't all that much to consume.

Any society that allows it's women to casually work as prostitutes is way beyond any corruption the west (or television) can spread.



I tried to include all the quotes but got the message that I had included too many. I am the first to admit if I have made a misteak mistake but from your posts, you seem to be laying the blame for the problems in Thailand at the feet of the west, because it shows Thais what they cannot have. My interpretation of your post was that although you were referring to a quote from MAXME, you were extending that idea to include education. I am glad to hear that you do not believe that educating Thais will only make them want what they cannot have or be.

Why do you always see things as them and us. One side to blame or the other. Why cannot it be just the way things are and the way things are likely to happen. Try and just observe rather than deciding who should be to blame for everything.

Previously you changed my post from a question to a statement. It was no misteak or mistake. It was done on purpose.


Simply because the Western Influence is so different to the Thai culture, it causes a breakdown.

That's because you have nothing to once the farm work is finished for the day.

As for I-Like-Thai's seemingly polarized post... ask yourself this, if Thailand is taking inspiration from the developed society why is the Thai society still failing.

And regarding the Thai soaps, all I see is racial prejudice and creating an even more materialistic society by showing what most people in Thailand will never have.

I don't really believe the developed tag and i believe Thai Society it is falling simply because it is so different to what Thais are used to.

Something similar could be said about education. Why educate people so that they have the ability to learn about what they can never have or will never be.

Basically what you are saying is that because you went to McDonald a lot and got fat because of it... you gonna sue them.

The elite has adopted western modernities, traits and feel not because it's needed but to feel hi-so. They do this with the money that should have gone to a new education system, social welfare and new jobs. A lot of the rich or even the higher middle class don't even pay tax.

Thailand has got a substansial amount of money that is channeled through the military, the ministers down to the leader of an ampeur. Materialism will always be part of a consumer society and that's exactly what Thailand has turned into.

It's not so much that the common Somchai can't keep up with the pace of development more than it's the elite squeezing as much as they can out of the money tube. The elite or the group have no real definitive goal or a solidary purpose and this you wan't to blame on the westerners?

Honestly I think you should a deeper reading into Thai history and the structure of their society before you state such remarks.

Yes, this is what Thailand has turned into, the western influence on this is inescapable and unavoidable, but it is there.

It is the result of globalisation, just look around.

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I would just like to point out that Thailand has always been a consumer society.

There just wasn't all that much to consume.

Any society that allows it's women to casually work as prostitutes is way beyond any corruption the west (or television) can spread.

There are prostitutes in every major society


I would just like to point out that Thailand has always been a consumer society.

There just wasn't all that much to consume.

Any society that allows it's women to casually work as prostitutes is way beyond any corruption the west (or television) can spread.

There are prostitutes in every major society

Not on the scale you encounter in Thailand and not across such a wide range of society.

Before I came to Thailand (UK) I had never knowingly even spoken to a prostitute.

Now I associate with them nearly EVERY DAY in most normal everyday settings.

Casual interaction with Thai prostitutes, it's just about the most shocking (and unexpected) change in my entire life.

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Simply because the Western Influence is so different to the Thai culture, it causes a breakdown.

That's because you have nothing to once the farm work is finished for the day.

As for I-Like-Thai's seemingly polarized post... ask yourself this, if Thailand is taking inspiration from the developed society why is the Thai society still failing.

And regarding the Thai soaps, all I see is racial prejudice and creating an even more materialistic society by showing what most people in Thailand will never have.

I don't really believe the developed tag and i believe Thai Society it is falling simply because it is so different to what Thais are used to.

Something similar could be said about education. Why educate people so that they have the ability to learn about what they can never have or will never be.

Basically what you are saying is that because you went to McDonald a lot and got fat because of it... you gonna sue them.

The elite has adopted western modernities, traits and feel not because it's needed but to feel hi-so. They do this with the money that should have gone to a new education system, social welfare and new jobs. A lot of the rich or even the higher middle class don't even pay tax.

Thailand has got a substansial amount of money that is channeled through the military, the ministers down to the leader of an ampeur. Materialism will always be part of a consumer society and that's exactly what Thailand has turned into.

It's not so much that the common Somchai can't keep up with the pace of development more than it's the elite squeezing as much as they can out of the money tube. The elite or the group have no real definitive goal or a solidary purpose and this you wan't to blame on the westerners?

Honestly I think you should a deeper reading into Thai history and the structure of their society before you state such remarks.

Yes, this is what Thailand has turned into, the western influence on this is inescapable and unavoidable, but it is there.

You are missing the point... It doesn't matter if it were the Chinese, Westerners or the Arabians who brought influences here. Even there were non, it would still be the same thing. Ask yourself if they really want to follow in our footsteps then why is the society based on a feudal policy? It was this long before KFC came into the picture.

I'm starting to think that you are running around in circles.


It has been shown that the effect of media is indirect not direct as you assert.

The effect of media to change people's thinking, choices and behaviour is not a matter of debate in the advertising industry.

Highly debatable in today's world.

There's a strong push for a new marketing mix. TV advertising is losing its effectiveness due to clutter, tune out, reduced TV watching, channel skipping, ad skipping, catch up etc etc. The days of mass marketing are rapidly passing us by.

Many companies are in a catch 22: they must occupy the same space as their competitors, not because of profit maximising principles.

Plenty of detail about this in recent academic texts.

Considering there is Billions apon untold Billions, spent worldwide on Advertising,it must be effective to sell their products,or the Companies would be only too happy to keep their money in their pockets,a simple fact that you appear not to have considered.

I don't expect the Advertising Industry to collapse any time soon!


I would just like to point out that Thailand has always been a consumer society.

There just wasn't all that much to consume.

Any society that allows it's women to casually work as prostitutes is way beyond any corruption the west (or television) can spread.

There are prostitutes in every major society

Now that's either denial or an uneducated answer. I think Tommo sums it up pretty good

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It has been shown that the effect of media is indirect not direct as you assert.

The effect of media to change people's thinking, choices and behaviour is not a matter of debate in the advertising industry.

Highly debatable in today's world.

There's a strong push for a new marketing mix. TV advertising is losing its effectiveness due to clutter, tune out, reduced TV watching, channel skipping, ad skipping, catch up etc etc. The days of mass marketing are rapidly passing us by.

Many companies are in a catch 22: they must occupy the same space as their competitors, not because of profit maximising principles.

Plenty of detail about this in recent academic texts.

Considering there is Billions apon untold Billions, spent worldwide on Advertising,it must be effective to sell their products,or the Companies would be only too happy to keep their money in their pockets,a simple fact that you appear not to have considered.

I don't expect the Advertising Industry to collapse any time soon!

Re-read my post. If you still have trouble, pick up something recent from Kotler to start you off.



Woah, hang on, am I missing something here...

'Try and just observe rather than deciding who should be to blame for everything'.

'Thai society is starting to break down quicker and quicker with the western influence that is invading Thai society through the media and especially the internet.'



Woah, hang on, am I missing something here...

'Try and just observe rather than deciding who should be to blame for everything'.

'Thai society is starting to break down quicker and quicker with the western influence that is invading Thai society through the media and especially the internet.'

Yup maybe it's the Whiskey commercial that pops up just before one of those intellectual soap series starts. rolleyes.gif

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I'm surprised at that. My experience is that they are pretty much like anyone else. I can imagine that the professional engagement of prostitutes could be seen as a big change, but talking to one in the greengrocers', having your hair cut by one, I wouldn't have thought that was a major change to one's lifestyle


EDIT: I can imagine that for a lot of our fellows, to realise that prostitutes are decent people like anyone else might be a bit of a life-changing realisation, but a lot of us still seem a little short of crossing that hurdle

Well said, SC, most of us have been brainwashed to think sex is dirty and pros. are bad.. Total BS !

And "prostitute" is not a nice way to define a easy girl, or a wife for rent, if you like it better.

There are good and bad ones, like in every profession, i would prefer to share a coffee with a good " easy girl " than with an avid banker or a corrupt politician, ' nuff said.coffee1.gif

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I know this is off thread but the prostitute thing could be a whole new discussion here. For example, what counts as a prostitute? Obviously the hooker on the street corner is easy to define but what about the woman who marries for security not love... and this is not restricted to Thailand as it has been going on for hundreds of years around the world. Could they be classified as prostitutes? Also, why should it be restricted to women? What about the guy who decides to go with a rich woman who can provide him with financial security..is he a prostitute too? One of the 'Shadow Archetypes' in Jungian psychology is the prostitute... the person who 'prostitutes' his ideals in order to climb the career path for example... gotta stop now cos I'm just ranting but interesting huh?

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The prostitute - classification is just another cast people like to put other into, generalizations help everyday life. Also a nifty word to use when putting yourself on pedestal, since it's normally one of the lowest casts. For what reason I can't fathom, I reckon government paperpushers, feminists, nitpickers, grammar nazis & co are on the lowest rung, where as the practitioners of such a noble profession bringing joy to the world are high up together with cigar rollers, master brewers, chefs and so on.

In practise however all but the most hardcore yogist and similar eccentrics prostitute themselves for money. The more money, the more acceptable it seems to become. The usual hipocrisy runs amok.

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I know this is off thread but the prostitute thing could be a whole new discussion here. For example, what counts as a prostitute? Obviously the hooker on the street corner is easy to define but what about the woman who marries for security not love... and this is not restricted to Thailand as it has been going on for hundreds of years around the world. Could they be classified as prostitutes? Also, why should it be restricted to women? What about the guy who decides to go with a rich woman who can provide him with financial security..is he a prostitute too? One of the 'Shadow Archetypes' in Jungian psychology is the prostitute... the person who 'prostitutes' his ideals in order to climb the career path for example... gotta stop now cos I'm just ranting but interesting huh?

What about the consultant who supports his client's position even though he may not believe it to be correct?

The footballer who plays for a foreign club? Or switches code for the money?


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In practise however all but the most hardcore yogist and similar eccentrics prostitute themselves for money. The more money, the more acceptable it seems to become. The usual hipocrisy runs amok.[ quote ]



I know there are TV members who are fixated on the subject, but the frequency at which prostitution sneaks into discussions on this forum is quite remarkable.


I know there are TV members who are fixated on the subject, but the frequency at which prostitution sneaks into discussions on this forum is quite remarkable.

I guess you know already that money and sex are the most powerful driving forces in one's life..So where's the surprise ?


I know there are TV members who are fixated on the subject, but the frequency at which prostitution sneaks into discussions on this forum is quite remarkable.

Maybe people get paid for bringing it up.


I know there are TV members who are fixated on the subject, but the frequency at which prostitution sneaks into discussions on this forum is quite remarkable.

Maybe people get paid for bringing it up.

It's probably because it is unusual to those of us from the west, but incredibly common in Thailand.


I know there are TV members who are fixated on the subject, but the frequency at which prostitution sneaks into discussions on this forum is quite remarkable.

Maybe people get paid for bringing it up.

It's probably because it is unusual to those of us from the west, but incredibly common in Thailand.

Because it is quite relevant to to a great number of posters. Going by how many posters claim it is the only reason to be here.


I know there are TV members who are fixated on the subject, but the frequency at which prostitution sneaks into discussions on this forum is quite remarkable.

I guess you know already that money and sex are the most powerful driving forces in one's life..So where's the surprise ?

I believe hunger/thirst and the urge to go for a shit top the list - but if you can resist these in favour of sex and money I'll re-order my thinking on the matter.

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