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Negative Experience At Bumrungrad


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I went to bumrungrad a few years ago. I was looking to do a simple bowel procedure. The doctor basically kept telling me I need to check stool first, that there is blood, that we need to treat some amoeba first.

It was a very simple procedure. To sum it up, at other places where I went to, noth before bumrungrad and after bumrungrad, the procedure was done either straightaway at first session or after one session . I went to bumrungrad five times and it was all delayed with things seemingly not related to the condition. In effect, I felt like I was paying the doctor to look at my butt.

I am not naming the procedure nor doctor for now.

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Prior to bumrungrad, I had been to two private clinics and another specialist. They all did the procedure after the first session or on the first session. After bumrungrad I visited another two specialist. One did not do it because her price was too expensive, the other also did it in the first two times I think.

I give a close analogy. Say you have a decayed tooth. You go to the dentist. It is a simple procedure. You just want the dentist to pluck it out, and this is the normal case too. AaInstead, the dentist sends you for blood test. The dentist gives you antibiotics first. Then they send you to test for MRSA etc. Etc.

It was a simple procedure where as proven most other docs or specialists just do it. I was almost literally paying the doctor to visually look at my butt.

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one could ask if there were some treatment for this bowel condition than the you seem to require all too frequently

why did you sit on this complaint for so long?

to borrow you analogy if I had an abscess tooth that required regular attention, i would seek to cure the abscess or remove the tooth rather than persist in alleviating the symptoms.

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It is recurrent. After you do the procedure once it may still come back. But anyways, this thread is not about my condition, it is about the experience at bum rung where they delayed for five times without performing the procedure and I was effectively paying them to look at my butt.

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Sorry, Chessplayer, you're not giving us (me?) enough info to make a fair judgment re Bumrungrad.

You say it was a simple procedure. But without saying what it was, we have no way of knowing what complications the docs at Bumrungrad might have been concerned about -- maybe complications you don't know about.

BTW, you seem to be requiring that procedure more than one time? If that's the case, maybe your other docs are not addressing the underlying causes?

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I am not giving unless there is something in it for me. But I will say it is like a decayed tooth. And if additional tests were required, why is it I have not read of it anywhere, nor did the two other specialists order for me?

With respect, mate, but how in God's god name do you expect anyone on this forum to answer those two questions you've just asked above, unless they just happened to be involved with whatever was wrong with your arse to begin with. I'm suspecting you suffered from a fistula, but why bring this up years later, without telling anyone what the ailment was, and then sit back and wait for an answer ?

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It is not a fistula. I am not looking for an answer. I am just sharing my negative experience, so others may be aware of it. Like say, if someone else goes there and the doctor just keep examining you session after session without doing much otherwise, they may decide to seek another doc.

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It is not a fistula. I am not looking for an answer. I am just sharing my negative experience, so others may be aware of it. Like say, if someone else goes there and the doctor just keep examining you session after session without doing much otherwise, they may decide to seek another doc.

Still don't understand your reluctance to be name the condition, chessplayer. I think it would add value to the thread without compromising your privacy any more than it's already been. I mean, heck, the people reading this thread already know you have a sore arse.

(And no, I'm not looking for any pictures, uptheos biggrin.png)

Edited by ericjt
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