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Abc News/washington Post Poll: Obama Leading Romney Ahead Of First Debate


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Biden's fighting personality is something Romney's "47 percent" can relate to very well as opposed to the stiffness of Ryan.

I'm in the 48 or 49% and Biden was a real turn off with his poor behavior. He was comfortable for sure, probably from having one too many in the Green Room before the debate.

Ryan will charm not so many women. He came out clearly to make abortion illegal!

Here's a link to the transcript, please show where Ryan "came out clearly to make abortion illegal!".



That's why - those are the reasons why I'm pro-life. Now I

understand this is a difficult issue, and I respect people who don't

agree with me on this, but the policy of a Romney administration will

be to oppose abortions with the exceptions for rape, incest and life

of the mother.

RADDATZ: I want to go back to the abortion question here. If

the Romney-Ryan ticket is elected, should those who believe that

abortion should remain legal be worried?

RYAN: We don't think that unelected judges should make this

decision; that people through their elected representatives in

reaching a consensus in society through the democratic process should

make this determination.

Code words. Anyone with elementary knowledge of right wing "pro life" code words understands quite clearly it is the Romney-Ryan intention to make supreme court picks that would be sure to OVERTURN Roe vs. Wade.
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Actually, it is 100 percent untrue that most medically unable to pay people can be signed up for so called welfare, which I think your mean MEDICAID. Medicaid has VERY STRICT means tests that the vast majority of people who can't afford to pay retail for medical care are not nearly POOR ENOUGH to be legitimately eligible for Medicaid. That is a big reason Obamacare greatly expands Medicaid to cover most poor people, but the right wing dominated supreme court judgment on Obamacare gave the states the right to REJECT that expansion.

Obamacare isn't socialized medicine but it was the best Obama could practically do in a socialism phobic nation.

If you don't believe me about how dirt poor you have to be to get Medicaid in many states, simply google Georgia medicaid eligibility and you'll see you have to be super dirt poor. I'm talking ASSETS tests here. Sure you could spend down to zero, then you'd have no food, rent, or transport.

The vast majority of bankruptcies in the U.S. are a result of medical costs.

Edited by Jingthing
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Code words. Anyone with elementary knowledge of right wing "pro life" code words understands quite clearly it is the Romney-Ryan intention to make supreme court picks that would be sure to OVERTURN Roe vs. Wade.

Code words? Oh, well, I've heard many code words coming from Obama and Biden that sounds eerily like some other people in the 20th century with the same slogan as "Forward".

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Code words. Anyone with elementary knowledge of right wing "pro life" code words understands quite clearly it is the Romney-Ryan intention to make supreme court picks that would be sure to OVERTURN Roe vs. Wade.

Code words? Oh, well, I've heard many code words coming from Obama and Biden that sounds eerily like some other people in the 20th century with the same slogan as "Forward".

People who follow the issue get what he meant crystal clearly. He nuanced it of course to try to attempt to fool low information voters who would be very, very offended by Roe vs. Wade being overturned. Romney Ryan could easily lose on this issue alone. Single women are proving a key demographic and most are PRO CHOICE. Edited by Jingthing
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Well, the preliminary results from the prediction markets are in, and cagey ol' Joe did it. He stopped the bleeding, and may allow Obama to cruise to a victory providing he does not <deleted> up the next debates.

Immediate polls from CBS, NBC, and Xbox Live all reported that a majority of undecided voters believed Biden won, and the prediction markets ticked up a few points in President Barack Obama's favor in the hours after the confrontation. The Signal couldn't care less. The question pollsters should have asked was this: Is Obama still bleeding?
As we have pointed out before, every day that elapses in which GOP challenger Mitt Romney does not gain ground on the incumbent is a net gain for the Democrats.



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Well, the preliminary results from the prediction markets are in, and cagey ol' Joe did it. He stopped the bleeding, and may allow Obama to cruise to a victory providing he does not <deleted> up the next debates.

Not really. Most people believe that Ryan won and Biden's false statement about the terrorist attack in Libya and his facial histrionics are getting all the attention. It is now up to Obama and Romney as it should be.

According to the CNN poll of independents, Paul Ryan won the debate, 48% to 44%. The same poll showed that people who watched the debate believed that Paul Ryan expressed himself better than Joe Biden, 50%-41%. An NBC poll of 435 uncommitted voters after the debate showed Paul Ryan winning with 63% to 31%. CNBC had it 56% to 36%, again with Paul Ryan coming out on top. Even the Danville Advocate Messenger had Paul Ryan on top at the end of the day, attracting 56% to Biden's 41%.

So how could Joe Biden's strategy have backfired so horribly? It's quite simple. He did not come off as 'presidential.' He wasn't Joe Biden. He was Malarkey McSmirk. http://www.policymic...ghing-joe-biden

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Pfff, it s too late. Most industries left to China.


If u think it will be better with 16 trillion debt and going up, you are just simply naive....

I said in 2 years, California and most states in usa will go bankrupt.

Europe will follow and the next crisis will be so severe that we can even go to WAR....

People were Laughing and didn't believe of 1 St and 2nd world war. They thought it would take only 2 weeks to kick the butt of the ss.

These 2 idiots on tv don't get it or they lie to you. they don't give a toss of you as long they can seat at the White House....

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(Deleted quote edited out)

^^^ Who he ? blink.png

After the debate I felt that they had come off fairly even. I've since watched a re-run on TV and I still reckon its more or less even, however I found a lot of Ryan's content disturbing to say the least. Why do the Right in American have such a downer on the UN for example ? I get the impression that if R&R get in, they're going to look at taking the building down - American exceptionalism indeed sad.png

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Two Catholics squared off and one was rude. One of them did what it took to win for the team.

I concur that Biden fell on his sword for Obama. Any chance of ever being president is gone with the wind after that performance was captured on tape. However, he did little to help Obama's cause even in the short run. Middle class voters are not going to want this guy to continue to be a heartbeat away from the presidency and, so far, most undecided voters are saying that the debate did not help them decide one way or the other. The only thing he really accomplished was to not lose the debate significantly and no one will even care about that in another in another 4 days when Obama and Romney meet again.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Two Catholics squared off and one was rude. One of them did what it took to win for the team.

I concur that Biden fell on his sword for Obama. Any chance of ever being president is gone with the wind after that performance was captured on tape.

I'm not sure I understand your point. Is there anyone alive, including Biden, who thinks he'll ever be President? I don't think so. He may be in good health, but at age 73 in 2016 he won't be any Reagan.

I suppose a more interesting query would be: who do you feel would be a better leader in the event the commander in chief dies, Ryan or Biden. That is a more prescient issue.

Edited by keemapoot
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"I was there, I voted against them,” Biden continued. “I said, no, we can’t afford that.”

Then Sen. Biden voted for the Afghanistan resolution on Sept. 14, 2001 which authorized “the use of United States Armed Forces against those responsible for the recent attacks launched against the United States.”

And on Oct. 11, 2002, Biden voted for a resolution authorizing unilateral military action in Iraq, according to the Washington Post.

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Glass half full, glass half empty. I only watched the last half of the debate. Perhaps I missed some smiles from the VP. What I saw was a handsome elder man making good points, and listening without grinning while the younger spoke (or mispoke, as the case may be). I don't think objective Americans have a problem with a man smiling kindly. If some want to see that as vindictive or ridiculing, that's their choice. I also saw the younger man being a bit impertinent by repeatedly calling the other 'Joe' (as if they were buddies), and ending the debate with a waxed and burnished sales pitch.

A friend at lunch today made a good point - for the 42-year old Ryan to more than hold his own against a guy who was first elected to the Senate when Ryan was still 2 years old, AND has served nearly 4 years as Vice President is pretty impressive.

I agree, and he will be the leading candidate in 2016 likely for the red team if his boss loses. I have to love JT's quote though about Ryan being too actuarial. He does come across a bit as your local tax preparer. He needs more juice, I'd suggest acting lessons for him too!

Starting four years ago, remember who the darling of the Republican Party was? ....who was going to the top like a silver bullet? (and the delirium kept a head of steam for years after) Yup, it was Palin. Where is she now? We don't hear a peep from her. The great white hope to recharge the Republican Party - is she in a white parka hunting polar bears on some lonely slope near Prudhoe?

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Glass half full, glass half empty. I only watched the last half of the debate. Perhaps I missed some smiles from the VP. What I saw was a handsome elder man making good points, and listening without grinning while the younger spoke (or mispoke, as the case may be). I don't think objective Americans have a problem with a man smiling kindly. If some want to see that as vindictive or ridiculing, that's their choice. I also saw the younger man being a bit impertinent by repeatedly calling the other 'Joe' (as if they were buddies), and ending the debate with a waxed and burnished sales pitch.

A friend at lunch today made a good point - for the 42-year old Ryan to more than hold his own against a guy who was first elected to the Senate when Ryan was still 2 years old, AND has served nearly 4 years as Vice President is pretty impressive.

I agree, and he will be the leading candidate in 2016 likely for the red team if his boss loses. I have to love JT's quote though about Ryan being too actuarial. He does come across a bit as your local tax preparer. He needs more juice, I'd suggest acting lessons for him too!

Starting four years ago, remember who the darling of the Republican Party was? ....who was going to the top like a silver bullet? (and the delirium kept a head of steam for years after) Yup, it was Palin. Where is she now? We don't hear a peep from her. The great white hope to recharge the Republican Party - is she in a white parka hunting polar bears on some lonely slope near Prudhoe?

Lucky for the Republicans, they did not pick another empty-headed country bumpkin to be VP. I think they learned from last election cycle on that one. Ryan is certainly someone to be proud of as VP candidate.

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Glass half full, glass half empty. I only watched the last half of the debate. Perhaps I missed some smiles from the VP. What I saw was a handsome elder man making good points, and listening without grinning while the younger spoke (or mispoke, as the case may be). I don't think objective Americans have a problem with a man smiling kindly. If some want to see that as vindictive or ridiculing, that's their choice. I also saw the younger man being a bit impertinent by repeatedly calling the other 'Joe' (as if they were buddies), and ending the debate with a waxed and burnished sales pitch.

A friend at lunch today made a good point - for the 42-year old Ryan to more than hold his own against a guy who was first elected to the Senate when Ryan was still 2 years old, AND has served nearly 4 years as Vice President is pretty impressive.

I agree, and he will be the leading candidate in 2016 likely for the red team if his boss loses. I have to love JT's quote though about Ryan being too actuarial. He does come across a bit as your local tax preparer. He needs more juice, I'd suggest acting lessons for him too!

Starting four years ago, remember who the darling of the Republican Party was? ....who was going to the top like a silver bullet? (and the delirium kept a head of steam for years after) Yup, it was Palin. Where is she now? We don't hear a peep from her. The great white hope to recharge the Republican Party - is she in a white parka hunting polar bears on some lonely slope near Prudhoe?

Sarah Palin, who debated Mr. Biden four years ago as the Republican vice-presidential nominee, said on Fox News that he reminded her of “of watching a musk ox run across the tundra with somebody underfoot.”

Mr. Biden repeatedly mocked and interrupted Mr. Ryan, leading Republicans to use words like “unhinged,” “buffoon” and “disrespectful” in the hours after the fast-paced, 90-minute exchange ended. All in all Biden interrupted his well mannered opponent 82 times.

Mark Salter, a senior adviser to Senator John McCain’s presidential campaign in 2008, quipped on his Facebook page: “Evidently, the Obama campaign debate strategy is sleepy cop/crystal meth cop.” biggrin.png

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In Vice Presidential Debate, Joe Biden Perfects Art of the Smirk

The VP’s unprecedented, over-the-top reaction shots were part Groucho, part Jon Stewart, and part Hollywood. How his performance broke new ground for politicians and television.


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It's too bad UG's reference to Biden behaving like a loony Jack Nicholson in the Shining was removed.

I personally did think he came off as a bit loony

I know he was told to get out there & make up for the previous debate but really

it came off as too much & nutty/disrespectful. Not befitting his VP position


Edited by mania
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It's too bad UG's reference to Biden behaving like a loony Jack Nicholson in the Shining was removed. It was funny, and more to the point, was accurate and strategic.

Joe Biden's smiling: Was there a method to his madness?


Katty Kay, anchor for BBC World News, commented about the laughing as well; “Biden has to stop laughing – it’s just distracting on the split screen.” Reality star turned talk show host Bethenny Frankel had her own take on the laughing. “What if Ryan slaps Joe Biden for laughing & all of those Chiclets fall out?”


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Two Catholics squared off and one was rude. One of them did what it took to win for the team.

I concur that Biden fell on his sword for Obama. Any chance of ever being president is gone with the wind after that performance was captured on tape.

I'm not sure I understand your point. Is there anyone alive, including Biden, who thinks he'll ever be President? I don't think so. He may be in good health, but at age 73 in 2016 he won't be any Reagan.

I suppose a more interesting query would be: who do you feel would be a better leader in the event the commander in chief dies, Ryan or Biden. That is a more prescient issue.


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I suppose a more interesting query would be: who do you feel would be a better leader in the event the commander in chief dies, Ryan or Biden. That is a more prescient issue.

Can we vote for the empty chair?

The laughing was a debate strategy.

Biden is heavily experienced and very ready to be president, especially in foreign policy.

Ryan is really what he seems: a WONK.

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