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Rayong Officials Search For Missing Crocodiles


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Let the poor creatures be. Remember: crocodiles were here first. Siamese crocodile and saltwater crocodile are (or at least was) native to this country. Also it ads some excitement to paddling the old river.

cheesy.gif That would get some of those grannys moving like a long tail boat.

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Anybody see a televsion show about one month ago about a group of people from the USA that went to Bangkok last year during the floods? They went to Lumpini park and caught some really big monitor lizards, a few poisonous snakes in some houses, and a croc or two as I recall. made for some good tv.

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So , they say that 4 "baby " crocs are missing ....but they think 2 of them are " adult " !!!!

Last time this happened a spokesman said something along the lines of " We don't know how many crocs escaped ....but we are confident of capturing them all " !

Brilliant stuff !

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Crocs teeth are visible when their mouths are closed and alligators are concealed, always wondered who would win in a fatal fight between them.

See ya later Alligator, In a while Crocodile.

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They don't bite.

The ones in the Crocodile Farm in Pattaya do.

During the long school holidays we have all the families' kids visit for a couple of weeks to give them a taste of the good life and run wild on the beach. One nephew has a thing about crocs and in the past I have bought plastic ones and chase him round the house with them. He was fascinated watching the crocs being fed with chunks of chicken, rising well out of the water to snatch a morsel. Eventually he looked up at me and said, "Papa, they not plastic."

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