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German Nabbed For Taking Illegal Refuge In Thailand


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One less criminal in Thailand can only be a good thing. Seems these days Big Brother can find scumbags wherever they hide.

Can only hope the trend continues. More power to em'.

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He killed a mafioso who was extorting him. He served 14 years in prison and survived other mafioso payback hits. He got out of prison for medical and he headed for Thailand for some r & r. The Germans should be sending him some weinerschnitzel every month for taking out the mafioso and serving notice on them. But they asked the Thais , or paid some money, to have him fast tracked back to Germany. The mafioso in Germany probably paid someone off to get the paperwork done to make this happen.


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Easy to hide, till the money runs out. 3m bht 2yrs. about right.

Didn't you read the story sold house more than likely in germany how about 3 mil. euros.

when you guyst start READING??? it says bt3 million ... I cant find a EURO sign in this...

and I dont know HOW you are living.... With 3million Baht I live in Thailand till the end of my days....and thats more as most of you have left smile.png not even 50 yet smile.png with just 500.-Baht I can make a living here, incl. car or motobike or both.... bet most of you millionaires or billionaires will never understand HOW this works ... ever visited a NORMAL Thairestaurant? for 100.-Baht a meal incl. something to drink I can go eat there 2 times a day.... But ok, I drink only 2 beers everyday and sometimes not at all..... stop drinking, smoking and you make it....hehehehe

Whilst I would like to be in a position to spend 3m baht in 2 years, I find your assertions a little naive. Even in Phuket you can eat a good Thai meal for under 100 baht and find a beer for 50/60 baht. But if you eat 2 x 100 baht meals each day that comes to 73000 baht each year just on food for you. What about the cost of your car, motor bike, house, clothes, petrol, wife or girlfriend, TV, visa extensions, computer with broadband (to be able to post on TV) etc etc etc. Or don't these expenses count. I don't understand how you get by on 500 baht - is this per day, per week? The numbers do not add up.

Under 50 and living like a 17th century peasant - I don't envy you.

I know people with less costs than this... The 100 baht for a meal was just an example...normally you can eat every day khao pad gai or patsiiu gai for 40.-baht and having a beer for 50.- plus 10 baht tip thats a 100.- ..... more tips I give only in exchange for money...I have to make a living... may be teaching the english community to safe some money sometimes is not a bad idea... I always wonder on TV parties how they look when somebody is telling them he is living for under 20k a month... most of the older farts spend a minimum of 40k... ohhhh sorry, I was one of the other side....havnt spent ALL my money for `?ers and booze and bought some land instead in Phuket...so I safe the monthly rent since I have my own rai here with a house....

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But what still is not clear to me, HOW this guy entered THAILAND ??????

normally you need a PASSPORT for it and faked Passports doenst work anymore since we have computers and internetaccess to Interpol database.... so HOW he get a proper Passport or managed to step into Thailand

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Whilst I would like to be in a position to spend 3m baht in 2 years, I find your assertions a little naive. Even in Phuket you can eat a good Thai meal for under 100 baht and find a beer for 50/60 baht. But if you eat 2 x 100 baht meals each day that comes to 73000 baht each year just on food for you. What about the cost of your car, motor bike, house, clothes, petrol, wife or girlfriend, TV, visa extensions, computer with broadband (to be able to post on TV) etc etc etc. Or don't these expenses count. I don't understand how you get by on 500 baht - is this per day, per week? The numbers do not add up.

Under 50 and living like a 17th century peasant - I don't envy you.

BTW..... 73.000.-Baht a year, makes 730.000.- in 10 and 2.920.000.- Million in 40 years... will YOU live forever??? :) and u have xtra 80k for 160short times ...thats what i call a living hehehhe

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Didn't you read the story sold house more than likely in germany how about 3 mil. euros.

Germany is not -Hollywood-! 75.000.- Euro = 3.000.000.- Baht in the moment. Is a smaller, older house regarding price.

But 3 Mill. Euro ?tongue.png That is a big jump! Not many houses around from that league!

I am from neighboring Austria and have a bit insight. Cheers.wink.png

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It's great that they caught this guy!!! I'm sure he's a real dirtbag.

I always laugh at the "posing" photos when the police arrest someone. The lineup of senior police behind the arrestee, while the arrestee is almost always seated and looking guilty with a downward gaze or with some illegal booty place in front of them. Almost as funny are the reinactments I see on the news where they force the arrestee to pose as if shooting a gun, attacking someone, pointing at a car, etc. I often wonder how the police get them to comply with these poses.

Not to say that most of these people are not guilty and deserving of prosecution, but the imaging is clearly designed to pursuade the public of unquestioned guilt and show police in the proper light. This could never fly in the america since the arrestee could never get a fair trial. Certainly two different justice systems. Just my 2 cents! tongue.png

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He killed a mobster because he was being extorted, is that it? I dunno... living in Thailand forever seems like a fair punishment.

I take it that you don't live in Thailand?

I do and think the second comment (if you had to) is on the money.

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he is a gangster himself if u look up all the facts ...get rid of the scum ..let the germans have him ....actually they should pay thailand ten thousand baht a week to put him in jail ...lot cheaper for the taxpayers and

the thais would be making money

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he is a gangster himself if u look up all the facts ...get rid of the scum ..let the germans have him ....actually they should pay thailand ten thousand baht a week to put him in jail ...lot cheaper for the taxpayers and

the thais would be making money

Yeah...too bad he isn't guilty of any crime in Thailand. whistling.gif

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he is a gangster himself if u look up all the facts ...get rid of the scum ..let the germans have him ....actually they should pay thailand ten thousand baht a week to put him in jail ...lot cheaper for the taxpayers and

the thais would be making money

Yeah...too bad he isn't guilty of any crime in Thailand. whistling.gif

some strange "newly-minted" logic whistling.gif

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They catch someone and then there are posts on TV talking about corruption? <deleted>!

How can anyone automatically jump to the conclusion that he bribed officials to enter the country - that is just pathetic. More likely he entered on a 'clean' passport which he obtained because he was involved in a corruption dispute with a rival mafioso, so it is pretty obvious he was 'connected' in the German underworld. It riles me when some people immediately make assumptions that the problem stems from Thailand all the time. Grow up!

Agree with you. The German authorities were somewhat lapse allowing a prisoner on medical leave to sell his house and abscond with the proceeds. Maybe they need to look closely at what happened in Germany. He enters Thailand, get his tourist visa, then lays low. Not the only one doing this. German police get a tip-off and pass a request to RTP who arrest him. He has overstayed his visa so they can deport him without extradition. Looks lke a German problem.

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Easy to hide, till the money runs out. 3m bht 2yrs. about right.

Didn't you read the story sold house more than likely in germany how about 3 mil. euros.

Haha absolute quality, bt3m means baht not euro.....


"He reportedly sold his house in Germany for Bt3 million and fled to Thailand in August, 2010 and has been living with a Thai woman."

I too think that is a mistake. Are there any homes in Germany that one could buy for 75,000 Euros??? Hahaha not likely. You might be able to buy a home in the countryside in Romania for that money.

Edit: Well I read the article in the German paper. My German is a little rusty but as I understand it, he sold for a "quick sale". Sounds like he pretty much gave away the property.

Edited by elektrified
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He killed a mobster because he was being extorted, is that it? I dunno... living in Thailand forever seems like a fair punishment.

I take it that you don't live in Thailand?

I think living in Thailand is more reward than punishment. But perhaps Gweiloman has been reading TV and thinks the place is a hellhole, as this is how many TV posters portray Thailand.So can't blame Gweiloman for what s/he thinks.

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It's nearly impossible to run out of money in Thailand. It's just too cheap and you can make money here under the table. He could hide here forever on that amount.

I can tell you've been here all of five minutes. Cheap compared to where? Thailand has never been as expensive. I guess if you're shacked up in a field eating Mama thrice a day, then yes, it could be cheap.

Bangkok is in fact very cheap compared to other capital cities, such as London. Almost everything here is a small fraction of the cost of London. The rest of Thailand is even cheaper. I have no idea why anyone would think it's not cheap. One example - one stop on BTS is 15 baht. One stop in central London on underground is 200 baht. Plenty of examples like this. I live well here and on a small fraction of what I spent in London. Bottle of Heineken here 75 baht, London 200 baht. Postage - cheaper to post a letter from Bangkok to Manchester, than from London to Manchester. Property prices - much cheaper here. Food - much cheaper here. What exactly do you find expensive about Thailand?

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