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Street Smart Thais And Their Sneaky Scams


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Hello everybody!

My wife was telling a friend of mine here last night whos going to LOS for the first time, things to be aware of there like the street beggars in Thailand and their not so little operations and how tourists should never give them money as it keeps this scam rolling on.

The missus brought up a few good scams in Thailand, most of which Ive heard of and most seemed aimed at tourists ie jetskis etc etc,

....So my questions to the street smart folk of TV is,

As a westerner, and alot of you have lived in Thailand for ages and others visit lots and lots,

Whats the sneakiest scam you have seen or heard of in Thailand?

How did it work,?

And hope the scam wasnt used on yourself but was it?


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None of them are sneaky. The scams are mostly all awful. It's amazing the stuff a polite well dressed Asian guy can pull off, seems to disarm the defenses of a lot of people that would be suspicious of a similar random stranger approaching them back home.

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DONT leave your common sense in the departure lounge !

Unfortunately you can't protect people from their own stupidity. There are still idiots falling for Nigerian scams.

Most want to believe they are the greatest lover around and hansum. So they fall for everything a girl tells them they think with their wrong head. If you can't score at home you better realise that landing here did not transform you into the greatest guy in the world. Lies are being told to get to your money.

No giddyup not meaning you just that we are all talking about common sense here. Its sadly lacking in many guys landing here. They confuse love for money with love for them.

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Be wary of the english speaking Thais being nice to you.

Be wary of English speaking Englishmen being nice to you, for that matter.

Is that you, Bendix?

No idea who that is, but I'll get off of your lawn in any event. (me being "you dern'd kids")

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I was kind of scammed outside the school where I teach.

There is a 5 star chicken stall and I asked for 2 sticks with look chin on them.

The advertised price was 20 baht each but 2 for 39 baht.

I was having a conversation with some of my M4 students and the seller must have realised I spoke Thai and was a teacher...unless he was dumb...as I walk past his stall everyday on my way into the school.

Anyway he charged me 50 baht with a smile - when I pointed out it was in fact 39 baht he smiled again and took the correct money.

Not even a sorry or a look of shame - a few of the students said some choice words to him but all water off a ducks back.

Ok this is a tiny amount of money but a good example of how some people here think.

I'm sure the same could happen back home but this thread is about Thailand :)

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People will get away with as much as they are allowed to get away with. To pretend otherwise is blindness. Constant vigilance.

Lines from a Mink DeVille song talking about a scammer.

"He tried to go straight,

he tried hard to learn,

but what you gonna do

when people beg to be burned?"

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People will get away with as much as they are allowed to get away with. To pretend otherwise is blindness. Constant vigilance.

Sure i had a mirror made for my home gym (big mirror 6ft by 3ft or so). Next time i went to that shop and bought an other one it suddenly cost half the price. I was taken for a ride the first time, and he forgot what he charged first time. Needles to say i wont visit that shop anymore.

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