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Another One Bites The Dust


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ok, so i got up this morning, had a lovely cup of coffee, some breakfast then set out from deepest darkest soi 11 at noon to meet friends on convent to watch the F1.

First taxi: after letting me into the back seat said no, and drove on.

Second taxi: rear doors locked rolled up window as i stated my destination

Third taxi: rear door not locked, but saw me with taxi number 2, rolled down window, but did not slow car. shook his head.

Fourth taxi: rear doors locked, mai bai.

Fifth taxi: sit in back seat, i say convent, he says mai bai, i try to take photo say i will report you. he waves knife from under seat says "get <<Snip!>> out, tell police, i dont care."

taxi number 6: behind taxi number 5, says kor toht, drives me to convent, refuses tip saying some people who drive taxi are no good.

i was told by 3 out of 5, that they were going back to the depot on turn around.

i would like to remark that the final escalation with taxi # 5 was my own doing, He was the only one of the bunch that was obvious trouble.i could see what kind of fellow he was, and continued pushing him. he was merely waving the knife, but not really at me and beyond that not actually threatening though had i pushed it further ...

the new law aint working anymore, but it was a nice run while it was.

Edited by metisdead
: Profanity removed.
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Well, i may be going agaist the current here, but i never got upset with a taxi driver for not accepting to go where i wanted to go.

Also, i find the new law unjust, a taxi driver should have the right to reject a customer, whatever his motives.

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mate trying to channel the blether neither makes you intelligent nor likeable

just sayin'

Very funny. I read that man's comments today in the sub-forum for news. He doesn't live in Thailand, but he abuses everyone who disagrees with him.

Why did you find it so hard to get a taxi? Soi Convent isn't far from Suk 11.

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Well, i may be going agaist the current here, but i never got upset with a taxi driver for not accepting to go where i wanted to go.

Also, i find the new law unjust, a taxi driver should have the right to reject a customer, whatever his motives.

I also find the new law unfair towards the taxi drivers and as there is usually another taxi just moments behind its never an issue.

It wouldn't have been an issue for the Op if the second taxi accepted the fare. However, 5 taxi's in a row refused him - I can understand his frustration.

One good thing about the renewed interests in enforcing this law is that its a step in the right direction for customer service... If it was ever going to work that is !...

Edited by richard_smith237
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ok, so i got up this morning, had a lovely cup of coffee, some breakfast then set out from deepest darkest soi 11 at noon to meet friends on convent to watch the F1.

First taxi: after letting me into the back seat said no, and drove on.

Second taxi: rear doors locked rolled up window as i stated my destination

Third taxi: rear door not locked, but saw me with taxi number 2, rolled down window, but did not slow car. shook his head.

Fourth taxi: rear doors locked, mai bai.

Fifth taxi: sit in back seat, i say convent, he says mai bai, i try to take photo say i will report you. he waves knife from under seat says "get <<Snip!>> out, tell police, i dont care."

taxi number 6: behind taxi number 5, says kor toht, drives me to convent, refuses tip saying some people who drive taxi are no good.

i was told by 3 out of 5, that they were going back to the depot on turn around.

i would like to remark that the final escalation with taxi # 5 was my own doing, He was the only one of the bunch that was obvious trouble.i could see what kind of fellow he was, and continued pushing him. he was merely waving the knife, but not really at me and beyond that not actually threatening though had i pushed it further ...

the new law aint working anymore, but it was a nice run while it was.

So taxi number five was quite fluent in English,obviously an educated man!

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Well, i may be going agaist the current here, but i never got upset with a taxi driver for not accepting to go where i wanted to go.

Also, i find the new law unjust, a taxi driver should have the right to reject a customer, whatever his motives.

I also find the new law unfair towards the taxi drivers and as there is usually another taxi just moments behind its never an issue.

It wouldn't have been an issue for the Op if the second taxi accepted the fare. However, 5 taxi's in a row refused him - I can understand his frustration.

One good thing about the renewed interests in enforcing this law is that its a step in the right direction for customer service... If it was ever going to work that is !...

But in fact the new law is there because, the other taxi behind and the one behind that one and the one.....will all refuse to drive to certain locations at certain times of the day.

I'm not a regular taxi user in bkk, but I don't understand the logic of the taxi drivers not to go to a certain location when there is heavy traffic.The meter also runs while sitting in a traffic jam, isn't it?

And I understand that the meter runs at a slower pace when not moving, but so is the fuel usage, at the end I guess it gives a similar result in profits.

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Well, i may be going agaist the current here, but i never got upset with a taxi driver for not accepting to go where i wanted to go.

Also, i find the new law unjust, a taxi driver should have the right to reject a customer, whatever his motives.

I also find the new law unfair towards the taxi drivers and as there is usually another taxi just moments behind its never an issue.

It wouldn't have been an issue for the Op if the second taxi accepted the fare. However, 5 taxi's in a row refused him - I can understand his frustration.

One good thing about the renewed interests in enforcing this law is that its a step in the right direction for customer service... If it was ever going to work that is !...

But in fact the new law is there because, the other taxi behind and the one behind that one and the one.....will all refuse to drive to certain locations at certain times of the day.

I'm not a regular taxi user in bkk, but I don't understand the logic of the taxi drivers not to go to a certain location when there is heavy traffic.The meter also runs while sitting in a traffic jam, isn't it?

And I understand that the meter runs at a slower pace when not moving, but so is the fuel usage, at the end I guess it gives a similar result in profits.

Not really, if you consider the time spent inhaling toxic fumes, while the meter is still and the engine is on.

Not to talk about the boredom.

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Well, i may be going agaist the current here, but i never got upset with a taxi driver for not accepting to go where i wanted to go.

Also, i find the new law unjust, a taxi driver should have the right to reject a customer, whatever his motives.

I also find the new law unfair towards the taxi drivers and as there is usually another taxi just moments behind its never an issue.

It wouldn't have been an issue for the Op if the second taxi accepted the fare. However, 5 taxi's in a row refused him - I can understand his frustration.

One good thing about the renewed interests in enforcing this law is that its a step in the right direction for customer service... If it was ever going to work that is !...

But in fact the new law is there because, the other taxi behind and the one behind that one and the one.....will all refuse to drive to certain locations at certain times of the day.

I'm not a regular taxi user in bkk, but I don't understand the logic of the taxi drivers not to go to a certain location when there is heavy traffic.The meter also runs while sitting in a traffic jam, isn't it?

And I understand that the meter runs at a slower pace when not moving, but so is the fuel usage, at the end I guess it gives a similar result in profits.

simple solution is to change the taxi meter and charge more for sitting in traffic.

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I dont get the logic either in Bangkok, having driven a cab myself (in UK) awhile back, i couldnt careless what time of day or where they were going as long as the meter was running.

Its different if you are working an area that isnt congested so badly, you can make 5 short runs in the time it can take to do one in congested area hence earning more, but Bangkok when congested its the whole dam_n place ! so that theory doesnt work.

I had to go down to Bkk last week, spent a few days, got several Taxi's and wasnt refused by any.

Edited by CharlieH
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mate trying to channel the blether neither makes you intelligent nor likeable

just sayin'

You're turning into a stalker tinfoilhat, keep your snide comments to yourself thumbsup.gif

As tinfoil started the thread just who is stalking who ? blink.pngthumbsup.gif

Here we go...

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I never negotiate where to go or not through the passenger window. Get in, tell your destination. If he refuses to go, get out of the taxi and leave the door open.

Soi 11 is indeed a terrible road to get a taxi unless you want to go to the airport and are prepared to pay 1,000 baht for the trip.

sent from my Android phone

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Well, i may be going agaist the current here, but i never got upset with a taxi driver for not accepting to go where i wanted to go.

Also, i find the new law unjust, a taxi driver should have the right to reject a customer, whatever his motives.

I would respectfully like to disagree.

A taxi- driver should take this job, because he likes to drive taxi.

What you are saying is a little, like a waiter in a restaurant might not serve me a pizza with mushrooms, because he doesn't like mushrooms.

Secondly: if they don't want to drive me...why ask me?

Thirdly: goin back to the depot? Turn the frogging sign off!

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Well, i may be going agaist the current here, but i never got upset with a taxi driver for not accepting to go where i wanted to go.

Also, i find the new law unjust, a taxi driver should have the right to reject a customer, whatever his motives.

I would respectfully like to disagree.

A taxi- driver should take this job, because he likes to drive taxi.

What you are saying is a little, like a waiter in a restaurant might not serve me a pizza with mushrooms, because he doesn't like mushrooms.

Secondly: if they don't want to drive me...why ask me?

Thirdly: goin back to the depot? Turn the frogging sign off!

I respectfully disagree too..

Imho your example does not fit well..The taxi-driver is the owner...Of the restaurant..let's say..

As a owner of the restaurant he can refuse to serve a customer he doesn't like..for whatever reasons..

That said, i don't live in BKK, but i fully understand it's a stressful environment..People are always in a hurry and they can get upset sometimes.

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Well, i may be going agaist the current here, but i never got upset with a taxi driver for not accepting to go where i wanted to go.

Also, i find the new law unjust, a taxi driver should have the right to reject a customer, whatever his motives.

I would respectfully like to disagree.

A taxi- driver should take this job, because he likes to drive taxi.

What you are saying is a little, like a waiter in a restaurant might not serve me a pizza with mushrooms, because he doesn't like mushrooms.

Secondly: if they don't want to drive me...why ask me?

Thirdly: goin back to the depot? Turn the frogging sign off!

I respectfully disagree too..

Imho your example does not fit well..The taxi-driver is the owner...Of the restaurant..let's say..

As a owner of the restaurant he can refuse to serve a customer he doesn't like..for whatever reasons..

That said, i don't live in BKK, but i fully understand it's a stressful environment..People are always in a hurry and they can get upset sometimes.

If as many restaurants refused service as taxi drivers there would be a law about that too.smile.png

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Well, i may be going agaist the current here, but i never got upset with a taxi driver for not accepting to go where i wanted to go.

Also, i find the new law unjust, a taxi driver should have the right to reject a customer, whatever his motives.

I also find the new law unfair towards the taxi drivers and as there is usually another taxi just moments behind its never an issue.

It wouldn't have been an issue for the Op if the second taxi accepted the fare. However, 5 taxi's in a row refused him - I can understand his frustration.

One good thing about the renewed interests in enforcing this law is that its a step in the right direction for customer service... If it was ever going to work that is !...

agreed, i do believe they should have the right to refuse, but this was excessive.

I am more irritated by the useless law and the big noise they made about it than what happened yesterday.

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I never negotiate where to go or not through the passenger window. Get in, tell your destination. If he refuses to go, get out of the taxi and leave the door open.

Soi 11 is indeed a terrible road to get a taxi unless you want to go to the airport and are prepared to pay 1,000 baht for the trip.

sent from my Android phone

simply not true, i generally have very few issues on soi 11 with taxis anytime of the day or night. i have lived in the same house there for about 12 years. it is usually painless. yesterday, not so much.

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mate trying to channel the blether neither makes you intelligent nor likeable

just sayin'

You're turning into a stalker tinfoilhat, keep your snide comments to yourself thumbsup.gif

As tinfoil started the thread just who is stalking who ? blink.pngthumbsup.gif

Here we go...

Some people are just thick, they can't be helped

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I dont get the logic either in Bangkok, having driven a cab myself (in UK) awhile back, i couldnt careless what time of day or where they were going as long as the meter was running.

Its different if you are working an area that isnt congested so badly, you can make 5 short runs in the time it can take to do one in congested area hence earning more, but Bangkok when congested its the whole dam_n place ! so that theory doesnt work.

I had to go down to Bkk last week, spent a few days, got several Taxi's and wasnt refused by any.

the meter moves quicker if the taxi is moving

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