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Thai Govt Prepares For Possible Obama Visit


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As seldom as I comment on this forum, I couldn't help myself on this topic. My first reaction is to hope like hell that obomber gets defeated in November, just to save Thailand the agony of having to host him. However, upon reading some of the postings, I realized that even Thailand is not free of socialist desires. Fortunately, I hope, most of those desires are held by non-voting expats.

I was particularly amused to read that obomber is "out there making a difference". Yes, yes he truly is. He's making a difference for the Afghanis, the Pakistanis, the Egyptians, the Libyans, the Yemenis, and the Syrians. Soon he'll be making a difference for the Iranians. And, let us not forget how he makes a difference for his fellow (?) Americans. Unemployment approaching 15% (if you read the honest numbers), inflation pushing 10% (if you read the honest numbers), at least half of all Americans receiving some form of public assistance, indefinite detention for any American that the government deems worthy of such (read that they don't like you), and murder for any Americans that obomber deems worthy (read that they really don't like you). A spate of "executive orders" designed to destroy every remaining freedom Americans have.

I had to laugh out loud hearing what a phenomenal saviour old man joe is. About the only thing he displayed is disrespect.

No, I'm not sitting in a dimly lit crummy hole, either. And, I never called him a communist. I called him a socialist. His mentors used the word communist.

Well said, nice post. But remember those things are not just about Obama, he's just the latest puppet. The agenda of the global power structure basically remains the same no matter who wins the election. I would say Romney is the lesser of evils but don't expect any basic underlying changes just because Obama loses the election. It's continuity of government and continuity of global corporate agenda and the mega rich global families that control them . Hard to go into details in a little written forum like this. Be sure to familiarize yourself in depth with something called "agenda 21" and not just the smiley-face version fed to the dumbed down general global public. Cheers.

Miami Bob is spot on! The USA has 2% of its population owning 29% of the countries wealth!!!!!!!!! This is down from 67% when the US was in her youth. Do you think the richest of the rich didn't profit handsomely by the global financial meltdown? And now is their buying sprees of land and resources in this bargain basement depression. The elite wealthy have more power and pull then you could imagine! I notice the rich Democrats are buying away too, did they have a warning to exit the the sinking market and wage on the lending madness to break us? Now with the liberal sharing of USA's funds to non citizens and other uneducated riff-raff that are spreading like cancer in America and sucking us dry, all the Middle class workers that are the core of any nation are suffering and still being manipulated by the smooth talkers in Washington.

There is a rumor that after WW2, the rich families from all the battling nations got together to form a keep rich strategy.The Mitsuis, Rockefeller s, Oppenheimer's, Rothschild, Kennedy's, the list goes on of the big money that put an idea to start electronics building in Japan, Standard Oil of New York,(SONY). Put in $ too,.

Greedy sombitches just want the most they can get at our cost!

The figures very but what I usually see is that the top 2% owns, or has control over, far more than 29%. I suppose it depends on the method of calculation. And remember a big portion of US assets are now owned by wealthy foreigners which makes it even harder to calculate. The disparity of wealth within the USA has increased in the last 40 years but is far worse in many other countries.

The history of the Rothchild banking family is especially interesting going back to the mid 1700's. How they financed both sides of European wars. How they gained controlling interest over the Bank of England during the battle of waterloo. Their two failed attempts to take over the USA banking system during the 1800's and then finally succeeding in 1910 as the London faction of the Rothchilds were the driving force behind the founding of the [private] US Federal reserve bank. The Rothchilds provided funding for John D. Rockefeller [ standard oil], the Vanderbuilts [railroads] and several other robber baron industrialists of the era who also attended that meeting in 1910 on Jekal island, Georgia to create the FED. I have personally toured the mansion where they had that infamous meeting. When Woodrow Wilson was elected president in 1912 [ in the back pocket of the wealthy FED founders ] he immediately signed the " Federal reserve act of 1913" and also created the "Internal revenue service" [iRS] to collect income taxes part of which is used to pay interest to the FED banksters who "loan" money to the US treasury. No room here to go into detail about that scam. Also, when JP Morgan died they read his will and found that 85% of what everyone thought he owned was actually owned by the Rothchilds. He was their front man in the USA. The main Rothchild bank is the "World bank of settlements" in Zurich, Switzerland. I've heard it referred to as the "central bank of central banks". I'm not trying to insinuate that the Rothchilds or any other wealthy families "rule the world" but if you study history you know that they can have extreme influence over western governments and the underlying current of the global economy, especially when they agree on a long term agenda.

Correction: it's called the "Bank for International Settlements" and it's based in Basel, not Zurich as I said above.

Edited by Miami Bob
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I thought Thailand was anti-communist !? Zero is bad news for any to get involved with and if any of the govt in Thailand cuddles with him, beware.

Communist? What makes him a communist? His health-care plan? Apart from that he is the leader of the most capitalistic, and one of the most imperialistic (in modern times) countries in the world. Wish you were partly correct - a little more equality wouldn't hurt the US...

Maybe it's because of his comment "if you have a business, you didn't build it" remark, implying that success and all of the dividends belong to other people. Sounds like communist talk to me.

Secondly, America is not as you would say "the most capitalistic" country in the world. What you think is capitalism is in fact corporatism - where the largest corporations monopolise industries and squeeze out competitors through laws and regulations created by lobbying congress. Remember the Apple v Samsung patent case recently?

I dare say Thailand is in fact more capitalist than America, however and possibly because of this Thailand does have weaker rule of laws.

Edited by Time Traveller
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I thought Thailand was anti-communist !? Zero is bad news for any to get involved with and if any of the govt in Thailand cuddles with him, beware.

Communist? What makes him a communist? His health-care plan? Apart from that he is the leader of the most capitalistic, and one of the most imperialistic (in modern times) countries in the world. Wish you were partly correct - a little more equality wouldn't hurt the US...

Maybe it's because of his comment "if you have a business, you didn't build it" remark, implying that success and all of the dividends belong to other people. Sounds like communist talk to me.

Secondly, America is not as you would say "the most capitalistic" country in the world. What you think is capitalism is in fact corporatism - where the largest corporations monopolise industries and squeeze out competitors through laws and regulations created by lobbying congress. Remember the Apple v Samsung patent case recently?

I dare say Thailand is in fact more capitalist than America, however and possibly because of this Thailand does have weaker rule of laws.

Good post. I call it "crony capitalism". Or "insider capitalism". You might even call it "facism". Musillini used to call it " corporativo" which in English is "corporatism".... When big corps. conspire with corrupt government officials in conjunction with the whore mass media to control a country. Wow...mass media, that's another subject but this is supposed to be about the big O coming to Thailand so I'll shut up.
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Wow if only i could have gotten advice from some of the thai visa keyboard warriors i could have voted correctly in 2008.

I guess I should have voted for John "the fundamentals of the economy are strong" McCain and his trusty sidekick

Sarah "look at my pretty red shoes" Palin.

By now McCain could have had troops in Libya, Syria, and bombs falling on Iran. The economy could have continued in total freefall and Sarah could have bought several new dresses.

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Wow if only i could have gotten advice from some of the thai visa keyboard warriors i could have voted correctly in 2008.

I guess I should have voted for John "the fundamentals of the economy are strong" McCain and his trusty sidekick

Sarah "look at my pretty red shoes" Palin.

By now McCain could have had troops in Libya, Syria, and bombs falling on Iran. The economy could have continued in total freefall and Sarah could have bought several new dresses.

The "peace president" Obama along with NATO and his controllers DID invade Libya and are now going into Syria, it's just done by covert means and by funding Muslim fighters [ long story ] under the cover of a multitude of propaganda lies fed to the public and called a "humanitarian mission". Don't get me wrong, I hate Bush, McCain and Romney also, all Neo Con war mongers, but I think I hate Obama even more as he not only lies just as much but he is much more of a phony and a hypocrite. I love how he said in his last campaign that he would repeal the Patriot act and then signed two executive orders INCREASING the powers of the patriot act as soon as he got into office. Or how he said he would veto the NDAA because the public hated it and then signed it just before new years when no one was paying attention.
is a good example of what a large portion of Obama supporters are like and why they vote for him.

When i voted the ballot they gave me only had two choices:



You pick the pair that you think is likely to do the least damage or if you're optimistic the most good. To my mind there was NO COMPARISON. Not saying Obama was/is/will ever be perfect but the reality is you can either vote for one of the two or you can stay home and not vote.

I refuse to vote for a semi senile old man war mongerer like McCain and I sure as hell would never ever ever cast a vote for Sarah Palin. The very thought that anyone with an IQ higher than a potted plant thinks that woman was even remotely qualified to be VP much less President of the USA is scary.

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President Obama can be assured of a very warm welcome from the American expat community here in Thailand!

I don't know what part of Thailand you live in but I can assure you that the majority of American expats that live in my town would not give him a warm welcome. I know quite a few Americans here and I only know of one who is an Obama supporter. His administration's borrowing and printing money certainly has not helped the value of our dollars against the Baht or any other currency.

I doubt I'm in your town but you now know of another who is an Obama supporter . . . and if you read all the posts herewith, that number looks like it will increase . . .

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Thoroughly magnificent news.

I see this as a totally appropriate guesture, the leader of the free democratic world watering the shoots of thailands fledgling democracy.

Big high five for Prime Minister Yingluk, but who is this visit really aimed at? , a certain "General" perhaps

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I expect this to be a really big event in Thailand. Most of the world recognizes Obama as not just another American president, but an ICONIC one.


pls tell us why is 'ICONIC' in your view..?

I won't bother with writing my own essay, but here is a link. I think it is totally obvious that Obama is an iconic American president. Yes being the first black president is a big reason for that but also something about the aspects of his physical face, the charismatic nature of his first campaign, and the unusual international excitement over his first campaign, not to mention the premature Nobel Peace Prize which was of course silly but is evidence of the phenom:


Also, I don't think one needs to be an Obama supporter to see objectively that Obama is iconic.


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