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Phuket Attacker Blames Demon Drink

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Phuket rapist blames demon drink

Phuket Gazette –


Peerayut said he was ‘out of control’ from alcohol when he decided to rape the 18-year-old woman. Photo: Atchaa Khamlo

PHUKET: A confessed rapist, Peerayut Moottamara, 29, blamed his drunken state for the rape of a work colleague’s 18-year-old girlfriend in Chalong yesterday.

“The woman was cooking in a makeshift kitchen behind the row of terraced worker flats [that both of them lived in] yesterday. I was drinking alcohol earlier in the morning, I was out of control. I saw the woman, who is the girlfriend of a work colleague, at home alone. I felt sexually tempted by her and decided to rape her,” Peerayut told the Phuket Gazette today.

Chalong Police received the report of the rape at 11:20am yesterday from the woman’s boyfriend, who told them that he had already captured the rapist.

“When [the boyfriend] found out about what had happened, he was furious and beat me up. My face was all swollen up and my nose felt like it was broken,” Peerayut said.

“No one has taken me to see the doctor since they had to question me first, but I would really like to see a doctor,” he added.

Capt Cienchai Duangsuwan of the Chalong Police rushed to the scene yesterday to find Peerayut tied up and beaten.

The boyfriend told police that Peerayut had used a 12-inch cooking knife to threaten the woman before he raped her.

“He has been charged with rape, and is still being held at Chalong Police Station. We will have to question him further before sending submitting our case to the court,” said Capt Cienchai.

Source: http://www.phuketgazette.net/phuket_news/2012/Phuket-rapist-blames-demon-drink-19158.html


-- Phuket Gazette 2012-10-12

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I guess anyone who takes the time to get inside the mind of someone like this is going to be presented with this kind of shit. There is no story here beyond describing what someone like this is thinking; and frankly my dears, I don't give a dam_n what he is thinking!

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...blames demon drink


well hows about blaming your own 'demon' arm, for lifting up the glass and pouring the fluid down your throat in the 1st place..?

(could also go further than that and blame the neurons for firing that makes one move the arm, that picked up the glass, that poured it down the throat... coffee1.gif )

stop shifting the blame.

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Luckily, if you ingest a chemical of any kind, and comit a crime while under its influence--you are still responsible for you actions legally. A Meth head attacked my ex wife and nearly beat her to death while she was pregnant with my son, and he tried to use the "I was on Meth" defense. It didn't work, and he went to jail for life. fuc_k him. Hope he rots.

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