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Is The Personal Computer Dead?


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I just read that headline in Yahoo Finance.


I can't understand why people stop buying desktop PC's, for me it's my main PC platform. They are very reliable and easy to upgrade, hell I just added 8 GB of RAM in mine (did it myself, very easy) and can still add more if I wish so. I have a very good 22" Samsung monitor so I can watch a movie on it when my boy watches cartoons on the TV before bedtime.

Sure I got a net-book and a smart phone as well but to me they are just distant 2nd and I use the net-book when I travel but not at home. The net-book I had before broke down after 1.5 years use and I asked the guys in Sim-Lim (Singapore) that repaired it if it's a common problem, they laughed and pointed at the 15 or so Note-book's on a shelf, all for repair they said, ha-ha. They furthermore told me that they only use desk-top pc's in the shop because they last and they upgraded them all the time because they can and know how to do it.

My old net-book lasted 3 month after the repair so I binned it after taking out the 160GB harddrive that still works.

I hope I can keeping on buying desk-top PC's in the years to come.

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With all the capabilities now available in laptop, I would never plan to by a PC again in the future

Well, advantages of Desktops:

cheaper for the same power

much more power for people who play games or do video editing

If you need a lot storage or a lot devices connected the Desktop is better.

I usually have 2 screens in use, full with excel tables and in the background email and a virtual machine for some software that does not work on modern computer.

But I would prefer 4 screens. I see no comfortable way to do that with a laptop.

Other example: for my staff I bought computer with mainboard/graphic/cpu combo on atom basis. Works perfect fast for simple office work and is much cheaper than the cheapest laptop.

Of course the Desktop PC is loosing advantages against laptop but there are still some situations where it is better.

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Do these people know what they are talking about?

PC means Personal Computer.

not just a desk top, but laptop, Ipad, tablet etc........

In the office environment there is a shift from the Desktop to the laptop.

but to lump all this under the title PC is ridiculous.

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Haven't had a desktop for years and will never buy one again. So big. Too ugly. I like to use my laptop in different places - kitchen, bedroom, living room, balcony, etc. Would hate to be stuck in one place with a desktop. I think laptops are more unreliable these days though, probably because they don't use quality parts. Just built to fall apart so that you have to buy a new one. This Sony Viao has already broken twice in 7 months. Has to go back next week for complete new casing and hard drive. Looks good, but quality/design seems not so good. Feel like dumping it and getting something else, but will see how it goes after it's repaired. Last Dell laptop broke down about 8-10 times. Had 3 motherboards, new screen, new hard, new keyboard and about another 5 internal parts. Shockingly bad quality. Any suggestions on a reliable laptop?

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Sales will slow down and have been - many people that had desktops only used a browser 90% of the time anyway and you have to wonder why they bother paying for windows and then run firefox or other browser as well as playing movies on something other then windows media player. Anyway - for those that know what desktops are for they will build there own for years to come and save bundles of money. I can see where for many people it is just as well that they have a tablet or small netbook if that is all they really need anyway - sure don't need a desktop to tweet or facebook..

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Do these people know what they are talking about?

PC means Personal Computer.

not just a desk top, but laptop, Ipad, tablet etc........

In the office environment there is a shift from the Desktop to the laptop.

but to lump all this under the title PC is ridiculous.

The use of PC as a computer which runs Windows OS annoys me way more than it should.

Macbook Air is a PC, which is done by Apple and is running their own OS.

Duff, it's now said.. please continue.. :)

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Back to the topic - Is Desktop PC dead?

I think it will have only marginal market. Price of laptops, nettops etc has gone down so there is not really need to buy an desktop when thinking of the price.

As mentioned here earlier, screen size and resolution is one important factor when working with computers. But then again it's easy to use larger display on a laptop as well. For example use laptop's own display to show emails and twitter feeds and then larger/better resolution display (with VGA cable) for actual work.

Currently it's quite difficult to find better resolution laptops, or the prices are really high.

I suppose in the future we use several computers to do our work and leisure. Data is on the network and it's synced to various devices. Home / office laptop which resides most of the time indoors to do the work and smaller nettop computer or tablet to take the information while on the road.

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Haven't had a desktop for years and will never buy one again. So big. Too ugly. I like to use my laptop in different places - kitchen, bedroom, living room, balcony, etc. Would hate to be stuck in one place with a desktop. I think laptops are more unreliable these days though, probably because they don't use quality parts. Just built to fall apart so that you have to buy a new one. This Sony Viao has already broken twice in 7 months. Has to go back next week for complete new casing and hard drive. Looks good, but quality/design seems not so good. Feel like dumping it and getting something else, but will see how it goes after it's repaired. Last Dell laptop broke down about 8-10 times. Had 3 motherboards, new screen, new hard, new keyboard and about another 5 internal parts. Shockingly bad quality. Any suggestions on a reliable laptop?

I did so before, but after I got a tablet I take the tablet everywhere and do the heavy stuff on the Desktop. The laptop isn't much in use anymore.

Important think is of course that the tablet is instant available and has a keyboard that can be attached (I know know...a tablet with keyboard is again a laptop. But I mostly use it without keyboard, just when I need to write more I plug it in.)

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With all the capabilities now available in laptop, I would never plan to by a PC again in the future

Also laptops are getting very powerful and small and i cant understand why anyone will use a pad

I think people like the pads because they're very easy to carry around. But I much prefer a laptop, as I don't need or want to stay connected 24/7. The pads will become obsolete very quickly, so they can be waste of money at the moment. I read that the iPad 1, which was still on sale in Feb last year is no longer supported and won't be able to use many of the new apps. So pretty much a waste of money. And not exactly cheap.

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With all the capabilities now available in laptop, I would never plan to by a PC again in the future

Also laptops are getting very powerful and small and i cant understand why anyone will use a pad

I think people like the pads because they're very easy to carry around. But I much prefer a laptop, as I don't need or want to stay connected 24/7. The pads will become obsolete very quickly, so they can be waste of money at the moment. I read that the iPad 1, which was still on sale in Feb last year is no longer supported and won't be able to use many of the new apps. So pretty much a waste of money. And not exactly cheap.

I would not be so fast to doom the tablets.

There are people or even new generation who find those handy way to get information and amuse themselves. I on the other hand don't see the point myself, but at the same time I have to ask myself if I'm just a bit Jurassic when it comes to the new technology.

New kids know their ways with tablets and internet services in the way that we old timers just have to follow them and use our experience to devellope things further.

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A quality docking station will instantly allow your laptop to be as versatile as a desktop is for attaching peripherals. My home office and my work-place office both have docking stations set up with all the peripherals attached, including two 24 inch monitors. Turn on the laptop, shut the top and slap it into the docking station, all my work is with me and and both setups are the same. Then when I travel it is still the same unit. With my external HD and Dropbox/Gdrive I have everything covered. The only reason I can see for a desk-top is if you are doing highly specialized work requiring extreme PC capability, or are into serious gaming.

Edited by KHR1010
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I guess much depends of how you live, I have an office next to the living room in our house (not that I work here in Thailand), so I have set up my desk-top very nicely in there. I have added a fi-fi router so I can go on-line on my phone out at the patio.

I am now considering buying a tablet but will off-course keep my desk-top pc.

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Nothing can replace the desk top PC. Somchai's little shop can repair any problems, normally while you wait. Updates and upgrades are cheap and simple. I have the latest and greatest smart phone, a fairly new laptop and a netbook. I have ordered a SSD for the netbook to speed it up. I am of the opinion that a netbook is ideal for travelling because it is so versatile. It has WiFi, three USB ports, a good keyboard and a built in camera. I don't think that any tablet can compete with a netbook. The 10 inch screen is too small but that's what makes it so portable.

Other than a desk top, most other devices are very expensive or nearly impossible to repair. They are basically throw away items.

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I do a lot of stuff on my phone nowadays. The heavier stuff on my laptop. I use Acer for a while and never really had problems with them. 3 years of warranty, after that they are anyways outdated.

Got a 23" screen connected at my desk

Would never buy a desktop computer again. With the laptop I can take my data with me and work anywhere I want.

sent from my Android phone

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Desktop for me too, got an ipad and smartphone even a laptop somewhere. But for office work i love my 3 screens connected to my PC and the power it has over a laptop, better keyboard and mouse.

Sure you can have those things if you use a docking station but then what is the point of having a lap top. Desk tops are still cheaper and easier to upgrade. For some people a good laptop is ok for others it is not. Phones are nice too but for real light work.

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With all the capabilities now available in laptop, I would never plan to by a PC again in the future

Also laptops are getting very powerful and small and i cant understand why anyone will use a pad

Out and about

Pad = portability, battery life, GPS, phone.

When they make a laptop that can last 12hrs with built in GPS and phone, I will buy one.

But at home

Can't beat a tower linked with a 50" display screen and ADSL line.


So if you live in a one room condo, I can see the lure of the laptop, but not all of us are that poor.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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I just bought an iPad and as I become more accomplished it takes more and more of my computer time.

Virtually all reading is done on it now, online newspapers and magazines.... try laying on your bed and reading the New York Times on your desk top...

Any serious keyboard work is still done at the desk though, touchpad keyboards still leave a lot to be desired.

I'll confess I feel a pang of guilt, like passing an old friend you've neglected, when I walk past the big computer on my way to read my email on the toilet though. cool.png

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With all the capabilities now available in laptop, I would never plan to by a PC again in the future

Also laptops are getting very powerful and small and i cant understand why anyone will use a pad

Out and about

Pad = portability, battery life, GPS, phone.

When they make a laptop that can last 12hrs with built in GPS and phone, I will buy one.

But at home

Can't beat a tower linked with a 50" display screen and ADSL line.


So if you live in a one room condo, I can see the lure of the laptop, but not all of us are that poor.

Living in a big house is even more reason to have a laptop. What's the point of having all that space if you're stuck in one place with your giant desktop. I like to move around. I don't want to have to go to a set location to use a desktop.

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Living in a big house is even more reason to have a laptop. What's the point of having all that space if you're stuck in one place with your giant desktop. I like to move around. I don't want to have to go to a set location to use a desktop.

Sorry, I have wireless mouse and keyboard, I can type anywhere in the living room.

If I want to go outside, I just pick up the tablet.

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Simply another 'must have' marketing ploy. 'You have still a desktop? Oh, I have a laptop' smirk.

In the list of Ten Things Not To Buy Second Hand is a laptop computer. They bomb after just two years. As to all the offshoots, tablets et al. Yes. Very handy for an on the go business type, but completely unnecessary for those of us who prefer something longer lasting, more adaptable, and prefer to watch something downloaded/accessible on the net, than a subscription tv.

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If you just want to read the internet and you think Farmville is an awesome game, you will probably be content with a tablet or maybe a lap top.

But lets get real here, if you're working on documents, programming, photos, videos or playing a *real* game, you need a big screen if you want to stay sane. And you will probably want, if not need, a processor with some serious grunt. Desktop pcs are not dead.

I use a laptop when I must, but I will always turn to a tablet or desktop first. I kind of hate laptops, actually.

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Simply another 'must have' marketing ploy. 'You have still a desktop? Oh, I have a laptop' smirk.

In the list of Ten Things Not To Buy Second Hand is a laptop computer. They bomb after just two years. As to all the offshoots, tablets et al. Yes. Very handy for an on the go business type, but completely unnecessary for those of us who prefer something longer lasting, more adaptable, and prefer to watch something downloaded/accessible on the net, than a subscription tv.

A tablet is just something different. Not a working device but entertainment. I use mine to read EBooks (did it before on the laptop, which is much less comfortable but possible.). Before sleeping and when wake up, I read a bit in the international newspapers on it. It wouldn't be comfortable to take the Desktop in the bed and hold the 23 inch screen before my face.

Sometime I use teamviewer to check if something happened on the multiple mailboxes on the desktop, while I read somewhere relaxed an Ebook.

So that device has a use for me.

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Living in a big house is even more reason to have a laptop. What's the point of having all that space if you're stuck in one place with your giant desktop. I like to move around. I don't want to have to go to a set location to use a desktop.

I think this house might qualify as medium-size, something like 200 sqm or so, not really sure. One HTPC (XBMC on Linux, normal desktop box), two PC's (Linux & Win7), three laptops, two tablets, 5-6 smartphones and assorted gear not normally used like a netbook.

They all have their uses, no solution is universal.

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