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Uk Man Jailed For Wearing "kill A Cop 4 Fun" T-Shirt


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just think this prick walks round the corner and there is one of the murdered police womens brother, he gives him a good hiding only to go to prison for what this prick is doing, hes gone to the right place, and one of the other posters says, should be a list of people like this who when they want police help can go and whistle,


Edited by Scott
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The Uk has many things right health care (for the big issues) embracing multi-culturalism as you stated but also many things wrong.

The County courts, Criminal courts ,CPS, combined with the policy of producing undertrained underfunded and restricted police officers. Has subsequently resulted in an unbalanced system, designed more around collecting fines and nannying its citizens.

Maybe a police state as I quoted earlier is OTT but simple fact remains, the system isn't set up to protect and serve anymore. But more to Prohibit free thinking and speech, collect money for the treasury and tell us Uk nationals how to behave in a non offensive manner for fear of upsetting anyone.

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Utter dick....but 4 months for a moronic tshirt. Makes the UK look like Putin's Russia.

Often the best way to deal with brain-dead gits is to let them make fools of themselves , a skill they often excel at.

Nah, he'll only do a couple of months - I would say thats just about right in the circumstances - he isn't a kid and doesn't have mental issues.

he SHOULD be allowed to say whatever he wants to say!!!

how many people (in a debate, or on chat shows, or TV) say: "I hope that rapist gets executed", or some kind of pro-nazi (jew killing) comment.

do these people end up in Jail for inciting murder? NO!!

people are allowed to say what they want!

so should the writers of Southpark go to jail??? they do pretty much everything that is possibly bad!!!

but they DONT go to jail!

i think its disgusting how the Police always protect their own! they go to the end of the earth to "look after themselves" (like a maffia family), but they never show such commitment when it comes to 'non-connected' people.

yes, the guty is silly for doing such a thing. but he should NOT be in jail for it. even for a few hours. NO.

if you know speakers corner in london (hyde park) you will hear this kind of talk all day long!!!

how about jailing the editors of all newspapers when they WISH or incite that terrorists are caught and killed.

I think they may have arrested him for his own protection, and the protection of the public.

If myself (or any like-minded sane person) saw a prick like this wearing something like that and was confronted by him, there would be a high possibility of either ABH or GBH charges being pressed on a relatively innocent member of the community.

Just sayin'.................wink.png

Edit: The above would likely never happen anyway. The British police look after their own, let nobody be eluded to that fact.

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While he celarly asked for 'it', I would have made him pay a fine instead.

As the worthless piece of scum is probably unemployed and on benefits he wouldn't be paying any fine but rather the stupid British taxpayer would be even at 2 pounds a week for the next ten years.

Free speech is fine bit offensive and insulting behaviour should be dealt with. He was !

I wonder if he is still smirking like he was just before going to court ?

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I just think it's unnecessarily provocative to wear something like this. It's in a similar category to these idiots who joke with the airport staff prior to boarding a flight which can often result in them being detained.

In this day and age if you want peaceful existence you just need to use common sense and be sensitive about what you are outwardly express.

Your thoughts are still your own though….. Well at least for the time being

Recall Orwell’s Thought Police that can invade even private thoughts? Well here they come in the form of a “mind-reading” helmet machine.

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Taken out of context, offensive to the minorities is not offensive to the masses.

Eh ????? Does this sentence make sense to you ?

Being offensive is: being offensive - end of. You seem to think that being offensive is sometimes acceptable - I don't. And I get the impression that in this case: the police, the CPS and the presiding judge all thought this guys T-shirt slogans were offensive.

As several other posters have mentioned, this guy was a long-term recidivist, I doubt that a couple more months in the clink are going to kill him.

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Act of stupidity from both the guy wearing the stupid offensive T shirt, and the judge convicting him to 4 months.

Would you be put in jail for wearing a justice for Ian Tomlison murdered by the police T- shirt ? Or A taliban t-shirt ?

Absolute double standards being shown here by the court , and the start of potential censorship becoming more prevalent in the UK where does it end?

The Uk is becoming nothing more than a corporate police state, with a bunch of weak minded individuals at the helm.

Rubbish, should be 4 years not 4 months

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Yes it makes perfect sense.

For example take the Non offensive ( to the masses in UK) Christmas tree banned from being labelled as such, now a holiday or festive tree as some (read minorities) found it offensive.

As for the rest of your post, yes it would seem proven the guy is a repeat offender and generally deserved what he got.

However it won't change the fact it sets a dangerous precedent on censorship had the jailing been based purely on his T-shirt .

" Being offensive is: being offensive - end of. You seem to think that being offensive is sometimes acceptable - I don't."

Hmm didn't you state that my initial post was idiotic , how is that not to be deemed as offensive?

Edited by stiggy
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RIP to the murdered people and sympathies to their families.

Nothing can justify the act of murder and the perpetrators should be punished.

On the other side of the coin, I wonder why the facebook guy used the word 'legend' in regard to the murderers.

Many would susbribe to the notion that some people, in any society are simply born 'bad'. Obviously there is no clear answer to this proposition.

However I sometimes wonder whether lack of good social examples in childhhood / teenage years, lack of broad education, lack of opportunity, lack of leadership at the top (PM / president, etc) etc etc., breeds and instils negative / revenge / hatred / poor values, etc.

In other words, does society as a whole pay enough attention, through social attitudes and values, the morality of business and through legislation to ensure there is a better picture of opportunity?

My personal opinion is that the gap between the rich and the poor is getting bigger and under capitalism as we know it (often meaning greed and lack of values) the gap will get bigger and bigger (obvious example, the banking scenario of recent years) leading eventually to more crisis, probably eventually with major bloodshed.

Should we all be looking now very deeply at this point? I suspect the answer is yes.

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For example take the Non offensive ( to the masses in UK) Christmas tree banned from being labelled as such, now a holiday or festive tree as some (read minorities) found it offensive.

You have posted some <deleted> in this topic, but the above takes the biscuit!

The word Christmas and Christmas tree have never been banned by anyone in the UK.

However it won't change the fact it sets a dangerous precedent on censorship had the jailing been based purely on his T-shirt

And if my Auntie had testicles she'd be my uncle.

But she hasn't, and it wasn't, so your whole ridiculous argument is built on sand..

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For example take the Non offensive ( to the masses in UK) Christmas tree banned from being labelled as such, now a holiday or festive tree as some (read minorities) found it offensive.

You have posted some <deleted> in this topic, but the above takes the biscuit!

The word Christmas and Christmas tree have never been banned by anyone in the UK.

However it won't change the fact it sets a dangerous precedent on censorship had the jailing been based purely on his T-shirt

And if my Auntie had testicles she'd be my uncle.

But she hasn't, and it wasn't, so your whole ridiculous argument is built on sand..

I beg to differ here. several councils have banned the use of the term Christmas in case it offends other religions and they refer to this period as winter festival. Also the banning of giving out Xmas cards in local authority offices and workplaces has also been enforced as has the banning of putting up Xmas decorations.

You obviously have no experience of just how politically correct the UK is today.

Rather than built on sand his argument is built on a rock steady, concrete foundation of fact !

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I wish they threw Barry my way wearing that shirt, i guarantee he would be seeking immediate Police help!

Hope he gets a rounder in the prison, if i ever see that shit over here....uhhhhhh'

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For example take the Non offensive ( to the masses in UK) Christmas tree banned from being labelled as such, now a holiday or festive tree as some (read minorities) found it offensive.

You have posted some <deleted> in this topic, but the above takes the biscuit!

The word Christmas and Christmas tree have never been banned by anyone in the UK.

I beg to differ here. several councils have banned the use of the term Christmas in case it offends other religions and they refer to this period as winter festival. Also the banning of giving out Xmas cards in local authority offices and workplaces has also been enforced as has the banning of putting up Xmas decorations.

You obviously have no experience of just how politically correct the UK is today.

Rather than built on sand his argument is built on a rock steady, concrete foundation of fact !

Well, after a fairly intensive search, the closest I could find is this from Wikipedia.

In the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland there have been some minor controversies, one of the most famous being the temporary promotion of the phrase Winterval for a whole season of events (including Christmas festivities) by Birmingham City Council in the late 1990s.[19] This remains a controversial example of "Christmas controversy", with critics attacking the use of the word "Winterval" as being political correctness gone mad, accusing council officials of trying to take the Christ out of Christmas.[19] The council responded to the criticism by stating that Christmas-related words and symbols were prominent in its publicity material: "...there was a banner saying Merry Christmas across the front of the council house, Christmas lights, Christmas trees in the main civil squares, regular carol-singing sessions by school choirs, and the Lord Mayor sent a Christmas card with a traditional Christmas scene wishing everyone a Merry Christmas"...[20]

In November 2009 the city council of Dundee was accused of banning Christmas because it promoted its celebrations as the Winter Night Light festival, initially with no specific references to Christianity. Local church leaders were invited to participate in the event, and they did.[21]

Note that underneath this is a reference to renaming Christmas trees as holiday trees; in the USA! Seems his geography shows as little respect for facts as his political opinions!

I do, however, remain open to persuasion if you or he can provide evidence that any council or other official body in the UK has actually banned Christmas or the use of the word.

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I beg to differ here. several councils have banned the use of the term Christmas in case it offends other religions and they refer to this period as winter festival. Also the banning of giving out Xmas cards in local authority offices and workplaces has also been enforced as has the banning of putting up Xmas decorations.

Can you name some of these councils and local authorities please?

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I beg to differ here. several councils have banned the use of the term Christmas in case it offends other religions and they refer to this period as winter festival. Also the banning of giving out Xmas cards in local authority offices and workplaces has also been enforced as has the banning of putting up Xmas decorations.

Can you name some of these councils and local authorities please?


I've never heard of Christmas being banned in the UK in any official capacity and I doubt it ever will be.

And Easter is safe too..... as long as no one finds the body.

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Ask a school if the kids there can make christmas cards in Barking see what happens, why your at it ask where the christmas trees are.

As for my geography it's pretty good based on extensive travel.The same travelling experience has given me the same views /Opinions that some have described as <deleted> or idiotic.Still I have met small minded opinionated defensive types the world over so why should a Forum be any different. tongue.png

Any how back to subject, the Op Title reads "UK man jailed for wearing kill a cop t-shirt" Not Repeat offender with countless previous convictions, wears an offensive cop killing t-shirt and finally gets a sentence as Judge has had enough .

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This 'jerk' shouldn't be able to hide behind laws made for decent people. It is good that some of his previous misdeeds could be used to 'try' to teach him a lesson. I still doubt that he will learn.

How insensitive of him when so many decent people were grieving - Rightfully deserves more punishment than he got.

Four months in jail for being 'insensitive' seems a little harsh to me.

I didn't realise not being a decent person (or being a jerk) was a jail-able offense.

Glad I don't live in the UK, dreading going back for a week.

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Utter dick....but 4 months for a moronic tshirt. Makes the UK look like Putin's Russia.

Often the best way to deal with brain-dead gits is to let them make fools of themselves , a skill they often excel at.

Nah, he'll only do a couple of months - I would say thats just about right in the circumstances - he isn't a kid and doesn't have mental issues.

he SHOULD be allowed to say whatever he wants to say!!!

how many people (in a debate, or on chat shows, or TV) say: "I hope that rapist gets executed", or some kind of pro-nazi (jew killing) comment.

do these people end up in Jail for inciting murder? NO!!

people are allowed to say what they want!

so should the writers of Southpark go to jail??? they do pretty much everything that is possibly bad!!!

but they DONT go to jail!

i think its disgusting how the Police always protect their own! they go to the end of the earth to "look after themselves" (like a maffia family), but they never show such commitment when it comes to 'non-connected' people.

yes, the guty is silly for doing such a thing. but he should NOT be in jail for it. even for a few hours. NO.

if you know speakers corner in london (hyde park) you will hear this kind of talk all day long!!!

how about jailing the editors of all newspapers when they WISH or incite that terrorists are caught and killed.

You obviously cannot tell the difference between free speech and slander and harrassment. So please refrain from further embarassing yourself.

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You obviously cannot tell the difference between free speech and slander and harrassment. So please refrain from further embarassing yourself.

Just to point out,

Something clearly an insult is specifically excluded from slander or libel laws.

You need to specify a living individual to invoke either of those two laws.

Under UK law you can't slander or harass a dead person.

Doesn't matter what occupation they previously held.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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