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almost every F1 car


Ferrari 3 teams

Renault 4 teams

Mercedes 3 teams

Cosworth 2 teams

Yes, please find out where they are tuned and fitted.

To save you the grief.


That would be "almost" every F1 car

So me and my buddy Henry were sitting around at the yacht club having a beer. I drove a Jaguar back then. Henry asked me why I wasn't driving a Ford and I told him it's because he couldn't win at Le Mans. He said, “could too.” I said, “could not.”

So good to my word I traded in my Jag and bought a Mustang in 1967 the first year an American designed and made car won at Le Mans.

But as good as it was for Americans to finally win at Le Mans among all those snooty European drivers who thought Yanks were only hillbilly stock car racers it had nothing to do with car production and also nothing to do with what I was talking about in this thread.

Where do the best automotive engineers come from today? I don't know but one would guess Germany or Japan. And I didn't compare Thailand to Germany or Japan.

Thai engineers may not be coming up with new ways to make a chassis more aerodynamic but they have figured out how to keep the factory running with Thai workers whose first priority is drinking whiskey and eating som tom. Now that is a feat of modern engineering. They take raw materials and produce a finished product and they do it on time and ship it on time and then go to lunch and eat som tom on time. The buses run on time that pick up the workers. They run past my house every day and in three years I have never seen one late. That takes maintenance and scheduling and a host of characters that have degrees in industrial engineering to pull off. It is not formula one racing it is simple factory engineering.

  • Like 1

I've seen some sh!t threads, but I have to say, this one takes the cake.

I have seen some shit answers but for a no information shit answer yours is as good as it gets.smile.png Don't just flame. Tell us how you feel or everyone will know there is nothing in your head.


I've seen some sh!t threads, but I have to say, this one takes the cake.

I was about to name a few thread in the first page that are more serious contenders for the #1 shit thread, but then what's the point to offend more people. Just let say we obviously have very different standards

CMK very courageously took the party to defend and promote the country where he chose to live. Some of his arguments may be questionable but I applaud the initiative.


We'd all like to drive an Aston Martin or a Lotus, and I come closer than most, with the Campro lotus-designed engine in my Proton.

You can tell its designed by the Brits, it's very thirsty...



As we live in Thailand why should we give a fwuck what some keyboard warrior has to say ,there must be a reason he hates the Brits ,i suppose he feels inferior in some way and anyway who gives a flying fart if Thailand produces more cars?

cheesy.gif , spot on. cheesy.gif

Well if you can't beat em next best thing is to say you don't care. clap2.gif

Pesonally ,i couldnt care less what you think ,so why in Gods name should i care if Thailand makes more cars than Britain ,its obviously your the one who has the problem I just live here enjoying the sun with my familly and spending my moneytongue.png .

  • Like 1

I've seen some sh!t threads, but I have to say, this one takes the cake.

CMK very courageously took the party to defend and promote the country where he chose to live. Some of his arguments may be questionable but I applaud the initiative.

There is 'promoting and defending'. Then there is shooting yourself in the foot by being loose with your facts.

The title was nonsensical. There is no war in the auto's between Thailand and the UK. I dare say they don't even compete in the same markets. Partipate in the same supply chain, maybe. But that is about it.

Now we have a tit for tat over engineering standards. <deleted>?

  • Like 2

As we live in Thailand why should we give a fwuck what some keyboard warrior has to say ,there must be a reason he hates the Brits ,i suppose he feels inferior in some way and anyway who gives a flying fart if Thailand produces more cars?

cheesy.gif , spot on. cheesy.gif

Well if you can't beat em next best thing is to say you don't care. clap2.gif

Pesonally ,i couldnt care less what you think ,so why in Gods name should i care if Thailand makes more cars than Britain ,its obviously your the one who has the problem I just live here enjoying the sun with my familly and spending my moneytongue.png .

Not to belabor the obvious but you are the one who is posting and that's post number #249 I think. Why are you here and not out enjoying the sun with the family? I don't know. For anyone who may not know, "I am not making the above poster post against his will. He is doing it of his own volition."


I've seen some sh!t threads, but I have to say, this one takes the cake.

I have seen some shit answers but for a no information shit answer yours is as good as it gets.smile.png Don't just flame. Tell us how you feel or everyone will know there is nothing in your head.

Post 146, sunshine.

  • Like 1

I've seen some sh!t threads, but I have to say, this one takes the cake.

CMK very courageously took the party to defend and promote the country where he chose to live. Some of his arguments may be questionable but I applaud the initiative.

There is 'promoting and defending'. Then there is shooting yourself in the foot by being loose with your facts.

The title was nonsensical. There is no war in the auto's between Thailand and the UK. I dare say they don't even compete in the same markets. Partipate in the same supply chain, maybe. But that is about it.

Now we have a tit for tat over engineering standards. <deleted>?

Loose with what facts? Or are not able to quote? I liked the title. It got a lot of readership; you read it didn't you? It was a good title. Titles are supposed to encourage people to read not put them to sleep.

The auto market is global. Put a car on a boat, it is not going to spoil nor does it cost much to ship on a container ship. I sell a product in Thailand kind of like a car (steel and plastic and electrical stuff) all over the world from Italy to South America. Honest it is no problem. Shipping connections are good.

And there are all the secondary markets that service the auto industry millions of dollars, billions of baht. Everybody wants in on the action. Tires for example are French maybe or British. Your scope is too narrow. Machine tools. Computer controlled equipment and the service and repair of that equipment. Steel fabrication is big here. It would not be without the auto industry. It is not that the auto industry uses giant steel structures but they both use the same infrastructure.

There is a global trade war every day. You may call it what you like. You can call it competition or whatever but it is a no holds barred war. Ask the Chinese.smile.png

  • Like 1

Oh i get it chiangmai ,your trying to get lots of posts ,well we all know your a troll , but hey ,i still like pulling your chain ,and as for not being out in the sun ,this is my time on the computer ,early morning ,and evening .


Oh i get it chiangmai ,your trying to get lots of posts ,well we all know your a troll , but hey ,i still like pulling your chain ,and as for not being out in the sun ,this is my time on the computer ,early morning ,and evening .

Spot on.

Every comment gets a response gotta love it, but I`ll be called a flame just watch.


Oh i get it chiangmai ,your trying to get lots of posts ,well we all know your a troll , but hey ,i still like pulling your chain ,and as for not being out in the sun ,this is my time on the computer ,early morning ,and evening .

I'm not a troll, heck I am a ray of intellectual sunshine here on Thai Visa. A troll would be starting a thread about how to spell Farang or another where to find girls who do the laundry by hand thread. I am giving you information you can use. You can invest. You can start a business. You can be successful like me.smile.png I don't have to work for some pirate offshore. I am self sufficient here in Thailand with my family and dogs and such.

  • Like 1

I've seen some sh!t threads, but I have to say, this one takes the cake.

CMK very courageously took the party to defend and promote the country where he chose to live. Some of his arguments may be questionable but I applaud the initiative.

There is 'promoting and defending'. Then there is shooting yourself in the foot by being loose with your facts.

The title was nonsensical. There is no war in the auto's between Thailand and the UK. I dare say they don't even compete in the same markets. Partipate in the same supply chain, maybe. But that is about it.

Now we have a tit for tat over engineering standards. <deleted>?

There are a big number of dumb threads in the General forum, why pick up this one ? And in such a violent manner ?

What is wrong with comparing Thailand and the UK ? Maybe it's finding that in some aspect Thailand is better that really upset some posters ...

Maybe some people should realize there is no more "british" cars. Nowadays all the cars are either German or Japanese or more recently Korean, Indian or Chinese. The only thing British on a British car is the logo on the bonnet. So it's fair to say that Thailand and the UK are actually fighting in the same league. It may hurt some ego but that's a fact.

  • Like 1

Oh i get it chiangmai ,your trying to get lots of posts ,well we all know your a troll , but hey ,i still like pulling your chain ,and as for not being out in the sun ,this is my time on the computer ,early morning ,and evening .

I'm not a troll, heck I am a ray of intellectual sunshine here on Thai Visa. A troll would be starting a thread about how to spell Farang or another where to find girls who do the laundry by hand thread. I am giving you information you can use. You can invest. You can start a business. You can be successful like me.smile.png I don't have to work for some pirate offshore. I am self sufficient here in Thailand with my family and dogs and such.

I am succesfull and dont have to work ,havnt for over 12 years ,just enjoy my life with my familly and spend my money.

anyway bored now let just leave it at thatcoffee1.gif


I've seen some sh!t threads, but I have to say, this one takes the cake.

CMK very courageously took the party to defend and promote the country where he chose to live. Some of his arguments may be questionable but I applaud the initiative.

There is 'promoting and defending'. Then there is shooting yourself in the foot by being loose with your facts.

The title was nonsensical. There is no war in the auto's between Thailand and the UK. I dare say they don't even compete in the same markets. Partipate in the same supply chain, maybe. But that is about it.

Now we have a tit for tat over engineering standards. <deleted>?

There are a big number of dumb threads in the General forum, why pick up this one ? And in such a violent manner ?

What is wrong with comparing Thailand and the UK ? Maybe it's finding that in some aspect Thailand is better that really upset some posters ...

Maybe some people should realize there is no more "british" cars. Nowadays all the cars are either German or Japanese or more recently Korean, Indian or Chinese. The only thing British on a British car is the logo on the bonnet. So it's fair to say that Thailand and the UK are actually fighting in the same league. It may hurt some ego but that's a fact.

I don't think calling a spade a spade is violent.

And as for being 'upset' by the fact Thailand is good at something, I suggest you read back over my previous posts on TV. I'm usually the one being accused of wearing 'rose coloured glasses' and being a Thai apologist.


I think this conversation boils down to essentially that every country basically protects their car manufacturing industry - if not behind tariff walls then with subsidies, tax breaks or bail-outs. Car manufacturing is a bit like national airlines. You really want one if you want to view yourself as an important country - regarless of the cost.

This plays well into the Auto company's hands. And they play it up for all it is worth.

What is evident is Thailand is a relatively important cog in the Asia Pacific supply chain for auto manufacturers. It will more or less continue to be thus. A couple of auto execs I know prefer being in Thailand over China - but for them from a personal perspective that is more a lifestyle thing than a economic decision.

But given that I know people who have set up entire and substantial regional HQ's in Thailand because they prefer the nightlife, you can't dismiss that aspect of the attraction to Thaiand as an intangible for being based here. That and the government incentives.

Beyond that, there isn't much sensible you can say about this industry in the context of the OP's heading.

To say that decisions on the automotive industry are based on the quality of the nightlife of the host country is one of the dumbest thing I ever heard.

Do you have any idea how a car assembly line functions ? What are the relation between a car manufacturer and his subcontractors ? Do you know that if you want to be a sub contractor for a specific model, the car manufacturer may ask you to built a factory in all the countries where he makes this model? Do you know that up to 70-80% of a new car is actually developed by the sub contractors ?

Do you realize when a decision is made in the car industry how many companies / factories / people are actually involved. Do you really believe that the location of the favorite watering hole of the managers have any influence on that ?


Since we are on the topic of British and cars....

Does anyone remember that episode of "Top Gear" where Jeremy and the boys drove cars through the American deep South (Alabama) with stuff like "Nascar sucks" and "I'm Bi" written on their cars? :)

I just kind of got to thinking that this thread is kind of like that...but in reverse.

CMK, dude I gotta respect you for toughing it out in this thread. :)


I've seen some sh!t threads, but I have to say, this one takes the cake.

CMK very courageously took the party to defend and promote the country where he chose to live. Some of his arguments may be questionable but I applaud the initiative.

There is 'promoting and defending'. Then there is shooting yourself in the foot by being loose with your facts.

The title was nonsensical. There is no war in the auto's between Thailand and the UK. I dare say they don't even compete in the same markets. Partipate in the same supply chain, maybe. But that is about it.

Now we have a tit for tat over engineering standards. <deleted>?

Loose with what facts? Or are not able to quote? I liked the title. It got a lot of readership; you read it didn't you? It was a good title. Titles are supposed to encourage people to read not put them to sleep.

The auto market is global. Put a car on a boat, it is not going to spoil nor does it cost much to ship on a container ship. I sell a product in Thailand kind of like a car (steel and plastic and electrical stuff) all over the world from Italy to South America. Honest it is no problem. Shipping connections are good.

And there are all the secondary markets that service the auto industry millions of dollars, billions of baht. Everybody wants in on the action. Tires for example are French maybe or British. Your scope is too narrow. Machine tools. Computer controlled equipment and the service and repair of that equipment. Steel fabrication is big here. It would not be without the auto industry. It is not that the auto industry uses giant steel structures but they both use the same infrastructure.

There is a global trade war every day. You may call it what you like. You can call it competition or whatever but it is a no holds barred war. Ask the Chinese.smile.png

Its all War alright and the Capitalist West is in the Box Seat.

Oh i get it chiangmai ,your trying to get lots of posts ,well we all know your a troll , but hey ,i still like pulling your chain ,and as for not being out in the sun ,this is my time on the computer ,early morning ,and evening .

I'm not a troll, heck I am a ray of intellectual sunshine here on Thai Visa. A troll would be starting a thread about how to spell Farang or another where to find girls who do the laundry by hand thread. I am giving you information you can use. You can invest. You can start a business. You can be successful like me.smile.png I don't have to work for some pirate offshore. I am self sufficient here in Thailand with my family and dogs and such.

United States of America checking in. At ease, private chiangmaikelly.

The following are simple facts which I'm sure you'll enjoy. Thailand invented the automobile. As time went on they invented the spark plug and ignition systems, and later invented and provided the whole world with electronic fuel injection.

In their spare time, they invented personal computers, central processing units on a silicon wafer, and leveraged that into the internet with all of its complexity. One day while outside having a smoke, they invented cell phones and on another smoke break they developed smartphones and the Android operating system which could tie into their internet. Yes, those Thais are amazing.

Along the way they invented the airplane, soon to be powered by their other invention, the jet engine. One of their brightess figured out how to split and contain an atom and from that came the nuclear bomb and nuclear power. Every single ship in their navy is powered by a nuclear reactor, including the dozen or so Nimitz-class_aircraft_carrier groups. With tiny feet, noses and dicks, they can fully support 5,000 troops on one ship. Their submarines can therefore stay down for months, running on nuclear power while generating their own oxygen and drinking water and climate control. If they get bored in that sub they can launch an ICBM with their device called a nuclear warhead and wipe out any city in the world. Just push a couple buttons and it's the 4th of July anywhere they want. Dang those Thais.

Remember World War Two? Do you know what contributed greatly to the defeat of Hitler? During that war, the Thais invented radar, enabling the allied forces, especially the UK and the US to see Hitler's fighters even in the dark and even through the clouds and avoid them. The Germans were stunned, not understanding why they couldn't find any allied bombers any more, and yet their cities were falling to ruin from bombs, thanks to the Thais.

Oops. It was the British who invented radar right then and did that. My bad. The British immediately gave it to the US and the air battle was all but won. But I'm sure the Thais had the best of intentions.

So yes, we are all inferior to the Thais who in the usual "me too" way are using our computers and cell phones and smart phones and televisions and radios and vehicles with technology they weren't smart enough to invent.

But as long as someone comes along, makes the investment, and teaches the Thais how to build automobiles for 200 BHT a day, all will appear rosy. After all, in Thailand, appearance is everything. Must save face.



Since we are on the topic of British and cars....

Does anyone remember that episode of "Top Gear" where Jeremy and the boys drove cars through the American deep South (Alabama) with stuff like "Nascar sucks" and "I'm Bi" written on their cars? smile.png

And I really loved it when they went to India.

They almost created a diplomatic incident with India because of some of their comments



There is 'promoting and defending'. Then there is shooting yourself in the foot by being loose with your facts.

The title was nonsensical. There is no war in the auto's between Thailand and the UK. I dare say they don't even compete in the same markets. Partipate in the same supply chain, maybe. But that is about it.

Now we have a tit for tat over engineering standards. <deleted>?

Hang with me for a second I am going to try something. Samran is wrong. No doubt about it. Categorically and completely wrong. I am going to explain that and lets all wait and see if he can apologizes for being wrong. OK? Jaguar and Land Rover are made at three factories in the UK and are being exported to Asia. Now I think even Samran can admit that Asia is Thailand's market. So in fact they are competing. And I have not mentioned auto parts which is a big market for both countries.

Now who is playing loose with facts? Me? Samran said they don't even compete in the same markets. He is playing loose with facts.


I think this conversation boils down to essentially that every country basically protects their car manufacturing industry - if not behind tariff walls then with subsidies, tax breaks or bail-outs. Car manufacturing is a bit like national airlines. You really want one if you want to view yourself as an important country - regarless of the cost.

This plays well into the Auto company's hands. And they play it up for all it is worth.

What is evident is Thailand is a relatively important cog in the Asia Pacific supply chain for auto manufacturers. It will more or less continue to be thus. A couple of auto execs I know prefer being in Thailand over China - but for them from a personal perspective that is more a lifestyle thing than a economic decision.

But given that I know people who have set up entire and substantial regional HQ's in Thailand because they prefer the nightlife, you can't dismiss that aspect of the attraction to Thaiand as an intangible for being based here. That and the government incentives.

Beyond that, there isn't much sensible you can say about this industry in the context of the OP's heading.

To say that decisions on the automotive industry are based on the quality of the nightlife of the host country is one of the dumbest thing I ever heard.

Do you have any idea how a car assembly line functions ? What are the relation between a car manufacturer and his subcontractors ? Do you know that if you want to be a sub contractor for a specific model, the car manufacturer may ask you to built a factory in all the countries where he makes this model? Do you know that up to 70-80% of a new car is actually developed by the sub contractors ?

Do you realize when a decision is made in the car industry how many companies / factories / people are actually involved. Do you really believe that the location of the favorite watering hole of the managers have any influence on that ?

Sorry for not being clearer. There are two seperate thoughts in my post you have responded to. Let me clarify.

The first is the "A couple of auto execs I know prefer being in Thailand over China - but for them from a personal perspective that is more a lifestyle thing than a economic decision."

Though economics of a investment decision always plays huge role, once a decision has been made, the preference of the staff -especially senior staff - to be based in one country (Thailand) over a newer up and coming market (say China) means that it is hard to get the talent required elsewhere and shift functions away from BKK to China.

As for the second point "I know people who have set up entire and substantial regional HQ's in Thailand because they prefer the nightlife"....you betchya, especially where the differences in economic incentives offered in different jurisiticions/countries were marginal at best. I'm not going to name names, but it wasn't auto, but a substantive arm of an EU based multinational who many people would have heard of.


There is 'promoting and defending'. Then there is shooting yourself in the foot by being loose with your facts.

The title was nonsensical. There is no war in the auto's between Thailand and the UK. I dare say they don't even compete in the same markets. Partipate in the same supply chain, maybe. But that is about it.

Now we have a tit for tat over engineering standards. <deleted>?

Hang with me for a second I am going to try something. Samran is wrong. No doubt about it. Categorically and completely wrong. I am going to explain that and lets all wait and see if he can apologizes for being wrong. OK? Jaguar and Land Rover are made at three factories in the UK and are being exported to Asia. Now I think even Samran can admit that Asia is Thailand's market. So in fact they are competing. And I have not mentioned auto parts which is a big market for both countries.

Now who is playing loose with facts? Me? Samran said they don't even compete in the same markets. He is playing loose with facts.

Go look up the economic definition of a market. Yep, the one which judges use regularly to decide competition cases - specifically - cases of anti-competitive behaviour. You seem to be good at google.

Now tell me, based on those economic criteria use to test the definition of a market- if Jaguar and Land Rover play for the same demographic to the pick-up truck manufactures, your Toyota's and your Fords.

What you are saying is a Jag is a perfect substiute for a Toyota Hilux.

They aren't. And as such are seperate markets.


There is 'promoting and defending'. Then there is shooting yourself in the foot by being loose with your facts.

The title was nonsensical. There is no war in the auto's between Thailand and the UK. I dare say they don't even compete in the same markets. Partipate in the same supply chain, maybe. But that is about it.

Now we have a tit for tat over engineering standards. <deleted>?

Hang with me for a second I am going to try something. Samran is wrong. No doubt about it. Categorically and completely wrong. I am going to explain that and lets all wait and see if he can apologizes for being wrong. OK? Jaguar and Land Rover are made at three factories in the UK and are being exported to Asia. Now I think even Samran can admit that Asia is Thailand's market. So in fact they are competing. And I have not mentioned auto parts which is a big market for both countries.

Now who is playing loose with facts? Me? Samran said they don't even compete in the same markets. He is playing loose with facts.

Go look up the economic definition of a market. Yep, the one which judges use regularly to decide competition cases - specifically - cases of anti-competitive behaviour. You seem to be good at google.

Now tell me, based on those economic criteria use to test the definition of a market- if Jaguar and Land Rover play for the same demographic to the pick-up truck manufactures, your Toyota's and your Fords.

What you are saying is a Jag is a perfect substiute for a Toyota Hilux.

They aren't. And as such are seperate markets.

See I told you. Automobile factories in the UK ship cars to Asia every day. No problem. They ship parts to Asia too. The auto market is global. Those people who work in the auto industry in the UK don't care who buys their cars. Thailand builds luxury cars for BMW and Mercedes. Some people buy those and other people buy Land Rover or Jag. Same market.


There is 'promoting and defending'. Then there is shooting yourself in the foot by being loose with your facts.

The title was nonsensical. There is no war in the auto's between Thailand and the UK. I dare say they don't even compete in the same markets. Partipate in the same supply chain, maybe. But that is about it.

Now we have a tit for tat over engineering standards. <deleted>?

Hang with me for a second I am going to try something. Samran is wrong. No doubt about it. Categorically and completely wrong. I am going to explain that and lets all wait and see if he can apologizes for being wrong. OK? Jaguar and Land Rover are made at three factories in the UK and are being exported to Asia. Now I think even Samran can admit that Asia is Thailand's market. So in fact they are competing. And I have not mentioned auto parts which is a big market for both countries.

Now who is playing loose with facts? Me? Samran said they don't even compete in the same markets. He is playing loose with facts.

Go look up the economic definition of a market. Yep, the one which judges use regularly to decide competition cases - specifically - cases of anti-competitive behaviour. You seem to be good at google.

Now tell me, based on those economic criteria use to test the definition of a market- if Jaguar and Land Rover play for the same demographic to the pick-up truck manufactures, your Toyota's and your Fords.

What you are saying is a Jag is a perfect substiute for a Toyota Hilux.

They aren't. And as such are seperate markets.

See I told you. Automobile factories in the UK ship cars to Asia every day. No problem. They ship parts to Asia too. The auto market is global. Those people who work in the auto industry in the UK don't care who buys their cars. Thailand builds luxury cars for BMW and Mercedes. Some people buy those and other people buy Land Rover or Jag. Same market.

Is 'Let them eat cake' one of your favourite sayings as well?

I never said the industry wasn't international. I even said they are part of the same supply chain.

But I give up, you seem to have a bee in your bonnet about something.

You can have this thread to yourself.


Hang with me for a second I am going to try something. Samran is wrong. No doubt about it. Categorically and completely wrong. I am going to explain that and lets all wait and see if he can apologizes for being wrong. OK? Jaguar and Land Rover are made at three factories in the UK and are being exported to Asia. Now I think even Samran can admit that Asia is Thailand's market. So in fact they are competing. And I have not mentioned auto parts which is a big market for both countries.

Now who is playing loose with facts? Me? Samran said they don't even compete in the same markets. He is playing loose with facts.

Go look up the economic definition of a market. Yep, the one which judges use regularly to decide competition cases - specifically - cases of anti-competitive behaviour. You seem to be good at google.

Now tell me, based on those economic criteria use to test the definition of a market- if Jaguar and Land Rover play for the same demographic to the pick-up truck manufactures, your Toyota's and your Fords.

What you are saying is a Jag is a perfect substiute for a Toyota Hilux.

They aren't. And as such are seperate markets.

See I told you. Automobile factories in the UK ship cars to Asia every day. No problem. They ship parts to Asia too. The auto market is global. Those people who work in the auto industry in the UK don't care who buys their cars. Thailand builds luxury cars for BMW and Mercedes. Some people buy those and other people buy Land Rover or Jag. Same market.

Is 'Let them eat cake' one of your favourite sayings as well?

I never said the industry wasn't international. I even said they are part of the same supply chain.

But I give up, you seem to have a bee in your bonnet about something.

You can have this thread to yourself.

OK I win you were wrong and you could not admit it.smile.png You wrote, " I dare say they don't even compete in the same markets." And that was your reasoning for "I've seen some sh!t threads, but I have to say, this one takes the cake." No man, you take the cake for being wrong and not even having the British decency to admit it.


So me and my buddy Henry were sitting around at the yacht club having a beer. I drove a Jaguar back then. Henry asked me why I wasn't driving a Ford and I told him it's because he couldn't win at Le Mans. He said, “could too.” I said, “could not.”

So good to my word I traded in my Jag and bought a Mustang in 1967 the first year an American designed and made car won at Le Mans.

But as good as it was for Americans to finally win at Le Mans among all those snooty European drivers who thought Yanks were only hillbilly stock car racers it had nothing to do with car production and also nothing to do with what I was talking about in this thread.

Where do the best automotive engineers come from today? I don't know but one would guess Germany or Japan. And I didn't compare Thailand to Germany or Japan.

Thai engineers may not be coming up with new ways to make a chassis more aerodynamic but they have figured out how to keep the factory running with Thai workers whose first priority is drinking whiskey and eating som tom. Now that is a feat of modern engineering. They take raw materials and produce a finished product and they do it on time and ship it on time and then go to lunch and eat som tom on time. The buses run on time that pick up the workers. They run past my house every day and in three years I have never seen one late. That takes maintenance and scheduling and a host of characters that have degrees in industrial engineering to pull off. It is not formula one racing it is simple factory engineering.

Let's just ignore that you're bezzie mates with Henry Ford for a minute, but Ford or Americans didn't design the GT40 they couldn't do it themselves. They got Eric Broadley of Lola to design it.

That would be British Eric Broadley of British company Lola with British John Wyer working with him. It was designed and built by British people in Britian.

The only American thing about the car was the engine block. thumbsup.gif

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