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Convenient New Aeon Atm In Gateway Center, Bts Ekamai

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BTW, on the topic on this thread, I had a chance the other day to scout out the AEON ATM in the Gateway mall at Ekamai...

It's located in the back corner of the mall on the same floor you arrive to via the BTS skywalk entrance from Ekamai BTS.

They have a regular branch AEON office there, and then there's a single AEON ATM outside the office kind of oddly located on a side corridor adjoining the AEON branch.

It's a bit hidden away in visual terms, but easy enough to get to if you know where to look.

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The Aeon ATM near Udomsuk BTS in Max-value,seems to reject any foreign cards(it's a newish,smaller machine). The older larger style was fine,but is now just spits my card out without even entering any request etc.

hope it's not a downward trend?

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1 outside in the bus stop area at Victory Monument, Victory Monument BTS

This one, I'm not sure about anymore...

The BMA has done a bunch of renovating and remodeling of the outdoor spaces around Victory Monument in recent months. And the last time I passed by, the AEON ATM that used to be there was no longer in its former location.

I can't tell, as yet, whether they simply removed the ATM altogether from the area, or moved it to some other location nearby around the very large circular pedestrian area there.

But right now, it's no longer located where it used to be.

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1 on the second floor of Silom Complex (but that mall currently is closed for renovation)

Also, the Silom Complex (Central Silom) has since reopened. And the single standalone AEON that used to be there has now been replaced by a full-fledged AEON branch with two new style ATMs, located on the banking level upstairs.

Likewise, there's also a recently opened full AEON branch office with two new ATMs on the banking level (4th floor?) of CentralWorld, located right in the same corridor/row with all the other Thai retail bank branches there.

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I also did an AEON ATM withdrawal just before Christmas and had no ATM fee.

The AEON webpage announcement doesn't appear to have any date listed. I don't recall ever seeing that info on their website in the past, but I may not have been looking.

I'd be inclined to consider that a sign of bad things to come, but it apparently hasn't happened yet.

If that change does occur, it will give a lot of us added value for the various U.S. accounts that reimburse other banks' ATM fees, including those charged abroad.

One curious thing about the AEON webpage listing, though: The other Thai banks currently have the 150 / 180 baht fee division (150b for VISA cards and 180b for MC logo cards), the addition of the 180b charge being a relatively recent development. If AEON were simply going to follow the other Thai banks, you'd wonder (if this was something coming) why they didn't follow the same 150/180 baht model.

If anyone gets hit by a withdrawal fee at any AEON ATM in the coming days/weeks, please do post the info here.

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You won't like this. AEON ATM Access Fee

FWIW, made an AEON ATM withdrawal today in BKK with a foreign card, and no withdrawal fee charged, and nothing noticed on the ATM video screen or any signage in the branch. So status quo for the time being.

I did an AEON ATM withdrawal today/1 Jan after lunch using one of my no foreign transaction fee debit cards....no fee displayed on the ATM or hitting my bank account....charge hitting my U.S. bank account matched the Visa exchange rate all the way to the sixth decimal point. But hey, if AEON is planning to implement a fee then I expect it will take at least a month or so to adjust all their ATMs...kinda like when they reduced the max withdrawal amount to Bt20K....it was a good month after I saw people start posting about the reduction before the particular AEON ATM I use also started the limitation....that change must have been one where they have to individually reprogram the ATM versus just being able to do it online by sending an update to all ATMs. Hopefully AEON will continue to waiver/not implement the fee they mention on their website...still don't know how long that fee has been mentioned on their website as I never looked at that particular page before. Time will tell. Welcome to 2014.

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I made a withdrawn 2 days ago in Kanchanaburi(1st floor at Robertsons mall) and the print-out stated 0 fee.

The ATM in Max-value before Udomsuk BTS,still spits out my UK debit card. Just saying please insert card!,<deleted>?

Hopefully it's just that machines personality

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I did a 20k baht withdrawal from the AEON machine in Laemthong mall in Rayong yesterday. The machine did state that the maximum withdrawal would be that amount, but there were no additional fees, either on the screen or the printout.

I'll do the same in about three weeks, and hope for the same, although I did appreciate being able to withdraw double that amount at one go, particularly as my Canadian bank charges me $3.00 per transaction.

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