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Poll: Obama Leading Romney 49% To 46% Ahead Of Second Debate


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This is a somewhat fascinating endorsement for Obama. There are two main newspapers in heavily Republican Mormon Mecca Utah Romney country. The Deseret News has always been the church spokespiece and stalwart supporter of the Republican party. The Salt Lake Tribune, though now owned by outside Utah interests, still largely must cater to this base.

Salt Lake Tribune endorses President Obama over Mitt Romney, who organized city’s Olympics

But the newspaper's editorial board says the Romney it has gushed over since his 2002 Olympic performance is not the same Romney running for president in 2012.
The Salt Lake Tribune endorsed President Obama for reelection Friday, with an editorial that was highly critical of Republican challenger Mitt Romney, who is as close to being a favorite son candidate from Utah, the historic and cultural center of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as a non-resident can be.
The Tribune, published by MediaNews Group, criticized Romney’s “servile courtship of the Tea Party” to win his party’s nomination and called him “shameless” in pandering to various constituencies, terming him the GOP’s “shape-shifting nominee.”

“Romney has raised the most frequently asked question of the campaign: ‘Who is this guy, really, and what in the world does he truly believe?’ ” the editorial states. It also said he “has repeatedly refused to share specifics” of many of his proposals.



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The latest Gallup polls - that were taken after the second debate - are in and it seems that Romney continues his momentum.





Ahh yes, Gallup that called for a Dewey win.

Nate Silver questions Gallups reliability;

  • In 2008, Gallup put Obama 11 points ahead of McCain on election eve. Other polls averaged an Obama lead of 7 points. The other polls were correct.
  • In 2000, Gallup put George W. Bush a stunning 16 points ahead o f Al Gore in August.
  • Then later in 2000, in September, it put Al Gore up by 10 points.
  • Then in October 2000, George W. Bush was back up by 13 points. No other pollster had swings remotely this wild.
  • -In 1996 at one point, Bill Clinton was up by 25 points over Bob Dole. And that was just 4 days apart from Clinton's 9-point lead. A ridiculous swing.
    Read more: http://www.businessi...0#ixzz29nbqCEt2

I don't know if I have much faith in Gallup. Perhaps there was a surge for Romney, but Gallup just has too many wild swings.

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Wow, could this possibly happen in a few weeks?:

In deadlocked election, one scenario: a Romney-Biden White House

As polls point to a close presidential election, the country faces the possibility of political chaos - from a repeat of the disputed 2000 election to the remote possibility of a new administration with a president from one party and a vice president from the other.
Republican George W. Bush defeated Democrat Al Gore 12 years ago after a bitter legal fight that went to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Or Obama and Romney could each win 269 of the 538 electoral votes divided between the states.

That would throw the outcome of the presidential race into the House of Representatives, which must name the president in the case of a tie. Republicans are expected to keep control of the House in the election, which would almost certainly mean a Romney victory.

But the vice presidency would be decided in the U.S. Senate, where Democrats currently have a majority. If they retained control, Biden would likely be selected. Republicans likely would have to win control of the Senate for Ryan to become vice president in a deadlocked election.


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The latest Gallup polls - that were taken after the second debate - are in and it seems that Romney continues his momentum.





Ahh yes, Gallup that called for a Dewey win.

Nate Silver questions Gallups reliability;

  • In 2008, Gallup put Obama 11 points ahead of McCain on election eve. Other polls averaged an Obama lead of 7 points. The other polls were correct.
  • In 2000, Gallup put George W. Bush a stunning 16 points ahead o f Al Gore in August.
  • Then later in 2000, in September, it put Al Gore up by 10 points.
  • Then in October 2000, George W. Bush was back up by 13 points. No other pollster had swings remotely this wild.
  • -In 1996 at one point, Bill Clinton was up by 25 points over Bob Dole. And that was just 4 days apart from Clinton's 9-point lead. A ridiculous swing.
    Read more: http://www.businessi...0#ixzz29nbqCEt2

I don't know if I have much faith in Gallup. Perhaps there was a surge for Romney, but Gallup just has too many wild swings.

Damage limitation mode ON I see. wink.png Actually the poll is a 7 day rolling poll of 'likely' voters, which is apparently a better guide than polling 'registered' voters. However in the swing states Obama's rating is still holding up leaving the prospect of Romney winning the national poll by some margin yet Obama having more votes in the electoral colleague. Such a discrepancy has not happened for 130 years!

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Some breaking bad news for Romney:

In boost for Obama, unemployment rate falls in most of nation's political battleground states


The declines, however, were modest. It's unknown whether they will do much to sway undecided voters who are considering whether to back Republican Mitt Romney or give the Democratic president four more years.


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Some breaking bad news for Romney:

In boost for Obama, unemployment rate falls in most of nation's political battleground states


The declines, however, were modest. It's unknown whether they will do much to sway undecided voters who are considering whether to back Republican Mitt Romney or give the Democratic president four more years.


I can almost guarantee you the government issued unemployment rates will fall yet again.

Hilda Solis will either remove more from the seeking work to the NOT seeking work or declare another 600,000 unemployed citizens as working part time.

Chicago politics at its finest.

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No matter how anyone wants to interpret Obama's "No acts of terror..." sound bite, the undeniable fact is that for a long time after that moment, he and his administration refused to call it a terror attack. They came out all over the place (White House press briefings, interviews, political talk shows, etc) saying it came from a spontaneous protest to that crappy video about Mohammed. If he meant to call it a terror attack the day after, why didn't anyone ever call it that again during the weeks that followed? Why did they keep coming out saying it wasn't a planned attack, that it was the result of a spontaneous protest where instead of signs people brought rocket launchers?

All one has to do is look at the timeline of what took place.

Thanks for finding that video. There is no denying all this. This issue is not a matter of opinion or open for interpretation. It is very clear cut. I wonder what is going through the minds of Americans who still insist on denying it? Is it something they just do in public because they want their guy to win at all costs? Talk about playing politics with the tragedy.

you should see this 1 hour special presentation including video footage

inside the compound ! and just in time for the foreign policy debate in

a few days .........who said it was a " minor affair " ? yes they wish !laugh.png

Special Report Investigates:Death and Deceit in Benghazi


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Most voters seem to get the reason for the small drop in unemployment.

But Romney has opportunities to run on the economy in Ohio, too. The state actually lost nearly 13,000 jobs in September and the drop in the unemployment rate was probably due in part to people dropping out of the job market. http://www.newser.co...und-states.html

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In the same Gallup poll noted: Romney is only leading in the Southern U.S. region. By a massive 22 percent. So he takes the south's electoral votes. We know that already except for maybe North Carolina and Virginia. Obama on the other hand has small leads in the Mid-west, in the east, and the west. So the stage is set for an Obama electoral victory with Romney getting more votes.

Also to note, that Gallup poll is an outlier and when taking into account all the polls, it turns out the popular vote shows to be actually very close. Perhaps more importantly, there doesn't seem to be any way for Romney to win Ohio and if he can't his chance of victory is very remote.

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Some breaking bad news for Romney:

In boost for Obama, unemployment rate falls in most of nation's political battleground states


The declines, however, were modest. It's unknown whether they will do much to sway undecided voters who are considering whether to back Republican Mitt Romney or give the Democratic president four more years.


I can almost guarantee you the government issued unemployment rates will fall yet again.

Of course they will, Ponzi scheme coordinator Ben Bernanke commenced QE Money printing 4 a while back with the sole intention of creating artificially flattering economic stats in time for the election. The effect is progressively smaller and shorter lived, even with a larger dose, until the patient inevitably dies.

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Here is a good endorsement from the Orlando Sentinel "Our pick for president: Romney". A very well-written endorsement article that details the substance for their endorsement. Well worth reading.

These last paragraphs really deal with the reality of our choice:

"Romney has a strong record of leadership to run on. He built a successful business. He rescued the 2002 Winter Olympics from scandal and mismanagement. As governor of Massachusetts, he worked with a Democrat-dominated legislature to close a $3billion budget deficit without borrowing or raising taxes, and pass the health plan that became a national model.

This is Romney's time to lead, again. If he doesn't produce results — even with a hostile Senate — we'll be ready in 2016 to get behind someone else who will.

We reject the innuendo that some critics have heaped on the president. We don't think he's a business-hating socialist. We don't think he's intent on weakening the American military. We don't think he's unpatriotic. And, no, we don't think he was born outside the United States.

But after reflecting on his four years in the White House, we also don't think that he's the best qualified candidate in this race.

We endorse Mitt Romney for president."

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Nice try. He passed a health care plan that became a national model. Good. Now he pledges to trash it when it was actually used for a national program. Epic fail. The man will do and say anything to meet his greed for power. I don't fully understand what drives him. I have my theories but I really don't trust him and I am confident on election day his political career will be finished.

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you should see this 1 hour special presentation including video footage

inside the compound ! and just in time for the foreign policy debate in

a few days .........who said it was a " minor affair " ? yes they wish !laugh.png

Special Report Investigates:Death and Deceit in Benghazi


I spent a fair amount of time flitting between Fox and MSNBC in the last few days and I wouldn't trust anything either of them say. They are poorly disguised, party faithful entertainment.

Plus you have the added bonus of Rupert Murdoch's track record when it comes to Deceit. I don't know how a Murdoch organisation has even got the gall to use the word, the f***ing hypocrites.

Although in giving it some thought, News International is renowned for its global network of tax avoidance schemes, so I can see why they would be so desperate for Romney to win.

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In the first debate, voters saw that Romney was competent, full of ideas and not the evil plutocrat he had been painted as with 200 million in negative ads from the Obama campaign and a complicit mainstream media.

The content was mostly unsubstantiable soundbites, and with no-one to challenge him, for sure he gave the better "performance". But in the second debate, the cracks clearly showed. Very much looking forward to the third.

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Just a question. I keep reading about these "endorsements". Personally I don't need to know, nor do I care about other peoples' positions when deciding who I wish to support, but is this really such a big deal in America? Can't people think for themselves? I saw Giuliani supports Obama, I would think that would put a lot of people off if this is the case.


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In the first debate, voters saw that Romney was competent, full of ideas and not the evil plutocrat he had been painted as with 200 million in negative ads from the Obama campaign and a complicit mainstream media.

The content was mostly unsubstantiable soundbites

Well, Romney has gained on Obama and continues to sustain momentum including the swing states and that includes polls taken after the second debate. thumbsup.gif

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Just a question. I keep reading about these "endorsements". Personally I don't need to know, nor do I care about other peoples' positions when deciding who I wish to support, but is this really such a big deal in America? Can't people think for themselves?


I think it's a big deal when public figures or influential newspapers etc., switch from their traditional patterns. For example, we saw a lot of that after war weary Bush 2 years, and with the hope and promise of Obama etc..

This time, I don't see a lot of surprises. It seems most of the usual suspects are coming out along their normal party lines.

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The most recent Real Clear Politics mix shows Obama ahead by a tiny bit in the popular vote.

0.1 laugh.png

Swing state poll averages are showing a small but undeniable advantage for Romney in the Electoral College. Real Clear Politics gives Romney 206 certain electoral votes compared with Obama’s 201, and several swing states—Florida, Nevada, and Colorado—have been leaning increasingly Republican in recent weeks. http://www.slate.com...ay_of_hope.html

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I'm sorry but anyone who tells us Europeans that any US politician is 'steeped in far left ideology' just makes me giggle.

There are a very few that kind of cut it, so I wouldn't quite use the word any.

Such as Bernie Sanders, Senator from Vermont. Democratic Socialist Party.

Also if you're talking more historically, there is definitely a leftist tradition in America. Google: red diaper babies

I'll raise you Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and Enver Hoxha.

All three can be found on Obama's Kindle.

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There are a very few that kind of cut it, so I wouldn't quite use the word any.

Such as Bernie Sanders, Senator from Vermont. Democratic Socialist Party.

Also if you're talking more historically, there is definitely a leftist tradition in America. Google: red diaper babies

I'll raise you Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and Enver Hoxha.

I know when I've been Chekhov-mated.

Bill Ayers and Al Sharpton will do for starters, then there's this.


Or this guy. He may not really be Obama's father but he was his mentor back in Hawaii. Obama's Marxist roots run very, very deep. At least this should shut up those crazy Birthers. ;)


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This thread is not the private property of anybody or any one group. Further suggestions aimed at discouraging people from commenting will result in a lengthy suspension.

I well remember the question being posed about the nationality of some posters and the reply, 'interesting.'

Stay on topic.

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Perhaps more importantly, there doesn't seem to be any way for Romney to win Ohio and if he can't his chance of victory is very remote.

Nonsense. Romney and Obama are virtually tied in Ohio as in the margin of error. Romney has an excellent chance of taking Ohio and there are other paths to victory if he doesn't.

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Most voters seem to get the reason for the small drop in unemployment.

But Romney has opportunities to run on the economy in Ohio, too. The state actually lost nearly 13,000 jobs in September and the drop in the unemployment rate was probably due in part to people dropping out of the job market. http://www.newser.co...und-states.html

The ONLY people who will vote based on a favorable unemployment rate are people already with jobs.

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