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Poll: Obama Leading Romney 49% To 46% Ahead Of Second Debate


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Romney was not my first choice either, but he does have a large amount of management experience....

He's good at clandestinely shuffling some of his tens of millions of $$'s to Caribbean and overseas' numbered accounts. He's good at buying faltering businesses and shutting them down or hiring Chinese to replace the US workers. He's good at garnering large loans (he's done that for businesses he's bought, and he will do that for the US economy).

Alternatively, Romney has never had any charm or likability to speak of, and has flip flopped all over the map, but at least he has kept his credibility intact.

I don't quite agree. I think Romney has the charm of a cadillac salesman. I'd probably buy one from him just because he exudes so much confidence and is likeable. A cadillac is beyond my budget, by Romney could convince me that I'll get a better job soon, so no problem.

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There is nothing illegal about keeping funds overseas - many legit businessmen do it - and buying businesses that are already going bankrupt and saving them if possible or shutting them down if they can't is not a crime either. America is a capitalist country and Romney is very successful capitalist.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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There is nothing illegal about keeping funds overseas - many legit businessmen do it - and buying businesses that are already going bankrupt and saving them if possible or shutting them down if they can't is not a crime either. America is a capitalist country and Romney is very successful capitalist.

Yes, exactly right. Moreover, Private Equity groups NEVER touch any investment that they don't have a convincing path that can take the company to profitability, or continues such. There are leveraged buyout groups and other vulture capitalists a la Gordon Gekko, but that is not what Bain was or is in my understanding. It was a normal PE group. They risk your mother and father's pension money on these investments, so they are not in the business of pursuing bankruptcy candidates. If one of their investee companies does fail (which many do), of course they build fail-safe mechanisms to cash out first to protect themselves and their limited partners.

Do they invest in companies that produce products in lower cost countries such as China? Of course! That is capitalism and American voters better wake up to this fact. Does anybody really think Nike will come back and make sneakers in America if Obama is elected?

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This is amazing. Dave Lettermman admits that Obama was dishonest in the debate.


Letterman didn't really understand the issue. Romney advocated a banktuptcy chapter 11 reorg of the auto companies, WITHOUT government funding, and that would have failed to save them. (which I agree with).

Obama advocated and did a managed reorganization WITH government funding, and that is what saved them. BTW, Bush Jr. started this.

Romney is an old skool free market economic darwinist, but that doesn't play well in Detroit, his home town.

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Haha, the Alaskan country bumpkin shows her racist trailer trash roots finally before the election:

Palin accuses Obama of ‘shuck and jive shtick’

For those who aren't familiar with the phrase, "shuck and jive" is a racially-tinged expression. According to the user-submitted Urban Dictionary, the term "originally referred to the intentionally misleading words and actions that African-Americans would employ in order to deceive racist Euro-Americans in power, both during the period of slavery and afterwards."


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Letterman didn't really understand the issue.

I think that this is the part of the op-ed that is in dispute:

The American auto industry is vital to our national interest as an employer and as a hub for manufacturing. A managed bankruptcy may be the only path to the fundamental restructuring the industry needs. It would permit the companies to shed excess labor, pension and real estate costs. The federal government should provide guarantees for post-bankruptcy financing and assure car buyers that their warranties are not at risk.

In a managed bankruptcy, the federal government would propel newly competitive and viable automakers, rather than seal their fate with a bailout check. http://www.nytimes.c...=mv&ref=general

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Obama, Romney close among likely voters following last two debates: poll

WASHINGTON, Oct. 24 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Barack Obama is cutting into Republican challenger Mitt Romney's lead among likely voters nationally following the second and third presidential debates, the latest Gallup daily tracking poll showed on Wednesday.

The poll found Romney now leads over Obama by 50 percent to 47 percent among likely voters, the closest result since Gallup launched its tracking survey on likely voters on Oct. 14.

The latest poll was based on a rolling seven-day average through Oct. 23, the first one with polling data completely after the second presidential debate on Oct. 16 in Hempstead, New York State, yet only one day of reaction to the final debate on Oct. 22 in Boca Raton, Florida.

The previous Gallup polls on likely voters found that Romney maintained lead over Obama by between 5 and 7 points.

The latest poll also showed that Obama regained the marginal lead over Romney among registered voters, by 48 percent to 47 percent. The result is also the first time Obama led among registered voters in the Gallup poll since Oct. 14.

Source: http://news.xinhuane...c_123866569.htm

-- Xinhua 2012-10-25


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Rasmussen has Romney ahead and rising:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows Mitt Romney attracting support from 50% of voters nationwide, while President Obama earns the vote from 46%. Two percent (2%) prefers some other candidate, and two percent (2%) are undecided.

This is the second straight day with Romney enjoying a 4-point advantage. Prior to that, with the exception of the convention bounces, neither candidate had led by more than three points for months .http://www.rasmussen...l_tracking_poll

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Rasmussen has Romney ahead and rising:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows Mitt Romney attracting support from 50% of voters nationwide, while President Obama earns the vote from 46%. Two percent (2%) prefers some other candidate, and two percent (2%) are undecided.

This is the second straight day with Romney enjoying a 4-point advantage. Prior to that, with the exception of the convention bounces, neither candidate had led by more than three points for months .http://www.rasmussen...l_tracking_poll

I think now it's getting close to crunch day, a lot of people are finally acknowledging what a mess Obama has got the country into. I'm not convinced that it's because they like Romney, more that they are scared of another 4 years like the last and are willing to give someone (anyone) else a go.

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Rasmussen has Romney ahead and rising:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows Mitt Romney attracting support from 50% of voters nationwide, while President Obama earns the vote from 46%. Two percent (2%) prefers some other candidate, and two percent (2%) are undecided.

This is the second straight day with Romney enjoying a 4-point advantage. Prior to that, with the exception of the convention bounces, neither candidate had led by more than three points for months .http://www.rasmussen...l_tracking_poll

I think now it's getting close to crunch day, a lot of people are finally acknowledging what a mess Obama has got the country into. I'm not convinced that it's because they like Romney, more that they are scared of another 4 years like the last and are willing to give someone (anyone) else a go.

Yes, I agree, but unfortunately, they don't realize Romney can't fix this machine in 4 years doing what he's advocated, and if elected, he probably also won't get another 4, Hilary probably will get the nod then. Until somebody tackles financial reform, the country is not going to come out of this malaise.

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Rasmussen has Romney ahead and rising:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows Mitt Romney attracting support from 50% of voters nationwide, while President Obama earns the vote from 46%. Two percent (2%) prefers some other candidate, and two percent (2%) are undecided.

This is the second straight day with Romney enjoying a 4-point advantage. Prior to that, with the exception of the convention bounces, neither candidate had led by more than three points for months .http://www.rasmussen...l_tracking_poll

I think now it's getting close to crunch day, a lot of people are finally acknowledging what a mess Obama has got the country into. I'm not convinced that it's because they like Romney, more that they are scared of another 4 years like the last and are willing to give someone (anyone) else a go.

Yes, I agree, but unfortunately, they don't realize Romney can't fix this machine in 4 years doing what he's advocated, and if elected, he probably also won't get another 4, Hilary probably will get the nod then. Until somebody tackles financial reform, the country is not going to come out of this malaise.

Agree and in this particular case it seems better the devil you don't know, than the one you do.

I just have a feeling that people are hurting so much, they might even vote for Romney out of spite.

I think people need another place to put their vote. It's time for a third party.

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Rasmussen has Romney ahead and rising:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows Mitt Romney attracting support from 50% of voters nationwide, while President Obama earns the vote from 46%. Two percent (2%) prefers some other candidate, and two percent (2%) are undecided.

This is the second straight day with Romney enjoying a 4-point advantage. Prior to that, with the exception of the convention bounces, neither candidate had led by more than three points for months .http://www.rasmussen...l_tracking_poll

What are the other 10 polls showing? Sounds cherry picked.

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Trump's Obama bombshell: Release college & passport records by 17:00 on Oct 31 and Trump will donate $5 million to the charity of Obama's choosing.

Here's the video of Donald's plea...


All in all, not much of a bombshell.

Yes but maybe the potential recipients of $5 million wouldn't be quite so dismissive towards this offer?

' Trust, but verify '

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Trump's Obama bombshell: Release college & passport records by 17:00 on Oct 31 and Trump will donate $5 million to the charity of Obama's choosing.

Here's the video of Donald's plea...


All in all, not much of a bombshell.

Yes but maybe the potential recipients of $5 million wouldn't be quite so dismissive towards this offer?

' Trust, but verify '

Uh, yeah...and? The potential recipients are "the charity of Obama's choosing". So this hypothetical charity would like to have the $5 million and...what?

As if we needed more proof of what a colossal a** Trump is (or what a mess the US is in terms of its political divide and much of the electorate)..."bombshell"? A pathetic and slightly repulsive joke.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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" Release college & passport records by 17:00 on Oct 31 and Trump will donate $5 million to the charity of Obama's choosing".

No brainer......do it and let a charity be 5 million better off.

Don't do it........selfish bastard!

That's one way of looking at it. Another way might be:

Do it and take part in a sleazy extortion and dignify an insidious insinuation.

Don't do it and behave as a President who is above such absurd and ugly theatrics.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Edited by SteeleJoe
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" Release college & passport records by 17:00 on Oct 31 and Trump will donate $5 million to the charity of Obama's choosing".

No brainer......do it and let a charity be 5 million better off.

Don't do it........selfish bastard!

That is the thing: he is trying to wedge Obama.

Shoddy wedge you ask me. If he is going to donate $5m, then he should just do it - as the Nike ad says. No conditions.

Sounds like a pander to the birthers and the other angry tin-foil hatters by way of blackmail of sorts.

Edited by samran
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Don't do it and behave as a President who is above such absurd and ugly theatrics.

I'm not so sure Obama has behaved like a president, I don't think any of them do once elected.

I think if he called Trump for what he is and produced the goods, he would win this election in a canter.........and a charity of his choice would be very happy.

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Don't do it and behave as a President who is above such absurd and ugly theatrics.

I'm not so sure Obama has behaved like a president, I don't think any of them do once elected.

I think if he called Trump for what he is and produced the goods, he would win this election in a canter.........and a charity of his choice would be very happy.

If you read my post again you will see I made no comment suggesting Pres. Obama has or hasn't behaved in a way that befits the office, rather I propose a stance that might be taken in this instance -- false and hypocritical or not. So your opinion of previous behavior isn't relevant (no offense intended).

(And I didn't say "behave as a president" -- historically there is a wide range of behaviors, many of them less than admirable, that would fall under that description -- I said "behave as a President who is above such things". I'd italicize or underline but apparently don't have that option with this App

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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Don't do it and behave as a President who is above such absurd and ugly theatrics.

I'm not so sure Obama has behaved like a president, I don't think any of them do once elected.

I think if he called Trump for what he is and produced the goods, he would win this election in a canter.........and a charity of his choice would be very happy.

Small issue though about effectively blackmailing a president don't you think?

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Don't do it and behave as a President who is above such absurd and ugly theatrics.

I'm not so sure Obama has behaved like a president, I don't think any of them do once elected.

I think if he called Trump for what he is and produced the goods, he would win this election in a canter.........and a charity of his choice would be very happy.

Small issue though about effectively blackmailing a president don't you think?

Yup. Unfortunately it seems that the small issues instead of the major issues are going to decide this election.

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There is nothing illegal about keeping funds overseas - many legit businessmen do it - and buying businesses that are already going bankrupt and saving them if possible or shutting them down if they can't is not a crime either. America is a capitalist country and Romney is very successful capitalist.

Agree. Nothing illegal about keeping money overseas, unless it's for avoiding taxes. If Romney is really rooting for American prosperity, then he should put his money where his mouth is: in America.

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Obama is not going to be baited by a self-aggrandizing grandstander like Trump. What's next: Trump demanding Obama sign a form stating; "I am not a homosexual, I am not a paedophile, I have never stuck a knife in a sidewalk beggar." Trump would shout from his soapbox: SEE, OBAMA DIDN'T SIGN IT, THAT MEANS HE'S A HOMO, A PAEDO AND A MURDERER!

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