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4 Feb Anti-thaksin Demonstration Thread


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18:00 Peaceful crowds throng anti-Thaksin rally

BANGKOK: -- Crowds continued to build at the demonstration at the King Rama 5th equestrian statue in from of Government House. No serious incidents were reported in the peaceful protests. Organiser Sondhi Limthongkul, Manager Newspaper founder and Thailand Weekly show host was scheduled to speak at 6.30 pm. (1330 GMT)

The demonstrators became more animated as the afternoon wore on and more protesters joined the vigil, according to reporters at the scene. Many of the participants were dressed in yellow. It was a hot afternoon.

There seemed to be a determination to hold a peaceful rally, reports from the scene said. Police kept a careful watch and channeled people into the area, presumably to deter any attempts to disrupt the protest by pro-Thaksin demonstrators.

Water, food, beverages and first aid tools from many organisations were brought. Thousands more are likely to enter the protest before it ends tonight.

--Bangkok Post

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Can't get any live TV working but there's a coverage on ITV right now.

Significantly more than 600 people, though certainly not 100,000 yet. Some shots show a sea of yellow shirts.

There's a guy genlty kicking his Toyota in protest, too.

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I'm pretty sure that with this band, it will stay Peacefull!

I think that anyways, this manifestation contain too many respect to the King so the chance to become a mess is very small.

Anyways, let see later!

Let the beer make his effects! (If they have access to it on the site!)

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Toxins private channel ITV and TV 3,5,7,9 are all showing what they want to show (i.e. nothing).

Watch the ASTA TV channels and you will see how many people are really there. The plaza is packed out, I am estimating several hundrede thousinde.

While flicking through the govenment channels my wife started throwing pillows at the TV in anger of the way they twist the truth.

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I just came in from working and turned on the TV set.....two channels were covering the demonstration. No one in the village seems to care about it. The few people I have asked about it say they will see it on the new tonight....it doesn't seem to be a big deal and I think that no one here expects to have continuous live coverage...and...frankly from what I've seen they are right because if they did it would be totally boring.

Where's the violence? Where's the gov't's harsh crack down? Where's the censorship of the media? Where's Sondhi? First he was supposed to speak at 6:00 and that got postponed to 6:30 and it is now 6:40 and still no show.....if he's waiting for something big to happen so he can make some heroic gesture then I think he'll have to wait a long long time....but maybe I'm wrong....maybe something dramatic will happen....I see that the diehard Toxin haters here keep spinning and spinnig the events...but the excuses they make are starting to seem like grasping at straws to me....but maybe I'm wrong. It seems like there are quite a few people who are unhappy with this gov't policy or that gov't policy but even when they are all working together they so far haven't made much of a statement....but it is only 6:40 and the night is yet young....maybe events will show me how wrong I have been....or maybe it will show how wrong........

Around here most people seem to think that Somdhi is a bit eccentric shall we say?....and these are people who vote in the elections....none of them seem to have anything bad to say about Toxin even when I try to lead them in that direction.

Quick edit: Do any of you Sondhi supporters think that anyone in Thai politics is going to say, "Well I guess we were wrong and there really isn't much opposition to Toxin. I guess he really is supported by most of the voters and I was wrong in thinking that most voters are tired of him and want him to go." ?

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I am so amazed that a lot of Thai people have no clue of whats going on. I am at work right now and following this online. My staff keeps asking me what I am looking at as they listen to the live coverage online.

Asking them if they have any clue the responds is.... NO? I don't know. Now that I explained them whats happening they are all tuned in online and the office has turned into a circus, SMS being sent to friends etc, etc.

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I am so amazed that a lot of Thai people have no clue of whats going on. I am at work right now and following this online. My staff keeps asking me what I am looking at as they listen to the live coverage online.

Asking them if they have any clue the responds is.... NO? I don't know. Now that I explained them whats happening they are all tuned in online and the office has turned into a circus, SMS being sent to friends etc, etc.

Doesn't sound like they feel too oppressed by the gov't or that it is a big deal in their lives does it? Many people will say that they didn't know because of the censorship of the media but in fact it has been out there in the media all along and these people reallly don't care enough about what is happening to keep up with the news....probably because they really have no problem with what's going on......this is probably the sentiment of a large majority of Thai voters in my opinion but of course I could be wrong.

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chownah>> In this case I would say you are the spin-doctor. Part of the problem, that he expamplified above and that I too can attest too, is that people around here have no clue of the demonstration. They watch the news on 'goverment-channels', a couple of daytime-dramas and that's it. How are they supposed to know?

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I am so amazed that a lot of Thai people have no clue of whats going on. I am at work right now and following this online. My staff keeps asking me what I am looking at as they listen to the live coverage online.

Asking them if they have any clue the responds is.... NO? I don't know. Now that I explained them whats happening they are all tuned in online and the office has turned into a circus, SMS being sent to friends etc, etc.

Doesn't sound like they feel too oppressed by the gov't or that it is a big deal in their lives does it? Many people will say that they didn't know because of the censorship of the media but in fact it has been out there in the media all along and these people reallly don't care enough about what is happening to keep up with the news....probably because they really have no problem with what's going on......this is probably the sentiment of a large majority of Thai voters in my opinion but of course I could be wrong.

They don't really care whats going on but now that they see that so many turned up its becomming interesting for them. When he just quoted the media saying that only 1500 people turned up the staff went.... Arai Wah?! Cause its not true what they are covering on the news. Well as they are Thai I would think they not really care about whats going on but its just the exitement of the mass demo instead of knowing whats really going on.

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chownah>> In this case I would say you are the spin-doctor. Part of the problem, that he expamplified above and that I too can attest too, is that people around here have no clue of the demonstration. They watch the news on 'goverment-channels', a couple of daytime-dramas and that's it. How are they supposed to know?

Seems like the country farmers up here in the north know about it. Do you think that if people are actively unhappy with Toxins gov't that they will remain so uninformed that they don't know what's going on. I doubt it. Dissatisfied people....truly dissatisfied people are motivated to do something or at least to keep in touch with other people who are dissatisfied...at least in my experience. The information has been out there for people to learn about this and I guess where you are alot of Thais simply have not had much urge to keep up with events.....doesn't sound like they are truly discouraged about Toxin's gov't.

Seems like there are alot of farangs around here who think they know what is going on in the minds of the majority of Thai voters....who have said that there is a groundswell of dissatisfaction with the existing gov't. Where is this tidal wave of dissatisfaction?....sitting at home watching soap operas?....ignoring the news?...not even aware that here is their chance to express there long standing and passionate dislike of the gov't? Get real....its not happening....of course the night is young and maybe events will prove me to be wrong. Sondhi hasn't appeard yet as far as I can tell but then I'm only watching a broadcast station which of course you all think is acting as a censor so all of you with live coverage....is Sondhi speaking yet? If not then where is he? Is he waiting for everyone....oh wait...something is coming on the tv now.....

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Why don,t they all protest ?

A small unbiased observation from my Moo Ban

Most Thai,s will never get motivated unless a few baht are put in there hand.

Due in most part to there history of being repressed and having been brought up on showing respect to the ruling pu yai.

A 2 rule society.

The uneducated ones will be to frightened to protest in the villages after being told all sorts of untruths and that,s a fact here.

There culture is deeply inbedded and will take generations to change.

As westerners we tend to judge other nations on our cultures and the freedom we enjoy, but is taken for granted.

This is not a cynical view but one of a sad reflection on F*rs**n and his cronies.

May they get the Karma they deserve in this life, never mind the next.

marshbags :o:D:D

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Get ASDV Internet broadcast working on a dial up! The croud seems to have grown significantly since my last look at ITV.

Will Pa Prem meet Sondhi personally? That's the biggest question at the moment. If not, the whole exercise will be in vain.

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chownah>> Once again you are full of it.

What I write is a 1:1-recap of what is happening around here. You might notlike it, but don't try to brush it aside.

In other news, my wifes comment on the whole deal was "I don't want him fired [as a PM], I want him de_ad."

What is your political agenda that makes you support him so harshly again and again in this forum?

And in other connet marshbags note something that is important. That many Thais always live by class. You don't go out, easily, and protest since they have no democratic training to do so. Infact I would say most of the people around here [where I am] are in the stage of "it doesn't matter if I'm wrong, I'm older/richer and therefor right" in every argument, and this will also be applied to any larger conflict. hence why the students usually are involved in the more...'aggresive' uprisings, since they have yet to be conformed to the social order of 'not doing anything', as the ruling class wants.

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Maybe they're simply too busy trying to survive... (Chownah's farmers)

*post edited

Maybe you know more about what's going on in my village than I do. It seems to me that they simply don't care. There is a big party going on right now in the village....people aren't thinking about the gov't....they're getting drunk and listening to music and their friends sing. Toxin's gov't is not a big issue around here as far as I can tell and I've been looking for some bad feelings toward the gov't......of course maybe you know better about what's happening here.

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chownah>> Once again you are full of it.

What I write is a 1:1-recap of what is happening around here. You might notlike it, but don't try to brush it aside.

In other news, my wifes comment on the whole deal was "I don't want him fired [as a PM], I want him de_ad."

What is your political agenda that makes you support him so harshly again and again in this forum?

And in other connet marshbags note something that is important. That many Thais always live by class. You don't go out, easily, and protest since they have no democratic training to do so. Infact I would say most of the people around here [where I am] are in the stage of "it doesn't matter if I'm wrong, I'm older/richer and therefor right" in every argument, and this will also be applied to any larger conflict. hence why the students usually are involved in the more...'aggresive' uprisings, since they have yet to be conformed to the social order of 'not doing anything', as the ruling class wants.


I'm concerned about your ability to analyse and understand written English.....perhaps you are too emotionally involved in what's going on because you don't seem to be replying to me rationally. I have not posted anything to indicate that I support Toxin.....nothing....nada....zip.....I challenge you to go find anything I have said that indicates that I support Toxin.....you won't find it...its not there. You seem to have an over active imagination about what people's true motives are. I'll tell you what my true motive is....politics moves forward in the best way when people see clearly what is going on. This is difficult in the best of circumstances but it become almost impossible when people have ideas and then start to interpret everything in a way that supports their ideas instead of being able to admit that perhaps their ideas are wrong and the facts do not support them. I have constantly commented that I might be wrong...and I mean it. I'm wrong alot....especially when it comes to politics. I haven't tried to spin anything....I've told what I've seen and what I've thought.......now......please go out and find something I've posted that indicates that I support Toxin....it is possible that I could think that your views are wrong without being a Toxin supporter, you know.

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Is it because they A don't care B think he's Toxin the magnificent or C they really don't have much idea what it's all about anyway?

A thai friend of ours freely admitted he does not have a lot of education and does not understand a lot of what goes on with the government. Another said he has a real problem with Sondhi, does not like Thaksin at all but Sondhi being the one organizing things really puts him off.

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Is it because they A don't care B think he's Toxin the magnificent or C they really don't have much idea what it's all about anyway?

It is very hard to figure out just exactly how Thai people think about people in the gov't....so....what I say is my opinion only and could very likely be wrong...but...anyway....here goes....

I think that historically the Thai gov't has always functioned in a corrupt way. If Toxin is corrupt it is not unusual for the Thais to see this in their leaders. Thais seem to know that Toxin is making alot of money because of his position in the gov't and they expect this to happen....and I think that most Thais expect gov't officials to be corrupt....to them this is the way gov't works...and the corruption works its way right down to the voters with votes being bought and payments being made to show up at certain events or payment to you for using your truck to transport people to various events....I guess it can be looked at as a novel way to distribute wealth.

I have a very controversial opinion about Thai culture and I will express it here and hope that it won't bring a torrent of flames: I think that being rich is actually a virtue in Thai culture. It is not the only virtue nor the best virtue but it is a virtue indeed....and how you made your money is not so important although if you killed people for it then that wouldn't be so good but even that could be overlooked if the people you killed were bad people. So, in this sense they do look on Toxin with admiration but I wouldn't say that they think he is Toxin the Magnificent and certainly they do respect his vast wealth.

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Is it because they A don't care B think he's Toxin the magnificent or C they really don't have much idea what it's all about anyway?

It is very hard to figure out just exactly how Thai people think about people in the gov't....so....what I say is my opinion only and could very likely be wrong...but...anyway....here goes....

I think that historically the Thai gov't has always functioned in a corrupt way. If Toxin is corrupt it is not unusual for the Thais to see this in their leaders. Thais seem to know that Toxin is making alot of money because of his position in the gov't and they expect this to happen....and I think that most Thais expect gov't officials to be corrupt....to them this is the way gov't works...and the corruption works its way right down to the voters with votes being bought and payments being made to show up at certain events or payment to you for using your truck to transport people to various events....I guess it can be looked at as a novel way to distribute wealth.

I have a very controversial opinion about Thai culture and I will express it here and hope that it won't bring a torrent of flames: I think that being rich is actually a virtue in Thai culture. It is not the only virtue nor the best virtue but it is a virtue indeed....and how you made your money is not so important although if you killed people for it then that wouldn't be so good but even that could be overlooked if the people you killed were bad people. So, in this sense they do look on Toxin with admiration but I wouldn't say that they think he is Toxin the Magnificent and certainly they do respect his vast wealth.

That sure does apply to Kam Nan Poh, Chonburi's well known mafia lord.

Not very charismatic is he? Reading his speech with his face hidden behind his text. If they want to achieve their goal they need someone with a bit more flair.

What he's reading is the letter that will be presented to HMK's representative. A long list of reasons why the pm should resign or be forced to do so.

He rarely reads during speeches.

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how you made your money is not so important although if you killed people for it then that wouldn't be so good but even that could be overlooked

That sure does apply to Kam Nan Poh, Chonburi's well known mafia lord.

And it works for his kids too penzman, did you notice their faces pasted everywhere alongside the number 9 before the last election?

Who else was lucky enough to get the number 9?

Anyway, isn't he in prison?

I heard he paid his way out of hiring the hitmen, but got caught up in some other mess and ended up locked up.

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A good example of being uneducated and therefor not able to grasp the implications of the serious

rampaging of Thai,s by the so called elected government comes from my past regarding education, that is.

In the U.K. our older descendants had the same in built attitudes due to not knowing any better because of non education and poverty in Victorian times.

I feel the same sadness for them as i now do for the less fortunate here in Thailand.

Slowly they are being educated and will eventually change society here and the inbalances.

Our sons and daughters and there Thai counterparts are the future democracy here.

Times are slowly improving the lower rungs of society with all our imput for fair play.

Again this is my humble opinion of tomorrows Thai society

marshbags :o:D:D

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how you made your money is not so important although if you killed people for it then that wouldn't be so good but even that could be overlooked

That sure does apply to Kam Nan Poh, Chonburi's well known mafia lord.

And it works for his kids too penzman, did you notice their faces pasted everywhere alongside the number 9 before the last election?

Who else was lucky enough to get the number 9?

Anyway, isn't he in prison?

I heard he paid his way out of hiring the hitmen, but got caught up in some other mess and ended up locked up.

He's still walking. The actually had a birthday party for him in Pattaya I think, a few months ago... :o

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Not very charismatic is he? Reading his speech with his face hidden behind his text. If they want to achieve their goal they need someone with a bit more flair.

He has thier attention. Let him try. More will be needed to get the embedded tick ( Tox ) out of the power seat.


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