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Red Bull Heir Did 'coke' Before Bangkok Accident


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The Police(red shirts) are actually going to do their job and stick this kid(yellow shirt) in the slammer.

This family can't keep their kid out of jail? That will be a serious loss of face.

They won't be able to show their face again at the country club.

Why has this got to be turned into a political matter, the political views of Master Yoovidhya are of no relevance to this case..

The fact is that the case involves a hi-so who hit a policeman (killing him) and then fled the scene.

Master. Yoovidhya was drunk and high on cocaine while driving a very fast sports car, he did not see a policeman and decide that he would run him over because the police are red shirts.

Likewise, the officers prosecuting him may well throw the book at him but that is because of what he did to one of their comrades (and also the way he is brushing the matter off as if it is insignificant) and not because he is hi-so and therefore a yellow shirt.

I have personally had enough of the red/yellow shirt malarkey and I presumed all Westerners who live in Thailand have had negative effects from the riots but some people drag the political situation back up at the first possible chance.

Please if you have ANYTHING sensible to contribute to this thread, then please feel free to do so, otherwise please vent your political frustrations on one of the other threads that deal with the red/yellow shirt farce.

Good comment!

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It certainly appears that both him and his family have pi..ed off the Bangkok police hierarchy bigtime and inflicted loss of face by showing absolutely no remorse for their sons actions...This to me is probably why this sad episode is now dragging on through the thai media here..very rare do they come after their own hi-so classes like this..As everyone has already surmised at some stage frantic behind the scenes mediation will have to take place between the relevant parties and rich spoilt brat will be shown head bowed...remorse..remorse..Case closed!!

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Regardless of the pertinent legal issues in connection with this needless accident I wonder how the relevant international entities feel about this. For example Red Bull in Austria now know they have a partner in Thailand who openly tries to avert the course of justice on behalf of his sons actions and this will surely have international repercusions and also Ferrari, who have a sole distributor in Thailand who by the actions of this family bring the Ferrari name into disrepute.Not to mention that their local technicians /mechanics were supposedly unable to lift the data from the vehicles black box.

It would appear that apathy is no longer a Thai perogative and it has spread globaly, at least amongst the priviledged.

It's "perverting the course of justice" - which in most countries is a serious criminal charge. Although you make good points the sad reality is this family are the majority share holders so the Austrians will keep their heads down as long as the money comes rolling in. Ferrari is an Italian company and anyone who has worked in Italy will know the Italian attitude to business ethics and the law in general - again, as long as sales don't suffer, they won't give a monkey's.

If Thailand gets a grand prix this will all simply blow over in the excitement and whoe-betide any journalist who rakes it up.

“”whoe-betide any journalist who rakes it up.”” I agree.. The "no shows" r to wear out the waiting media. Weed out the diligent journalists and care for the sympathetic with some soft information..

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The Police(red shirts) are actually going to do their job and stick this kid(yellow shirt) in the slammer.

This family can't keep their kid out of jail? That will be a serious loss of face.

They won't be able to show their face again at the country club.

What has it got to do with reds and yellows? Grow up please!

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Would this story have been so high-hitting if he was still the heir to Red-Bull but; Red- Bull was a Citroen sponsor, and he'd been driving a 2CV?

I do wonder!


Seriously? The make of the car has nothing to do with the story . . . it's all about the actions and attitude of the driver and his family, i.e. no remorse, think they are above the law, know they can pretty much get away with murder etc etc. . . .fairly typical attitudes to be honest with respect to the "hi-so" here.

If the story was about the 'actions and attitude of the driver and his family', as you put it succinctly, then there would be a lot more hit and run reports in the weekly news, surely?

I believe the fact that he is heir to billions of US$ and was driving a Ferrari all point to him, and not necessarily actions of his 'family', as they were all probably fast asleep in bed, and not high on coke or alcohol.

I don't believe the HI-SO family he comes from condones his actions, and I further that he is solely responsible for 'using' his own finances to curtail his own actions.

There has been little, or no, reported words from the elders in his established family purporting to hide his actions.

For that, I don't or wouldn't knock all Hi-So families in believing they are above the law. It is generally the Hi-So government elected who believe they are above the law, is it not? So saying, "They believe they can get away with murder", I don't think is applicable in this domain. I think the young asshol_e himself is tantamount to his beliefs, as a spoiled little brat. I do hold the parents responsible, however, for convening his immaturity and neglect of others. That's a different agenda, though.


Interpreter please.

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If you are wealthy in Thailand you can pay your way out of any crime be it corruption or murder all you need is lots of money to pay people of, if you think Mr Red Bull Jr will rot away in a Thai prison for the next 40 years dream on.

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A question for the couple of lawyers that read the form. It seems to me that the information released by the police here and then printed in the media is almost subjudicy . We shouldnt be hearing of police info and specialist reports until the trial and it just gives the criminal a greater chance to walk on a technicality.

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Remember a certain Deputy PM's son who was accused of shooting a policeman in the head in an argument at a night club? The policeman in question wasn't a low ranking motorcycle traffic cop, it was a sergeant major. Said son was acquitted by the Thai criminal courts on grounds of insufficient evidence. (Apparently, despite being in a crowded nightclub no one wanted to testify.) Said son is now a commissioned officer in the Thai police force.

I think that being accused of shooting a cop in the head is a bit worst than being accused of being high on alcohol and drugs, speeding and running over someone. Despite being reprehensible, the alleged conduct is still not an 'intentional act' which shooting someone in the head certainly is. Really even in the West, Redbull guy would be charged with manslaughter as opposed to murder.

However, there is a significant difference: Red Bull heir may be from an extremely wealthy family, but I don't know how connected they are to having someone in the police and government. That does make a little bit of a difference.

For example (and I mean theoretically) if someone who is (for hypothetical example) very high up on Thai government could make a telephone call to police authorities and say "hey, I'm higher up on the chain of command than you so knock it off with the investigation". So people below may be worried about losing their jobs and their posts.

Now just because your family owns red bull and a Ferrari dealership doesn't mean you have the same clout to threaten police higher ups with the loss of their jobs. And if you don't have the ability to mess with the higher police officials, then you may not be able to do much. Recall that when the Red Bull crash happened, a junior police officer attempted to help Red Bull cover up that he was driving. The junior officer was pulled off the case and a higher officer went forward. Doesn't seem to me like Red Bull had the clout to pull the investigation off in the beginning (which would have caused the entire case to die a quiet death).

This is the death of a police officer. And police universally hate the killing of one of their own. Sounds to me that they may just go after him.

Interesting perspective, be intersting to see if you are right for the reasons stated. If not though and serious money prevails I would expect the cocaine could actually lead to an extra 3 hours of community service. By the way can you send the gardener to do your community service, seems reasonable as would probably do a better job?

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By the looks of it we may all get a shock and he will be convicted and jailed. The more the police are saying about the case the more difficult they are making it for themselves to allow him to get off the hook.

I said weeks ago that this would be a test case, the Police v Hi-So,

I have a hunch that the police are seriously p*ssed off and this guy is gonna get it. I hope so.

I hope so as long as he has'nt left the country already.
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The Police(red shirts) are actually going to do their job and stick this kid(yellow shirt) in the slammer.

This family can't keep their kid out of jail? That will be a serious loss of face.

They won't be able to show their face again at the country club.

Why has this got to be turned into a political matter, the political views of Master Yoovidhya are of no relevance to this case..

The fact is that the case involves a hi-so who hit a policeman (killing him) and then fled the scene.

Master. Yoovidhya was drunk and high on cocaine while driving a very fast sports car, he did not see a policeman and decide that he would run him over because the police are red shirts.

Likewise, the officers prosecuting him may well throw the book at him but that is because of what he did to one of their comrades (and also the way he is brushing the matter off as if it is insignificant) and not because he is hi-so and therefore a yellow shirt.

I have personally had enough of the red/yellow shirt malarkey and I presumed all Westerners who live in Thailand have had negative effects from the riots but some people drag the political situation back up at the first possible chance.

Please if you have ANYTHING sensible to contribute to this thread, then please feel free to do so, otherwise please vent your political frustrations on one of the other threads that deal with the red/yellow shirt farce.

Words are cheap. The realty is we are still in a polarized political situation here in Thailand. It makes no difference if we like it or not it is a fact. Denying it does nothing to help stop it. All you are doing when you deny it is putting your OK on it.

Leaving the political side out of it the kid should do some serious time. He killed a cop. But history tells us that here in Thailand it does make a difference if you are red or yellow shirt.

I'd like to know why people keep referring to this idiot as a kid he's 27yrs old for gods sake and not some poor misguided delinquent, minimum 5years in jail i hope.
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I hope this guy gets thrown in jail. Is anyone really surprised he was doing coke and was wasted when he the cop ummm no. I hope the cops man up and do the right think here. There needs to be a clear message sent to these stupid hi-so kids that think they are entitled to things their parents or grandparents worked there butt off for.

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"Police have also asked medical experts to verify how the use of cocaine can affect one's mental abilities..." ...assume there are more than enough drug de.... ahemm, police officers who can answer this question "by heart" smile.png

Why does it matter how it affects the mind? It is a proscribed illegal drug, with a separate charge for its use apart from any driving offence. It may also be included as a driving offence if the Thai version of "Driving Under the Influence" law covers it.

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"Police have also asked medical experts to verify how the use of cocaine can affect one's mental abilities..." ...assume there are more than enough drug de.... ahemm, police officers who can answer this question "by heart" smile.png

Why does it matter how it affects the mind? It is a proscribed illegal drug, with a separate charge for its use apart from any driving offence. It may also be included as a driving offence if the Thai version of "Driving Under the Influence" law covers it.

Of course it does not matter - we all know that! It's just senseless babble of the officers in charge to gain more time for that useless f#$&ed up HiSo kid to pump more money and/or Red Bull shares into their accounts before he finally gets aquitted or slapped on the wrist.

Nobody would make an inquiry on the affects of Coke on the mind of an ordinary drunken and coked-up shrimp truck driver who wasted a police officer and took a run... They'd simply throw that ordinary guy in the slammer and beat him to death at the Bangkok Hilton before he could even catch a glimpse of a judge or lawyer.

Money talks, BULLshit walks...

Edited by catweazle
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"If I don't read the news, I will be uninformed. If I read the news, I will be misinformed." - Mark Twain

Yupp, Mark Twain hammered up a few real good ones...

I quite like this one: "We have the best government that money can buy." (Mark Twain)

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The Police(red shirts) are actually going to do their job and stick this kid(yellow shirt) in the slammer.

This family can't keep their kid out of jail? That will be a serious loss of face.

They won't be able to show their face again at the country club.

They own the country clubbiggrin.png

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I hope this guy gets thrown in jail. Is anyone really surprised he was doing coke and was wasted when he the cop ummm no. I hope the cops man up and do the right think here. There needs to be a clear message sent to these stupid hi-so kids that think they are entitled to things their parents or grandparents worked there butt off for.

Money talks louder than a dead cop whose family has been paid off, cannot understand all these comments he will walk.

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Would this story have been so high-hitting if he was still the heir to Red-Bull but; Red- Bull was a Citroen sponsor, and he'd been driving a 2CV?

I do wonder!


You're suggesting that Red Bull is a Ferrari sponsor. Think you'll find they're not, Red Bull have their own racing team. The family of the accused man in this case, and others, do own the Ferrari dealership here though. Not the same as sponsoring.

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