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Did y'all hear about this disturbing development underway involving the 24 year old in love with a 12 year old? Isn't it just a disgusting state of affairs this world has been reduced to?

I'm really disgusted and you might think "Why should I listen to you express your emotional feelings?" and that would be a top question I wish we all asked each other all the time. The Answer is that this world is being choked by expressed opinions which cannot be rationalized or justified. So they should never be permitted to be screamed.

You'll struggle to find a more glaring example the one below in which the religious world's two-faced, hypocritical, sociopathic, insane, compulsion to scream their emotional degradation (disgust, contempt, outrage) at humans who are choosing to having fun without hurting anybody. This is unacceptable for only a - unique - kind of person.

The person who wants to hurt the person who is choosing to have fun without hurting anyone else. They simply Know Best.

Whether it's gays, addicts addicted to painkillers, the irreverent, comedians, reporters who are censured, whistle-blowers who betray corruption, or children - there are some people who simply cannot be reasoned because they know best (I think it's the Holy Books, and their gall). They seem to have a huge problem with two clearly offensive things:

  1. People having fun without hurting anyone. The feelings of the emotionally insane don't count, because they're emotionally insane? If we started considering the insane feelings of everyone...I don't even want to imagine the mess we'd be in.
  2. People choosing without considering the emotionally insane's feelings as expressed by their uniquely opinionated trademarked shrilly screaming.

I'm sure y'all have it under control, and I have a good excuse for why I haven't lent much of a hand, but I just wanted to check in for an update on what Humanity's plan is for these screaming sociopathic beasts and their transparent Selective Empathy? Anything I can help with?

We're going to put an end to this inhumanity shortly, I presume? Before the mushroom clouds, I mean.

Jezebel.com: Gross 24-year-old Chinese popstar is dating a 12-year-old girl


Gross 24-Year-Old Chinese Popstar Is Dating a 12-Year-Old Girl

Zhang Muyi, a 24-year-old pop singer is in love with his girlfriend, Canadian model Akama Miki, and he wants the world to know it. She's 12. The couple has made their romance public fodder on China's social media site Weibo where they've been posting lovesick messages to one another along with photos of themselves embracing, running on the beach, and cuddling on the couch watching TV. Their relationship has caused a stir, but unbelievably, their fan base of nearly one million followers are captivated by their love story.

What really attracted attention to the relationship was when Muyi posted a picture of the pair on the beach at night, touching finger tips in a kind of "kiss," telling her in the caption that he loves her. Most comments under the photo are supportive, with one saying, "Love knows no boundaries, a 12-year-old with a 24-year-old is not a big deal." Except that it is.

First of all, it's not legal. post-4641-1156694606.gif(Is that a fact? Why is she not alerting the police?)

Even Muyi acknowledged that a few weeks ago on Miki's 12th birthday—that's right, when they first started dating she was 11—when he posted a photo of them sharing a cake and added the caption, "I simply can't wait for these next four birthdays of yours to pass, I'm counting down each one," referring to when she'll be 16 and the law will no longer stand in their way. More importantly, though, is that while he is an adult, Miki is a child, a point that has been driven home by her responses to Muyi, "I will always love you and you will be my darling forever!!!" adding some hearts at the end, in preteen fashion. post-4641-1156693976.gif(Rather than teach children how not to be the victims of the creepiest Societies in history [i've seen the cringing as children are fed the programming, I think you know exactly to what I'm referring]; she asserts the victims we create should be shown their victimisation as the reason their right to choose not to listen to us had to be annulled.)

However, some detractors are claiming that this is nothing but a publicity stunt, as Miki is launching a music career and the revelation of their relationship coincided with the release of the music video for their duet. Muyi has responded to the allegations of fraud by saying:

Many people have doubted us and our love story. There's nothing we can do about this, nor do we feel the need to prove anything to these people. post-4641-1156694083.gif(It's almost certainly a stunt but it's not relevant. This sort of thing is 4000 years overdue. The masses cannot be controlled if people won't be emotionally manipulated or pressured into shooting themselves in the foot.) All we can do is continue to persevere with our love, our life, and being together.

It's mildly creepy but obviously they'd have a lot in common. They'd like the same things, laugh at the same jokes, enjoy the same romantic sentiments that any 3 year old has been led to believe is sane. Emotionally, they'd be about the same age.

Christians will just know that it's Wrong. But as you will see if you look at their emotional arguments, they don't have the capacity to make a case for their own existence being tolerable. They just know it's wrong and they feel compelled to smear Decency with their opinions. They'll do it all day. If you disagree, they'll smear their emotional caring onto you because that's what Compassion is all about. The Golden Rule of urine. "Piss onto others the emotional urine you'd have them piss onto you." Christians don't care. They block out everything anyone says anyway.

Tight Rule. It's a Golden Shower. If you disagree they are happy to piss onto you. When they're embarrassed at having their sociopathic shame illuminated, they'll say something like, "You should get some professional help. You really need to see someone about that brain of yours."

This is their idea of a counter-argument. They feel sorry for me. They really do.

But if you polled everyone over the age of 18 in every democratic nation on the planet, the "horror" level at this 'controversial' relationship would be something like 90% disgusted (and 9% disgusting, as people who are adamant that children should be exposed to predators who prey on little children really tend to be...transparent). But this issue would inflame strong emotions across the globe because people really care about children.


That's why 30,000 children under the age of 5 die every SINGLE day without anyone giving a <deleted>. But I have to spell that word like a brand name because they will care to the point of screaming if the u and c are around the other way.

Something is wrong with my brain.

The Truth is that people only really care about whatever they're conditioned to care about. That's a diplomatic way of pointing out that the entire world is batshit insane. If you polled the same democratic 18+ 'grownups' of the world, 90% would feel that "Rambo" is perfectly normal and okay.


We all have a right to our (insane) opinions.

But Humanity has a responsibility to be humane. Should we agree to disagree again?

How did that pan out the last time? beatdeadhorse.gif

Pretty sure Humanity is the dead horse. Brought back to life by children who are beaten dead. One can't shake the feeling Thailand is far too tolerant. I imagine if I was Thailand, I'd figure out a way to ban us all from their game. But what do I know.

The truth is, I really just popped in on the way to get some professional help for my broken brain. I'm sure it's all under control.


So this is a forum for Christian bashing? When did that change?

A forum for pedophile praising?

It's called "the age of (the emotional maturity to be able to) consent."

Let's talk to the victims of child sexual or emotional abuse, even when they consented, a decade later.

Our role is to protect children from that type of thing; not to participate.


Why don't we talk to the 30,000 children under the age of 5 we kill without care or concern every single day because they're not a 12 year old "woman child" with no right to be stupid or make the unfathomably moronic errors we all make at far more 'mature' ages?

Christian-bashing? What is a "Christian". There are no Christians in the world, according to Jesus Christ. I have no idea what you're talking about. Please extrapolate.

Luke 14:33

King James Version (KJV)

33 So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.

It literally doesn't get any less ambiguous than that. So what is a Christian? Jesus Christ said no Christian in the world is a Christian.

I know what Christians are. I lost the first 14 years of my life to their two-faced sociopathic insanity. They're Toddlers who want their cake and to eat it as well. They talk a "Love Thy Neighbor" sermon and act more Numbers ch. 31.

Well that is beyond my control. But you insult decency by suggesting that they're good when they really are something else.

Do you understand what Selective Empathy is? Humans cannot feel it because it is a Sociopath-exclusive trait. It's picking and choosing what you care about. For example, getting emotional about caring to insult a 12 year old girl who you assert has no capacity to choose who she associates with...whilst you're simultaneously killing 30,000 toddlers per day because you want cheaper products and because you cannot make an exception for (or give a crap about) a continent overwhelmed by Catholic AIDS.

I am not accusing the Holy See of inventing AIDS. I'm quoting Medicines sans Frontiers estimate of 50,000,000 deaths because the Pope cannot afford to give Africa a pass on breeding misery until the epidemic dies down.

This is what Pro-Life is all about below.

Hosea 13:16

King James Version (KJV)

16 Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.

This is the Literal Word of God.

Want me to get stuck into Numbers 31 with you? Some sweet Christian Compassion right there.

I don't lie. I'm a human. Humans have a right to make mistakes and choose because it's better than to be a slave. I made zero choices for myself until I ran away from home at 14 where I had my first day of school from my new home on the street.

Do not suggest that you know better than someone else what is best for them when they are not hurting anybody. If they hurt themselves, they'll have ownership of the consequences of their actions.

But I'm not really all that interested in the relationship, feigned or real (I think feigned). I'm interested in the provable sociopathic nature of every single person who doesn't care about children dying and pretends to care about this girl's welfare enough to insult her by being outraged that she's permitted to Choose. That's what this is all about; Choice.

Well I know some things about Protection Rackets and parents who raise their children to please. And I would like to talk about them.



Obviously hes going to jail, isnt he?

Whats religion got to do with this?....nothing so dont start that up please.

Wheres her parents? thats the answer to this problem and the full force of the law.

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