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i saw it on the new today, that a lady who own a bed&breakfest wouldnt let a gay couple(men) stay in a double room double bed, saying it was against her christian beliefs,,

they took her to court were they won over 2k each from her,

i thought it would be a free choice who you let stay in your bed&breakfest,

she did say she wouldnt also let un married couples stay in the same room also,

its her faith at the end of the day,

so to me it just says gays have more rights then this lady who runs a guest house and is a christian,

dosnt make sence,,


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" its her faith at the end of the day,"

True, but she was also running a business and the law is crystal clear, you can't discriminate.

Applies to Aussies too smile.png


So why is England getting worse?

Post this in the gay section of TV and see what happens.

ps, not thai related.


It's actually back in the news, and b&b's are like pubs where it's up to the landlord who they serve in the UK

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This story is months old, not sure what news you are following!

He's talking about the High Court deciscion which only came down this week. May find himself with some strange bedfellows smile.png now that the National Front are talking of staging demos outside the gay couples home in protest....even the somewhat fundamentalist Christian groups are now having to distance themselves !


it was just on tele this morning that there had been a settlement and they had won there case,

so it might be old news that it happend but now its saying they won there case ,,ok,

well i dont care i still think its wrong,

this lady is a christian and is against it, but she has to go against her faith,

in my eyes thats wrong

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It's actually back in the news, and b&b's are like pubs where it's up to the landlord who they serve in the UK

Err, well it clearly isn't as the High Court made clear. Neither would it be legal for a pub landlord to refuse to serve someone on the grounds of their sexual orientation. what part of the law don't you understand ?


it was just on tele this morning that there had been a settlement and they had won there case,

so it might be old news that it happend but now its saying they won there case ,,ok,

well i dont care i still think its wrong,

this lady is a christian and is against it, but she has to go against her faith,

in my eyes thats wrong

Would it be ok if she refused to rent rooms to black people or Jews? Would it be OK if she were a Muslim and refused to rent rooms to Christians?

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this is about a ladys faith,,

and having the right to believe in her chosen faith,

its not about a black person or a jew not been given a room,

this is about this lady who dosnt agree with gay people staying in her house, home bed and breakfest, against her faith,

so what your saying ius she dosnt have rights to be a practicing christian?

this to me stinks of a couple of gays who want to bring gay rights to the fore, they wouldnt let us stay there, call the news papers


Meanwhile a guy gets 6 months for upsetting the UK Hi Sos by swimming in the Thames. He'd have got less for a 1st offence mugging a grannie.


she shouldnt be running a business,,,lol,

now your saying all them who dont agree with gays cant run a business?

lets have the world run by gays,

youll just keep a few couples to have children so you can adopt them,

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With the greatest respect PJ I fail to see how this makes the UK worse.

As far as I am concerned if her Christian belief insulted her so much by providing accommodation for gay members of our society then she shouldn't be in the hotel business. Not many business's are able to pick and choose their clients religion or not.

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if i was turned away because i was with my wife, i would have a moan, but i wouldnt go running to the papers,

its there choice who they have stay there in the hotel,


Public accommodation discrimination is a matter for legal systems. It's legal in some jurisdictions and illegal in others. In Thailand, there seems to be a very laissez-faire attitude to such matters. Gay people are a small minority class of people that happen to experience discrimination quite a lot in much of the world, to varying degrees of severity. A B and B, I would consider public accommodation like a hotel, not the same as a private home, but perhaps in some legal settings, it is seen differently.


in my view you would also have to think of other guests staying there,

would they want it?

but in my opinion, if this is against the ladys faith then she should be able to say sorry you cant stay here,

dont be rude, just say im a christian, sorry you cant stay here,

why didnt they just go up the road and get another b&b, why make such a big fuss,?


if i was turned away because i was with my wife, i would have a moan, but i wouldnt go running to the papers,

its there choice who they have stay there in the hotel,

And if you didn't 'go running to the papers' it would just happen to you again and again and again. How many times would you doff your cap to your 'masters' before you got pissed off?


she shouldnt be running a business,,,lol,

now your saying all them who dont agree with gays cant run a business?

lets have the world run by gays,

youll just keep a few couples to have children so you can adopt them,

Really having a problem following your logic. The law makes it illegal to discriminate on the grounds of race, religion , gender or sexual orientation. You might not like it but that's the law.

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It maybe this story has come up because there is a fanatical christian landlady clashing with two fanatical gay guys. Being christian is not wrong. Being gay is not worng. The error is being fanatical about it.

Live and let live all round.

As an afterthought, Christ's teachings would lean more towards acceptance of all sorts, rather than discriminating and turning people away: as I understood it from childhood brainwashing,it is only the Old Testament (and as such, it is pre-Christian) that takes a hard line, but since I don't hold strong religious views (far from it in fact), I am not going to explore that avenue.


in my view you would also have to think of other guests staying there,

would they want it?

Precisely what do you expect them to do that would offend other guests? Would it be ok if they were two straight men who were sharing the same bed?


if i was turned away because i was with my wife, i would have a moan, but i wouldnt go running to the papers,

its there choice who they have stay there in the hotel,

I agree with the first part 100%. It should never have got to the papers and the courts. The second part is governed by the laws of the land. Believe me, I understand it well. My late wife was from Guyana in South America. She had dark skin and so we experienced a lot of prejudice like that, but we never took it to court...just stayed where we were welcome and felt comfortable.

It takes all sorts to make the world. Some we like, some we don't. Trouble is that humans are to ready to get angry instead of shrugging the shoulders and walking away. It is easier to get on with folk than it is to fight......and better for all.

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if you had a hotel, would you let heroin uesers stay there?

whould that upset your other guests seeing them sticking needels in themselfs,

i wouldnt like to be in a hotel seeing gay men kissing,

everyone in this world is allowed to have there opinion,

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I grew up in a London where it was quite common to see signs saying " Rooms to Let. No Blacks or Irish " Now you want to bring us back to those days.....but just for gays ?


Heroin use is against the law. When was the last time you were in a hotel (or even a B&B) where you saw gay men kissing? Why do you insist in conflating illegal activities with legal requirements?

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