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Israeli Navy Boards Pro-Palestinian Activist Ship Off Gaza


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FYI: The government in Gaza was elected by the people in Gaza.

But this topic is about that Israel thinks it is in the position to decide and to allow what the kind of things the people in Gaza will get and that they are not allowed to use an own seaport.

That is the humanitarian issue.

I couldn't care less if the government in Gaza was formed by an almighty. As long as they continue with their rockets, indiscriminate killings and Hamas policy of Israel's extermination, then I for one would say to Israel carry on doing whatever you think will protect you.

So you think starving them and depriving them of basic needs is likely to win their hearts and minds, do you? It is actions like this that are prolonging the conflict and it's why Israel needs billions of dollars of US money to defend itself.

Personally I would have pulled the plug on them years ago if they didn't have nukes with which to blackmail the US. All it takes is about four well aimed ones and the US economy collapses like a clowns car.

Blockades like this are counter-productive and I applaud Obama for giving Netenyahu the cold shoulder.

The day for winning their hearts and minds, is long past for Israel.......it's about not getting wiped out.

Yep I agree, Obama has poor judgement.

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