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Neighbour Ranting Loudly


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If you had a townhouse and the unit beside you used to be a completely quiet family but then the guy lost his wife, daughter, and possibly also his job and as a result started playing loud music late at night quite often, how would you handle it?

I have to wake up at 5am for work so music through the walls and into the bedroom doesn't work for me after 9pm-10pm. This has been going on for 3 months now and this afternoon was my 4th attempt at asking him to keep it down late at night. The first 3 times he was nice and receptive, but today he acted like a prick and was totally rude.

What would you do?

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If you had a townhouse and the unit beside you used to be a completely quiet family but then the guy lost his wife, daughter, and possibly also his job and as a result started playing loud music late at night quite often, how would you handle it?

I have to wake up at 5am for work so music through the walls and into the bedroom doesn't work for me after 9pm-10pm. This has been going on for 3 months now and this afternoon was my 4th attempt at asking him to keep it down late at night. The first 3 times he was nice and receptive, but today he acted like a prick and was totally rude.

What would you do?

Get someone to mess about with his electrics
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Hoping to feel better tomorrow and will possibly pretend it never happened but unfortunately that was never my style rolleyes.gif

Hope you are feeling better today. My Neighbour ran an underground pipe, into our Property to drain the rain from his. When I was told, the wife said the Neighbour is Crazy. I dug up pipe which went under a small soi. Should have seen the mess made when it rained again,but our land was drier of course. the Neighbours didn,t say Boo,and we all get on like it never happened.
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The moot point here has noting to do with being Thai. It has to do with just being a human being.

When we first moved to Thailand we were sent to Chanthaburi.

We lived in a nice gaff however to either side of us we had neighbours who - for one reason or another- didn't like the fact that we were a mixed race couple.

it severely vexed my wife however I took the "alcohol route" to settling things.

The first night I went to the left hand side to introduce myself and my wife but I was armed with a bottle of JW.

It went down a treat.

Next day I went to the right armed with the same and it too went down a treat.

Throughout our time there I would invite the neighbours over to watch the football and have a drink once a month (or more if there was a big game on).

Worked a treat.

Most times they have nowt so share what you have even if it's a little and you'll go far.

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Some awesome posts here guys - still under the weather - flu has changed into tonsilitis sad.png

Maybe that bugger poisoned me in my sleep ( The neighbour not wifey )

She has spoken to all of the neighbours regularly since we moved here, it's what she does smile.png

I haven't mentioned it and today will ask discretely who the neighbours at the back are.

I will keep you all posted smile.png

Edited by chonabot
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Dude, it could be worth splashing out on a "hearts and minds" offensive.

Have a (big) bash at your place but don't invite Geoff Capes initially.

When he's peering over the fence in envy, watching the village sluice and browse in your garden, they'll soon be asking why he's not invited.

Then you tell them why; along the lines of "I've been moved by the warm welcome this community has extended to me...blah, blah apart from one incident (insert here) but I suppose I'm a big hearted man so he can come..."

Then invite him over....

He'll not only get sneers and snarls from your new found pals but also he'll be quite onside when he's stiffed full of your salt and meat.

While it may sound like a "back down" you'd have made your point and by bollocky he'll know it.

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I'd let my wife deal with it. She's vicious!

Tommo has ouitlined quite succintly the solutuion. All right here we go, my next door neighbours didn't like their neighbours smelly garbage bin, so "suggested" they move it down the street which they eventually did...outside my house. I told the missus that it was ugly, smelly and attracting flies and that perhaps she should mention that to them before I dragged it off behind the motorbike never to be seem again, that they might choose of their own accord and greng jai to move it back. That seemed the lesser of evils to her and it has gone back to the original feud where it belongs.

Your Thai partner does know how to deal with issues, she may not like to, but she does know. Let the local culture resolve, no need for antagonism if she does the right thing and is up for it.

If all else fails I find that Black Sabbath at maximum volume with a wicked sound system (rentals are also good) with a bunch of drunken loud mouth friends seems to create a little aggravation, which could be a bargaining point. Aside from that you will also have a really good time. If you are socially challeged and musically illiterate the lastest realases of Death Metal should also do the job, albeit without the style.

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I'd let my wife deal with it. She's vicious!

Tommo has ouitlined quite succintly the solutuion. All right here we go, my next door neighbours didn't like their neighbours smelly garbage bin, so "suggested" they move it down the street which they eventually did...outside my house. I told the missus that it was ugly, smelly and attracting flies and that perhaps she should mention that to them before I dragged it off behind the motorbike never to be seem again, that they might choose of their own accord and greng jai to move it back. That seemed the lesser of evils to her and it has gone back to the original feud where it belongs.

Your Thai partner does know how to deal with issues, she may not like to, but she does know. Let the local culture resolve, no need for antagonism if she does the right thing and is up for it.

If all else fails I find that Black Sabbath at maximum volume with a wicked sound system (rentals are also good) with a bunch of drunken loud mouth friends seems to create a little aggravation, which could be a bargaining point. Aside from that you will also have a really good time. If you are socially challeged and musically illiterate the lastest realases of Death Metal should also do the job, albeit without the style.

I reckon The Immigrant song would have the optimum effect...fast forward to reality ( not Masters of Reality )

All quiet on the western front and the neighbours are neither to be seen or heard.

I may throw a BBQ tomorrow and invite friends and school colleagues - watch this space :)

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I'd let my wife deal with it. She's vicious!

Tommo has ouitlined quite succintly the solutuion. All right here we go, my next door neighbours didn't like their neighbours smelly garbage bin, so "suggested" they move it down the street which they eventually did...outside my house. I told the missus that it was ugly, smelly and attracting flies and that perhaps she should mention that to them before I dragged it off behind the motorbike never to be seem again, that they might choose of their own accord and greng jai to move it back. That seemed the lesser of evils to her and it has gone back to the original feud where it belongs.

Your Thai partner does know how to deal with issues, she may not like to, but she does know. Let the local culture resolve, no need for antagonism if she does the right thing and is up for it.

If all else fails I find that Black Sabbath at maximum volume with a wicked sound system (rentals are also good) with a bunch of drunken loud mouth friends seems to create a little aggravation, which could be a bargaining point. Aside from that you will also have a really good time. If you are socially challeged and musically illiterate the lastest realases of Death Metal should also do the job, albeit without the style.

I reckon The Immigrant song would have the optimum effect...fast forward to reality ( not Masters of Reality )

All quiet on the western front and the neighbours are neither to be seen or heard.

I may throw a BBQ tomorrow and invite friends and school colleagues - watch this space smile.png

And me. ????..........................laugh.png
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If you had a townhouse and the unit beside you used to be a completely quiet family but then the guy lost his wife, daughter, and possibly also his job and as a result started playing loud music late at night quite often, how would you handle it?

I have to wake up at 5am for work so music through the walls and into the bedroom doesn't work for me after 9pm-10pm. This has been going on for 3 months now and this afternoon was my 4th attempt at asking him to keep it down late at night. The first 3 times he was nice and receptive, but today he acted like a prick and was totally rude.

What would you do?


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To anyone considering taking advice from these macho confrontational idiots.

Don't, unless you are truly wired in as a high-status member of the community with friends in powerful places.

Just being a guest here will only go so far to protect you from the essential lawlessness and revenge mentality here.

There is nothing to be gained by direct confrontation, and you might think you're being sneaky but you don't know from sneaky here in the LoS.

Keep your head down, smile and say mai bpen rai and walk away to enjoy a happy and peaceful life here.

Otherwise some major catastrophe will befall you down the road, perhaps life-changing, and you won't have any idea it was intentionally caused by someone who nursed a grudge and planned your downfall, will never make the connection, just think you had a bit of bad luck.

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To anyone considering taking advice from these macho confrontational idiots.

Don't, unless you are truly wired in as a high-status member of the community with friends in powerful places.

Just being a guest here will only go so far to protect you from the essential lawlessness and revenge mentality here.

There is nothing to be gained by direct confrontation, and you might think you're being sneaky but you don't know from sneaky here in the LoS.

Keep your head down, smile and say mai bpen rai and walk away to enjoy a happy and peaceful life here.

Otherwise some major catastrophe will befall you down the road, perhaps life-changing, and you won't have any idea it was intentionally caused by someone who nursed a grudge and planned your downfall, will never make the connection, just think you had a bit of bad luck.

Eh. sad.png
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To anyone considering taking advice from these macho confrontational idiots.

Don't, unless you are truly wired in as a high-status member of the community with friends in powerful places.

Just being a guest here will only go so far to protect you from the essential lawlessness and revenge mentality here.

There is nothing to be gained by direct confrontation, and you might think you're being sneaky but you don't know from sneaky here in the LoS.

Keep your head down, smile and say mai bpen rai and walk away to enjoy a happy and peaceful life here.

Otherwise some major catastrophe will befall you down the road, perhaps life-changing, and you won't have any idea it was intentionally caused by someone who nursed a grudge and planned your downfall, will never make the connection, just think you had a bit of bad luck.

I agree in general. but in the case of the OP, he had something thrown in his garden..I guess i would ask the neighbour what's going on, without being aggressive.

Is this confrontational ? Well , yes and not.

I like to know if my neighbours are safe or notwink.png

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I agree in general. but in the case of the OP, he had something thrown in his garden..I guess i would ask the neighbour what's going on, without being aggressive.

Is this confrontational ? Well , yes and not.

I like to know if my neighbours are safe or not

Personally I'd wait until the next day so whatever temporary dysfunction most likely cause the problem would have passed (default assumption of good will or at least harmlessness.

Then find a way to bring it up in a lighthearted joking manner, maybe over an offered beer if I drank, and ideally without others observing so as not to cause loss of face.

But maybe even ignoring it would be fine, if it only happened the once, why not. . .

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