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Former U.s. Secretary Of State Colin Powell Endorses Obama


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Former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell endorses Obama < br />

2012-10-26 02:02:24 GMT+7 (ICT)

WASHINGTON, D.C. (BNO NEWS) -- Former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell on Thursday morning endorsed Democrat Barack Obama in his bid for re-election as president, criticizing Republican challenger Mitt Romney on his proposed economic plans and his views on foreign policy.

Powell, who has also served as National Security Adviser and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, initially supported Republican candidate John McCain ahead of the 2008 presidential election but later endorsed Obama after McCain appointed Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his vice presidential candidate.

Thursday's endorsement came just twelve days before the presidential election as the latest polls indicate the race is virtually tied. According to a Gallup poll released this week, Romney holds a slight edge over Obama - 50 percent to 47 percent - in the poll's likely voter estimate. Among registered voters, Obama leads Romney 48 percent to 47 percent.

Powell made the endorsement during an interview on CBS News, in which he praised Obama for bringing the United States from the brink of economic collapse, ending the war in Iraq, his plan to end the war in Afghanistan, and his record of fighting terrorism. "I voted for him in 2008 and I plan to stick with him in 2012," he said.

The Republican said a lot of problems remain but that there is evidence the country's economy is stabilizing. "Housing is now starting to pick up after four years, it's starting to pick up. Consumer confidence is rising. So I think generally we've come out of the dive and starting to gain altitude," he said.

Powell said he respects Romney and had a good conversation with him a few weeks ago, but explained he does not believe in his economic plans. "As I listen to what his proposals are, especially with respect to dealing with our most significant issue - the economy - it's essentially 'let's cut taxes and compensate for that with other things.' But that compensation does not cover all of the cuts intended or the new expenses associated with defense," he said.

The former secretary of state also criticized Romney on his foreign policy and believes he did not think them through thoroughly. "The governor who was speaking on Monday night at the debate was saying things that were quite different from what he said earlier," he said. "So I’m not quite sure which Gov. Romney we would be getting with respect to foreign policy."

Powell added: "It's hard to fix it. It's a moving target. One day he has a certain strong view about staying in Afghanistan, but then on Monday night he agrees with the withdrawal, same thing in Iraq. On almost every issue that was discussed on Monday night, Gov. Romney agreed with the President, with some nuances. But this is quite a different set of foreign policy views than he had earlier in the campaign."


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-10-26

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Powell endorsed Obama in 2008, so it was pretty much expected and will not help Obama with votes.

Can anybody spell RINO?

Powell endorsed Obama in 2008, so it was pretty much expected and will not help Obama with votes.

Can anybody spell RINO?




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Powell endorsed Obama in 2008, so it was pretty much expected and will not help Obama with votes.

Can anybody spell RINO?

according to who's definition?

Me...and a whole bunch of the 47 million registered Republican voters.thumbsup.gif

Edit in:

Good one, Neurath.

Edited by chuckd
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It's called identity politics. I understand it, makes sense to me. What ticks me off is all the politicians/commentators who insist identity politics is dead, to which there is only one response -- who the hell do you think you're fooling?

When Powell's grandchildren ask him what was his involvement in getting the first black US president elected, he does not want to have to tell them "I endorsed the other guy."

After what those guys running things in 2001-2008 did to him I'm surprised he's still a Republican at all.

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I think Colin Powell is a moderate republican in a party that is moving far to the right with ever more extremist policies.Yesterday we had a top Romney adviser, John Sununu , suggesting that the only reason Powell was supporting Obama is because they were both black. So is Sununu supporting Romney because they are both not black? That is the obvious conclusion if you follow his racist logic. This coming on top of Richard Mourdock sharing with us his view that rape is God's will! Asked yesterday if his campaign had gained votes after his comment he replied,"I know we did". More votes from rapists presumably. Every so often the mask slips, and the Republicans around Mitt Romney show what they are really thinking. And it's truly scary stuff.

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Colin Powell knows more than anyone on here regarding how bad Republican policies wrecked this country during Bush administration, but he will never publically state such due to the nature if his former positions. Powell would have supported Bush over Obama had Obama run back in 2000. Has nothing to do with race and everything to do with integrity and policies of Republican party. Same happened to me.

Anyone with a shred of knowledge about our financial crisis would understand. If you cannot explain why QE2 and 3 really occurred, you do not understand. Hint, CMO, REMIC and to prevent another TARP).

The problem was set in motion 2001/2002ish and perhaps cannot not be undone quickly. Would take 50 plus years to correct, or more because those in control of money supply refuse to make necessary sacrifices and Bush made a decision to keep certain banks a float despite a black hole of debt that no one can really calculate or comprehend.

Haha, Romeny would give power back to those that created the black hole of debt that made people like Romney wealthy and resulted in a huge personal tax burden for the common man in the US.

Edited by ttelise
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Colin Powell knows more than anyone on here regarding how bad Republican policies wrecked this country during Bush administration, but he will never publically state such due to the nature if his former positions. Powell would have supported Bush over Obama had Obama run back in 2000. Has nothing to do with race and everything to do with integrity and policies of Republican party. Same happened to me.

Anyone with a shred of knowledge about our financial crisis would understand. If you cannot explain why QE2 and 3 really occurred, you do not understand. Hint, CMO, REMIC and to prevent another TARP).

The problem was set in motion 2001/2002ish and perhaps cannot not be undone quickly. Would take 50 plus years to correct, or more because those in control of money supply refuse to make necessary sacrifices and Bush made a decision to keep certain banks a float despite a black hole of debt that no one can really calculate or comprehend.

Haha, Romeny would give power back to those that created the black hole of debt that made people like Romney wealthy and resulted in a huge personal tax burden for the common man in the US.

So the CRA of 1977 had nothing to do with the housing bubble?

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Colin Powell knows more than anyone on here regarding how bad Republican policies wrecked this country during Bush administration, but he will never publically state such due to the nature if his former positions. Powell would have supported Bush over Obama had Obama run back in 2000. Has nothing to do with race and everything to do with integrity and policies of Republican party. Same happened to me.

Anyone with a shred of knowledge about our financial crisis would understand. If you cannot explain why QE2 and 3 really occurred, you do not understand. Hint, CMO, REMIC and to prevent another TARP).

The problem was set in motion 2001/2002ish and perhaps cannot not be undone quickly. Would take 50 plus years to correct, or more because those in control of money supply refuse to make necessary sacrifices and Bush made a decision to keep certain banks a float despite a black hole of debt that no one can really calculate or comprehend.

Haha, Romeny would give power back to those that created the black hole of debt that made people like Romney wealthy and resulted in a huge personal tax burden for the common man in the US.

So the CRA of 1977 had nothing to do with the housing bubble?

Seriously. Joke? Not even remotely related to what happened between 2001 and 2008. All about greed, bad loans being concealed and covered by CMOs, REMICs, credit Swaps and then banks started even doing CDOs. The mist brilliant idea of it all was political pressure to have Fanny, Freddy, Ginnie guarantee risky CMO bond so China would buy them, banks could partially cover horrible underwriting practices, a whole bunch of executives could amass huge wealth and tax payees could get stuck with the bills for guarantees by FM, FM and GM. China got there money, executives and investors got their money and homeowners and taxpayers got an abyss if debt that no one knows how deep it is even yet.

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Colin Powell knows more than anyone on here regarding how bad Republican policies wrecked this country during Bush administration, but he will never publically state such due to the nature if his former positions. Powell would have supported Bush over Obama had Obama run back in 2000. Has nothing to do with race and everything to do with integrity and policies of Republican party. Same happened to me.

Anyone with a shred of knowledge about our financial crisis would understand. If you cannot explain why QE2 and 3 really occurred, you do not understand. Hint, CMO, REMIC and to prevent another TARP).

The problem was set in motion 2001/2002ish and perhaps cannot not be undone quickly. Would take 50 plus years to correct, or more because those in control of money supply refuse to make necessary sacrifices and Bush made a decision to keep certain banks a float despite a black hole of debt that no one can really calculate or comprehend.

Haha, Romeny would give power back to those that created the black hole of debt that made people like Romney wealthy and resulted in a huge personal tax burden for the common man in the US.

So the CRA of 1977 had nothing to do with the housing bubble?

Seriously. Joke? Not even remotely related to what happened between 2001 and 2008. All about greed, bad loans being concealed and covered by CMOs, REMICs, credit Swaps and then banks started even doing CDOs. The mist brilliant idea of it all was political pressure to have Fanny, Freddy, Ginnie guarantee risky CMO bond so China would buy them, banks could partially cover horrible underwriting practices, a whole bunch of executives could amass huge wealth and tax payees could get stuck with the bills for guarantees by FM, FM and GM. China got there money, executives and investors got their money and homeowners and taxpayers got an abyss if debt that no one knows how deep it is even yet.

We have gone over this so many times I am tired of posting the links from YouTube showing the Democratic party in Congress trying to defend the actions of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac after Bush assumed office and began warning about the sub-prime loan market.

The history is:

Carter passed it into law, Bush one largely ignored it, Clinton forced quotas on the lending institutions and Bush warned against sub-prime loans during the period from 2001 to 2008.

ttelise: Apparently you have insight into the mind of Colin Powell. Perhaps you could inform us how you might have obtained this knowledge?

Edited by chuckd
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Colin Powell knows more than anyone on here regarding how bad Republican policies wrecked this country during Bush administration, but he will never publically state such due to the nature if his former positions. Powell would have supported Bush over Obama had Obama run back in 2000. Has nothing to do with race and everything to do with integrity and policies of Republican party. Same happened to me.

Anyone with a shred of knowledge about our financial crisis would understand. If you cannot explain why QE2 and 3 really occurred, you do not understand. Hint, CMO, REMIC and to prevent another TARP).

The problem was set in motion 2001/2002ish and perhaps cannot not be undone quickly. Would take 50 plus years to correct, or more because those in control of money supply refuse to make necessary sacrifices and Bush made a decision to keep certain banks a float despite a black hole of debt that no one can really calculate or comprehend.

Haha, Romeny would give power back to those that created the black hole of debt that made people like Romney wealthy and resulted in a huge personal tax burden for the common man in the US.

So the CRA of 1977 had nothing to do with the housing bubble?

Seriously. Joke? Not even remotely related to what happened between 2001 and 2008. All about greed, bad loans being concealed and covered by CMOs, REMICs, credit Swaps and then banks started even doing CDOs. The mist brilliant idea of it all was political pressure to have Fanny, Freddy, Ginnie guarantee risky CMO bond so China would buy them, banks could partially cover horrible underwriting practices, a whole bunch of executives could amass huge wealth and tax payees could get stuck with the bills for guarantees by FM, FM and GM. China got there money, executives and investors got their money and homeowners and taxpayers got an abyss if debt that no one knows how deep it is even yet.

We have gone over this so many times I am tired of posting the links from YouTube showing the Democratic party in Congress trying to defend the actions of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac after Bush assumed office and began warning about the sub-prime loan market.

The history is:

Carter passed it into law, Bush one largely ignored it, Clinton forced quotas on the lending institutions and Bush warned against sub-prime loans during the period from 2001 to 2008.

ttelise: Apparently you have insight into the mind of Colin Powell. Perhaps you could inform us how you might have obtained this knowledge?

There are videos on Yourube showing 9/11 conspiracy also so that not impress me much. I have represented banks and financial institutions in lawsuits, class actions, arbitrations, and in examinations by Fed Reserve and filing for TARP. My wife is an investment banker. While she is in IPO and underwriting, she has been also dealing with capital and reserve issues for the mess this has created. One could also say that Eve is responsible because she took a bite of the apple and set greed in motion that resulted in the actions between 2001 and 2008. Only those on outside watching YouTube and looking for ways to blame someone else or some other political party would buy into such nonsense.

Edited by ttelise
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I'm not an American, so not really familiar with the whole show that surrounds the election,because that is what it is in my opinion, one big circus with the best clown winning the elections.

I can understand that some republicans not agree with Romney's politics as some democrats will not agree with Obama's politics, hence they don't endorse their party's candidate, but openly endorsing a candidate of the rival party I have never heard about anywhere in the world.

Wouldn't this have some severe consequences for Powell.Not that I don't agree with him, in fact I applaud his bravery, but it sounds very strange to me.

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Wouldn't this have some severe consequences for Powell.Not that I don't agree with him, in fact I applaud his bravery, but it sounds very strange to me.

It happens with some public political figures EVERY election cycle. Sometimes if they are active politicians they switch parties. In Powell's case, he isn't active and he was never an ELECTED official, so no consequences for him personally or professionally, severe or otherwise. Edited by Jingthing
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Wouldn't this have some severe consequences for Powell.Not that I don't agree with him, in fact I applaud his bravery, but it sounds very strange to me.

It happens with some public political figures EVERY election cycle. Sometimes if they are active politicians they switch parties. In Powell's case, he isn't active and he was never an ELECTED official, so no consequences for him personally or professionally, severe or otherwise.

If Powell were to officially change his affiliation and offer himself as an advisor to an Obama 2nd term (or even if he had done it 4 years ago) I have little doubt Obama would have welcomed him, even though certain Dems would have denounced him as 'rancid meat' of the 2001-2008 regime.

I think it is quite telling that the Idiot of Crawford has kept such a low profile this election cycle.

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Wouldn't this have some severe consequences for Powell.Not that I don't agree with him, in fact I applaud his bravery, but it sounds very strange to me.

It happens with some public political figures EVERY election cycle. Sometimes if they are active politicians they switch parties. In Powell's case, he isn't active and he was never an ELECTED official, so no consequences for him personally or professionally, severe or otherwise.

If Powell were to officially change his affiliation and offer himself as an advisor to an Obama 2nd term (or even if he had done it 4 years ago) I have little doubt Obama would have welcomed him, even though certain Dems would have denounced him as 'rancid meat' of the 2001-2008 regime.

I think it is quite telling that the Idiot of Crawford has kept such a low profile this election cycle.

Bush has kept a low profile during the entire debacle called the Obama administration, not only the election cycle.

However, thinking about that last sentence, Obama has been running a campaign for reelection since 21 January 2009 so perhaps the sentence is a little redundant.

True, nonetheless.

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