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Warning - Fans Can Explode


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Yes I realize this isn't purely Thai specific, but I've never heard of this happening in another country so posting as a warning:

The blades of my room fan spontaneously flew apart from the centrifugal force this morning, popped the cage open and flung bits of plastic all over the room, one big piece just missing the head of one of my students over 10m away.

Bog-standard Hatari floor-standing unit I've had for many years, most likely with replacement third-party blades I'm not sure as I've got six of them altogether.

I guess the moral of the story is it might be worth paying a bit more for a name brand rather than the cheapest available for this particular type of product.

Interesting event I wanted to share anyway. . .

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I used to work for a MNO in the Philipines and we had a fan assembly factory. This was the biggest problem (15 years ago) with all the fans on the market. We had so many broken fan blades and fan returns I was sure there was a problem with the plastic but we never solved it whilst I was there. I had been pleasantly surprised not to come across this as a reported problem here in Thailand and presumed the plastic quality and or general build qulity was improved.

You need to be especially careful if you take it apart and clean the fan that nothing catches after reassemly. I am surprised the cage popped open but maybe because of age.

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Had this happen so many times, the dogs get a right scare!!!, as BookMan said old age and exposure to the sun is probably the cause. New blades are only 70 Baht each from shop on Thepprasit, on the same side as the gasoline station about 200M further down - you will see them stacked up outside. (That is if you are in Pattaya of course)

Edited by LennyW
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Cheap plastic for the blades that weakens after a few years and/or in direct sun.

yes resistance to UV and Ozone, maybe also moisture.

Resistant blades would surely cost a few Satang more in production.

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Yep, I have had fan blades explode before. Scares the crap out of you.

And as h90 says, the blade replaced and the cage removed, that was even scarier as I had 2 kids under 5 in the house at that time.

I think at the time the explosion was blamed on the safe-t-cut so it was turned off (true story), I used to turn it back on when I showered or rested in the jacuzzi.

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Yep, I have had fan blades explode before. Scares the crap out of you.

And as h90 says, the blade replaced and the cage removed, that was even scarier as I had 2 kids under 5 in the house at that time.

I think at the time the explosion was blamed on the safe-t-cut so it was turned off (true story), I used to turn it back on when I showered or rested in the jacuzzi.

Also a cracked one running and heavily shacking. No one thought to replace it before it explodes.

I have a company...which is similar to have kids under 5 (mental age).

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My fans are never exposed to any direct sunlight.

However I haven't replaced the blades after any set period of time, which now I think might be a good idea.

I believe the one that exploded was at least three years old, and is in a room where it gets an average of say 15 hours a day use.

The weird thing was the degree of force causing the cage to fly open allowing the blade to fly across the room - maybe using a tie-down?

Nothing I'll lose sleep over, enough time has passed I realize it's just one of those things.

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Am never sure which piece is the correct peace in this saying ...maybe somebody will enlighten me

Peace (dude)

Peace of mind is clearly an internal matter. It must begin with your own thoughts, and then extend outward. It is from your peace of mind that a peaceful perception of the world arises. (1:2-4)

The phrase "give him a piece of my mind" has a quite different meaning.

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So BigJohnnyBKK ... you never did say where you were all those months we suffered here with your pearls of wisdom to guide us along out path?


Suffer more with or without? 8-)

I'm afraid the rules don't allow me to be specific, but let's just say I got a lot more done during my holiday away.

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A couple of cable ties securing the front and back modules together should offer extra piece (peace )of mind

Am never sure which piece is the correct peace in this saying ...maybe somebody will enlighten me

You're just taking the piss, I suspect. :)

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