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13 Cops Tasked With Investigating Core Democrat Party Members: Thailand


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It's a common symptom in individuals who elevate others up into messiah like figures. Their condition makes it seem to them as if the entire world shares their unhealthy infatuation. The next step is to create multiple personalities.

What rather like some of our newer members here whose literary style and rhetoric seems to be so much like some recently departed forum members? whistling.gif

Nothing new here.

There are members who have been members so many times,

they have lost track of how many times. Different day, same oder.

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he PTP's cronies continue to push this country, inch by inch, closer to either dictatorship or another coup..

Which clearly shows just how much Thaksin, his family and their brown nosing acolytes along with the myopic farangs who openly support a crooked despotic methodological wanna be dictator love this country and its people.

If you don,t mind Siampolee and Ballpoint, I,d like to add a third which if this situation isn,t brought under control and curtailed there will be all out civil war mellow.png

The " myopic farang " probably have a long association with left wing parties like the UK,s BNP and other similar organisations that are to be found scattered around the Western world / globe.

Sadly they are all hell bent on getting results via intimidation and violence ect. ec. and are usually driven by extremist groups, who in turn are fired up by individuals intent on getting / forcing a certain desire / agenda upon those who live and abide by genuine democratic principles, and the laws of their country.

Self interest also comes into the equation in many left wing scenarios that are pre planned to achieve maximum results via intimidation ect. ect.

Not unlike the ongoing situation here in Thailand. Hmmmmmm

marshbags whistling.gif

Edited by marshbags
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I do wonder how much longer this fuse is going to burn, the corridors of power irrespective in the main of their political hue must be getting concerned about what is happening..

Powerful people are seeing their little fiefdoms and power bases thus ''income'' in danger of being amalgamated into the Thaksin power base and treasury, there will be repercussions.

My personal view is that the the next six to nine months are going be a crucial period for Thailand and its people.

Hopefully if there is a putsch it will be like the last one with no loss of life.

However more worrying is the fact that there are more than one or two aged participants of the 1992 army intervention and that was a truly brutal change of regime..I was here and it wasn't a pleasant time by any means as I am sure others who were here at the time will agree.

Hopefully lessons have been learnt from recent history, although knowing human nature coupled with the peoples short memory span I somehow doubt it.

If lessons were learnt it would be the first time

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It's a common symptom in individuals who elevate others up into messiah like figures. Their condition makes it seem to them as if the entire world shares their unhealthy infatuation. The next step is to create multiple personalities.

What rather like some of our newer members here whose literary style and rhetoric seems to be so much like some recently departed forum members? whistling.gif

Agreed on

It's a common symptom in individuals who elevate others up into messiah like figures. Their condition makes it seem to them as if the entire world shares their unhealthy infatuation. The next step is to create multiple personalities.

What rather like some of our newer members here whose literary style and rhetoric seems to be so much like some recently departed forum members? whistling.gif

Agrees on both observations.

Depending on developments favourable to Thaksin many more of them will re surface in some ID or another

marshbags thumbsup.gif

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It terrifies me to think that your name tag suggests that you may have something to do with the education of young people.

Well Jim, I hope you realize that supporters of TS and the red movement include leading members of all sectors of society, not just education.

Yes, you are right, this is why the Thai Educational System is the lowest in SEA countries. You promote a further decline. Ignorance or PR promoter?

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It's a common symptom in individuals who elevate others up into messiah like figures. Their condition makes it seem to them as if the entire world shares their unhealthy infatuation. The next step is to create multiple personalities.

What rather like some of our newer members here whose literary style and rhetoric seems to be so much like some recently departed forum members? whistling.gif

Nothing new here.

There are members who have been members so many times,

they have lost track of how many times. Different day, same oder.

Some of them have had that many it,s a wonder how they keep track of them all ermm.gif

marshbags laugh.png

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It terrifies me to think that your name tag suggests that you may have something to do with the education of young people.

Well Jim, I hope you realize that supporters of TS and the red movement include leading members of all sectors of society, not just education.

Jim, I consider it much more likely that this person is professionally linked to the pervasive lack of education afforded young people in Thailand.


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The deformation of Thai citizen's character is a very serious offense. Penalties set in Thai courts are often in excess of tens of millions Baht. Quite frankly some democrats are overdue for a serious slap for some of the outrageous statements they have made in the presence of witnesses. I sometimes think that the Abhisit Mob are seeking exclusion from political life altogether.

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Open your other eye.

The 13 cops are there to prevent the last supper by hiding the evidence.

More loose talk about 'evidence'. There is no evidence linking Thaksin to the MiB. Having a photo taken with someone doesn't equate to funding, organizing and controlling a group of 'terrorists'

I along with the rest of the world are dying to see this 'evidence' if it really exists. If it doesn't all those making loose accusations need to shut up

You present a rather loose opinion as fact.

You assume that the "rest of the world" is interested.

Opinions and assumptions are not worth a sparrow's fart I'm afraid.

It's a common symptom in individuals who elevate others up into messiah like figures. Their condition makes it seem to them as if the entire world shares their unhealthy infatuation. The next step is to create multiple personalities.

In this case I think it is multiple identities for Thai Visa. Make an ass of your self on one then switch to another one.

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It terrifies me to think that your name tag suggests that you may have something to do with the education of young people.

Well Jim, I hope you realize that supporters of TS and the red movement include leading members of all sectors of society, not just education.

including leading members in the thai agricultural industry and telecommunications industry and the like?
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he PTP's cronies continue to push this country, inch by inch, closer to either dictatorship or another coup..

Which clearly shows just how much Thaksin, his family and their brown nosing acolytes along with the myopic farangs who openly support a crooked despotic methodological wanna be dictator love this country and its people.

If you don,t mind Siampolee and Ballpoint, I,d like to add a third which if this situation isn,t brought under control and curtailed there will be all out civil war mellow.png

The " myopic farang " probably have a long association with left wing parties like the UK,s BNP and other similar organisations that are to be found scattered around the Western world / globe.

Sadly they are all hell bent on getting results via intimidation and violence ect. ec. and are usually driven by extremist groups, who in turn are fired up by individuals intent on getting / forcing a certain desire / agenda upon those who live and abide by genuine democratic principles, and the laws of their country.

Self interest also comes into the equation in many left wing scenarios that are pre planned to achieve maximum results via intimidation ect. ect.

Not unlike the ongoing situation here in Thailand. Hmmmmmm

marshbags whistling.gif

The BNP are the most far right wing party in the UK Marshbags, They are essentially Neo Nazi's & left wing is the last thing anyone who knows anything about UK politics would describe them as....
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The PTP's cronies continue to push this country, inch by inch, closer to either dictatorship or another coup...

This post plus several others are promoting a coup. Its the same gameplay every time. Invent the 'Bogey Man' and make people scared...phew thank god the army took over...that was close.

Dictators are real. Only a complete idiot could fail to see where this country is going.

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It terrifies me to think that your name tag suggests that you may have something to do with the education of young people.

Well Jim, I hope you realize that supporters of TS and the red movement include leading members of all sectors of society, not just education.

Indeed. Everybody figures that.

The food chain TS system has established in this country has reached amazing proportions.

Edited by Mitker
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So what about the statements the UDD leader Jatuporn and the Pheu Thai party list MP and (former?) red-shirt leader Korkaew filed with the DSI? The 'I was told by others' bit. That's just plain hearsay but not slander?

One would wonder whether 'I was told by others' is even admissable in court.

In many countries if a witness starts this line of dialogue the judge / magistrate or whatever would be very quick to stop the discourse, saying that this is inadmissable and tell the witness to stick to facts or say 'I don't know'. And seriosly tell the jury (if there is one) to ignore the hearsay dialogue of the witness.

I was a witness many years ago in Australia, the barrister for the other party kept prompting his witnessses to go down this path. The judge gave two quick warnings then declared a mistrial, fined the barrister $25,000- and barred him from court activities for 5 years. (It wasn't the first time this barrister has been fined or banned.)

Edited by scorecard
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If you don,t mind Siampolee and Ballpoint, I,d like to add a third which if this situation isn,t brought under control and curtailed there will be all out civil war mellow.png

The " myopic farang " probably have a long association with left wing parties like the UK,s BNP and other similar organisations that are to be found scattered around the Western world / globe.

Sadly they are all hell bent on getting results via intimidation and violence ect. ec. and are usually driven by extremist groups, who in turn are fired up by individuals intent on getting / forcing a certain desire / agenda upon those who live and abide by genuine democratic principles, and the laws of their country.

Self interest also comes into the equation in many left wing scenarios that are pre planned to achieve maximum results via intimidation ect. ect.

Not unlike the ongoing situation here in Thailand. Hmmmmmm

marshbags whistling.gif

The BNP are the most far right wing party in the UK Marshbags, They are essentially Neo Nazi's & left wing is the last thing anyone who knows anything about UK politics would describe them as....

Apologies zyphodb for the mistake and your welcomed correction. thumbsup.gif

Sadly there are several similar groups within to the U.K. who will not hesitate to also use violent intimidation ect. to frighten those who oppose them.

The BNP of course were also in previous stages to it,s present status, an off shoot from the NF to escape the fascism and extreme violence you rightly mention and initially the NNF and then the BNP as we know it today.

While this may be appearing to go off topic, I ask for understanding as to why I,m posting it and can reassure everyone, I have no wishes to derail the thread or start a diversion.

I stand by my comparisons with these types of associations ect. ect. re the intimidation and use of violence to achieve the will of ( in Thailands case ) the self serving fugitive intent on destroying all who would stand in his way.

By the way I reckon left and right wing ideologies could be applied here

He doesn,t give a dam_n about the country he ran away from to escape constitutional justice and it,s there for all who are not blinkered and fooled by him to witness.

Should he achieve his will, Thailand sadly, will have a one way non democratic / dictatorship lead by a despotical leader who will seek and expect retribution of all who opposed / opposers should it be allowed to happen.

How disturbing / frightening that such a possible scenario should be supported by an elected government who are supposedly put there for the benefit of the populace and the much loved country they are meant to represent Thailand.

However I am confident it will / would never be allowed to happen.

marshbags sad.png

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The continued vilification of TS is slanderous. The Dems lost the plot a long time ago and their continued obsession with TS is unhealthy and certainly detrimental to them. No matter what the majority on here think, before the Dems go on stage and accuse people of serious crimes they should have evidence to back up their claims. They claimed they would release new evidence, but as usual had nothing to show. How much deeper can they dig their own hole.

Actually the Thai court system has accused Thaksin of serious crimes, but he refuses to show up to defend himself. As some of those accusations are what is being claimed by the Democrats, the way is open for him to clear his name knowing that the government is friendly to him (some say owned by him). Of course, he also risks incarceration for the term of his natural, without bail as a proven absconder, but what is that minor risk to the smearing of the good name of a man of such stature. Pardon my lapse into satire.

Mick it's pretty obvious he is waiting until the passing of the most revered and relying on his association with the inheritor to be able to return scott free. He cannot defend what he is guilty of but with help of people in high places taking him past the level of being able to be prosecuted, he may return. As to Rich Teacher thinking Thaksin is not due for continued persecution, how red does the flag have to be? Slanderous vilification? He deserves every bit he receives.

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The continued vilification of TS is slanderous. The Dems lost the plot a long time ago and their continued obsession with TS is unhealthy and certainly detrimental to them. No matter what the majority on here think, before the Dems go on stage and accuse people of serious crimes they should have evidence to back up their claims. They claimed they would release new evidence, but as usual had nothing to show. How much deeper can they dig their own hole.

Actually the Thai court system has accused Thaksin of serious crimes, but he refuses to show up to defend himself. As some of those accusations are what is being claimed by the Democrats, the way is open for him to clear his name knowing that the government is friendly to him (some say owned by him). Of course, he also risks incarceration for the term of his natural, without bail as a proven absconder, but what is that minor risk to the smearing of the good name of a man of such stature. Pardon my lapse into satire.

Mick it's pretty obvious he is waiting until the passing of the most revered and relying on his association with the inheritor to be able to return scott free. He cannot defend what he is guilty of but with help of people in high places taking him past the level of being able to be prosecuted, he may return. As to Rich Teacher thinking Thaksin is not due for continued persecution, how red does the flag have to be? Slanderous vilification? He deserves every bit he receives.

In a golden nutshell!thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

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The deformation of Thai citizen's character is a very serious offense. Penalties set in Thai courts are often in excess of tens of millions Baht. Quite frankly some democrats are overdue for a serious slap for some of the outrageous statements they have made in the presence of witnesses. I sometimes think that the Abhisit Mob are seeking exclusion from political life altogether.

Obviously you are correct about the severity of the offense, saying something nasty about someone will result in swift court action, whether or not the statements made are true or not. Burning, looting, manufacturing grenade launchers and inciting others to do so are looked upon with more tolerance.

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