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New Non Imm O Based On Marriage

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can someone please advise..I have all the neccessary docs from bangkok,translations etc..My problem is I have a current non imm o from my school from which i have resignedThis visa finishes in April BUT.the immigration told me I need to cancel my current non Imm O and to do this need a letter from My school..I requested this some time ago and it has not been forthecoming since I left my school because of problems with Thai staff.(My Boss)

My question is ..can i still go to Laos and apply for a new NON imm O based on marriage..If my school won't give me a letter or ignore my requests what are my options..many Thanks Thomas....

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I think you have an extension of stay which is not a visa (you may have an expired visa) which is why immigration wants some sort of documentation that shows you are no longer working. I assume you have or had a work permit. If they have canceled your work permit getting a document showing that it was canceled should be enough to show immigration.

You could leave the country and go to any nearby embassy or consulate and get a new visa without a problem. But there have been reports of departure immigration turning people back because they still had a valid extension based upon employment.

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If you are on an extension of stay for work purposes, your extension is terminated the day that you "quit" work and not in April of next year. By law, you must exit on that day or request another extension. They will grant you 7 days to "pack out" (1900 baht) if you do not qualify for any other type of extension at that time (60 days if married to a Thai - 1900 baht). You will have been on overstay since the day that you resigned and left your job.

If you are on an extension of stay based on marriage, your permission to stay would still be valid until April

Edited by wayned
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You were on an extension of stay. Was it based on your marriage to a Thai or on your work?

If on your work, you need to cancel the permission to stay and have 24 hours to leave the country after your employment has ended. Meaning that you are currently on overstay at 500 baht a day.

Try to get the letter from your employer, aslo needed to cancel the work permit. if they will not, cancel work permit yourself and visit immigration with letter from the labour office about your WP having been cancelled. Normally immigraiton will accept this if an employer doesn't want to cooperate.

You might get a 60 day extension of stay from immigration based on your wife, if your wife goes with you together with her ID card, wedding certificate and household registration book. That gives you 60 days to find a new job or leave Thailand.

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My apologies I should have said I am non Imm B(based on work) and want to change to Non O(based on marriage)..My worry is if I cross the border and go to make a new visa they will say my current permission to stay has not been cancelled..Or has not been done correctly..Is a visit to the labour office my best course.I also need to know which form to fill in at the Laos consulate to change to non imm O based on marriage..A TM86 change of visa..OR TM87 A normal visa application..c.ould someone post all docs required for Marriage visa also ...many thanks again..Thomas

Edited by mrmazinkle
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On a non-B you can still get a 60 day extension and/or ask for an extension based on your marriage directly, as long as you qualify (have 400,000 baht in a bankaccount in thailand for the 1 year extension. Not having a job the income option is out, unless you have income from abroad).

If you want to get a completely new visa becouse you don't meet theese requirements, go to savanakhet for a multiple non-O with marriage papers (khor rhor 3), recent entry from the wedding register (khor rhor 2 form), copy of wife's ID (signed by her), copy of wife's household registration book (signed by her) and a small note from her asking for a visa for you.

You just fill in an application form at the conslate.

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On a non-B you can still get a 60 day extension and/or ask for an extension based on your marriage directly, as long as you qualify (have 400,000 baht in a bankaccount in thailand for the 1 year extension. Not having a job the income option is out, unless you have income from abroad).

If you want to get a completely new visa becouse you don't meet theese requirements, go to savanakhet for a multiple non-O with marriage papers (khor rhor 3), recent entry from the wedding register (khor rhor 2 form), copy of wife's ID (signed by her), copy of wife's household registration book (signed by her) and a small note from her asking for a visa for you.

You just fill in an application form at the conslate.

thanks for that..but why Savanakhet???????????I live much much nearer to Vientianne..
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You were on an extension of stay so that legally ended the day your employment ended and any time since then is overstay at 500 baht per day. You can not change a visa at a Thai Consulate. You should have canceled your current stay and applied by extension for Thai wife at end of employment if you can qualify for that. If that time has passed you might want to depart on a flight to somewhere without a re-entry permit and hope for the best. Do not believe airport will be checking as closely as land crossing. But if you use land you may be turned around to formally end your extension as is the current procedure. But Savannakhet would be my recommendation, especially if you want a multi entry visa. The reports for turn around have been at the Nong Khai crossing to Vientiane.

Did you tell immigration police that your school authority would not provide such a letter? Have seen reports of a very quick change in attitude when they get a call from Immigration Police.

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This is my experience with finishing work as a teacher on a work permit and extension of stay and I hope the information is beneficial to others.

I had a work permit and extension of stay that expired end of last month. I had read on this forum that although I finished work the same day they would expire I still needed the school to cancell them with Immigration and the Dept of Labour. The school advised me that cancellation was not necessary, all I need do is leave the country within 24 hours of expiry date ie the following day. I argued the fact resulting in the lady responsible at school telling me she would ring immigration as well as one of their other schools that were more in touch with such requirements. She informed me (and I believe her as no problems before) that her enquiries to an immigration officer and the other school resulted in me being given copies of the letters addressed to Immigration and Dept of Labour advising of me ending work on same day as expiry and requesting cancellation. So I set off to cross the border at Nong Khai the day after the expiry date as advised.

At the border I discovered the first error, I was refused exit as I should have stamps in my passport showing cancellation of extension of stay. Second error was that I was then advised I had a one day overstay as I should have left the same day as expiry (also finish work date) not within 24 hours after. The immigration officer informed me that it could be corrected at the main Immigration office in Nong Khai but as it was a Sunday the office would not be open till Monday...so another day overstay. Trusting in the schools advice I had also already pre-booked a hotel in Vientaine for that night so another 1000 baht lost as well as my bus to Vientaine which had been paid via Nok Air's Fly&Ride (300 baht).

So I thought lets make the most of a bad scene and booked into a nice clean comfortable hotel near the main Imm. Office with spa pool, free internet in the room etc etc. My comfort was shattered at 1.00 am by swarms of bed bugs trying to drag me away!! After complaining (nicely) about my predicament I was given another room where I spent a sleepless night imagining being bitten again not to mention my fear of the hitch-hikers stowing away in my bags to show up again at home in Bangkok! The next morning I checked out without recieving any apologies at all but rather a 30 baht bill for a drink from the fridge in the first room!

Getting the cancellation from the main Imm Office was quick and painless, I only had to show the school letter and they stamped my passport. They were not interested in the letter to the Dept of Labour and gave it straight back. At 8.30am I arrived at the Thai-Lao bridge and thought I was lucky because I at least didnt have to join the huge queue waiting for exit stamps - I could just walk straight through to the overstay office, pay the fine and be gone before most in the queue....I thought. Once I walked past and turned the corner I realised how wrong I was....there were 45 to 50 people waiting to pay overstay, some saying they had been there 1 1/2 hours and I ended up being there for nearly two hours. It appears that if you have overstay and particularly on a Monday, it is best not to arrive early as there were only a couple of people waiting after 10.30 when I was finished. The remainder of my run went smoothly and no, I didnt end up taking any hitch-hikers back home.

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