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Second Anti-Govt Rally Planned At Government House: Thailand


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If I was the Thai government,ANY government I would not allow protestors to come even close to the government house. The elite cannot be trusted and before you know 20,000 idiot who are according other newspapers half that number would try to force their will on the millions that understand democracy and voted in elections. There is space enough elsewhere outside the line of sight from government house or parliament.

This scum has onlt one goal and that is misbehaving in order to get the army to step in and make Thailand an international pariah. The Thai Chinese do not care they do not care a damned thing other than they want to protect their financial and power interest and kiss up with the billionaires ruling China. China must be the ultimate example. A huge underclass that can be exploited and in the political top billionaires who can black out any news coverage and above all no elections.

Having another rant then, never mind but remember to have your blood pressure checked.

Just in case you are not aware there have been many demonstrations outside parliament in England that you obviously detest. So I take it you are firm supporter of little dictators and have the mindset of same. Maybe you should go and live in Venezuela, the ideal place for you.

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Why not have a fair vote and the losers vow to not riot or use the Army to nullify the outcome.

Yes I would agree to that if the voting was FAIR.. & impartial

but we all know from past experience that vote buying is rampant & the red lemmings too brainless to think for themselves.

Sore losers always dredge up the vote buying issue. It's no secret that both sides do it.

You do know the Army and Democrats were against international election observers?

I would think the side that keeps on losing elections, then complains would welcome scrutiny at the polls.

Face it, the ruling class is outnumbered and going extinct.

The majority of Thais have made it very clear who they want as PM.

Yes I agree both sides do buy votes, this time around Thaksin had the upper hand with his Red army of lemmings, & yes I believe he would buy a landslide just so that it was guaranteed.

The majority of bought off Thais showed that they wished to have Yingluk as PM

The rest didn't choose to show support for the democrats as is their free choice, but now they are paying the penalty.

The only thing going extinct if the PTP stay in power for the full term is Thailand !!

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If I was the Thai government,ANY government I would not allow protestors to come even close to the government house. The elite cannot be trusted and before you know 20,000 idiot who are according other newspapers half that number would try to force their will on the millions that understand democracy and voted in elections. There is space enough elsewhere outside the line of sight from government house or parliament.

This scum has onlt one goal and that is misbehaving in order to get the army to step in and make Thailand an international pariah. The Thai Chinese do not care they do not care a damned thing other than they want to protect their financial and power interest and kiss up with the billionaires ruling China. China must be the ultimate example. A huge underclass that can be exploited and in the political top billionaires who can black out any news coverage and above all no elections.

My god!! You are a bigot!!!

One the one hand you rant and rave about understanding democracy and then you accuse people who disagree with what this government is doing of being scum intent on "misbehaving"!!!

So the red shirts were angels who were behaving themselves when they blockaded Bangkok, and when they didn't get their way they decided to burn down as much of it as they could once the realisation that they had been defeated had set in.

The ultimate example of exploitation is "the Dubai billionaire" exploiting the underclass for his own means.

What a shame that he has no need for them anymore HaHaHa!!! They must feel like a bunch of disgarded idiots thrown on the scrapheap - duty done without any rewards!!!cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif.

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Police estimated the crowd at 6,000

You mean Chalerm want us to believe that there were only 6000 people.

Actually, even far less.

Deputy Prime Minister Police Captain Chalerm is quoted as saying he estimated the protesters at 1,500-2,000.


UDD / PTP are rubbish with figures - I remember Jatuporn and co estimating a million people joining their rallies and only 10'000 turned up

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Police estimated the crowd at 6,000

You mean Chalerm want us to believe that there were only 6000 people.

Actually, even far less.

Deputy Prime Minister Police Captain Chalerm is quoted as saying he estimated the protesters at 1,500-2,000.


UDD / PTP are rubbish with figures - I remember Jatuporn and co estimating a million people joining their rallies and only 10'000 turned up

He wasn't that far wrong really!!! If the two noughts had turned up as he was expecting them to, then he would have been spot on!!cheesy.gif.

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Come on guys! The important aspect of this anti-government protest was it's timing and location. On a Sunday in a confined area in the government district. That's very considerate. I'm sure lots of Bangkok people and a handful tourists know to appreciate that.

Hear Hear! By the looks of it they didn't have to persuade any farmhands with purple notes and lao khao to attend as well. Good on Boonlert! I'm just glad that he is there to protect the great institution from this curent band of thieves in office.

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Why not have a fair vote and the losers vow to not riot or use the Army to nullify the outcome.

Great idea, but let us raise the stakes a little. First set a reasonable period for campaigning, then flood the country with impartial observers both overt and covert, armed with cameras and video, and set the penalties for breaches of electoral law, electoral lies and misinformation, intimidation and vote-buying both seriously high and immediate. I'm talking years of immediate incarceration, no bail, no appeal until after the election.

How much better do you think the Democrats could perform in Isaan if they were able to campaign without harassment, and put forward their policies, which were actually preferred, without being called murderers? How well would PTP do when the BS red press were muzzled, and their private militia of red thugs restrained?

And while we're at, abandon the party list, so that the unrepresentative swill currently given MP status at Thaksin's whim, have to actually convince people that they are the best candidate, and answer questions on their assets, morals and integrity.

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Excellent - Thai's finally doing something about Thailand's future. It will be hard to wrest power from this bunch of crooks in Government but the seeds of discontent are obvious, even amongst some traditional Red supporters.

Those greedy unethical crooks. I hear his son has two Boeing 737s paid for by taxpayers.

That's interesting, do you have any details to share, please.

Oh, come on... that woud take all the fun out of spreading hearsay wink.png

The people take money from both sides and then vote as they please. Who are the stupid ones?

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Well lets just put one issue to bed.. at least for now.

The venue holds 20,000 seats, it was stated as being nearly full.

estimates range from 6,000 to 50,000 lets have another educated guess.. if almost full then it's almost 20,000 !!

enough said !

So 18,000 - 20,000 would be a fair estimation then, on that basis?

The organizers said 20,000 registered on arrival and there was a significant number that did not register. They estimate a total of about 30,000.

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If I was the Thai government,ANY government I would not allow protestors to come even close to the government house. The elite cannot be trusted and before you know 20,000 idiot who are according other newspapers half that number would try to force their will on the millions that understand democracy and voted in elections. There is space enough elsewhere outside the line of sight from government house or parliament.

This scum has onlt one goal and that is misbehaving in order to get the army to step in and make Thailand an international pariah. The Thai Chinese do not care they do not care a damned thing other than they want to protect their financial and power interest and kiss up with the billionaires ruling China. China must be the ultimate example. A huge underclass that can be exploited and in the political top billionaires who can black out any news coverage and above all no elections.

yes the Thai Chinese...Shinawatra clan.....all Chinese, but also their friends, Weng or the late Samak and all or most of the Minister.

typical example of greedy Thai Chinese.

From my staff who went there on Sunday was non Thai Chinese, Southerners and Bangkok people.

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Here is an idea: Hold elections and live with the results. Or, is that not the Thai way? Growing can be painful. So can growing up.

yes and punish everyone who want to destroy democracy.

Vote buying is the first problem that jumps in my mind.....

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Well lets just put one issue to bed.. at least for now.

The venue holds 20,000 seats, it was stated as being nearly full.

estimates range from 6,000 to 50,000 lets have another educated guess.. if almost full then it's almost 20,000 !!

enough said !

So 18,000 - 20,000 would be a fair estimation then, on that basis?

The organizers said 20,000 registered on arrival and there was a significant number that did not register. They estimate a total of about 30,000.

at least as the lines were long and most didn't want to wait. From my office 6 people went there + a few relatives and not one signed there.

Also they told that the police tried to block people, not very successful but annoying.

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Why not have a fair vote and the losers vow to not riot or use the Army to nullify the outcome.

Great idea, but let us raise the stakes a little. First set a reasonable period for campaigning, then flood the country with impartial observers both overt and covert, armed with cameras and video, and set the penalties for breaches of electoral law, electoral lies and misinformation, intimidation and vote-buying both seriously high and immediate. I'm talking years of immediate incarceration, no bail, no appeal until after the election.

How much better do you think the Democrats could perform in Isaan if they were able to campaign without harassment, and put forward their policies, which were actually preferred, without being called murderers? How well would PTP do when the BS red press were muzzled, and their private militia of red thugs restrained?

And while we're at, abandon the party list, so that the unrepresentative swill currently given MP status at Thaksin's whim, have to actually convince people that they are the best candidate, and answer questions on their assets, morals and integrity.

That will be a big fat NO from the reds then...

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Well lets just put one issue to bed.. at least for now.

The venue holds 20,000 seats, it was stated as being nearly full.

estimates range from 6,000 to 50,000 lets have another educated guess.. if almost full then it's almost 20,000 !!

enough said !

So 18,000 - 20,000 would be a fair estimation then, on that basis?

Would not matter how you carve up any of those figures, for the population in Bangkok not to mention the country and persons who could have gotten to this venue, not to attend, it was a poor attendance.

It was a drop in the ocean, not a drop in the bucke, a drop in the ocean.

Most people don't attend protest rallies, especially if they're not paid, not bused in and the rally doesn't coincide with down time on the farm. The numbers may not tell you a great deal about the extent or depth of support there is; you can only compare rally numbers with those of other rallies (plus the logistics, as mentioned above - transportation, "lunch money", etc.).

What you need to consider is how reasonable were the complaints and demands being put forward and how well-behaved the attendees were. It seems the gathering was peaceful and caused no inconvenience to anyone, and the complaints were specific, e.g. the mismanagement and corruption of the rice pledging scheme and the brazen contempt of court by government leaders regarding Thaksin Shinawatra's role in Thai government.

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It's so inconvenient to the red acolytes that a peaceful rally can be held in Bangkok. Attempts to mis-estimate numbers have failed. Chalerm's cozy dinner another failure.

And yet again the argument that more votes, however obtained, defines democracy. Checks & balances - suppress them. Massive corruption - carry on. Family-run business (PTP) - Thais 'love them'. Justice system - politicised when we lose. MIB - don't exist, are police, are army. And on it goes.

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Interesting that Boonlert calls his new group Pitak Siam (Protect Siam) and not Pitak Thailand. After all the name Siam was dropped to incorporate Lao speaking Issaan and the north into a greater family of Tai peoples. Now it seems this mob somehow feel that their Siam of central Thai inhabitants and rulers is somehow under threat by the red hordes from the north and northeast......people who in the not too distant past were known to the Siamese as Lao and who had their own rulers.

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Interesting that Boonlert calls his new group Pitak Siam (Protect Siam) and not Pitak Thailand. After all the name Siam was dropped to incorporate Lao speaking Issaan and the north into a greater family of Tai peoples. Now it seems this mob somehow feel that their Siam of central Thai inhabitants and rulers is somehow under threat by the red hordes from the north and northeast......people who in the not too distant past were known to the Siamese as Lao and who had their own rulers.

I don't know what Seth Bounlert thinks about this, but it's not unusual for Thai nationalists of both the right and the left to prefer "Siam" to "Thailand" as that is the historic name for the country. Ajarn Sivarak Sulak, an outspoken radical, is a prominent advocate for the name "Siam" to be restored. He regards "Thailand" as just an expression of Plaek Phibulsonggram's fascist agenda and should be discarded along with any residual glorification of Field Marshal Plaek and his chauvinistic governments.

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Interesting that Boonlert calls his new group Pitak Siam (Protect Siam) and not Pitak Thailand. After all the name Siam was dropped to incorporate Lao speaking Issaan and the north into a greater family of Tai peoples. Now it seems this mob somehow feel that their Siam of central Thai inhabitants and rulers is somehow under threat by the red hordes from the north and northeast......people who in the not too distant past were known to the Siamese as Lao and who had their own rulers.

I don't know what Seth Bounlert thinks about this, but it's not unusual for Thai nationalists of both the right and the left to prefer "Siam" to "Thailand" as that is the historic name for the country. Ajarn Sivarak Sulak, an outspoken radical, is a prominent advocate for the name "Siam" to be restored. He regards "Thailand" as just an expression of Plaek Phibulsonggram's fascist agenda and should be discarded along with any residual glorification of Field Marshal Plaek and his chauvinistic governments.

My wife does not like Thailand because it excludes other ethnics. Example the Malays or the Chao Le (spelling) aren't Thai. So Siam would be more fair for them.

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The other paper is reporting that the "second" rally is already planned. Looks like we should start planning for an Xmas or New Year Coup.

I like the idea of using RBSC. Central enough, without causing havoc.

Maybe another tourist "high season" gone down the drain?

Maybe anyway good...everywhere they think tourists are a safe income, don't care about quality, prices and specially at environment.

I would welcome if the tourists are reduced for a few years.

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Pitak Siam, Yellow shirts, Multi-coloured shirts....they are all the same bunch that turn out every time. Same inbreeds, different name. Take a look at the key speakers, all yellow & multis. And yes who was right, front & centre...no other than the wonderfully insane Dr DNA Tul. If you don't know about this freak, please do some research.

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Pitak Siam, Yellow shirts, Multi-coloured shirts....they are all the same bunch that turn out every time. Same inbreeds, different name. Take a look at the key speakers, all yellow & multis. And yes who was right, front & centre...no other than the wonderfully insane Dr DNA Tul. If you don't know about this freak, please do some research.

You could probably replace a few names and say the same thing about any red shirt rally, couldn't you?

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Pitak Siam, Yellow shirts, Multi-coloured shirts....they are all the same bunch that turn out every time. Same inbreeds, different name. Take a look at the key speakers, all yellow & multis. And yes who was right, front & centre...no other than the wonderfully insane Dr DNA Tul. If you don't know about this freak, please do some research.

yes of course do organizations that are against corruption always attract the same people who are against corruption. Not very surprising.

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yes of course do organizations that are against corruption always attract the same people who are against corruption. Not very surprising.

How dare someone take their trough!

Isn't that what this whole political crap fight is all about. Two rich and powerful groups fighting over who gets their turn at the trough?

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