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India Topples Thailand As World's Largest Rice Exporter: Usda


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So, even with the recent government to government deal of 7 million tonnes, Thailand still couldn't get about 7 million tonnes?

Pesky market researchers finding out pesky numbers that show they have basically been lying through their teeth for the last 4 months. I look forward to seeing where they put the next crop, because the concept of storing one million tons of anything is really quite daunting. Storing 10 or 15 mn tonnes of anything is going to be a logistical nightmare. Where to put it all?

My fear, as I have said in previous posts, is that, with nowhere to store anymore, that farmers next year will be turned away. Either that or offered the market price which, according to economic dictat in a glut situation, should reflect a massive surplus and therefore be sold very cheaply

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So, even with the recent government to government deal of 7 million tonnes, Thailand still couldn't get about 7 million tonnes?

Pesky market researchers finding out pesky numbers that show they have basically been lying through their teeth for the last 4 months. I look forward to seeing where they put the next crop, because the concept of storing one million tons of anything is really quite daunting. Storing 10 or 15 mn tonnes of anything is going to be a logistical nightmare. Where to put it all?

They are looking now as we speak. They had to turn down a warehouse with 30,000sq meters at the old airport.

My money says they will find lot's of new space owned by Thaksin and his buddies.

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Thailand was the top rice exporter with exports of 10.65 million tonnes in 2011. However, its volume slipped to 6.5 million tonnes in 2012.

With Yingluck making her first-ever contribution to rice farming this year, along with her # 1 finger and her # 1 T-Shirt, how on Earth could Thailand not be # 1 ?!?!


Edited by Buchholz
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Who cares if Thailand has slipped down the rankings?

A few people have made billions and many more have made millions and that's all that matters in this country; money in the pocket today.

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect App

Agreed, however i'd like to extend you train of thought if I may, so its more accurate (IMHO)

A few people have made billions, some have made millions, but most have made pretty much the same a few tens of thousands if they are lucky.

If I am wrong pleases correct me, but I think your assessment of "many more have made millions" - Many more !!! millions (note the plural) - is a bit wide of the mark or a gross over exaggeration. 'Many more' would suggest a good handful maybe 20- 25% of the farming population have made millions. If that's true they'll be turning up to work in the rice paddies in Mercs soon.

Errrrr I didn't see him mention farmers! And yes many many mill owners are turning up in their Mercedes, while the farmers still don't have a pot to pi** in.

I thought farmers were the target beneficiaries of the scheme? So I assumed the 'many more' referred to farmers. My apologies didn't realize he was talking about millers.

Actually Jon only the farmers who own chanote land are eligible and as a lot of rice farms are rented out the owners would get the full rate minus the usual corruption fees but the farmers who work the rented land don't see anything like the 15 or 20 k baht per ton plus a lot of farm land is not chanote land and what a surprise they don't get the government rate either.

I saw a post from the paper we cannot mention a few days ago by a guy called Veera something I believe and he said that there are probably only about 1 million rice farmers in the country from all the farmers who get the top rate and they own an average of more thatn 100 rai of chanote land each.

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Yeah there are also different types of rice for different markets. Indian Basmati rice is good but the wifey will not buy it!

The Indians are not selling it to your wifey... nor to Thailand for that matter.... and the top quality Basmati is in my opinion far better than any of the over stated called top quality Jasmine rice which half the time is just sticky mush ...

As someone who knows nothing about cooking, but who knows a helluva lot about eating, what is actually the best?

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Yeah there are also different types of rice for different markets. Indian Basmati rice is good but the wifey will not buy it!

The Indians are not selling it to your wifey... nor to Thailand for that matter.... and the top quality Basmati is in my opinion far better than any of the over stated called top quality Jasmine rice which half the time is just sticky mush ...

As someone who knows nothing about cooking, but who knows a helluva lot about eating, what is actually the best?

Brown rice is best. Much tastier.

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So, even with the recent government to government deal of 7 million tonnes, Thailand still couldn't get about 7 million tonnes?

Pesky market researchers finding out pesky numbers that show they have basically been lying through their teeth for the last 4 months. I look forward to seeing where they put the next crop, because the concept of storing one million tons of anything is really quite daunting. Storing 10 or 15 mn tonnes of anything is going to be a logistical nightmare. Where to put it all?

My fear, as I have said in previous posts, is that, with nowhere to store anymore, that farmers next year will be turned away. Either that or offered the market price which, according to economic dictat in a glut situation, should reflect a massive surplus and therefore be sold very cheaply

Very possible. If there's no space, there's no space right?

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the top quality Basmati is in my opinion far better than any of the over stated called top quality Jasmine rice which half the time is just sticky mush ...

Then you ain't had your Jasmine prepared correctly.........or you have been told it's Jasmine when it actually isn't.

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Wow, gee, so the Govt's rice scam policy is working. I mean really, have you ever seen anything so insane as the Thai rice scam? Thailand - the laughing stock of the whole economic world.

As a money scam it works perfect, as a rice scheme it´s a disaster.
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From what I understand, it is a number of other countries more worried about the situation of Thailand sitting on nearly 10 Million tons of rice which they can and likely will flood the market with if they can't work with others to form some kind of cartel to bring prices higher.

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Well when you have POLITICAL IMBECILES running things thats what you get.giggle.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif

THERE goes another HUBA DUBA DOcoffee1.gifgiggle.giftongue.pngsmile.png

Actually, I think they are all very smart

They are all very rich, their friends and cronnies are all very rich

and they still manage to get the people to vote for them

They are geniouses

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Any other country in the world which had a 40% drop in exports year on year for ANY commodity would be sh*tting themselves. When it is your main export, then it becomes mega serious

Rice is not Thailand main export and hasn't been in a very long time (100 years?). I am not sure it is even in the top 10 but certainly not the top 5 when it comes to export dollars.

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Any other country in the world which had a 40% drop in exports year on year for ANY commodity would be sh*tting themselves. When it is your main export, then it becomes mega serious

Rice is not Thailand main export and hasn't been in a very long time (100 years?). I am not sure it is even in the top 10 but certainly not the top 5 when it comes to export dollars.

You are quite correct Nisa, Rice comes in at #10 on thier list of exports.

1. Computer & Accessories.

2. Auto parts & Accessories.

3. Gems & Jewelry.

4. Rubber

5. Plastics.

6. Chemical Products

7. Electronic Circuits.

8. Rubber Products.

9. Refine Fuel.

10. RICE.

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Any other country in the world which had a 40% drop in exports year on year for ANY commodity would be sh*tting themselves. When it is your main export, then it becomes mega serious

Rice is not Thailand main export and hasn't been in a very long time (100 years?). I am not sure it is even in the top 10 but certainly not the top 5 when it comes to export dollars.

You are quite correct Nisa, Rice comes in at #10 on thier list of exports.

10. RICE.

Oh that's OK then, lets reduce exports even further then! rolleyes.gif

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I don't suppose those rushing to ridicule Thailand and offer their views wishes to consider some unpleasant facts. There are international sanctions in place on Iran. Guess who the largest rice suplier to Iran now is? India. India has rushed in to to increase its trade with Iran on everything from pharmaceuticals to manufactured to steel. In return, India has obained Iranian oil at rock bottom prices. Added to this is that India had a bumper rice crop and it is accused of dumping rice on the market. It is not just Thailand that has taken the hit, but Vietnam as well, with the Indians undcercutting Vietnamese prices. The Indians don't care about the consequences. The Tehran Times sums it up nicely; "

While the people of India are busy accusing the government of exporting rice that should be used to feed the country, rice exporters are battling dropping prices and dwindling demand." Some Iranian rice importers have already defaulted on payments. India has also moved aggresively to export to Nigeria, another country subject to international economic regulations. I suppose if one wants to find innovative ways to skirt financial and trade regulations there are ways to profit, however, it does raise the issue of ethics and India has never been known for ethical trade practices. One need only look at how it ignored international trade sanctions on Myanmar.

So yea, go ahead and "blame" Thailand, but this time around, Thailand isn't the one with the questionable international trade practices.

OH! I am so sorry, so it's NOT the Thai goverments fault then??? Pehaps you can also explain Vietnams part in all this?
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next year they can be nr 1 again, big party for many weeks

may i suggest that the governemnt buys ALL the indian rice

and then they can export that 3rd grade as 1st grade

and control the world market

Edited by belg
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Any other country in the world which had a 40% drop in exports year on year for ANY commodity would be sh*tting themselves. When it is your main export, then it becomes mega serious

Rice is not Thailand main export and hasn't been in a very long time (100 years?). I am not sure it is even in the top 10 but certainly not the top 5 when it comes to export dollars.

You are quite correct Nisa, Rice comes in at #10 on thier list of exports.

10. RICE.

Oh that's OK then, lets reduce exports even further then! rolleyes.gif

That is generally what happens as a country industrializes and grows ... small farmers and cheap agricultural products that take lots of land to grow shrink. The Thai government needs to come to terms with small rice farmers not being a viable industry but for now subsidizing them is not a bad idea but it needs to coincide with helping them find other means of survival. But lets not forget that Thailand has enough rice stock piled to regain their position as top exporter tomorrow. Thailand probably should have been selling the rice at a small loss but instead they may have gambled in hopes prices would rise or they still could be sitting on the rice (and looking to sit on even more) in order to do something they have been trying to do for a while and that is basically create a kind of OPEC of the rice world. There is great fear right now the power Thailand has in being able to flood the market with rice causing crippling effects on other rice producing nations farmers ... I think this may be some great motivation for them to raise the price of rice on the global market and allow Thailand to see its rice at a price that will sustain the farmers without or with little help as well as preventing Thailand from dumping rice into the market.

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Not all doom and gloom.

The previous government had a Price Insurance Program that protected incomes, but allowed Thai rice to compete in export markets. The current program provides a low interest loan to farmers based on the quantity of rice harvested and the loan rate. The loans can be repaid at the loan rate plus interest or, with the harvested rice. According to export estimates by the Foreign Agricultural Service of USDA, in the last three years Thailand had about 29 percent of global exports of rice. That share fell to 18 percent for the 2011/12 marketing year and is expected to recover to 22 percent for 2012/13.


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Yeah there are also different types of rice for different markets. Indian Basmati rice is good but the wifey will not buy it!

The Indians are not selling it to your wifey... nor to Thailand for that matter.... and the top quality Basmati is in my opinion far better than any of the over stated called top quality Jasmine rice which half the time is just sticky mush ...

As someone who knows nothing about cooking, but who knows a helluva lot about eating, what is actually the best?

Brown rice is best. Much tastier.

Is that the on that's been through an elephant, and hand picked and dried? cheesy.gif


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The present Gov. has a lot to answer but would a different Gov. do any better?

It's not exactly the end of the world slipping down to 3rd place?

Many would argue the Democrats scheme to pay a subsidy directly to the farmer would have been better with the benefit of not making Thai rice too expensive on the world market.

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