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Anti-Govt Group Leader Gen Boonlert To Report To Police: Thailand


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So typical: two wrongs don't make a right!

Fact is: he called for a coup!

Fact is also: that is obviously against the law!

Fact is furthermore: someone filed a case on him, according to that law!

End of story!

What should have been done earlier or now to whoever IS NOT THE POINT!

But it is so typical also, that those who permanently are calling for law- cases against this or that (red shirt) guy (and mostly 100% rightfully so!) are now fuming, when one of their own (anti- red shirt) guys is accused of something!

Make your mind up, which way you want to have it!

...oh no...you did already!

Loooooooong ago!

If anyone is fuming it sounds like you.

Someone calling for a coup is obviously a bit of an idiot. If he actually made any attempt to do what he is calling for, well then the authorities should step in and do something. Same thing goes if his protests turn violent. Until then i think the government would be better off ignoring him. Jumping in so quickly to try and silence him before anything has actually happened, just makes them look hypocrites when considering their own track history with protests.

100% agreed...and far from fuming, by the way!

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Heave-to you wild things. We have no reliable information. This is none of our business. It is true that there has been a bit of loose mouths saying that; "Thailand is ungovernable by a democratic government", and saying that; "Thailand is better off with a Military government", and worse. By whom and why such things are being are being said is anyone's guess.

There is nothing wrong with rallying in the name of your party. However chewing at the cud of revolution is a fools game. Thailand cannot afford another coupe-de-tere. The Thai Amy does not want unnecessary disturbances and we all need time to heal.

There in much unfinished due process against individuals of both persuasions. Be careful that your baying will ironically swell the revolt as a windfall guise to bury the past by a new revolution in order to protect the guilty of the last one.

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So typical: two wrongs don't make a right!

Fact is: he called for a coup!

Fact is also: that is obviously against the law!

Fact is furthermore: someone filed a case on him, according to that law!

End of story!

What should have been done earlier or now to whoever IS NOT THE POINT!

But it is so typical also, that those who permanently are calling for law- cases against this or that (red shirt) guy (and mostly 100% rightfully so!) are now fuming, when one of their own (anti- red shirt) guys is accused of something!

Make your mind up, which way you want to have it!

...oh no...you did already!

Loooooooong ago!

If anyone is fuming it sounds like you.

Someone calling for a coup is obviously a bit of an idiot. If he actually made any attempt to do what he is calling for, well then the authorities should step in and do something. Same thing goes if his protests turn violent. Until then i think the government would be better off ignoring him. Jumping in so quickly to try and silence him before anything has actually happened, just makes them look hypocrites when considering their own track history with protests.

100% agreed...and far from fuming, by the way!

Perhaps just sabre rattling to drum up support, but sometimes these things do catch on. Lets hope not.
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The article in the other paper states that the lawyer complaint about these 2 were for comments made in January, which is 10 Months ago. Also he submitted documents from the rally on Sunday last. That seems a bit strange in the timing. Obviously he is felt a threat, but Quite frankly, if this dipshit is walking around saying he would stage a coup if he had the power, (other rag) as its the only way to bring down the government, then this place will remain where it is, a wheel spinning in the mud.

Yeah, let's have a coup, I can call all my Army mates, then I can put myself in the chair. Don't even have to walk down the street and kiss babies, If the government is no good, then vote them out. This lets have a coup mentality is just bullshit.

But to vote a government out you need democratic elections first. With democratic elections you wouldn't have this government at all.

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Actually I find the core posters comments to be balanced overall. Its just that the Shiniwatra/ PT parties government, its PM, partylist and cabinet members havent done much that is praise worthy.

The latter I can agree with, the former you have to be kidding.

When the reds were asking for new elections, before any violence broke out, most here were already foaming at the mouth, saying it's the law, it's the law. Now Seh Ai goes on record calling for Military insurrection, tells the Bangkokpost he would "love a coup", admits the weakness of his appeal for turning out the government and that only with the guns of the military can he hope to prevail but that is all ok with the same posters. blink.png

" before any violence broke out" Could you put a date on that? Month and year would be good enough, just to see when YOU think red violence started.

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When they were only calling for new elections it was enough for many here to want prosecution.

When the reds were asking for new elections, before any violence broke out, most here were already foaming at the mouth, saying it's the law, it's the law. Now Seh Ai goes on record calling for Military insurrection, tells the Bangkokpost he would "love a coup", admits the weakness of his appeal for turning out the government and that only with the guns of the military can he hope to prevail but that is all ok with the same posters. blink.png

Again, at the risk of repeating myself, my point isn't about who is right or wrong... it's about posters that hooted and hollered about principles and preached letter of the law so quick to modify those principles at the drop of a hat.

Who has done that and do you have examples?


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Anyone who calls for a coup d'etat and thus want democracy to be raped should go to jail. Boonlert should keep his far to big mouth shut. Former intelligence chief? Come on intelligence chiefs do not use fake bomb scanners and avoid terrorism. Boonlert is simply a dumb ass with a name card.

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Actually I find the core posters comments to be balanced overall. Its just that the Shiniwatra/ PT parties government, its PM, partylist and cabinet members havent done much that is praise worthy.

The latter I can agree with, the former you have to be kidding.

When the reds were asking for new elections, before any violence broke out, most here were already foaming at the mouth, saying it's the law, it's the law. Now Seh Ai goes on record calling for Military insurrection, tells the Bangkokpost he would "love a coup", admits the weakness of his appeal for turning out the government and that only with the guns of the military can he hope to prevail but that is all ok with the same posters. blink.png

" before any violence broke out" Could you put a date on that? Month and year would be good enough, just to see when YOU think red violence started.

"Fuming at the mouth" Please share your example so this claim.

Is he actually saying that the ONLY answer is a coup? Perhaps you should a bit more of what he has said.

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So typical: two wrongs don't make a right!

Fact is: he called for a coup!

Fact is also: that is obviously against the law!

Fact is furthermore: someone filed a case on him, according to that law!

End of story!

What should have been done earlier or now to whoever IS NOT THE POINT!

But it is so typical also, that those who permanently are calling for law- cases against this or that (red shirt) guy (and mostly 100% rightfully so!) are now fuming, when one of their own (anti- red shirt) guys is accused of something!

Make your mind up, which way you want to have it!

...oh no...you did already!

Loooooooong ago!

Actually a little reading / scanning of posts on these subjects IMHO would show that many posters have said many times that all law breakers should be processed according to law, regardless of their color / party etc.

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Such a reaction to the first signs of public revolt against an increasingly all powerful regime has worrying shades of a police state. Hardly surprising perhaps when the ruling party's de facto leader, two of his deputy PMs and his Minister of Justice are all policemen.

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So typical: two wrongs don't make a right!

Fact is: he called for a coup!

Fact is also: that is obviously against the law!

Fact is furthermore: someone filed a case on him, according to that law!

End of story!

What should have been done earlier or now to whoever IS NOT THE POINT!

But it is so typical also, that those who permanently are calling for law- cases against this or that (red shirt) guy (and mostly 100% rightfully so!) are now fuming, when one of their own (anti- red shirt) guys is accused of something!

Make your mind up, which way you want to have it!

...oh no...you did already!

Loooooooong ago!

Actually a little reading / scanning of posts on these subjects IMHO would show that many posters have said many times that all law breakers should be processed according to law, regardless of their color / party etc.

Indeed, it is the only way to avoid coups

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Rather amusing really, Chalerm trumpets at the top of his voice there is nothing of any consequence going to result from the rally, the P.T.P. and the Red Shirt characters fall about laughing and telling us all that they have nary a care or a concern about the rally as no-one-is going to go.

Shock horror, a large number of people peacefully protest, mass hysteria breaks out among the P.T.P. and the Red Shirt types with Jutuporn fanning the flames (no pun intended ) and suddenly accusations of treason and lord knows what else are flying everywhere.

Seems to me that some people might be getting a little concerned the gravy train might be running a bit lumpy in the not to distant future.

That fact coupled with total amnesia concerning the actions their group took when they were demonstrating and trying to keep the home fire burning (well someones homes not their own though.) are the prime motives for the accusations currently being made..

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remark from the countryside

No coup, converted kwai deng of my area know very well what happens.

It takes time, give a chance to the grass roots people. They learn, but not quickly.

There may be more truth in the few words you wrote, than many people realize.

Slowly, the wool is being removed from their eyes. They learn, but not quicklythumbsup.gif .

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btw the only reason I post what seems to be red, is to re-establish some balance, members here have such a bias I sometimes think their objectivity is on par with red Isaan rice farmers.

You guys are suppose to be the educated crowd but really you are the opposite sides of the same coin.

Yeah, yeah, yeah

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Just think for a minute.

This guy has has only one rally and before it happened everybody was laughing at him say he wouldn't get more than 2,000 people at the rally. It seems that he got between 2,00 and over 25,000 (pick your own figures) and all of a sudden he is charged with inciting a rebellion and a coup.

The PTP, government and the UDD must be really scared of this guy and how many people he will get next time. If they can put him in jail, unlikely as far as I can see there will be someone else in his place, and someone else all the way down the line.

Next time the red barbarians may be let loose to break it up but if these people protest peacefully and never carry weapons the government must tread softly as they cannot be seen to permit or encourage violence from their own side because the social networks etc will pick it up live and it will be out in the real world before the government know what is happening.

I think it would be great if he was arrested and charged on those counts.

They are so obviously phoney that it would make him a martyr and draw even more people to the next rally. If the PT play their cards wrong Thailand will be out to lynch Thaksin and see to it that Gen Boonlert becomes the PM.

It is so obviously phoney that I am sure even some of the red shirts can see through it.

That would be a great step towards reconciliation. Just shoving the Shinawatta's into the Peanut Gallery.

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Every single post you make on political threads is in some way a defence of the red side or an attack on the yellow side, or a combination of the two. Apparently you make these posts not because you support Thaksin or the reds - nobody wants to admit that these days do they - but because you feel it your duty as an impartial neutral non-partisan observer, to step in and "re-establish some balance". OK. Well, some might believe you.... my guess is you are just another variation from the "i don't like Thaksin but...." brigade, the "yes but the yellows blah blah blah airport airport airport" gang.

Where do I defend Thaksin? Where do you see me make a judgement call about the red or yellow shirt movement?

None of my posts are about reds or yellows being right....they are about the hypocrisy of TV posters pretending to champion democracy but supporting the complete opposite when it suits their agenda.

If you need to know, personally if I voted, my vote wouldn't go to PTP. believe me or not. that's your problem.

Of course your vote would go to the PT any one who so vemantley defends the red shirts and persecutes the yellow shirts would vote that way. No surprise to any of us.

Don't bother trying that old I did not say that nonsense.sad.png You did not say it you just implied it.cheesy.gif

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But you are allowed to use the name of the paper and a bit of what it says.

ops I bet you just forgot where it was. If you were in America I bet you would be glued to the Fox news channel there.

Glued to Fox news?? if only you knew how far from the truth that is biggrin.png

Btw for those who asked for names it's Moruya and you I had in mind, you calling Pitak Siam "protestors defiantly sending a message....". reeked so much of hypocrisy. actually made me chuckle.

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Of course your vote would go to the PT any one who so vemantley defends the red shirts and persecutes the yellow shirts would vote that way. No surprise to any of us.

Don't bother trying that old I did not say that nonsense.sad.png You did not say it you just implied it.cheesy.gif

Other than that makes no sense..."persecutes the yellow shirts" what are you on about??

I think Jatuporn is a complete idiot, if I post it here does it make me an Abhisit supporter, a defender of the yellow shirts and persecutor of the Reds?

It doesn't. Everyone doesn't rigidly adhere to a political ideology or see the world through color tinted glasses ::2cents::

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Incredible how efficient the police are when the protest shoe is on the other foot. It's going to be interesting, basically the UDD leaders got carried away and set a precedent, so whatever these guys do should be placed in perspective. What he said and what was said on the Ratchaprasong stage isn't much different, funny how everyone thought that the recent election would settle the matter, use a mob to throw out their lot and they will expect to use a mob to throw out your lot. Sure calling for a coup is bad news, I could do that on this forum, should I then be arrested. So far no planning of a coup has taken place. It will be interesting to see how this escalates, especially in light of the govt's plan to re-open the charter re-write bid in Nov.

"So far no planning of a coup has taken place"

and how do you know this?

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i do 'sympathize' with red shirt 'people'. there is a difference with sympathizing with the plight of those people and 'supporting everything they do and want' that not many here seem to either want or are able to see the difference between the two.

lots of people will guffaw at this but if you actually read my posts you would see i'm certainly not on either side of that same coin, of course this doesn't mean i'm without any preferences whatsoever, but i'm certainly no supporter of any party, person or political group.

i've said pretty similar things as what you've just posted quite a few times on here, to no avail.

you won't find many posts at all of me fully supporting ptp policies or thaksin as a man, but you will find plenty of me being called red this, thaksinista that.

you will see plenty where i argue with what i feel are either incorrect, misleading or just plain purposeful untruths, and question people further on issues to find out if they're just saying it due to bias.

and of course i'm not always correct.

i've criticized ptp, thaksin, yingluck, the red shirts in the past which is more than i can say for a lot of people who hate/dislike those aforementioned when speaking of abhisit and the dems.

You, like all of us here, are judged by the sum of all your posts.

The sum of all your posts does not to me equate to some of the sentiments you express in the single post above. It's very easy to claim yourself as being non-partisan and neutral, as being more balanced than others, we can all do that, but the proof is in the pudding. The proof is in the day in and day out comments, in what you express and how you express it. And with regards that, i don't consider you any less opinionated than anyone else here, however it is you perceive yourself.

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i do 'sympathize' with red shirt 'people'. there is a difference with sympathizing with the plight of those people and 'supporting everything they do and want' that not many here seem to either want or are able to see the difference between the two.


Most posters here sympathize with the poor. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with the red shirts though.

Well if the red shirts pay 300 Baht + food to the poor to attend their rallies than they help them with 300 Baht.

Same at the vote buying at elections.

OK, some cynical yellows may argue that this money comes from corruption so the poor will pay what they gained. But that is a usual faulty yellow argument.

Because PTP is taking most of the tax from the middle class which are anyway Democrat or Yellow shirt capitalists. Destroying the middle class is something every good socialist should support.

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i do 'sympathize' with red shirt 'people'. there is a difference with sympathizing with the plight of those people and 'supporting everything they do and want' that not many here seem to either want or are able to see the difference between the two.


Most posters here sympathize with the poor. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with the red shirts though.

Frankly who gives a toss about us lot, expats - mostly it would appear, to put it tactfully, not the best and brightest - with too much time on our hands.

But your question is an interesting one for Thailand at large.What is the decent attitude for a middle class well educated Thai who broadly accepts the status quo but feels that his/her country is dangerously unequal? It's all very well to say one sympathises with the poor (who doesn't) but what then is to be done? The Democrat opposition seems uncertain, on one hand broadly adopting and even expanding Thaksin's populist policies, yet maintaining links with quasi fascist PAD/Siam Pitak/Yellowshirt mob.I think it's only realistic to accept that the redshirts have concentrated the mind powerfully on the plight of the less well off sections of society.Much was the same in Europe in the mid - late nineteenth century with communists, anarchists and socialists fulfilling the redshirt.Gradually the main stream parties took over the interests of the poorer part of the population.An alternative of course would be for the redshirts to go main stream.As always success means compromise and accepting some things which previously seemed unacceptable.But in terms of putting the interests of the poor on the agenda the redshirts place in history is assured.

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