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>Think too mut, are you sure all the ATMs in Bkk has a camera to take a picture? Or the case you quote happened in another country.

The case happened in the UK. But most of world's ATMs are manufactured in 5 places (1 in Scotland, 1 in Canada, 2 in the US and 1 in Europe). Same product being shipped to wherever sales make a deal.

ATMs I worked on (that time they were 63% of the market) had camera as an option. Unless you knew it is there you won't be able to tell. It's above your forehead and looks like a dummy button, white glass over it. Size of, say, half a matchbox.

Banks would deploy them with no camera if they were in a reasonably secured places (inside the bank itself, shopping mall).

TTW (Through the Wall) high ones usually come with cameras.

Some of them even say - "You may be photographed while using this ATM".

Another fact some may find interesting: the banks buy ATMs in batches of 100s. A lot of, say, 300 ATMs will amount about 25K US$ each. Exactly what a clerk's yearly salary is...and never sick, never training, never holidays...24x7.

Guys, don't hold me as an ATM-man. I had 3 jobs since than, nothing to do with money machines.

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I am back

here is an extract from the technical doc I had ... it's dated from 1991, it was used as reference document in France :

Track 2, "American Banking Association," (ABA) is most commonly used.  This

is the track that is read by ATMs and credit card checkers.  The ABA designed

the specifications of this track and all world banks must abide by it.  It

contains the cardholder's account, encrypted PIN, plus other discretionary


  Track 1, named after the "International Air Transport Association," contains

the cardholder's name as well as account and other discretionary data.  This

track is sometimes used by the airlines when securing reservations with a

credit card; your name just "pops up" on their machine when they swipe your


Since Track 1 can store MUCH more information, credit card companies are trying

to urge retailers to buy card readers that read Track 1.  The *problem* is that

most card readers read either Track 1 or Track 2, but NOT BOTH!  And the

installed base of readers currently is biased towards Track 2.  VISA USA is at

the front of this 'exodus' to Track 1, to the point where they are offering

Track 1 readers at reduced prices through participating banks.  A spokesperson


VISA commented:

                "We think that Track 1 represents more flexibility and the

                potential to deliver more information, and we intend to

                build new services around the increased information."

  What new services?  We can only wait and see.

  Track 3 is unique.  It was intended to have data read and WRITTEN on it.

Cardholders would have account information UPDATED right on the magstripe. 

Unfortunately, Track 3 is pretty much an orphaned standard.  Its *original*

design was to control off-line ATM transactions, but since ATMs are now on-line

ALL THE TIME, it's pretty much useless.  Plus the fact that retailers and banks

would have to install NEW card readers to read that track, and that costs $$.

The encrypted PIN was what I called Ghost of the PIN

For those who are interresting I can give more tech details


Roger wrote:

>I must say I was under the *Impression* that PINs

were indeed coded within the Magnetic strip. So I am

interested to hear otherwise.

No, the PIN is not stored on the card.

Just to go back to what I said at the beginning:

"*coded* within the Magnetic strip"



A bit off the main thread, but perhaps worth sharing.

About 2 months back the ATM (located within my 'home' branch) severly damaged my ATM plastic card, and it was then unuseable. The bank is partly owned by a foreign bank.

I immediately took the damaged card to the service desk and showed them, and was told that the ATM had recently damaged several cards. I asked if they had reported the matter to the appropriate dept. The answer was "NO, it's not polite for us to complain".

I ordered a replacement card. When it arrived they asked for 100 Baht. I indicated that the bank had damaged the card and therefore I should not be asked to pay.

The manager appeared, and said "why should the bank pay for it, if you want an ATM card you will have to pay 100 Baht".

The bank concerned was very customer focused until maybe 2 years back, now it's harder and harder to get any form of service.

I've changed to HSBC.


The manager appeared, and said "why should the bank pay for it, if you want an ATM card you will have to pay 100 Baht".

some bank employees are a perfect example of no common sense, so caught up in policy they don't even think about how wrong or stupid they sound sometimes. like robots they don't see us as customers just objects in line for transactions. if you can find a good bank/employees its a treat but not common unfortunately.

off topic myself, i was wondering about the thai bank mergers going on, i have a thai farmers passbook. haven't used it in a while but wanted to deposit some baht. i noticed the other day the symbol of the bank is the same but the name has changed. does someone know if the bank makes you swap out your old passbook for a new one right away or was it just a bank name change?


Here is a quick question:

My credit card is up to its limit, no surprise there and every month I pay direct debit minimum payment.

If I need cash, I cannot use ATM because it knows I'm up to my limit.

Is there any way I can draw cash on the credit card, with I.D. etc. This is not fraud, just going over my limit on purpose, sure I'll pay it back, when the time is right.

Most shops, perhaps all stores and shops swipe, yet years ago a credit card used to let you go over a certain amount because they knew it meant more interest and fees for them.

Are there any places I can use a nearly up to limit valid Credit Card?

Is there any way I can draw cash on the credit card, with I.D. etc. This is not fraud, just going over my limit on purpose, sure I'll pay it back, when the time is right.

you could try a cash advance at a bank/exchange but I think it will be denied as you have reached your limit. if you have a long history of making all your monthly payments try some long distance ass kissing by calling the credit card company and ask them to raise your limit.

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