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Iran Proposes Live Tv Coverage Of Nuclear Talks With West


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If you drop some targeted bombs aka as start a war of aggression don't whine if the attacked country fights back.

A response would be completely expected. The question is whether the response would be measured enough to prevent a big war breaking out.

No. The answer is: Don't start wars. Don't bomb other countries.

Just because the country you plan to attack has maybe only a low defense and cannot really hurt you back, that doesn't make that war anyhow justified.

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If you drop some targeted bombs aka as start a war of aggression don't whine if the attacked country fights back.

A response would be completely expected. The question is whether the response would be measured enough to prevent a big war breaking out.

No. The answer is: Don't start wars. Don't bomb other countries.

Just because the country you plan to attack has maybe only a low defense and cannot really hurt you back, that doesn't make that war anyhow justified.

No. Yes. Maybe.

If Iran knows they will probably be attacked if they continue with their march towards at least potential weaponization, it's not as if they are innocent babes either. I think they are dancing because they don't believe the west actually has the cajones to take action. Nobody wants to. That's what sanctions and negotiations are about. Also while technically it is true that bombing development targets is an attack, it is not the same thing as bombing Dresden.

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Doubt they would. Probably tut a bit is all.

really ?

Good to have China and that they will push the evil ones back and create some balance in the world.

Says in the video that it's that time for beating chests in China as the new guys take over.

The only thing China wants Iran for is oil, and splattering a few nuclear bunkers isn't going to stop that.

What do you think China would do in response?

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It has been stated that the talks re Iran being capable of getting the bomb will come to nothing.

Israel said they are ready to NUKE the joint in 2013. Things dont sound too promising for the middle east.

If Iran keeps on teasing and threatening Israel, Israel like the tiger will make a strike.

Edited by Scott
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What an individual does is not to be blamed on the government of the passport he carries is it?

Of course it is, if it's that government that's trained and funded him. That's why it's called "State-sponsored terrorism".

Or perhaps you would like to explain why Iran has not returned the two other suspects in the bombings to face justice in Thailand?

I can't wait to hear this.

(Just so you know, they have at least one name and both pictures:

Two other suspects involved in the Valentine's Day blasts are still at large. Leila Rohani, who rented the Ekkamai house that partially blew up when its cache of explosives accidentally detonated, is thought to have returned to Iran. The fifth suspect, a middle-aged Middle Eastern man who was caught on CCTV leaving the house hours before it exploded, is thought to be a bomb specialist and may have also returned to Iran, authorities said.
) Edited by Chicog
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Interesting Chicog....presumably as you are using this sort of thing as part of your rationale for obliterating

Iran you have cast iron evidence the Iranian government was involved. (what is that evidence btw?)

As an aside, what was it for the Iranian government?

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What an individual does is not to be blamed on the government of the passport he carries is it?

Of course it is, if it's that government that's trained and funded him. That's why it's called "State-sponsored terrorism".

Or perhaps you would like to explain why Iran has not returned the two other suspects in the bombings to face justice in Thailand?

I can't wait to hear this.

(Just so you know, they have at least one name and both pictures:

Two other suspects involved in the Valentine's Day blasts are still at large. Leila Rohani, who rented the Ekkamai house that partially blew up when its cache of explosives accidentally detonated, is thought to have returned to Iran. The fifth suspect, a middle-aged Middle Eastern man who was caught on CCTV leaving the house hours before it exploded, is thought to be a bomb specialist and may have also returned to Iran, authorities said.

Sorry you will have to provide more actual info.

Yes I have heard about that bombing & the various scenarios.

I have not ever heard of Iran refuses to send anyone anywhere over it though.

Do you have supporting facts/links etc?

Also any other support for your allegations that Iran Government trained & funded them?

Edited by mania
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Interesting Chicog....presumably as you are using this sort of thing as part of your rationale for obliterating

Iran you have cast iron evidence the Iranian government was involved. (what is that evidence btw?)

As an aside, what was it for the Iranian government?

What was what?

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Sorry you will have to provide more actual info.

Yes I have heard about that bombing & the various scenarios.

I have not ever heard of Iran refuses to send anyone anywhere over it though.

Do you have supporting facts/links etc?

Also any other support for your allegations that Iran Government trained & funded them?

I'll give you a couple of tasters to get you started, then you can either go and do your own homework or continue living in whatever version of dreamland you call it in which Iran is not the most dangerous state terrorism sponsor on the planet.

NEW DELHI: Alleging that an Iranian state agency was involved in the February 13 bomb attack on an Israeli diplomat in the capital, the Delhi Police has concluded that the suspects were members of Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, a branch of the nation's military.
Turm Strasse 91-92 is the address of Berlin's highest criminal court. It is also the site of one of the least known, yet most momentous events in the contemporary history of Germany and Iran. The 1992 assassinations of four Iranian Kurdish leaders at a restaurant called Mykonos led to a trial that took nearly four years and culminated in a verdict, 10 years ago today, that implicated the Iranian leadership -- the supreme leader, Ali Khamenei; the president at the time, Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani; and the foreign minister, Ali Velayati -- as the masterminds of the crime. An arrest warrant had already been issued for the minister of intelligence, Ali Fallahian.

Perhaps more relevant to the Bangkok bombings:

The willingness of the Islamic Republic to provide proactive assistance in the investigation will also serve as an important reflection of its interest in rebutting Israel's accusations. Two suspected members of the Bangkok-based bomb-making team, Leila Rohani and Ali Akbar Norouzi, are both back in Iran with their photos and return flight details already made public by the Thai police.

It remains to be seen, however, how aggressively the Thai authorities - perennially reluctant to be dragged into the maelstrom of Middle Eastern conflict - will choose to pursue the investigations or request assistance from Tehran. In the final analysis, Thailand has little to gain and possibly much to lose from establishing publicly and with certainty either the innocence or guilt of the Iranian government.

Indeed, the best pointer to the affair's likely outcome is the fate of Atris Hussein, the Lebanese-Swedish businessman with suspected links to Iran-allied Lebanese Hezbollah, whose January arrest was followed by the seizure of four tons of explosives he and his associates had amassed in a warehouse on the edge of Bangkok. Hussein is to be charged with possession of restricted substances and may serve a few years in a Thai jail in a case that will soon be quietly forgotten.

I'll tell you what Thailand has to gain: A lot of cheap, Iranian oil in return for shutting the f*** up. And getting rid of their rice surplus at the same time.

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Also any other support for your allegations that Iran Government trained & funded them?

I'll give you a couple of tasters to get you started,

Alleging that an Iranian state agency was involved

Sorry I asked for facts that support your allegation & you reply with .... more allegations?

No as I said earlier there are allegations but no facts.

Surely not any to warrant attacking a country that has not attacked or started a war with anyone since guess when?

Edited by mania
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Thankyou for the reply Chicog....

Let's get it straight.

If we're going to bomb nations which assassinate other nation's citizens and scientists and have, or attempt to have, nuclear weapons outside of international desires, will we be bombing Israel simultaneously with Iran?


1. What's your best guess at Israel's response if Iran whacked half a dozen of their scientists one by one?

2. Would they be justified?

3. Is Iran right to be concerned at Israel, a nation with extremist elements holding real power, holding nukes with no deterrent to balance them?

4. Is an Iranian desire for nuclear power justified given it was highly recommended to them (on a long term strategic basis given that oil is running out) by the US when the Shah was in power?

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Iran does not have nuclear weapons building capability YET. The time for the world to stop them is BEFORE they get that, if that is possible. Once they have that capability, it is too late.

Thankyou Jingthing

You are most welcome to answer the questions in my last post as is anyone else.....

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Also any other support for your allegations that Iran Government trained & funded them?

I'll give you a couple of tasters to get you started,

Alleging that an Iranian state agency was involved

Sorry I asked for facts that support your allegation & you reply with .... more allegations?

No as I said earlier there are allegations but no facts.

Surely not any to warrant attacking a country that has not attacked or started a war with anyone since guess when?

It might be convenient for you to pretend Iran was not behind the Bangkok bombings simply because the Thai government is not pushing the point.

It's always been the Iranian modus operandi, always try and distance themselves from the acts they order or perpetrate. They are buying their way out of this one. When I worked in London, two anti-Khomeini Iranians were assassinated within shouting distance of my office. It was fairly clear who was behind it, but no charges were ever laid; the killers had planted the explosive devices and fled.

Unless of course you have a theory that there are lots of angry Iranian citizens that not only go around blowing up Israeli or Kurdish targets, but who seem to be quite easily able to lay their hands on some fairly sophisticated explosive technology?

Yeah, right.

I've told you exactly why Thailand is not making an issue out of it. You can choose to believe it or choose to believe this childlike form of "innocent until proven really really beyond doubt that they are really guilty"

Iran's record in the intelligence and security community speaks for itself, and they are going to get whacked if they get anywhere near weapons grade nuclear materials.

So whether they continue to try and play silly kids games is actually quite irrelevant, and they would do well for themselves and their people to stop pissing about.

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Iran's record in the intelligence and security community speaks for itself, and they are going to get whacked if they get anywhere near weapons grade nuclear materials.

So whether they continue to try and play silly kids games is actually quite irrelevant, and they would do well for themselves and their people to stop pissing about.

Odd thing to say since they are the ones who have had their scientist murdered etc.

Talk about intelligence community? My my glass houses & all that you know?

They are the ones who have not started wars or attacked anyone in over 200 years

The others like the US & Israel would do well to leave them alone & get on with their own problems.

Let the US go badger the ones that are doing the badgering & drawing lines in the sand that do not need to exist.

Israel is heavily nuclear armed, allow NO inspections & will not sign or take part in the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty

Go start there? Until then I hope the rest of the thinking world sticks to facts & not allegations.

Anyway we have drifted far from original topic.

So I will recap that televised Nuclear Talks would be something I would watch.

That is all this topic was meant to be.

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So I will recap that televised Nuclear Talks would be something I would watch.

That is all this topic was meant to be.

I wouldn't waste my time watching, since I know they only want it televised to create another opportunity to go off on one.

If you recall the recent NAM Conference where both Ban Ki Moon and Mohamed Morsi ripped into Iran on their own turf, by the time the translations had been issued to the press in Farsi, both were not talking about Iran but Bahrain! Iran simply cannot be trusted to tell the truth about anything.

They are not-that-bright liars and do not deserve the oxygen of yet more televisual publicity for their megalomaniacal causes. They need a large gun pointed at their heads with the understanding that if they do not stop the process of spitting the nuclear dummy, the trigger will be pulled.

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They are not-that-bright liars and do not deserve the oxygen of yet more televisual publicity for their megalomaniacal causes. They need a large gun pointed at their heads with the understanding that if they do not stop the process of spitting the nuclear dummy, the trigger will be pulled.

more warmongering ...

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They are not-that-bright liars and do not deserve the oxygen of yet more televisual publicity for their megalomaniacal causes. They need a large gun pointed at their heads with the understanding that if they do not stop the process of spitting the nuclear dummy, the trigger will be pulled.

more warmongering ...

Sometimes you gotta be strong to PREVENT war.
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They are not-that-bright liars and do not deserve the oxygen of yet more televisual publicity for their megalomaniacal causes. They need a large gun pointed at their heads with the understanding that if they do not stop the process of spitting the nuclear dummy, the trigger will be pulled.

more warmongering ...

You can call it whatever you like, I just don't want fissile nuclear materials ending up in the hands of brainwashed nutcases.

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*Deleted Quote edited out*

Your premise is correct, but Iran is clearly NOT reasonable..., and not very rational gambling with their populace they way they have been.

Blaming the victim here?

Iran is reasonable. It are other who wants to bomb Iran and don't care much about if the populace gets hurt as a "side effect" or collateral damage.

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They are not-that-bright liars and do not deserve the oxygen of yet more televisual publicity for their megalomaniacal causes. They need a large gun pointed at their heads with the understanding that if they do not stop the process of spitting the nuclear dummy, the trigger will be pulled.

more warmongering ...

You can call it whatever you like, I just don't want fissile nuclear materials ending up in the hands of brainwashed muslim nutcases.

Not very diplomatic language but that basic sentiment (no nukes for Iran!) is shared with most of the western world, and others, including important middle east countries like Egypt, Saudi, and Turkey. Edited by Jingthing
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Just to put it in perspective, I am not a diplomat, but I know quite a lot of muslims who are not brainwashed nutcases - both Sunni and Shi'a - who do not want Iran getting nuclear weapons. That in itself ought to say something.

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Just to put it in perspective, I am not a diplomat, but I know quite a lot of muslims who are not brainwashed nutcases - both Sunni and Shi'a - who do not want Iran getting nuclear weapons. That in itself ought to say something.

That includes IR Iran and Ahmadinejad. They don't want nuclear weapons.

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Just to put it in perspective, I am not a diplomat, but I know quite a lot of muslims who are not brainwashed nutcases - both Sunni and Shi'a - who do not want Iran getting nuclear weapons. That in itself ought to say something.

That includes IR Iran and Ahmadinejad. They don't want nuclear weapons.

You speak with such conviction and certainty. Yet, for years, all Iran and Ahmadinejad have done is delay, refuse to cooperate with the IAEA, shuffle their feet, divert the issue, and otherwise obstruct every effort to comply with the international community to ensure that their nuclear ambitions are peaceful. Your words ring hollow, and Iran has shown by its continual cat and mouse game it cannot be trusted without full disclosure and compliance.

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Just to put it in perspective, I am not a diplomat, but I know quite a lot of muslims who are not brainwashed nutcases - both Sunni and Shi'a - who do not want Iran getting nuclear weapons. That in itself ought to say something.

That includes IR Iran and Ahmadinejad. They don't want nuclear weapons.

You speak with such conviction and certainty. Yet, for years, all Iran and Ahmadinejad have done is delay, refuse to cooperate with the IAEA, shuffle their feet, divert the issue, and otherwise obstruct every effort to comply with the international community to ensure that their nuclear ambitions are peaceful. Your words ring hollow, and Iran has shown by its continual cat and mouse game it cannot be trusted without full disclosure and compliance.

Iran is pretty clear on record that they do their nuclear research only for peaceful purpose.

warmongering words coming from another direction.

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Just to put it in perspective, I am not a diplomat, but I know quite a lot of muslims who are not brainwashed nutcases - both Sunni and Shi'a - who do not want Iran getting nuclear weapons. That in itself ought to say something.

That includes IR Iran and Ahmadinejad. They don't want nuclear weapons.

Yes, as I said, Iran and the Guardian Council are proven liars. So why do you believe them?

Actually, that might as well be a rhetorical question, hadn't it?

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