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Does Aust Govt. Think You Loose Brains If You Live In Thailand


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1. Because that's the law in Australia; why would you think that Thai law and Australian law would be the same?

2. Because the law is an ass.

3. Why are you making such a mountain out of molehill?

4. Why ask why?

Because I can

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@tezzainoz: "Why is it Legal for me to drive on a Thai license in Australia. But the same license is not acceptable for change over to an Australian License"

'cause that's the law as a Thai license is not from a Recognised Country under RTA NSW legislation - go to


EDIT: Why don't you understand the difference between facilitating driving on the roads for temporary visitors to Australia and the law applied to permanent residents/citizens?

Go write to your MP or the relevant ministry if you want to lobby to try and change the legislation.

so its okay to run over someone while on a Thai licence as long as its in the 3m months

So as the victim is on the hospital bed he says to him self it was all okay he was with his 3 month

sorry in the big brother world I still want the right to think and object

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Competence is irrelevant.

And it has nothing to do with being a Thai licence - even if you move interstate you may only drive on the licence of your former state for up to three months, after which time you must apply for one in your new state of residence.

Yours is a double whammy because you do not have ANY valid Australian licence (including one which expired within the past five years).

You can't move to Melbourne and say 'I'm a good driver because I got a licence in Sydney'. The law STILL says you need to convert it.

again notthing to do with this posting

get back to the facts please

No one is saying you should not get an Australia licence

the fact is why is it okay to use to drive on a Thai licence, but not as proof you are able to drive when applying for an Australia licence

has the bottle dropped now

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@tezzainoz: "Why is it Legal for me to drive on a Thai license in Australia. But the same license is not acceptable for change over to an Australian License"

'cause that's the law as a Thai license is not from a Recognised Country under RTA NSW legislation - go to


EDIT: Why don't you understand the difference between facilitating driving on the roads for temporary visitors to Australia and the law applied to permanent residents/citizens?

Go write to your MP or the relevant ministry if you want to lobby to try and change the legislation.

so its okay to run over someone while on a Thai licence as long as its in the 3m months

So as the victim is on the hospital bed he says to him self it was all okay he was with his 3 month

sorry in the big brother world I still want the right to think and object

Definitely not OK & sure every right to object - best of luck...

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Competence is irrelevant.

And it has nothing to do with being a Thai licence - even if you move interstate you may only drive on the licence of your former state for up to three months, after which time you must apply for one in your new state of residence.

Yours is a double whammy because you do not have ANY valid Australian licence (including one which expired within the past five years).

You can't move to Melbourne and say 'I'm a good driver because I got a licence in Sydney'. The law STILL says you need to convert it.

again notthing to do with this posting

get back to the facts please

No one is saying you should not get an Australia licence

the fact is why is it okay to use to drive on a Thai licence, but not as proof you are able to drive when applying for an Australia licence

has the bottle dropped now

I never drop my bottle - the stuff inside it's too valuable.

You still haven't told us how long your Aussie (NSW?) licence has been expired. If it is less than five years, you may have a point.

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Why is it Legal for me to drive on a Thai licence in Australia

Bu the same licence is not acceptable for change over to an Australian Licence

Why don't you ask your government instead of wasting your time asking here? And when/ if you get an answere, please post it here.

BTW. Can't you just take the test in Australia and get a new licence, or are you worried that you might fail the test? rolleyes.gif

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Simple answer is that the government would like to encourage tourism, and thus, allows foreign license holders to drive on Austalian roads temporarily.

However, if you are going to be licensed in Australia, you either have to have qualified in Australia (or have been licensed within the past 5 years) or be from an 'equivalent' jurisitction.

Does it make sense? From an economic perspective yes. Also decreases petty bureacracy for visitors and tourists.

But for long term residents - then it makes sense that they are licensed to an equivalent standard.

Contradictory? Sure - in many ways.It is certainly pissing the OP off.

None of that takes away from the central question though - what date did your Australian license expire? Bet it was less than 5 years.

Edited by samran
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Check their Website. I renewd ours over the web, you are allowed to do this once if you are living OS.

Which state was that for?

Edit: Found it for Vic.


Renewing your licence while overseas

If you are overseas and need to renew your licence, you can do this by Bpay, telephone or by mail if VicRoads holds a recent digitalised image of you.

Sorry a bit late, but we renewed NSW licences.
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Why is it Legal for me to drive on a Thai licence in Australia

But the same licence is not acceptable for change over to an Australian Licence

I understand the point you are making but remember Laws are universally applied so what other countries would also be able to convert their Licences directly to a State based Australian Licences?

For example would a driver from Russia be allowed a driver's licence conversion?

In Russia, the most dangerous country for drivers with 939 deaths per million cars

What about countries that traditionally drive on the right?

What about newly a minted Australian from Iran or Iraq, Nauru or Tuvalu*?

Or the very populist India ... and we know how many Indians are in Australia for Study

Is that how you want our intersections navigated?

Edited by David48
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^^ Following on from above ...

So is it all getting a bit silly? Well maybe ... whistling.gif

In many countries the Licence is simply 'bought' and not 'tested'.

Remember a core point of your arguement is that if you have been driving in Thailand (and presumably have incorporated elements of thier driving style into yours) ... that should be enough to re-issue your Australian (State) Driver Licence?

But remember Laws are universally applied ... so are you suggesting a 'List' of nations be compiled where Driving Licences can be instantly converted?

Can you imagine the diplomatic issues if we exclude nations like India, but the assessing officer compiling this list liked how Pakistan drives?

Maybe better to have the system that we have now and not discriminate against anyone ... unless you wish to have a Law especially just for you.

*Tuvalu is a small pacific nation of just 9 m2 and I doubt that they have a traffic light.

Edited by David48
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Competence is irrelevant.

And it has nothing to do with being a Thai licence - even if you move interstate you may only drive on the licence of your former state for up to three months, after which time you must apply for one in your new state of residence.

Yours is a double whammy because you do not have ANY valid Australian licence (including one which expired within the past five years).

You can't move to Melbourne and say 'I'm a good driver because I got a licence in Sydney'. The law STILL says you need to convert it.

again notthing to do with this posting

get back to the facts please

No one is saying you should not get an Australia licence

the fact is why is it okay to use to drive on a Thai licence, but not as proof you are able to drive when applying for an Australia licence

has the bottle dropped now

I never drop my bottle - the stuff inside it's too valuable.

You still haven't told us how long your Aussie (NSW?) licence has been expired. If it is less than five years, you may have a point.

If you had taken the time to read my postings you would see I have told you this on no less than 3 times

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Simple answer is that the government would like to encourage tourism, and thus, allows foreign license holders to drive on Austalian roads temporarily.

However, if you are going to be licensed in Australia, you either have to have qualified in Australia (or have been licensed within the past 5 years) or be from an 'equivalent' jurisitction.

Does it make sense? From an economic perspective yes. Also decreases petty bureacracy for visitors and tourists.

But for long term residents - then it makes sense that they are licensed to an equivalent standard.

Contradictory? Sure - in many ways.It is certainly pissing the OP off.

None of that takes away from the central question though - what date did your Australian license expire? Bet it was less than 5 years.

If you read my posts again you will find you just lost you bet

please pay to a local charity

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Why is it Legal for me to drive on a Thai licence in Australia

But the same licence is not acceptable for change over to an Australian Licence

I understand the point you are making but remember Laws are universally applied so what other countries would also be able to convert their Licences directly to a State based Australian Licences?

For example would a driver from Russia be allowed a driver's licence conversion?

In Russia, the most dangerous country for drivers with 939 deaths per million cars

What about countries that traditionally drive on the right?

What about newly a minted Australian from Iran or Iraq, Nauru or Tuvalu*?

Or the very populist India ... and we know how many Indians are in Australia for Study

Is that how you want our intersections navigated?

You have lost the point of this posting

the left hand of the government says all these people can legally drive on Australian roads for 3 months if they have a licence from the country the come from

But the right hand say they can not get a licence to drive 3 months and 2 weeks if they have the same licence with out a Australia Driving test

Further evidence to this stupidity

I got an email to tell me his girlfriend was driving in Australaia and went for a driving test

she failed as she made 3 really bad mistakes

as she had an overseas licence she was allowed to drive home, and try again

No one seems to get my point

The Australia laws for driving licences make no sense

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^^ Following on from above ...

So is it all getting a bit silly? Well maybe ... whistling.gif

In many countries the Licence is simply 'bought' and not 'tested'.

Remember a core point of your arguement is that if you have been driving in Thailand (and presumably have incorporated elements of thier driving style into yours) ... that should be enough to re-issue your Australian (State) Driver Licence?

But remember Laws are universally applied ... so are you suggesting a 'List' of nations be compiled where Driving Licences can be instantly converted?

Can you imagine the diplomatic issues if we exclude nations like India, but the assessing officer compiling this list liked how Pakistan drives?

Maybe better to have the system that we have now and not discriminate against anyone ... unless you wish to have a Law especially just for you.

*Tuvalu is a small pacific nation of just 9 m2 and I doubt that they have a traffic light.

This posting has gone to the birds

This list is what we are talking about

when you apply for a licence conversion, certain countries are allowed and some not

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Why is it Legal for me to drive on a Thai licence in Australia

But the same licence is not acceptable for change over to an Australian Licence

I understand the point you are making but remember Laws are universally applied so what other countries would also be able to convert their Licences directly to a State based Australian Licences?

For example would a driver from Russia be allowed a driver's licence conversion?

In Russia, the most dangerous country for drivers with 939 deaths per million cars

What about countries that traditionally drive on the right?

What about newly a minted Australian from Iran or Iraq, Nauru or Tuvalu*?

Or the very populist India ... and we know how many Indians are in Australia for Study

Is that how you want our intersections navigated?


Yes in America they drive on the right

Yet there licences are converted with no driving test

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Simple answer is that the government would like to encourage tourism, and thus, allows foreign license holders to drive on Austalian roads temporarily.

However, if you are going to be licensed in Australia, you either have to have qualified in Australia (or have been licensed within the past 5 years) or be from an 'equivalent' jurisitction.

Does it make sense? From an economic perspective yes. Also decreases petty bureacracy for visitors and tourists.

But for long term residents - then it makes sense that they are licensed to an equivalent standard.

Contradictory? Sure - in many ways.It is certainly pissing the OP off.

None of that takes away from the central question though - what date did your Australian license expire? Bet it was less than 5 years.

If you read my posts again you will find you just lost you bet

please pay to a local charity

Fine – how about the returned expats from Thailand spelling rehabilitation charity? I know someone who might benefit….

Still, don’t know why you are having a whinge. We all get the contradiction that you are pointing out.

Fact of the matter is though, you are a big boy, and you could have renewed our license online from Thailand when you were living there. I certainly did – when I renewed my Victorian license from Thailand some years back.

You chose not to, and now you are blaming everyone else’s stupidity, except your own for your lack for foresight.

Edited by samran
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Thanks guys ... it's been interesting trying to explain the logic of our arguments.

To the OP ... we all get your point, but don't understand your reasoning as it's based on ‘emotion’ and not ‘logic’.

A tip to the OP ...

When you write "No one seems to get my point" ... no-one understands me, when you are shouting and no-one appears to agree with you ... maybe it is you that needs the mirror.

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Simple answer is that the government would like to encourage tourism, and thus, allows foreign license holders to drive on Austalian roads temporarily.

However, if you are going to be licensed in Australia, you either have to have qualified in Australia (or have been licensed within the past 5 years) or be from an 'equivalent' jurisitction.

Does it make sense? From an economic perspective yes. Also decreases petty bureacracy for visitors and tourists.

But for long term residents - then it makes sense that they are licensed to an equivalent standard.

Contradictory? Sure - in many ways.It is certainly pissing the OP off.

None of that takes away from the central question though - what date did your Australian license expire? Bet it was less than 5 years.

If you read my posts again you will find you just lost you bet

please pay to a local charity

Fine – how about the returned expats from Thailand spelling rehabilitation charity? I know someone who might benefit….

Still, don’t know why you are having a whinge. We all get the contradiction that you are pointing out.

Fact of the matter is though, you are a big boy, and you could have renewed our license online from Thailand when you were living there. I certainly did – when I renewed my Victorian license from Thailand some years back.

You chose not to, and now you are blaming everyone else’s stupidity, except your own for your lack for foresight.

This posting has nothing to fo with me not paying for my licence

that was my fault and I accept it

This posting about the fact the Australia states will not recognise Thai and over countries licences for conversion as you say thay are not upto standard

But they are allowed on the road no matter what the risk may be to kill and main as mainy people as that can as long as they do it in 3 months

Come on now

your spitting hairs

all Australia people should feel safe the government will make Asian and more do a drivers test

But for the first 3 months it is okay to kill as many people as then need

sorry my friend I can not see your logic

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all Australia people should feel safe the government will make Asian and more do a drivers test

But for the first 3 months it is okay to kill as many people as then need

Although you overstate it- where have I disagreed?

As I've said a couple of times now, it is contradictory.

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You can renew your Australian licence from here on line.

Maybe you should try that, tell them that you will be coming back soon and you need it.

When my QLD one expired I contacted them by email, when I went back a few months later, I showed the Qld Transport people a copy of their emailed response and renewed with no problems.

Admitedly I didn't let it lapse as long as you, but it might still be worth a try.

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The Australian government is willing to slightly increase the risk of death and dismemberment of its citizens by incompetent foreign drivers in exchange the extra tourism revenue.


Then using the same logic give them permission to use an Australian licence and stay longer

That make more extra Tourism Revenue

Not to mention they can make even more revenue hitting them with traffic violations

something hard to enforce and get their money on a foriegn licence

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why change the law for me I now have my Australia drivers licence

and since when did the governments do things for the good of the people

You live in a dream world

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The Australian government is willing to slightly increase the risk of death and dismemberment of its citizens by incompetent foreign drivers in exchange the extra tourism revenue.


Then using the same logic give them permission to use an Australian licence and stay longer

That make more extra Tourism Revenue

Not to mention they can make even more revenue hitting them with traffic violations

something hard to enforce and get their money on a foriegn licence

where is your evidence Tezza that this is a dangerous thing?

Contradictory I'm sure. But where is the evidence that it is foreigners driving on their overseas licenses which is causing an unnecessary spike in the accident rate?

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The Australian government is willing to slightly increase the risk of death and dismemberment of its citizens by incompetent foreign drivers in exchange the extra tourism revenue.


Then using the same logic give them permission to use an Australian licence and stay longer

That make more extra Tourism Revenue

Not to mention they can make even more revenue hitting them with traffic violations

something hard to enforce and get their money on a foriegn licence

where is your evidence Tezza that this is a dangerous thing?

Contradictory I'm sure. But where is the evidence that it is foreigners driving on their overseas licenses which is causing an unnecessary spike in the accident rate?

Hang on my god your now on my side with our realising it

It is not me who says they are dangerous

It is the state DMRs who are saying they are not up to standard

well sorry they are for the first 3 months then 1 day over they become dangerous so need to do a driving test


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