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14-Year-Old Girl Arrested For Running Underage Prostitution Ring In Samut Prakan


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All this demand for young teens originates from the West and also Chinese businessmen. First catch the guys who exploit these poor girls and then execute them to death to set an example and also parents who support such actions should als be publicly executed to make an example.

You do understand that these girls were selling sexual services to Thai men and not western or Chinese businessmen right?

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You gotta hand it to the crazy Dutch --->

"Statue to honor the sex workers of the world. Installed March 2007 in Amsterdam, Oudekerksplein, in front of the Oude Kerk, in Amsterdam's red-light district De Wallen. Title is Belle, inscription says "Respect sex workers all over the world."

Edited by crazydrummerpauly
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Ok first is first, its a bit concern that a 14year girl is running a brothel but no need to atlk about lack of morality in thailand....just go back to Uk or the USA and see 12 and 13 year old girls losing their virginity and parents not caring or even oblivious and soemof the school gorls there into porn and also selling themselves to buy luxury things. Just because it looks glamourous in the west, it does not mean that its ok!

All this demand for young teens originates from the West and also Chinese businessmen. First catch the guys who exploit these poor girls and then execute them to death to set an example and also parents who support such actions should als be publicly executed to make an example.

"All this demand for young teens originates from the West and also Chinese businessmen"

That is SO, SO wide of the mark it's difficult to know what to say.

Time wasting being off my list at the moment, i'll just say please do some research - restrict it to 'peadophilia in Japan' to start with - that should change your mind for ever.

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If she was older the lynch mob would be screaming to put her under the jail. Since she is only 14 I'm curious as to what this same lynch mob thinks the punishment should be.

What's more upsetting is that they also arrested the 2 girls that were being prostituted. I'm still trying to figure out who was the victim of this crime if the underage girls were themselves arrested. Maybe the police were not getting their piece of the action and they were the victims in this.

Edited by Jayman
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This is not your country and its not our business what goes on here its a different world different culture I have learned the hard way the best thing to do is let them get on with it and if you don't like it go home or go to another country you think has higher moral values. I do not condone child prostitution but it seems its natural to them and they are quite happy doing it maybe its the only way to make fast money I asked a young lady one time "why do you work like this?"! her reply was "I want to earn money to faster" so what can we do? for your own sake look the other way and you will be fine they don't like farangs poking our nose in their business.

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This is not your country and its not our business what goes on here its a different world different culture I have learned the hard way the best thing to do is let them get on with it and if you don't like it go home or go to another country you think has higher moral values. I do not condone child prostitution but it seems its natural to them and they are quite happy doing it maybe its the only way to make fast money I asked a young lady one time "why do you work like this?"! her reply was "I want to earn money to faster" so what can we do? for your own sake look the other way and you will be fine they don't like farangs poking our nose in their business.

I think this one beats your example as stupid quote of the year nottocus...

Edited by HeavyDrinker
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not suprising news but,...what i've never understood about thailand is how easy it seems for these girls to get into prostitution , and some it seems with the blessing of the parents , it just seems thais look on it as "no big deal" when there kids start being payed for sex at the drop of a hat, {or knickers more like}.....where is the morality amoung thais ? is there any ? does it exist here ?......i see very little evidence of any

yes ...my mate lives in the province ...young girls leave the village and in a few weeks the lifestyle of the parents rises dramatically .....same thing happens in the pi ...the parents MUST know whats going on ...often girls both here and in philippines will tell u they started in provincial areas ....working conditions were much harder
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not suprising news but,...what i've never understood about thailand is how easy it seems for these girls to get into prostitution , and some it seems with the blessing of the parents , it just seems thais look on it as "no big deal" when there kids start being payed for sex at the drop of a hat, {or knickers more like}.....where is the morality amoung thais ? is there any ? does it exist here ?......i see very little evidence of any

There is very little morality among Thais and yes of course the parents condone it especially those from Issan. I've seen the jealousy myself among parents in the village. It's no big deal if a girl works the bars in Pattaya and there's absolutely no shame whatsoever. I would add that i've never seen any at 14yrs old but it wouldn't surprise me in the least.

what a load of crap, disgusted of Tunbridge Wells, what is the world coming to?

When you find yourself in the sewer looking at all the shit, then yes I imagine life is like that for you, but for most - 90% or so life is more normal, more conservative, look at your own country and do a search, you will find the same behaviour, the fringes of society where this shit happens, maybe in your own country you don't live in sewer cos you can't afford it, but here, well you get to float around like a giant turd on top of the rest of the piss and shit

its a minority of the population, and if you think it is normal that is because that is where you have chosen to live

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not suprising news but,...what i've never understood about thailand is how easy it seems for these girls to get into prostitution , and some it seems with the blessing of the parents , it just seems thais look on it as "no big deal" when there kids start being payed for sex at the drop of a hat, {or knickers more like}.....where is the morality amoung thais ? is there any ? does it exist here ?......i see very little evidence of any

yes ...my mate lives in the province ...young girls leave the village and in a few weeks the lifestyle of the parents rises dramatically .....same thing happens in the pi ...the parents MUST know whats going on ...often girls both here and in philippines will tell u they started in provincial areas ....working conditions were much harder

in the provinces being a maid will earn you 3 or 4 k baht, in the cities this can be doubled, with no drain on the family for food or lodgings of a sibling, of course the parents circumstances improve, all these maids, nannies etc sending every last baht back home to parents, why is it about prostitution?

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Do you have any stats to support above statement?

Do you have any stats to prove him wrong? He doesn't have to prove he is right or his stats are correct. You have to prove him wrong.

This is a logical fallacy: the "burden of proof" falls upon the one advancing a hypothetical explanation, proposing a theory, accusing someone of a crime, etc.

These rather "abstract" remarks do not mean that I do not the find the situation of 14 year old girl running a prostitution ring heinous: I do ! But, we have no reliable information about how she came to be in this position (should I say "prone to be be in this condition" ?), and I am sure we will never have such information.

I agree with other posters who have suggested she was a "fall girl," who'll "take the heat" for "hidden hands," and I reject the hypothesis this is an example of some kind of "budding, young, early entrepreneurial genius, in the field of human body-rental" based on Occam's Razor, aka "horse-sense."


no no no. If you are saying he is wrong, prove it. Right "the burden of proof" you have the burden of proof to prove that the stats he has quoted are wrong.

Orang37 is correct, but if you want stats ... the UN Dept of stats lists the average teenage pregnancy rate globally in 2009-10 as 55.7/1000. Thailand ranked 91st, with a rate of 43.7/1000. In other words, well below the global average.

Wikipedia it

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This is news worthy? It's business as usual here in Isaan.

Not wanting to get into a PC-pissing contest with you, but...this is not "newsworthy"...but a ladyboy- beauty pagent makes you sick?

Interesting morals and ethics, my friend!

Careful Doc, I do believe you are putting words in my mouth so to speak. This is newsworthy to the same extent as the beauty contest and I do not condone either one my friend.

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This is news worthy? It's business as usual here in Isaan.

I presume you're just a troll. But if you're not then I suggest you report what you know to the local police. Or do you condone child prostitution? If you know this goes on and don't report it, then you deserve to be locked up.

HMMM - One suspects the responder has daughters..LOL

In grade school, one girl charged 25¢ for guys to feel her. Then, about 25 years ago, during a shower, the curtain was pulled back and my 12 year old neighbor asked if I needed any help. I promptly ordered her out of my house.

Apparently girls will be girls, regardless of country.

Edited by dighambara
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These 14-16 year old girls obviously don't feel anything wrong in having sex for money. If they did they wouldn't be doing it would they. They weren't forced. It is adults who have made laws on what is "underage". Can anybody point me to where I can find where children have asked adults to make these laws on their behalf.

Why I'm asking is that many times adults make children do things stating it is "for their good" when really it is for "our good or peace of mind". Children have rights too. Adults tend to forget that.

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not suprising news but,...what i've never understood about thailand is how easy it seems for these girls to get into prostitution , and some it seems with the blessing of the parents , it just seems thais look on it as "no big deal" when there kids start being payed for sex at the drop of a hat, {or knickers more like}.....where is the morality amoung thais ? is there any ? does it exist here ?......i see very little evidence of any

The Thai culture is very different from ours in the West. What we find abhorant is sometimes acceptable in Thailand. I must add that I dont agree with very young "people" being exploited.

This is our world!?!? which we have created

hmmmm,.....well i take your point , but have to disagree on the whole, i mean if its a different culture {which it is] how are we as westerners responsible for it ??,......and another conflicting side to all of this is,... once a thai girl looses her virginity they are considered "damaged goods " by nearly all thais , especially from a middle class or upper class society , i will bet you all the tea in china any ' farang ' on here that is married to a thai girl was not the first past the post so to speak , so this is another reason i find this all a little confusing ,.... why are they {the parents} happy to see there girls start working in the local parlour ? , which leads me back to the same answer, which is a cultural thing,...thais think only as far ahead as the end of their noses,........which are usually pretty small !,........money now , what does future mean ??
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not suprising news but,...what i've never understood about thailand is how easy it seems for these girls to get into prostitution , and some it seems with the blessing of the parents , it just seems thais look on it as "no big deal" when there kids start being payed for sex at the drop of a hat, {or knickers more like}.....where is the morality amoung thais ? is there any ? does it exist here ?......i see very little evidence of any

yes ...my mate lives in the province ...young girls leave the village and in a few weeks the lifestyle of the parents rises dramatically .....same thing happens in the pi ...the parents MUST know whats going on ...often girls both here and in philippines will tell u they started in provincial areas ....working conditions were much harder

in the provinces being a maid will earn you 3 or 4 k baht, in the cities this can be doubled, with no drain on the family for food or lodgings of a sibling, of course the parents circumstances improve, all these maids, nannies etc sending every last baht back home to parents, why is it about prostitution?

Are you really serious or are you just pulling our leg?

Edited by Pimay1
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Do you have any stats to support above statement?

Do you have any stats to prove him wrong? He doesn't have to prove he is right or his stats are correct. You have to prove him wrong.

This is a logical fallacy: the "burden of proof" falls upon the one advancing a hypothetical explanation, proposing a theory, accusing someone of a crime, etc.

These rather "abstract" remarks do not mean that I do not the find the situation of 14 year old girl running a prostitution ring heinous: I do ! But, we have no reliable information about how she came to be in this position (should I say "prone to be be in this condition" ?), and I am sure we will never have such information.

I agree with other posters who have suggested she was a "fall girl," who'll "take the heat" for "hidden hands," and I reject the hypothesis this is an example of some kind of "budding, young, early entrepreneurial genius, in the field of human body-rental" based on Occam's Razor, aka "horse-sense."


no no no. If you are saying he is wrong, prove it. Right "the burden of proof" you have the burden of proof to prove that the stats he has quoted are wrong.

Are you trolling? If not then please thinks about your logic and stop being silly. Of course the burden of proof lies with the one proposing the theory. The whole point is he isn't quoting any stats to support his statement. If he did, then someone could suport or argue against them. The statement he makes may well be his view, which he is entitled to, but it is not necessarily true or factual without reference.

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I notice that Pattaya is getting many Bangkok women with 5 day workweeks coming there on weekends to round up more cash, these gals are sophisticated and language savvy, just a personal observation!

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This is news worthy? It's business as usual here in Isaan.

I presume you're just a troll. But if you're not then I suggest you report what you know to the local police. Or do you condone child prostitution? If you know this goes on and don't report it, then you deserve to be locked up.

Come on Dave.......don't tell me that you didn't know that (child) prostitution in Thailand is rather common!

90-95% of the Thai prostitution is used by Thais.......and the 5-10% remaining part is used by the so called sex-tourists, sex-pats or who ever.

The worst cases you will find upcountry, if you are able to find them. They are very well hidden!

BTW, a 14 yo madam doesn't mean that her "crew" is also 14 yo! Yes?

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I notice that Pattaya is getting many Bangkok women with 5 day workweeks coming there on weekends to round up more cash, these gals are sophisticated and language savvy, just a personal observation!

Any idea where they hang out? wink.png

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BTW, a 14 yo madam doesn't mean that her "crew" is also 14 yo! Yes?

No it doesn't. But in this case it was listed that she, and the 2 girls that were being prostituted were ALL arrested and the other 2 girls were aged 14 and 16.

Undercover agents pretended to solicit sex arranged by the girl, who was charging THB2,000 each for two other underage girls aged 14 and 16.

The girls were arrested immediately.

The 14-year-old girl said she normally takes a THB500 “finder’s fee for every customer she sets up with a girl

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So a fourteen year old runs a prostitution ring, I doubt that very much she would not have the aptitude to run any prostitution ring she’s just a front for someone else who is a bit smarter and a bit older than her childish 14 years, I blame the lack of education in Thai schools and also it’s absolutely 100% up to the caring parents to know and understand what their children are doing all the time and what sort of company they keep for friends.

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I notice that Pattaya is getting many Bangkok women with 5 day workweeks coming there on weekends to round up more cash, these gals are sophisticated and language savvy, just a personal observation!

Any idea where they hang out? wink.png

I suspect that quite a few here would like to know why you need to know where they can be found.

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<snip>. Also as one girl told me - "My body is my temple and I will use it how I see fit until I am ready to leave it".

I assume she is keen on hymns (hims).

Many of 'the girls' in the trade in the UK might also think that their bodies are their temples. Certainly all too many look as old as Westminster Abbey.

Edited by Bagwan
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I notice that Pattaya is getting many Bangkok women with 5 day workweeks coming there on weekends to round up more cash, these gals are sophisticated and language savvy, just a personal observation!

Any idea where they hang out? wink.png

I suspect that quite a few here would like to know why you need to know where they can be found.

Cause I want to meet them. Figure that was fairly obvious. Not talking about under aged girls here...

And.. what's it to you?

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