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Thai-American Elected To U S Congress


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Thai-American elected to US Congress

The Nation


CHICAGO: -- Tammy Duckworth yesterday became the first Thai-American to join the US Congress after beating freshman Republican Joe Walsh in Illinois' eighth congressional district.

With 80 per cent of the votes counted as of press time last night, Duckworth led Walsh 55 per cent to 45 per cent.

"I am so humbled to be elected representative of the 8th Congressional District," Duckworth told supporters in suburban Chicago.

The Democrat was born on March 12, 1968, to Marine veteran Frank L Duckworth and Thai woman Lamai Sompornpairin.

She served in the US Army as a helicopter pilot and as commander of a Black Hawk company, she lost both her legs on November 12, 2004, when she was hit by enemy ground fire during a flight in Iraq.

She left the army the following month, holding the rank of major, and was granted a Purple Heart, an Air Medal and Army Commendation Medal. She now serves in the Army National Guard in the rank of lieutenant colonel.

During her childhood, Duckworth travelled around Southeast Asia with her father, who worked with the United Nations. She graduated from the University of Hawaii in 1989 with a bachelor's degree in political science and completed her master's degree in international affairs at George Washington University.

Duckworth first ran for a seat in the US Congress in 2006, but lost to her contestant narrowly. In an interview with The Nation, she said that Thailand still had the ability to improve the lives of disabled people and engage them as active members of society. She also encouraged physically challenged Thai citizens to fight for their rights.


-- The Nation 2012-11-08

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Iraq veteran defeats Illinois conservative

CHICAGO, Nov 8, 2012 (AFP) - Tammy Duckworth, an Iraq war veteran born in Thailand, on Tuesday soundly defeated a controversial conservative lawmaker in a closely watched election in the suburbs of Chicago.

Duckworth, who lost most of her two legs in Iraq, defeated first-term Republican congressman Joe Walsh who raised hackles by saying during his campaign that abortion was never necessary to save the life of a pregnant woman.

Duckworth was leading Walsh by about 10 percentage points in the eighth congressional district in Illinois, in a pick-up for the Democrats even though Republicans were expected to maintain control of the House of Representatives.

Walsh is a prominent figure in the right-wing populist Tea Party movement. He is a hawkish supporter of Israel and campaigned for the United States to issue a visa to Narendra Modi, the chief minister of Gujarat who is shunned in Washington due to anti-Muslim riots in the Indian state in 2002.

Duckworth was born in Bangkok to a US military father and a Thai mother. After President Barack Obama took office, she took a senior position in the Department of Veterans Affairs.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2012-11-08

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That is great news to have an American Thai in Congress...Hopefully that will be good news for Thailand as well.

It would be interesting to hear her views on the ousted Thaksan.

In any event, it is good news.

Edited by jerrysteve
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I raise my hat to this lady, what a remarkable woman. I doubt if we will ever see similar in Thailand though.

Not for a few years, we get Yingluck, Chalerm, Jatuporn, Arisman, Weng , Snoh, Banrahn,etc......

Thai politics so desperately need to get a big brush and get rid of most of the cretins in Parliment

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She is certainly an inspiration. The more attention this gets in the media the better. That too many people accept their 'station' in Thailand is one of the main reasons the rich and powerful can get away with what they do here.

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Now go figure how many German or Italian or Swedish or Irish newspaper will waste their valuable news spaces with headlines like "German-American elected...", "Italian-American elected...", etc.

Has anyone else noticed that The Nation calls her "Thai-American", while at least one poster labelled her "American Thai"? What's "truer"?

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Congratulations , Well done , although one could say if the great lady was in Thailand she would not be a candidate in any election , unfortunately

I think you are correct. Her ethics and morals are probably way too high to be a part of this feeding frenzy political machine of Thailand. My congratulations to this brave and honorable lady.

Agree. Some people fight to get somewhere in life, others manipulate and steal. I have 10x more respect for Tammy than for Yinglucky.

Edited by Nickymaster
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Her story is truly uplifting. Congratulations.

Carrying on her family's military history, with service dating back to the Revolutionary War, as a Helicopter pilot in Iraq is something all Americans should be thankful, and grateful, for.

Even though she was born in Bangkok, she would of course be an eligible candidate for the President of the United States. The Donald notwithstanding. ;)

Edited by lomatopo
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Her story is truly uplifting. Congratulations.

Carrying on her family's military history, with service dating back to the Revolutionary War, as a Helicopter pilot in Iraq is something all Americans should be thankful, and grateful, for.

Even though she was born in Bangkok, she would of course be an eligible candidate for the President of the United States. The Donald notwithstanding. ;)

I don't think she would qualify.

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My wife came home last night quite excited - Obama gave Thai people a job!!

Took me a few minutes to piece it all together.

I explained as best I could, I think she got her head round it and was more proud as she won the seat. The people chose her - and yes, I guess Obama did give her a job ♥

She was very proud of Ms Duckworth's complishment (GW grad, pilot) and sad for her injury.

I only knew Ms Duckworth from the congressionsl fight she was having with one of the biggest <deleted> on the planet.

We both celebrated for a moment.

I love my wife.

Edited by bangkokburning
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Her story is truly uplifting. Congratulations.

Carrying on her family's military history, with service dating back to the Revolutionary War, as a Helicopter pilot in Iraq is something all Americans should be thankful, and grateful, for.

Even though she was born in Bangkok, she would of course be an eligible candidate for the President of the United States. The Donald notwithstanding. ;)

No, she is not eligible.

I too have a LOT of regard for this woman and am glad to see her success. But let's not forget who she beat -- she was fortunate in her opposition.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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She is Americam! She is a s Thai as Tiger Woods!

She is American but she was also born in Thailand, speaks Thai, and lived in Thailand and went to school here for part of her childhood. Quite a bit different than Tiger who did none of those things and has almost no interest in or contact with Thailand at all.

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Why is she not qualified to run for President?

My vote is for Liz Warren 2016

You basically have to have been born in the US or a territory the US controls to be considered a 'natural born' citizen and be eligible to be president. She was born in Thailand and thus she is not eligible. The rule was created because at the founding of the US they were paranoid that an immigrant who was secretly working for a foreign country could become president and allow them to take over.

That's why some right wingers are obsessed with trying to prove that Obama was really born in Kenya and not Hawaii, it would make him ineligible to be president.

Possible the rule could be changed some day. There was talk among Republicans about wanting to change it so Arnold Schwarzenegger could run, maybe some day Democrats would want to change it so this woman could run.

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