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200 Dogs Saved From Meat Market: Nakhon Phanom


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Too many dogs start theri life as a nice fluffy plaything.

When it gets older the poor animal is not fluffy any more, and will be chucked out of the house

Then a new fluffy plaything is bought, spray-painted or not, and history repeats itself.

Very sorry for all those poor animals, but in very many araes of the country the dog population is getting a problem.

There are so many dogs running wild now that animal welfare stations, or private organisations, could never cope with the numbers.

Many dogs lead an awful life, are sick, and not taken care of in any way.

Maybe, just maybe, the dog population is now so huge culling might be the only solution.

I hate to say this, but I could not think of any other solution.

And because of the silly people taking a fluffy plaything every time, the culling gets more important.

Yes, the fluffy gets kicked out when it gets puffy, then they become roaming wild dogs that hang around in large numbers in the streets urinating and defecating all around, the resulting foul smell will saturate the entire neighbourhood and creating harmful bacteria that attracts many insects in large numbers, and they spread the bacteria all around.

It is well known that canine excrement is very toxic and harmful to public health, and the noise of barking dogs is a recognized public nuisance, the bitches carry on consistently with breeding, thus is is an essential requirement that owners control their dogs.

In order to achieve this it must be legally implemented and controlled by local councils.

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I am glad to see that the authorities are trying to do some good. Generally Thai people are very good to their dogs. Remember these are intelligent and affectionate animals. The big problem is the demand has to be stopped in other countries. Loong and Artist you are sick in the head, I wish you would be collected and put into a crowded cage for maybe several days and you know the rest. How can you complain about something so mundane and suggest such a practise. Get a life.

It always seems strange when animal lovers hate humans more than animals, so much that they would be cruel to their own species in their efforts to protect another species. Perhaps you would prefer to be a dog?

Long ago I came to the conclusion that dogs rule the Thai countryside. They lie in the roads refusing to move from on coming traffic forcing you to swerve avoid them, they howl in unison in the middle of the night, they indulge in public sexual displays, they race around attacking each other and tearing the fur from their hides and worst of all they hate Farangs.

Come to think of it perhaps being a Thai dog wouldn't be so bad.

They do get eaten though. I have eaten dog and it tastes good. I suppose you have the same affection for the poor buffalo, pigs and chickens that cruel and nasty humans eat. What about the poor insects, cicadas, ants, live prawns that we eat? Where do you draw the line? What about the poor papaya, I shall feel so guilty next time I eat som tam. I can just hear the poor green papaya screaming in pain.

As for getting a life, I have one and I am very happy with it, what about you, surely it must be miserable worrying about the poor dogs, buffalo, pigs, chicken, insects, prawns and papaya all day long?.

Absolutely disgusting, but also hilarious. We are going from sanctimonious drivel to an attempt at sounding philosophical- And then also decide to throw in some worldly kind of guy stuff. As for getting a life. You took a small generic slur a bit seriously- Such a vehement response. It sounds as though you are in need of convincing yourself. In conclusion....sick.gifsick.gifsick.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif
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Get real guys. What happens is that a truck comes around, the friendlier (looked after and yes, loved) dogs are loaded onto a truck and driven a long way. One Bangkok politician saw his dog on TV and traveled to Buriram to get it back. These guys are disgusting. What's next? stealing young girls for prostitution? Not a big step up.

The dog problem can be dealt with otherwise. We don't have a dog problem in our village apart from the mad lady that poisons dogs now and again for no apparent reason. Guys advocating the kidnapping of dogs are real big men, I bet they never killed and butchered an animal in their life.

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Get real guys. What happens is that a truck comes around, the friendlier (looked after and yes, loved) dogs are loaded onto a truck and driven a long way. One Bangkok politician saw his dog on TV and traveled to Buriram to get it back. These guys are disgusting. What's next? stealing young girls for prostitution? Not a big step up.

The dog problem can be dealt with otherwise. We don't have a dog problem in our village apart from the mad lady that poisons dogs now and again for no apparent reason. Guys advocating the kidnapping of dogs are real big men, I bet they never killed and butchered an animal in their life.

You probably don't have a dog problem because of the mad lady that poisons dogs now and again for no apparent reason.


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i don't know what the majority of people are on on this post but I cannot believe the inhumane comments that are posted. These - and all other - dogs have a right to life. Yes, there are many dogs in thailand without homes but those that are scared of them (as so many of you seem to be) it is quite simple to deal with them. If a dog or dogs approach you, just your arms wide and make yourselves as big as possible (accept that egos here might be bigger than stature). If that doesn't work, kneel down as if to throw a stone and the dog(s) will retreat (just to be clear as obviously it's an uneducated audience on this thread - no need to throw the stone) . Sad that that is the way to deal with dogs here but that is how it is. Be assured I am not some animal rights do gooder - I have been a corporate CEO of some of the largest corporations where I have on my conscience that not everything I sanctioned was good for the environment but given the dogs that are here, surely they have a right to live - not be smuggled across borders in terrible conditions to be consumed? enough die in Thailand through natural - or unnatural causes - which is the process of evolution, but this is just plain accessory to murder to animals that have no defence

Please don't judge my fellow expats too harshly. So of them like me have lived here a long time and remember that many Thai ate dog meat regularly and even some still do. It is much appreciated that the Thai Government introduced Laws abolishing the slaughter and trafficking of dogs for human consumption.

However these days Feral Dogs (Soi Dogs) have become a problem because no one helps the when they become diseased, No one feeds them, no one clears up their feces of tests for parasites or hook worm and the our children get sick or can even go blind from their mes in the our villages. Before the main culling effect was provided by Thai consumption of the flesh.

You present yourself as high-so (i was a CEO etc) and no doubt your village has dog feces deposit by soi dogs and by the dogs of inconsiderate neighbors If this is the case then you have no idea that the problems that soi dogs cause when an Alpha Male for his pack and goes after children. Also you might consider the misery of the soi dog that is sick, untreated and unfed. Even worse the sight of bitches that wander in with half their insides torn out by aggressive Dogs.What can you do for these dogs Sir?

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It's a shame people ( for want of a better word ) make money from this trade. Unfortunately the truck didn't even need to cross the border to find people who eat dog meat, it's fairly common to this area. Maybe they get more for the dogs ' abroad ' ? Out two dogs have collars, and generally in our area, the dog for bucket men leave collared dogs alone. They'd be in a whole heap of pooh if they did try to steal them !

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Get real guys. What happens is that a truck comes around, the friendlier (looked after and yes, loved) dogs are loaded onto a truck and driven a long way. One Bangkok politician saw his dog on TV and traveled to Buriram to get it back. These guys are disgusting. What's next? stealing young girls for prostitution? Not a big step up.

The dog problem can be dealt with otherwise. We don't have a dog problem in our village apart from the mad lady that poisons dogs now and again for no apparent reason. Guys advocating the kidnapping of dogs are real big men, I bet they never killed and butchered an animal in their life.

You probably don't have a dog problem because of the mad lady that poisons dogs now and again for no apparent reason.


The last victims were well looked after dogs of my immediate neighbour. I saw how he looked after them, cleaned them, fed them. Let's say it again: in our village we don't have the problems that you have in the s**t heaps where the scum of Thailand and Farangland gather. Whoops, naughty comment.

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If people complain about harvesting animals how can they differentiate from cows, sheep, chickens, pigs etc. Dogs are just another in the food chain if you look at it that way. But sad to see animals mistreated like this, but then any 'carrier' to market or the abattoirs is never pleasant. Similarly this may be your favourite pet and thus the urge to feel hurt. Go vegetarian and save a dog?

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When you get around to it, remember that female humans taste better than the males, who have a taste of piss, like many of the posters here.

Come on, I asked before: any of you guys ever actually killed and butchered an animal? These would be the only ones that I could take seriously when they get macho about eating animals.

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When you get around to it, remember that female humans taste better than the males, who have a taste of piss, like many of the posters here.

Come on, I asked before: any of you guys ever actually killed and butchered an animal? These would be the only ones that I could take seriously when they get macho about eating animals.

Yes. But having said that, I stopped. The older I get the more squeamish I become about killing things.

Edit: But I'm still all in favour of eating this particular problem.

Edited by Crushdepth
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i don't know what the majority of people are on on this post but I cannot believe the inhumane comments that are posted. These - and all other - dogs have a right to life. Yes, there are many dogs in thailand without homes but those that are scared of them (as so many of you seem to be) it is quite simple to deal with them. If a dog or dogs approach you, just your arms wide and make yourselves as big as possible (accept that egos here might be bigger than stature). If that doesn't work, kneel down as if to throw a stone and the dog(s) will retreat (just to be clear as obviously it's an uneducated audience on this thread - no need to throw the stone) . Sad that that is the way to deal with dogs here but that is how it is. Be assured I am not some animal rights do gooder - I have been a corporate CEO of some of the largest corporations where I have on my conscience that not everything I sanctioned was good for the environment but given the dogs that are here, surely they have a right to live - not be smuggled across borders in terrible conditions to be consumed? enough die in Thailand through natural - or unnatural causes - which is the process of evolution, but this is just plain accessory to murder to animals that have no defence

Please consider the reasoning, that to “kneel down as if to throw a stone and the dog(s)” will result in a retreat by the dogs because the dogs have been “educated” by others before you that have accurately thrown the stone. I would give thanks for your success to the dog “educators”

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Now what are they going to do with them? I wouldn't be surprised if they vast majority of them are put-down in the end anyway.

555555 No way, that would cost money and would be against Buddhist principles. Nope, they will open the cage doors and let the dogs do what dogs do in Thailand, wander around and rip apart the garbage looking for food.

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We, Europeans, should not forget that during the 2nd world war there were no dogs or cats safe in any place. They all disappeared at night and popped up the next day in pots and meat stew... Nothing wrong in eating dogs. Some people eat horses, in Laos I saw squirrels as food, Japanese continue to eat the whales for scientific purposes... and somewhere on a Danish (or is it Norwegian?) island there is a yearly slaughtering of pilot whales as it also exists in Japan, but then with dolphins...

Have a look at the countries that enjoy horse meat > http://en.wikipedia....wiki/Horse_meat

So... which meat is really good to eat?


Is this not a case of "The pot calling the kettle black" ?

Edited by ravip
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Nothing wrong with folk wanting to eat dog. The problem is that the dogs are beaten prior to slaughter to induce fear, to get the adrenalin running, to make the meat taste better. Normally, cows, pigs etc are supposedly treated & killed humanely.

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Now what are they going to do with them? I wouldn't be surprised if they vast majority of them are put-down in the end anyway.

Exactly. Now the meat will go to waste. I highly doubt that they will use the humane method of putting them down too. Knife to the throat. Poor lil guys either way

I remember having read a report that they club them to death. Cutting their throat would mean too much work in cleaning all the blood from the yard. Thais are clever when it comes to saving them from some mess when it can be done easier.

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Stealing dogs out of people homes?

The dogs would not get stolen if they were properly leashed or kept indoors or behind a fence when unattended.

Unfortunately that has not always stopped the thieves.

Edited by metisdead
: Tiny font resized to normal.
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We, Europeans, should not forget that during the 2nd world war there were no dogs or cats safe in any place. They all disappeared at night and popped up the next day in pots and meat stew... Nothing wrong in eating dogs. Some people eat horses, in Laos I saw squirrels as food, Japanese continue to eat the whales for scientific purposes... and somewhere on a Danish (or is it Norwegian?) island there is a yearly slaughtering of pilot whales as it also exists in Japan, but then with dolphins...

Have a look at the countries that enjoy horse meat > http://en.wikipedia....wiki/Horse_meat

So... which meat is really good to eat?


Is this not a case of "The pot calling the kettle black" ?

The german specialty "Rheinischer Sauerbraten" , which is a 2-day-marinated shoulder steak, was actually prepared with horse meat, but as the practise of slaughtering horses for their meat has gently diminished and lost acceptance among the consumers, now they use Beef instead. There are, however, a handful of horse butchers left who sell their produce openly.

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]Dogs were here way before us Farangs arrived[/b] and will be after we are gone, deal with it, help, take some time out of your ever so busy lives and give a little help.

So were cochroaches and mosquitoes, but I do not see that as good reason stop using insecticide

]Dogs were here way before us Farangs arrived[/b] and will be after we are gone, deal with it, help, take some time out of your ever so busy lives and give a little help.

So were cochroaches and mosquitoes, but I do not see that as good reason stop using insecticide

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its "animals" are treated”

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I maybe wrong but as an experienced feral cats rescuer in TNR (trap, neuter and release) to help reduce cat populations on the street. From the posted picture, the bottom right cage the animal in white fur and a black patch on its back looks like a cat rather than a dog. Its body shape and ear look more like a cat.

From what I have read about previous rescued MDT news. Those rescued dogs (and the cat ?) at first will be transferred to a holding center as an evidence and later on, they will be transferred to a proper rescued center in nearby areas where there are official workers and volunteers help nurse them back to health. Of course, due to inhumane handling from those asshol_e traders, there were many dogs died before reaching to helping hands.

All dogs will be spayed and neutered and will receive rabies vaccinations. Afterwards, they will be placing for adoptions, but unfortunately not all dogs are adoptable. What left behind would live in a very large cage until they die. At least it is a safe haven rather than being slaughtered inhumanely.

Those processes are done with limited government funds and donations. I am thankful to those volunteers.

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Looks like Soi Dog's will have more work now...

The Soi Dog folk are doing the best they can to stop this filthy trade. Check out their website and donate a little something. From the comments on this forum it seems to me that it would be a good thing if the Vietnamese could change their tastes from dog to farang. Then the bars could empty out and the girls go back to making a respectable living.

I'm a Soi Dog's supporter. The dog meat trade is filthy. Problem is...is that most of the

dogs in LOS haven't been spayed or neutered and they'll reproduce as fast as rats if

not faster. About the rabies thing....rabies can arise in any warm blooded animal.

The soi dogs themselves are ok...I have 4 of them....wish I could take more however

it's an available space thing and not financial. As for the people who mistreat soi dogs

I reckon packing them into wire cages and sending them to Vietnam.

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