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General Petraeus Would Rather Live In Thailand (Imo). Alternative Topic (Thai Military Head Gear)

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He graduated in the top 5% of his class at West Point and got a PhD after that. He's a bright guy.

He is 7 years younger than I. What a difference a few years makes. I served in Vietnam and Thailand and discovered the truth of life. The real reason to be a soldier and a man. I discovered this early in a bar in Thailand. Petraeus discovered it too as did Clinton for that matter but later in life and in the wrong place.

Petraeus was not as bad as POTUS with the cigars and JFK with the Russian spies and the GF of the mob boss but nevertheless problems outside of Thailand.

Now if you compare my life in Thailand with what Petraeus is going through now you get the thread that ties all the current threads about wealth and success and happiness together. Live in Thailand is the answer.

Petraeus would have done good as a Thai general. He looks good in a uniform and knows how to suck up to big wheels. Look at the fruit salad on the man's chest, he would have done great here.

I had a bright career with the military but after my duty in Thailand and my discovery of the meaning of life I resigned. Admittedly I wasn't a General but it wouldn't have made any difference. Later I worked for the Thai military. Not a bad gig. Nice people and they pay on time, good perks (cops or immigration never a bother). And good looking women. Thai women love the uniform. Petraeus looks good in his uniform but the Thai military hats are cooler. I mean you gotta give Thailand the hats and the medals. The Elephant ones especially.

I know what he is feeling now. Wife is pissed. Kids are angry and he is looking at jail time. Is that any way to spend your golden years? Me, I'm happy. Got a nice house; nice women, and note to General, they are a lot better looking than your women, multi lingual, multi lingual lingual actually, blonds, brunettes all shapes and colors and they can dance. You may think those hi so newspaper reporters are the cats pajamas at the social functions but when the lights go out a Thai go go dancer beats em hands down every time.





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