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Why Do Men Expect Bar Girls To Love Them?


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very few of these rules apply, if you are smart enough to seek out a middle class woman, with a college degree, who speaks great english, and has an established family. Many of these women can be found online. Interview them, and determine their status, before you even waste your time, or hook up. Otherwise, you need to plan to spend a minimum or one or two million baht on a house, retiring the family debt, supporting mom and dad, and the deadbeat brother, which a high percentage of Thai families have.

Most guys will not listed to this advice. Most will not hear it, nor want to hear it. But, buyer beware.

Most guys won't listen to your advice because it's crap advice (IMHO).

Internet dating attracts mostly far worse girls than the bars, you delusions are a variation on 'my girl is different'.

As for your rules

1. All women can wait 5-10-15 years before taking you, time means nothing.

2. Don't give her family money ever, it's your money, keep it for you.

3. No major gifts ever, buy everything in your own name, let them use the stuff.

4. They get no 'moving in' rights in Thailand, and you are only renting the place anyway.

5. Marriage in Thailand gets the woman no benefits, divorce is cheap, why not do it right away and get yourself a marriage extension.

6. Don't take her to your country ever, her rights are entirely different there.

7. Don't bother reading books written by losers.

There, I feel much better now!

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Why do foreigners expect Thais to love them?

........... especially if no one else does in their home countries.

Does any ugly old grossly overweight Farang, dressed in a simmet and shorts, covered in Tattoos, and with facial hair seriously believe a beautiful young bargirl will love him? Well they will, until his money runs out. These are the sort of losers who can't get a woman in their own country, but think they can buy love over here. That is not love, the bargirls are just taking him for a ride, and getting well paid for it, and good luck to them.
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Why do men anywhere expect women from anywhere to love them? It doesn't matter if she is from a bar or the university faculty club. Women who work in bars anywhere, for any length of time, will get hardened to the love and relationship business. They've seen it all and heard all the lies. Their hearts have usually been broken many times. They've learned the hard way not to trust anyone but themselves. Unfortunately, when they meet some honest bloke they just lump him in with all the rest who have lied to them. I thought I could trust my ex husband until I found him in bed with a gal who I thought was a friend. I think it hurt more losing the friend than it did my husband.

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Back home, having money doesn't necessarily cut it as far as getting a woman to love you but even in instances where this may be the case, there's way too much competition from guys with more money than your average, bar regular. The overwhelming majority of ordinary, non-profit making women are a mystery to him. He just can't figure them out; they're way too complicated.

So here he is in Thailand where cash is known to level the playing field. Any insecure, socially-inept, sartorially-challenged gimp can pull a woman several notches above the heifers he had to knock about with back in Farangland. Here, the nuances of women and the things they expect - understanding, empathy, someone to lean on - can seemingly be successfully supplanted by regular and liberal application of a relatively insignificant amount of money.

Said loser can be heard thinking to himself,

"Jeez, this is great; I don't have to talk to her too much, she plays a mean game of pool, she cheers on my team in the footie, she shags well and whenever I want it and, to boot, she says she 'loves me'".

Somewhere along the line, however, the joker begins to develop genuine feelings for his bar bint. He forgets that the relatively small amounts of cash are her motivation and that their liaison is a purely financial transaction.

With the intensity of his brain-shaking orgasms fresh in his mind, he asks himself,

"How can she flirt with other men so easily? Why is she still getting text messages from that fat German? Why does her phone go on the blink so often and why does that Phichai moto-taxi guy have so much to say to her?"

In an effort to reassert control, our hapless love fool asks her to leave the bar in return for a stipend to help her family and a key to his apartment but, now that the financial outlay has move up a notch, he reasons that he has a right to control what she does, where she goes, who she sees and develops a habit for interrogating her friends. She likes the cash but she resents the manipulative streak her mark beau has developed and begins to rebel. Eventually, it becomes too stressful so she bounces him to the kerb, moves out and heads back to the bar.

Our Romeo drowns his sorrows, breaks down, accosts her at her bar, is rejected and heads off home to join the flying club

Hammer, Head, Nail HS, hammer, nail, head......................wink.png

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I'd say the forum would be a less interesting place without people like yourself

Why thanks Bookie, I wouldn't be doing my job if everyone agreed with me 8-)

And wrt kissing, note the Thais need to be taught to do it in the first place, if you're looking for a girl inexperienced with farang and she knows how to kiss, you've been had.

I've gotten out of the habit myself, bit like wearing shoes in the house. One of my girls thought she'd give it a go from watching videos and really jumped in full-on tongue wrestling, freaked me right out! Had to give her points for enthusiasm though. . .

The first Thai girl I went out with (not a bargirl) was 31 years old, she had no idea how to kiss, it didn't take long to teach her though, she was very affectionate, and even took my hand on our first date. I believe lots of Thai girls especially those from up country only know about kissing by watching western movies, when I worked as a school teacher, I saw plenty of boys and girls together holding hands in the corridors etc, but never once did I see any kissing. I've come to the conclusion that most Thai men are only interested in the Wham Bam Thankyou Mam.
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I think a huge number of bar girls really do fall in love with customers, after all it is only natural to have a feeling with someone. HOWEVER its her family who always makes the problem, which eventually ruins the relationship and takes any if not all feelings away.

Those blood sucking mother/father/brother and his wife who just sit on their asses, and expect to be supported.

I know quite a few people who fell in love with and married bar girls. The girls selected them based on their income, potential to earn higher income, long term earning potential, generosity and gullibility. Some of these couples are of very similar ages. The girl will oftern have several boyfriends on the go, all paying money to keep her from going back to the bar. If it comes to marriage they'll pick based on wealth - current and potential. I reckon 10% of the ones I've met change and look after their husbands and maybe love grows. The other 90% screw around as often as they can,

To a bar girl money is everything.

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Why Do Men Expect Bar Girls To Love Them?

Because they are stupid??

spidermike007, post # 154, you are talking a lot of sense man, but I think you missed one point. Do all of what you recommend, and then................................. walk away!!!

Edited by F4UCorsair
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Internet dating attracts mostly far worse girls than the bars, you delusions are a variation on 'my girl is different'.

If my that you mean a higher percentage of lying scammers than among explicit sex workers, I'm not sure that I agree that far, but certainly do that it wouldn't increase the odds that much compared to my methods. And 100% agree that education and socio-economic background has little to do with the ratio either.

As for your rules

1. All women can wait 5-10-15 years before taking you, time means nothing.

2. Don't give her family money ever, it's your money, keep it for you.

3. No major gifts ever, buy everything in your own name, let them use the stuff.

4. They get no 'moving in' rights in Thailand, and you are only renting the place anyway.

5. Marriage in Thailand gets the woman no benefits, divorce is cheap, why not do it right away and get yourself a marriage extension.

6. Don't take her to your country ever, her rights are entirely different there.

Agree on #1 and #5, but not unqualified on the rest. If your sole goal is to protect your assets fine. But there are other ways of doing that - if you have significant assets worth using more sophisticated methods - without "throwing the baby out with the bath water".

If a man can afford to give without it being an issue, then why not? I personally get a lot of pleasure in the intrinsic act of giving, apart from the undeniable practical benefits. And personally I enjoy sharing my home with beautiful young women, don't see what it achieves to only visit each other unless your preference is that less connected relationship, nothing to do with protecting assets, just personal space and privacy, which isn't a concern for many.

WRT #6, again, if my assets are protected - e.g. secret and offshore, not discoverable by legal proceedings, and I can afford a reasonable level of cost/risk, then why not bring girls home if that's where I prefer to live? Otherwise life becomes a compromise that isn't required just to protect my financial security, to me the only thing that would make life in farangland bearable would be the ability to bring a sweet gorgeous little spinner along for the ride.

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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Why do foreigners expect Thais to love them?

........... especially if no one else does in their home countries.

Does any ugly old grossly overweight Farang, dressed in a simmet and shorts, covered in Tattoos, and with facial hair seriously believe a beautiful young bargirl will love him? Well they will, until his money runs out. These are the sort of losers who can't get a woman in their own country, but think they can buy love over here. That is not love, the bargirls are just taking him for a ride, and getting well paid for it, and good luck to them.

I think if you examine the threads on Thai Visa currently running and in the recent past you will discover as with the Russian who drank himself to death, http://www.thaivisa....eath-in-phuket/ and the large majority of others are young guys who can't find women in their home countries and come to Thailand looking for love.

Your references to age and weight are more from your own prejudice than any facts.

It is easy for an older gentleman to stay in Thailand because he does not have to worry about a job and visa as he is on a pension and has a retirement extension. The problems are greatest with younger guys who actually think that a bar lady might care for them because of their age and perceived handsomeness.

Old guys know they are old and ugly. Young guys are still laboring under the delusion that love is an emotion that ….. well I won't go there.

Don't waste your sympathy on the old, fat guys. They know what they are doing and exactly what it is costing them. I know because I was in Thailand when I was 22 and the ladies can be very convincing at that age but it was too much of a cultural difference to raise a family (for me) along with all the other problems that occur naturally with any young relationship. I went back to my home country to have children and do the family stuff.

Having had relationships with Thai women at 22 years of age and 60 I feel I am in a position to tell you that it is much easier and successful at 60 than 22.

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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I think if you examine the threads on Thai Visa currently running and in the recent past you will discover as with the Russian who drank himself to death, http://www.thaivisa....eath-in-phuket/ and the large majority of others are young guys who can't find women in their home countries and come to Thailand looking for love.

Your references to age and weight are more from your own prejudice than any facts.

It is easy for an older gentleman to stay in Thailand because he does not have to worry about a job and visa as he is on a pension and has a retirement extension. The problems are greatest with younger guys who actually think that a bar lady might care for them because of their age and perceived handsomeness.

Old guys know they are old and ugly. Young guys are still laboring under the delusion that love is an emotion that ….. well I won't go there.

Don't waste your sympathy on the old, fat guys. They know what they are doing and exactly what it is costing them. I know because I was in Thailand when I was 22 and the ladies can be very convincing at that age but it was too much of a cultural difference to raise a family (for me) along with all the other problems that occur naturally with any young relationship. I went back to my home country to have children and do the family stuff.

Having had relationships with Thai women at 22 years of age and 60 I feel I am in a position to tell you that it is much easier and successful at 60 than 22.

Yes but the thread seeks to discuss why men expect bargirls to fall in LOVE with them.

It doesn't aim to clarify why a mid-50s+, aesthetically-challenged porker is able to successfully conduct a financially-based relationship with a bargirl since the answer is obvious.

Admittedly, there is some stereotyping going on here insofar as the perps are typically depicted as old, overweight and forlorn and that's unfair . . . but only up to a point.

Sure there are younger, better-looking guys who make exactly the same mistakes when it comes to dealing with bargirls but they at least have the opportunity and the time to pull themselves together and repair the damage - financial and/or emotional. Your average pensioner can often get his financial clock cleaned by just one disastrous liaison - not good when you consider the dwindling purchasing power of Western currencies against the baht.

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Your average pensioner can often get his financial clock cleaned by just one disastrous liaison - not good when you consider the dwindling purchasing power of Western currencies against the baht.

Two errors there

1. Most of us 'old uns' have pensions, they can only get this months pension from us, next month we get more.

2. Twelve years ago (and for most previous history) the UKP purchased only 35 Baht, today I get nearly 50 .... that's an increase in purchasing power of 40%.

You young guys don't seem to understand pensions or currency fluctuations.

I guess it's because most of you will never get final salary pensions.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Your average pensioner can often get his financial clock cleaned by just one disastrous liaison - not good when you consider the dwindling purchasing power of Western currencies against the baht.

Two errors there

1. Most of us 'old uns' have pensions, they can only get this months pension from us, next month we get more.

2. Twelve years ago (and for most previous history) the UKP purchased only 35 Baht, today I get nearly 50 .... that's an increase in purchasing power of 40%.

You young guys don't seem to understand pensions or currency fluctuations.

I guess it's because most of you will never get final salary pensions.

Bit of an old codger swagger there Tommo.

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I think if you examine the threads on Thai Visa currently running and in the recent past you will discover as with the Russian who drank himself to death, http://www.thaivisa....eath-in-phuket/ and the large majority of others are young guys who can't find women in their home countries and come to Thailand looking for love.

Your references to age and weight are more from your own prejudice than any facts.

It is easy for an older gentleman to stay in Thailand because he does not have to worry about a job and visa as he is on a pension and has a retirement extension. The problems are greatest with younger guys who actually think that a bar lady might care for them because of their age and perceived handsomeness.

Old guys know they are old and ugly. Young guys are still laboring under the delusion that love is an emotion that ….. well I won't go there.

Don't waste your sympathy on the old, fat guys. They know what they are doing and exactly what it is costing them. I know because I was in Thailand when I was 22 and the ladies can be very convincing at that age but it was too much of a cultural difference to raise a family (for me) along with all the other problems that occur naturally with any young relationship. I went back to my home country to have children and do the family stuff.

Having had relationships with Thai women at 22 years of age and 60 I feel I am in a position to tell you that it is much easier and successful at 60 than 22.

Yes but the thread seeks to discuss why men expect bargirls to fall in LOVE with them.

It doesn't aim to clarify why a mid-50s+, aesthetically-challenged porker is able to successfully conduct a financially-based relationship with a bargirl since the answer is obvious.

Admittedly, there is some stereotyping going on here insofar as the perps are typically depicted as old, overweight and forlorn and that's unfair . . . but only up to a point.

Sure there are younger, better-looking guys who make exactly the same mistakes when it comes to dealing with bargirls but they at least have the opportunity and the time to pull themselves together and repair the damage - financial and/or emotional. Your average pensioner can often get his financial clock cleaned by just one disastrous liaison - not good when you consider the dwindling purchasing power of Western currencies against the baht.

You wrote, " Admittedly, there is some stereotyping going on here insofar as the perps are typically depicted as old, overweight and forlorn and that's unfair . . . but only up to a point." What I am saying is; look at the threads on Thai Visa like the one about the Russian drinking himself to death. He was 29 I think. That is the typical age when men think women fall in love with them. 20's to 40's. After that the old guys usually have a good understanding about the birds and bees love.

The emphasis and stereotyping of old fat guys is only in the mind of the people who write about them and rarely or at least in the minority of men who expect women to love them be they bar ladies or not. A 30 year old young bloke with big muscles, a new football jersey and a fancy bicycle may think the ladies are all a twitter about him but the old guys have been there and done that and got the tee shirt.

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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they can only get this months pension from us, next month we get more

That's only true of those completely dependent on their government handouts pension better than nowt I'll grant but IMO pretty scary place to be.

We paid for our government pensions in the UK (no handouts there), but you forgot Private pensions and Final salary pensions, bit of a senior moment there BJ?

Some of us have all of them.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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they can only get this months pension from us, next month we get more

That's only true of those completely dependent on their government handouts pension better than nowt I'll grant but IMO pretty scary place to be.

We paid for our government pensions in the UK (no handouts there), but you forgot Private pensions and Final salary pensions, bit of a senior moment there BJ?

Some of us have all of them.

Maybe someone should start a thread about pensions...oh , hang on a sec...rolleyes.gif

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We paid for our government pensions in the UK (no handouts there), but you forgot Private pensions and Final salary pensions, bit of a senior moment there BJ?

Some of us have all of them.

No idea of the distinction, haven't heard of the "final" thing, sounds ominous. . .

All I'm saying is I wouldn't want to be dependent on any government* for my survival, no matter how "guaranteed" you might think your contracts are with them long-term I think we'll be seeing more and more reneging going on.

* Norway may be one exception, I'm sure there are others. . .

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