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The Beast That Bears Obama: Cadillac One


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do you realize how much wealth would be destroyed if the leader of the free world was to be attacked?

The job of US President doesn't make you, in any sense, the leader of the free world. It's a position that has been held by a series of buffoons and war criminals whom are held in utter contempt by all right-thinking people (i.e. not Americans whose brains are addled from childhood by all that ludicrous saluting to the American flag and farcical nationalism. Shock revelation: America is not the greatest country in the world - not by far). Does any rational person have any respect for the likes of Bush, Bush Mk. II, Reagan, Nixon, Ford?

As for the destruction of wealth, well America doesn't actually have much wealth left to destroy. It's ludicrously indebted to the rest of the world - particularly China.

It's about time the USA learned its position in the world and stopped throwing its weight about internationally. It should out sort its own economic and social problems before trying to impose its "values" and its conception of "democracy" upon the rest of the world.

according to this chart


the US has about 57.4 trillion in Wealth as of q4 2011

but according to you the USA is bankrupt so Obama should be flying coach on Delta Airways or rather, he should never leave American soil?

i am really hoping you are like 12 years old or something otherwise it is just sad.

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do you realize how much wealth would be destroyed if the leader of the free world was to be attacked?

The job of US President doesn't make you, in any sense, the leader of the free world. It's a position that has been held by a series of buffoons and war criminals whom are held in utter contempt by all right-thinking people (i.e. not Americans whose brains are addled from childhood by all that ludicrous saluting to the American flag and farcical nationalism. Shock revelation: America is not the greatest country in the world - not by far). Does any rational person have any respect for the likes of Bush, Bush Mk. II, Reagan, Nixon, Ford?

As for the destruction of wealth, well America doesn't actually have much wealth left to destroy. It's ludicrously indebted to the rest of the world - particularly China.

It's about time the USA learned its position in the world and stopped throwing its weight about internationally. It should out sort its own economic and social problems before trying to impose its "values" and its conception of "democracy" upon the rest of the world.

We are so good at outsourcing all our jobs to China and India, maybe we should outsource the position of "World Police" to them too!

Edited by Curt1591
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What a huge cost to have to carry your own car everywhere you go, 2nd plane, flight crew, avgas et al, but I guess that is not of concern to the Govt.

The two VC-25As (B747) a VC-32A (B757) are at DMK, plus a Delta Airlines B767 with the press gang. Panetta was in on Thu/Fri in an E-4B (B747) there have been various C-17 support flights into DMK in recent days.

Meantime, down at U-Tapao there are at least 12 x C-17, 4 x E-3, 3 x KC-135 plus a C-5 possibly a C-20. This is obviously the support hub for this POTUS trip to BKK, RGN PNH.


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do you realize how much wealth would be destroyed if the leader of the free world was to be attacked?

The job of US President doesn't make you, in any sense, the leader of the free world. It's a position that has been held by a series of buffoons and war criminals whom are held in utter contempt by all right-thinking people (i.e. not Americans whose brains are addled from childhood by all that ludicrous saluting to the American flag and farcical nationalism. Shock revelation: America is not the greatest country in the world - not by far). Does any rational person have any respect for the likes of Bush, Bush Mk. II, Reagan, Nixon, Ford?

As for the destruction of wealth, well America doesn't actually have much wealth left to destroy. It's ludicrously indebted to the rest of the world - particularly China.

It's about time the USA learned its position in the world and stopped throwing its weight about internationally. It should out sort its own economic and social problems before trying to impose its "values" and its conception of "democracy" upon the rest of the world.

according to this chart


the US has about 57.4 trillion in Wealth as of q4 2011

but according to you the USA is bankrupt so Obama should be flying coach on Delta Airways or rather, he should never leave American soil?

i am really hoping you are like 12 years old or something otherwise it is just sad.

And the small print from the same page...

"The United States Federal Reserve previously published the figure total national wealth in the past. However, this figure ignores the current balance of accumulated borrowing and assets of the federal and state governments."

These figures completely ignore the massive Government accumulated debts so perhaps not the greatest link to support your deluded statements...whistling.gif

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And the small print from the same page...

"The United States Federal Reserve previously published the figure total national wealth in the past. However, this figure ignores the current balance of accumulated borrowing and assets of the federal and state governments."

These figures completely ignore the massive Government accumulated debts so perhaps not the greatest link to support your deluded statements...whistling.gif

The US is not the most indebted nation in the world, especially when considered at a percentage of GDP:




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'the beast' should be lead by a convoy of super-modified Harley Davidson's in the spirit of US.

reminds me of a joke

Q What does a Harley and a blue Heeler dog have in common?

A After a bit of a run, they both like to come home riding in the back of the pickup.

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The job of US President doesn't make you, in any sense, the leader of the free world. It's a position that has been held by a series of buffoons and war criminals whom are held in utter contempt by all right-thinking people (i.e. not Americans whose brains are addled from childhood by all that ludicrous saluting to the American flag and farcical nationalism. Shock revelation: America is not the greatest country in the world - not by far). Does any rational person have any respect for the likes of Bush, Bush Mk. II, Reagan, Nixon, Ford?

As for the destruction of wealth, well America doesn't actually have much wealth left to destroy. It's ludicrously indebted to the rest of the world - particularly China.

It's about time the USA learned its position in the world and stopped throwing its weight about internationally. It should out sort its own economic and social problems before trying to impose its "values" and its conception of "democracy" upon the rest of the world.

True, the US is not perfect and has been undergoing difficult times for a stretch now. But please go ahead and name the leader/country who has taken first place and who can almost always get its way? I know you really really want to say China, but tell me just how many countries will unhesistatingly side with China over the US... small number, right? Or did you mean Thailand?

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"Obama's Beast is heavily armoured to shield from gun, bomb, missile and improvised-explosive-device attacks. It has the latest in satellite-link communications, including anti-eavesdropping equipment. It is also equipped for protection from biochemical warfare."

One critical flaw is no protection against agressive ladyboys.

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do you realize how much wealth would be destroyed if the leader of the free world was to be attacked?

The job of US President doesn't make you, in any sense, the leader of the free world. It's a position that has been held by a series of buffoons and war criminals whom are held in utter contempt by all right-thinking people (i.e. not Americans whose brains are addled from childhood by all that ludicrous saluting to the American flag and farcical nationalism. Shock revelation: America is not the greatest country in the world - not by far). Does any rational person have any respect for the likes of Bush, Bush Mk. II, Reagan, Nixon, Ford?

As for the destruction of wealth, well America doesn't actually have much wealth left to destroy. It's ludicrously indebted to the rest of the world - particularly China.

It's about time the USA learned its position in the world and stopped throwing its weight about internationally. It should out sort its own economic and social problems before trying to impose its "values" and its conception of "democracy" upon the rest of the world.

And away you you go. China holds about $1.1trillion and much of it is tied up and not easily liquidated. You do realize that the largest debt holder are US citizens, don't you? Leading the list is the US fed and intragovernmental agencies at approx. $6.4 trillion, BTW, dd you know that Japan holds also as much debt as China? What better way to ensure China's peaceful co-existance than China having a stake in things? A devaluation or loss of on the Chinese debt would seriously hurt China.

Ok, so you think the USA is irrelevant. Tell you what. The next time there is a humanitarian crisis where large amounts of aid is required, where disaster relief is needed, the USA should stay home. Your comment reminds me of the Pakistanis who regularly take to the streets in protest against the USA, but fall over themselves grabbing emergency aid after every natural catastrophe when the USA is the only foreign country to airlift large amounts of supplies into the country. Bush the younger is an easy target, but his decision on Africa saved millions of lives. He was the only world leader that was able to make such a dramatic difference in the response to malaria and HIV. BTW, count your blessings on your own health care in Thailand because the majority of foreign funds for R&D and aid projects for dengue, malaria, HIV and refugees come from the US government and US NGOs. If it wasn't for the Bill & Melinda Gates and Clinton foundations generosity, Thailand would not have the funding for many of its healthcare projects. You don't like the US military presence, but you certainly like the benefits of Thailand's access to petroleum energy, Indian ocean fish stocks and foreign export markets don't you? The US naval presence in places such as the Persian Gulf and Indian ocean make that possible, because the USA is the largest single source of protection for international vessels. Do you think Thailand is capable of protecting the tankers bringing oil to the asian market, or protecting cargo ships carrying Thai exports?

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"the beast" should be grossly overweight, massively over indulgent and ridiculously brash, in the spirit of the US... oh,it is, what a surprise!

Haven't been to Tonga or Samoa have you? I suggest a visit to Germany and Russia once you are done there. Even in Bangkok, one sees oversized Thais.

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What a huge cost to have to carry your own car everywhere you go, 2nd plane, flight crew, avgas et al, but I guess that is not of concern to the Govt.

Security is a higher concern...

Guys,... it really doesn't matter when you're printing off your own money and have no remorse about the costs or consequences!

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do you realize how much wealth would be destroyed if the leader of the free world was to be attacked?

The job of US President doesn't make you, in any sense, the leader of the free world. It's a position that has been held by a series of buffoons and war criminals whom are held in utter contempt by all right-thinking people (i.e. not Americans whose brains are addled from childhood by all that ludicrous saluting to the American flag and farcical nationalism. Shock revelation: America is not the greatest country in the world - not by far). Does any rational person have any respect for the likes of Bush, Bush Mk. II, Reagan, Nixon, Ford?

As for the destruction of wealth, well America doesn't actually have much wealth left to destroy. It's ludicrously indebted to the rest of the world - particularly China.

It's about time the USA learned its position in the world and stopped throwing its weight about internationally. It should out sort its own economic and social problems before trying to impose its "values" and its conception of "democracy" upon the rest of the world.

Even the Iranians would think you're nuts.

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What a huge cost to have to carry your own car everywhere you go, 2nd plane, flight crew, avgas et al, but I guess that is not of concern to the Govt.

Security is a higher concern...

Guys,... it really doesn't matter when you're printing off your own money and have no remorse about the costs or consequences!

I thought aliens were suppose to be smart. tongue.png

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do you realize how much wealth would be destroyed if the leader of the free world was to be attacked?

The job of US President doesn't make you, in any sense, the leader of the free world. It's a position that has been held by a series of buffoons and war criminals whom are held in utter contempt by all right-thinking people (i.e. not Americans whose brains are addled from childhood by all that ludicrous saluting to the American flag and farcical nationalism. Shock revelation: America is not the greatest country in the world - not by far). Does any rational person have any respect for the likes of Bush, Bush Mk. II, Reagan, Nixon, Ford?

As for the destruction of wealth, well America doesn't actually have much wealth left to destroy. It's ludicrously indebted to the rest of the world - particularly China.

It's about time the USA learned its position in the world and stopped throwing its weight about internationally. It should out sort its own economic and social problems before trying to impose its "values" and its conception of "democracy" upon the rest of the world.

Say what you like, but the USA is the only true global superpower. They will get their house in order. Just imagine when they become energy independent in the next 15 years through fracking.

Does wonders for your balance of payments and gdp, not having to import oil. Hell, they might even sell a bit. For all its problems, no other country can project power like the usa militarily and economically.

All they have to do is stop lying to have wars and the world will be just dandy.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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-Thai at Heart-

"Thailand is always first!" On Top of that first are the most Important and educating, -Soap Operas!- blink.png

Well at least we watched the news. The nation news channel is utter crap anyway. They literally reread the paper articles.

The headline literally was, "over the weekend, Obama visited Thailand". They really tried their best to pretend it actually never happened.

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What a huge cost to have to carry your own car everywhere you go, 2nd plane, flight crew, avgas et al, but I guess that is not of concern to the Govt.

I take it as a sign of a sad world we live in when leaders are singled out for death by idiots. Not exactly like there was any other choice other than stay home.

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do you realize how much wealth would be destroyed if the leader of the free world was to be attacked?

The job of US President doesn't make you, in any sense, the leader of the free world. It's a position that has been held by a series of buffoons and war criminals whom are held in utter contempt by all right-thinking people (i.e. not Americans whose brains are addled from childhood by all that ludicrous saluting to the American flag and farcical nationalism. Shock revelation: America is not the greatest country in the world - not by far). Does any rational person have any respect for the likes of Bush, Bush Mk. II, Reagan, Nixon, Ford?

As for the destruction of wealth, well America doesn't actually have much wealth left to destroy. It's ludicrously indebted to the rest of the world - particularly China.

It's about time the USA learned its position in the world and stopped throwing its weight about internationally. It should out sort its own economic and social problems before trying to impose its "values" and its conception of "democracy" upon the rest of the world.

Say what you like, but the USA is the only true global superpower. They will get their house in order. Just imagine when they become energy independent in the next 15 years through fracking.

Does wonders for your balance of payments and gdp, not having to import oil. Hell, they might even sell a bit. For all its problems, no other country can project power like the usa militarily and economically.

All they have to do is stop lying to have wars and the world will be just dandy.

Sounds like AyG thinks the only rite thinking people are not Americans. I wonder why he just listed Republicans?


"The job of US President doesn't make you, in any sense, the leader of the free world. It's a position that has been held by a series of buffoons and war criminals whom are held in utter contempt by all right-thinking people (i.e. not Americans whose brains are addled from childhood by all that ludicrous saluting to the American flag and farcical nationalism. Shock revelation: America is not the greatest country in the world - not by far). Does any rational person have any respect for the likes of Bush, Bush Mk. II, Reagan, Nixon, Ford?

Indeed a very troubled mind there. He seems to think that suicide bombers are right minded thinkers. I bet he is to afraid to back up his claims with his actions.

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What a huge cost to have to carry your own car everywhere you go, 2nd plane, flight crew, avgas et al, but I guess that is not of concern to the Govt.

Not only do both VC-25 aircraft fly every mission, two C-5A aircraft carry the presidential limos and other support vehicles. Plus a press plane.

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What a huge cost to have to carry your own car everywhere you go, 2nd plane, flight crew, avgas et al, but I guess that is not of concern to the Govt.

The two VC-25As (B747) a VC-32A (B757) are at DMK, plus a Delta Airlines B767 with the press gang. Panetta was in on Thu/Fri in an E-4B (B747) there have been various C-17 support flights into DMK in recent days.

Meantime, down at U-Tapao there are at least 12 x C-17, 4 x E-3, 3 x KC-135 plus a C-5 possibly a C-20. This is obviously the support hub for this POTUS trip to BKK, RGN PNH.


Thank Buddha that Bangkok was blessed with alternative airports to support the huge logistics of a US Presidential visit. I was in Ghana when first-term Obama visited there in 2009. The airport was literally closed for 48 hours due to all the US heavy-lift aircraft that brought just about everything including a kitchen sink or two!

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