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Will Thaksin Gain From State Visit By Uganda's President Museveni?


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Will Thaksin gain from state visit by Museveni?

Avudh Panananda

The Nation


File photo : Yingluck poses for photos with Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni and his wife

BANGKOK: -- In contrast to this week's fanfare for Barack Obama of the United States and Wen Jiabao of China, the visit by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni to Thailand went almost unnoticed last week.

It comes as no surprise that Thailand is courting the world powers. But the country's stand toward sub-Saharan Africa has raised some serious questions.

Diplomatic ties were established with Kampala in 1985, but Uganda suddenly became a visible and important friend of Thailand after former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra won and operated a five-year lotto concession in 2010.

Thaksin has an honourary job title with Global PS Lotto, a Dubai-based company with stakes held by Thai investors.

However, after a subsequent business feud between Thaksin and tycoon Pairoj Piempongsant, it remains unclear if Thaksin still has a say in the lotto business and other investments in Africa.

Before and after the collapse of his business partnership with Pairoj, Thaksin had become a fast friend of Museveni.

The recent discovery of one of the largest oil reserves in Africa has fuelled Museveni's hope of leading his nation out of poverty.

But the unexplored oil fields are located in environmentally fragile areas. Rampant corruption is another factor stalling exploration and production of oil in Uganda, which was initially scheduled to start this year.

As if on cue, Thaksin intervened to help a "friend" in need. He alerted the Thai energy industry about investment opportunities in Kampala. Thai diplomats, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said the instruction came from "above" to hastily arrange an official visit for Museveni.

Thailand is neither the first nor the last country to wine and dine a foreign leader in order to strike a deal for black gold.

Under accepted diplomatic protocols, a leader pays a working visit in order to drum up support of one kind or another. In this case Museveni has made it clear he wants to seek new partners, preferably from Thailand, for oil exploration deals.

At Thaksin's whim, the government went overboard by extending an invitation for an official visit by Museveni, though there were virtually no state-to-state affairs to discuss.

The Ugandan Presidential Office even undertook a further step to brand Museveni's trip as a state visit. The African leader chose to travel abroad at the time when his country was under fire for human rights violations.

Unanswered questions and curious circumstances fuel doubts on whether the country or Thaksin will benefit from the welcome for Museveni.

First, the government billed the visit of the Ugandan president as official, but failed to arrange for a courtesy call to HM the King as head of state, or a designated royal representative.

Second, the Thai business community, particularly Thai Oil, paid due attention to Museveni but has no long-term plans to venture into Uganda.

Third, Thailand curiously opted to upgrade ties with Uganda despite an international outcry over human rights violations in the country. Museveni's has cracked down on opposition groups, whose plight has been likened to the Thai red shirts.

With the Pheu Thai government trying to seek "justice" for the red shirts, it has surprisingly turned blind to the bloodshed Museveni inflicted on his opponents.

Last month the United Kingdom suspended aid to Uganda in the face of rampant corruption. The United Nations Universal Periodic Review was critical of Uganda's compliance on human rights and gave two years for the situation to be rectified.


-- The Nation 2012-11- 20

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It makes politically sense that Thaksin's little sister would pay attention to Pres. Museveni since Thaksin and this long term "elected" leader has common shades of gray also. (I'm sure Mr. T would love to have this guys control over HIS Thailand.) Uganda's president is known to be supported by the conservative christian groups in Uganda that are anti-gay and think they should be thrown in prison. He has a firm hand in what "freedom of speech" is.

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Diplomatic ties were established with Kampala in 1985

Just one year before Museveni became ruler and who has ruled for the past 26 years since, which invariably is never a good sign.

Uganda suddenly became a visible and important friend of Thailand after former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra won and operated a five-year lotto concession in 2010.

Who better to run a government lottery than a fugitive government official convicted of corruption? huh.png

Thaksin Shinawatra launches Go Lotto

Former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was in the country to officially launch Go Lotto, the latest gambling craze in town. Shinawatra who is the Chairman Advisory Board, Global PS Lotto, said, “Each time I come here I appreciate more and more why Uganda is known as the Pearl of Africa. I am very excited about launching this service in Uganda and I hope that Go Lotto will benefit the people of Uganda.”

He said that Global PS Lotto Investment chose Uganda after he has tested lotto with people in his country and hopes it will assist in developing the lives of the people of Uganda. A significant portion of all the proceeds [30% of net proceeds] from the sale of Go Lotto tickets will be used to develop social and other programmes in Uganda and supporting the education, sports and health sectors.

“I feel very passionate in these areas and with my experience in Thailand where I introduced lotto while still the prime minister and got millions in revenue that I used to develop the said sectors, I hope by bringing Go Lotto to Uganda similar benefits can be achieved even here,” he said.

The Observer (Uganda) - Feb. 17, 2010



Within months of that announcement, it was also uncovered that Thaksin had been given a Ugandan Diplomatic Passport. ermm.gif



Edited by Buchholz
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So is this guy Idi Amin Mark 2?

Uganda the Pearl of Africa? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Cannibalism aside, Idi ruled for 8 years, Museveni has 26 years.

Not sure about pearls, but Uganda has rough diamonds that Thaksin is involved in.


That and highly advanced telecom companies that he also looked into during one of his trips to Kampala.


from Thaksin's public Picasa Web Album page


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If you listen carefully you can hear the excitement and interest generated by Yingluck's government.

After the recent difficult years it is a joy for an old foreigner like me to reflect on how good it isthat the international community have stopped laughing at Thailand's governance.

There is a growing air of expectation of a resurgence of Thailand's Tiger economy. The rise of two

female leaders in South East Asia is in itself a beacon of promise. That Taksin's journey's of

intrigue while on the run are adding yet more color and mystery to the Chakri Kingdom's diversity and independence.

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If you listen carefully you can hear the excitement and interest generated by Yingluck's government.

After the recent difficult years it is a joy for an old foreigner like me to reflect on how good it isthat the international community have stopped laughing at Thailand's governance.

There is a growing air of expectation of a resurgence of Thailand's Tiger economy. The rise of two

female leaders in South East Asia is in itself a beacon of promise. That Taksin's journey's of

intrigue while on the run are adding yet more color and mystery to the Chakri Kingdom's diversity and independence.

Huh? I'm lost for words But I'll try

Tiger economy? Thaksin's journeys of intrigue? Adding more color and mystery?

Diversity and independence?

Female leaders? One a 67 year old articulate,urbane, Oxford educated ex-prisoner of conscience, the other an attractive 44 year old, very popular sister of a fugitive criminal, with expensive taste in fashion accessories.

About the same as comparing Rocquefort & Mozzarella.

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If you listen carefully you can hear the excitement and interest generated by Yingluck's government.

After the recent difficult years it is a joy for an old foreigner like me to reflect on how good it isthat the international community have stopped laughing at Thailand's governance.

There is a growing air of expectation of a resurgence of Thailand's Tiger economy. The rise of two

female leaders in South East Asia is in itself a beacon of promise. That Taksin's journey's of

intrigue while on the run are adding yet more color and mystery to the Chakri Kingdom's diversity and independence.

I believe we are fresh out of tigers. They have either been farmed and sold to the Chinese for wicked things or Plodprasop has burgered them all for the Asian tourist shilling.

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So is this guy Idi Amin Mark 2?

Uganda the Pearl of Africa? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Cannibalism aside, Idi ruled for 8 years, Museveni has 26 years.

Not sure about pearls, but Uganda has rough diamonds that Thaksin is involved in.


That and highly advanced telecom companies that he also looked into during one of his trips to Kampala.


from Thaksin's public Picasa Web Album page


Don't be too surprised but my view that the state visit by this nasty old brute Museveni is a disgrace.It seems depressingly plausible this is something Thaksin has cooked up, once again exploiting the state for his own business interests.This is a reminder why despite his undoubted strengths, the man remains fatally flawed.As another member commented another depressing aspect is the complete lack of interest, as far as I know, the Thai press has taken in exposing this story.

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So is this guy Idi Amin Mark 2?

Uganda the Pearl of Africa? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Cannibalism aside, Idi ruled for 8 years, Museveni has 26 years.

Not sure about pearls, but Uganda has rough diamonds that Thaksin is involved in.


That and highly advanced telecom companies that he also looked into during one of his trips to Kampala.


from Thaksin's public Picasa Web Album page


Don't be too surprised but my view that the state visit by this nasty old brute Museveni is a disgrace.It seems depressingly plausible this is something Thaksin has cooked up, once again exploiting the state for his own business interests.This is a reminder why despite his undoubted strengths, the man remains fatally flawed.As another member commented another depressing aspect is the complete lack of interest, as far as I know, the Thai press has taken in exposing this story.

Indeed. As they say in Thailand "hia hia"

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The Nation (and the other unmentionable English paper) are rabidly anti Thaksim and PT. take anything they say on the subject of the Shinawatras with a very large pinch of salt!

Is there something they reported about Museveni's visit to Yingluck that is in error or that you dispute?


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The Nation (and the other unmentionable English paper) are rabidly anti Thaksim and PT. take anything they say on the subject of the Shinawatras with a very large pinch of salt!

It seems that Millwall FC and the Shinawatra cabal have something in common. Nobody with any common sense likes them - but they don't care. Maybe Thaksin should buy them? Oops! I forgot. He's judged to be not a fit person is he?

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"With the Pheu Thai government trying to seek "justice" for the red shirts, it has surprisingly turned blind to the bloodshed Museveni inflicted on his opponents.

Last month the United Kingdom suspended aid to Uganda in the face of rampant corruption. The United Nations Universal Periodic Review was critical of Uganda's compliance on human rights and gave two years for the situation to be rectified."

I think there is some misunderstanding of Thaksin's political philosophy here. While prime minister he made clear that democracy was a means to an end, rather than an end in itself and that the UN was not his father. He is being perfectly consistent with himself in ignoring the UN review and his chum's no-nonsense methods in getting rid of whingers who fail to see the benefits of his rule.

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So is this guy Idi Amin Mark 2?

Uganda the Pearl of Africa? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Cannibalism aside, Idi ruled for 8 years, Museveni has 26 years.

Not sure about pearls, but Uganda has rough diamonds that Thaksin is involved in.


That and highly advanced telecom companies that he also looked into during one of his trips to Kampala.


from Thaksin's public Picasa Web Album page


Don't be too surprised but my view that the state visit by this nasty old brute Museveni is a disgrace.It seems depressingly plausible this is something Thaksin has cooked up, once again exploiting the state for his own business interests.This is a reminder why despite his undoubted strengths, the man remains fatally flawed.As another member commented another depressing aspect is the complete lack of interest, as far as I know, the Thai press has taken in exposing this story.

Thaksin sees Thailand as his business. Just another asset in the clan portfolio to be used as and when suited. Another corrupt African gangster whose a friend of the current power really running Thailand.

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blank.gifblank.gifblank.gifblank.gifUganda questions how Thaksin gets Passport

Uganda's Parliament has continued to question the circumstances under which diplomatic passports are issued in the country following reports that many foreigners including former Thai PM Thaksin Shinawatra are issued passports.

Ugpulse online has reported that apart from Thaksin, former rebel leader in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Wamba Dia Wamba also holds Uganda's diplomatic passports.more...

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So is this guy Idi Amin Mark 2?

Uganda the Pearl of Africa? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Cannibalism aside, Idi ruled for 8 years, Museveni has 26 years.

Not sure about pearls, but Uganda has rough diamonds that Thaksin is involved in.


That and highly advanced telecom companies that he also looked into during one of his trips to Kampala.


from Thaksin's public Picasa Web Album page


Don't be too surprised but my view that the state visit by this nasty old brute Museveni is a disgrace.It seems depressingly plausible this is something Thaksin has cooked up, once again exploiting the state for his own business interests.This is a reminder why despite his undoubted strengths, the man remains fatally flawed.As another member commented another depressing aspect is the complete lack of interest, as far as I know, the Thai press has taken in exposing this story.

I choked on my cornflakes.

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Some might wonder will Uganda's PM be receiving a complimentary Thai diplomatic-passport, with free Thai Elite Card, during his visit ?

It would seem the fair & reciprocal thing to do ! rolleyes.gif

Well, to be fair, Thaksin invested millions of dollars in Ugandan gold, diamonds, etc.

A recipocal investment from the two-decades-and-a-half-long ruler of Uganda to do similar in Thailand.

He's certainly got the money to do so.


Edited by Buchholz
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